"How fortuitous it is for the Lord to grant me another chance to enact His command. Do not fret, Master, as I'll be your hand and will during this trial".
True Name: Tomás de Torquemada
Class: Assassin
Team: Blue
Sex: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attribute: Man
History: Spain's Lightning. His Country's Protector. The Honor of his Order. The Hammer of the Heretics. Many titles were given to this man, yet Grand Inquisitor's the one found next to his name within history books and the one that shaped him through the centuries. A man whose's actions spoke louder than words of his faith, and whose's command and guidance brought forth one of the greatest tragedies and mass slaughters known to Mankind. Yet, for such a demonized fellow there's very little known about his personal life.
Tomás de Torquemada was, above all, a very devout member of the Church. One that had been born under it and had been raised by the clergy, molding him into a virtuous and selfless man of the cloth. Yet as humble and strongwilled as he was, he suffered from a skewed moral compass. For he possessed an immense hatred towards Magi, one instilled upon him by his teachers during his years as an Executor and one that set in stone the path he was going to follow in life. Once the Catholic Kings approached him for aid into driving undesireable heretics away from Spain, the Zealot saw the opportunity to start a country-wide hunt for Magi, labelling them as sinners and even personally striking down a large number of them. His final wish, one that brought him to the Throne upon being heed by the Grail itself, was simply to keep on his pursuit of righteous good.
Yet what is good for such warped morals?
Personality: Tomás de Torquemada is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered and very well educated fellow, one that's very pleasant to talk to and always speaks in a prudent and polite manner to his peers. He's a very proactive and ironwilled man who wouldn't sway nor falter even in the face of Armaggedon. He's a man of the Lord that seeks to do good on His name, and one who believes that he can do so by punishing the Wicked and those who've strayed from the righteous path. A man of unshakeable faith who shall never doubt about his task nor his role in the Great Plan; who'd see his summoning as part of the ineffable plan and his Master as his aide in his task of smiting the heretics and blasphemous.
It's not a stretch to say that, in modern times, he'd be branded a sociopath. He keeps a pleasant act and demeanor towards his Master and their allies as it is what he's supposed to do in such a scenario, and remain loyal so long as they stray true to their shared goal. Towards his enemies, though, he's a cold and vicious hunter who'd be relentless on his pursuit. No cost is too great when it comes to dealing with heretics and evildoers, and his fortuitous summoning is proof of his right. Anyone daring to stand on his path is, ultimately, a wicked soul that must be removed from this mortal coil. Innocence can be fake, and only his eyes can see the truth, after all.
|| STR: D || END: D || AGI: B || MANA: D || LCK: B ||
Class Skills:- Presence Concealment - C++: Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack. Since the fear of the Inquisition steemed not only from the atrocities they commited but also from the possibility that someone else might accuse you from being a heretic, this ability's rank rises up when working within a populated area.
Personal Skills:
- Protection from the Faith - A++: The absoluteness of one’s body and mind that was born from their beliefs. As a man who wholeheartedly devoted himself to protecting that which he saw as good by ruthlessly smiting the wicked, Tomás de Torquemada qualifies for this skill. However, even while he generally remains agreeable and pleasant, he cannot be argued with nor shaken off his goals.
- Torture Technique - A: A Skill that represents one's possession of outstanding torture techniques. Plus modifiers are added when using torture tools to deal damage. Because it strengthens bloodshed and agony, further damage is continuously added after the ordinary damage.
- God's Hounds - A+: The sublimation of a lifetime selflessly hunting and smiting wicked souls under His name, of which the ones he went after the most were the heretical Magi who dared to spit on His name with their insolent craft. Tomás gains bonuses to checks when tracking down and fighting Magi and Evil-aligned foes. Furhtermore, being continuously hunted by the Grand Inquisitor and his entourage imposes minus modifiers upon one's checks to hide themselves. This skill's effects are drastically increased upon the usage of Assassin's Noble Phantasm.
Finally, as one cannot be the Grand Inquisitor without a body of agents to command, this skill allows for Tomás de Torquemada to summon inquisitors to aid him in his operations. The inquisitors are thoughtless familiar-like beings that act as an extension of Tomás de Torquemada's senses and heed his mental commands. They appear as featureless and unremarkable men in long, hooded robes, and while they have the strength of a wraith, they also share all of Torquemada's skills. - Innocent Monster - B: As a man whose's personal history is so unknown to the common folk, it's impossible to speak of the "Grand Inquisitor" without mentioning the "Inquisition". Tomás de Torquemada's name has been strongly tied with those atrocities, and those concepts are now inherently linked to the man himself.
Weapons: Both Assassin and his Inquisitions dabble in the use of whips, shackles and irons with red-hot tips as weaponry. Assassin himself can also manifest and demonstrate his expertise with throwing weapons resembling Black Keys in all but name, yet he prefers not to do so unless needed as the usage of such holy implements as a Servant is, in on itself, an insult to the Church. It's the same reason he hardly ever wields the Holy Inquisition unless needed.
Noble Phantasms:Name: Holy Inquisition
Title: Pursuit and Punishment of the Wicked Ones
Rank: C+
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-5
Targets: 1
Description: "Oh, wayward lamb who's strayed away from the path of the Lord. The time has come to make due with your sins".
An entire lifetime spent attempting to right that which he saw wrong. An act and decree deemed righteous by himself yet was passed down history as an undeniably evil and monstruous massacre. Nevertheless the zealot still holds steadfast to his faith, resolute and unshakeable on his belief that he's the hand of God.
Holy Inquisition is the crystallization of Tomás de Torquemada's beliefs, manifested in the shape and form of a Scripture that he once carried during his youth, one that he isn't fond of unsheathing unless he's certain of his foe's sins. The blade strikes with divine fury, each of its slashes cutting the very soul of its foe and branding them as a sinner and an evildoer.
Releasing its True Name has two effects, the first one of which is to instantly impose the Evil alignment onto whoever Tomás de Torquemada sees as an enemy at this moment. The second effect is that it drastically increases the modifiers imposed by his God's Hound skill for as long as the Noble Phantasm remains active.
Holy Inquisition's strikes deal damage twofold: one instance coming from the blade itself that is physical in nature, and another coming from the righteous indignation it's sheathed on. While one can simply block the strikes from the blade, being touched by the holy blade's aura sears one's very being and leave aching spiritual wounds that burn until mended, ones that can only be overcome through the strength of one's spirit.