???The floating cube she landed on was smooth to the touch but still made a hard landing. Thanks to Amy's healing spell, she quickly pulled herself up to look for a path to the others, to get off the cube before she too disappeared into the black ocean beneath her. But she made the mistake of looking up at where the dream eater was, and all she could see was a massive, spinning vortex of a storm, lightning flashing and thunder booming all around her. She could not see Amy, Xandra, and Lisette nearby, and were seemingly invisible. A strong gust of wind that was not there before pulled at her robes, wanting to knock her off the slowly-shrinking platform she stood on.
"No... This isn't real, this isn't real..." she said, pressing her hands against her ears and looking down at her feet. Her voice was small and fearful like a child's, and her entire body shook no matter how much she knew it was all an illusion, meant to manipulate her, to weaken her. "It's not
"I can make it go away." A man's voice called to her, and she turned to see a person standing in front of her, beckoning her with the palm of his hand. His face blurred between
his and Don's, back and forth, almost blending into a combination of the two. "I can save you from all of this. You're safe with me."
Selan lowered her hands, her back to the invisible storm. Slowly, hesitantly, she began to walk towards the figure, nearing closer and closer to the edge of the platform.

Lisette felt Xan pull her up, and she looked around to get her bearings again. She had fallen a long ways and thankfully managed to avoid getting injured too badly. At the same time, she lost whatever vantage point she had despite none of her arrows having any effect whatsoever, meaning not only wasted arrows, but wasted magic as well.
Xan was quickly knocked away by a falling Lucien, and both plummeted down until Lisette could no longer see either of them.
"Lucien! Miss Xandra" Lisette cried out, leaning over the edge of the platform and straining her eyes to try and find them. The longer she looked, the more scared she felt; Amy, who was standing next to her, began to fade away, and Kapi's weight in her bag seemed to become lighter by the second.
"Lisette, come on," Amy said, her voice snapping Lisette out of the illusion that crept upon her. "Let's keep moving." Amy led her from cube to platform to cube, healing others as much as she could along the way. They found Selan collapsed on top of a cube, and Amy sent a healing spell towards her. Not long after, the songstress got to her feet, and looked off in a daze, seemingly mortified by some sight in the distance. She turned around and began walking in a straight line, almost determined to walk right off the platform.
"Whoa whoa whoa, she's gonna fall!" Lisette yelped, trying to gauge the distance between the platforms. It was too far to jump... "I'm sorry!" Lisette called out, positioning her hand in front of her bow as if there were an arrow in her hand. Just as she once did with her long-abandoned staff, a sphere of soft green light quickly took the shape of an arrow, and Lisette released it.
The magical arrow pelted Selan in the back of the head, dissipating in a spray like she had thrown a snowball at her. Selan immediately stopped in her tracks and looked towards her and Amy in shock. The frightening visions flickered out of focus, and she could see Lisette hopping to a nearby cube to meet her, calling for her to jump.
"Come on, Miss Selan!" Lisette called, putting her bow down and holding out her hands. The platform was going to sink any moment now. Selan gulped and took a running jump, propelled by the sheer fear of what would happen if she stayed put, and her forearms were caught firmly by Lisette's gloved hands. Lisette had a decent amount of arm strength, more than enough to pull her up onto the platform. Selan watched as the cube sank into the dark void, but the deceptive apparition was no longer there. Instead, 'he' appeared again much higher up on another platform, staring down at her.
THERE'S ONLY ONE LARGO!" they heard Moira scream.
Searching around for the source of the berserker's bellowing voice, they saw the others collected around a cluster of platforms. Lisette could not see it, but Estelle could, and Selan could see it as well. "Largo..." she murmured, shaken by the sight. "It's using Largo against her..." she said sadly, and after collecting Lucien and Xandra, they began to make their way towards them.