Fire and Blood: Dragons Reborn
During the sack of King's Landing, Lannister soldiers marched through the streets and stormed the Red Keep. Gregor Clegane led a contingent of knights through the castle halls, searching for the last of the Targaryen bloodline to be put to the sword. His men found Elia Martell and her daughter Rhaenys. The horrors done to them were unspeakable. But luckily, the son, Prince Aegon, had been whisked away into the night. A small, fair haired peasant babe took his place in the crib, unknown to everyone but Varys the Spider.
The Eunuch had conspired with Prince Rhaegar's best friend, Jon Connington, to smuggle the child out of the city when the Lannister host turned on the Gold Cloaks. Jon and Aegon fled aboard a small, quick merchant ship across the narrow sea.
At the same time, another Targaryen babe was being birthed on Dragonstone. Daenerys Targaryen was born amidst the salt of the sea and the smoke of the Dragonmont. Unfortunately her mother passed during the birth, leaving the Princess under the Guardianship of her King Father's Master-At-Arms, Ser Willem Darry.
Knowing the war was lost with the death of King Aerys by his own King's Guard, Ser Willem left Dragonstone with Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys. However, the sea voyage proved too difficult for a sick Viserys and he succumbed to his illness during the trip.
Ser Willem and Princess Daenerys arrived in Pentos and were greeted by Illyrio Mopatis, friend of Varys. He took the Princess in as his guest. And reunited her with her last living relative. Her Uncle, Prince Aegon, and his guardian, Jon Connington. The last two dragons were betrothed then under the sight of a septon.
Years passed and Illyrio spared no expense in the grooming of his two young Dragon wards. The Westerosi knights, Ser Willem Darry and Ser Jon Connington never left their sides, protecting them from would-be assassins, sent by the Baratheon usurper. Illyrio ensured that the Prince and Princess had everything they needed to become Just and Fair rulers.
A maester was brought over from the citadel to teach them the histories of Westeros and it's many great Houses. A septon taught them of the Faith of Seven and proper worship for a Westerosi Noble. And a Septa ensured Daenerys learned her proper courtesies, and everything that was expected of a princess and queen. Ser Willem taught both Aegon and Daenerys in the use of a sword. And in time they both showed to be true and capable warriors. Lord Darry often claimed them to be Aegon the Conqueror and Visenya reborn. Jon Connington taught them both everything he knew of warfare strategy and command of the battlefield. As well as the proper governance of a realm. His time as Hand gave him proper experience in such matters.
When Daenerys reached proper age and had her first bleeding, it was decided that the two Dragons were to be wed. A huge, lavish wedding was put on by Illyrio Mopatis and they had a traditional Westerosi wedding. Illyrio gave the couple three dragon eggs as their wedding present. And that night, when the two consummated their love, the eggs shifted, and rocked, and then hatched. Giving birth to the first three dragons the world had seen since they danced so long ago.
Now, a few years later, the dragons have begun to grow ever bigger. And the whispers from across the narrow sea are that a war is brewing, threatening the peace of the realm. And that the usurpers dogs will soon be tearing at his carcass for the scraps left over. But the dragon feasts on dogs and scraps alike and a roar has been heard from Dorne to the Wall.
Harry Strickland has arrived in Pentos with the entirety of the Golden Company at his back. He has laid the ancient Targaryen sword Blackfyre at Aegon and Daenerys' feet and vowed to help them reclaim the Iron Throne for the promise that their exile will finally be lifted.
The War of the Five Kings has begun in Westeros. But it is time for the Sixth King, and rightful ruler to return. King Aegon VI and Queen Daenerys Targaryen.
So, that was a lot. If you read it all and enjoyed it, then you will be a perfect partner for this. If you skimmed it and got the gist, and it sounds interesting, I can't blame you.
Either way, thank you for reading and I hope you are interested in writing a great story of war and intrigue and Dragon riders. And also... incest. It's a Game of Thrones plot about Targaryens, what do ya want from me? Lol.
I am looking to play as Daenerys, however, if you prefer writing female characters then I can easily switch it up and play Aegon Targaryen. I do enjoy smut and sexy romance in my stories so you do have to be 18 or older in order to write with me. Please and thank you.
I don't want the whole story to be just smut and sex, however. I definitely want lots of politics and war and diplomacy and scheming. If you are someone who is capable of building up elaborate plots in the background of your writing and revealing it in roleplay with a shocking surprise, then you are the perfect partner as I will be doing plenty of that myself.
Also please be willing to create and kill off beloved side characters. It's Westeros. No one should be safe.
If you are interested in this story please send me a private message and we can discuss how we want to start and who we would like to play. Thank you.