Dr. Lens sat at the the bar alone, sipping on some apple cider. It was evening now, many hours after Lightwing flew with all haste to Manehatten. With any hope, he would be able to enter the city with little fuss (and many bribes) by now. The tavern operated by the Inn was filled with many ponies, wanting relaxation after a long day of work. Pipes were lit, songs were sung, and ponies had a merry time.
"So is this seat taken?" asked a stallion to Lens. She looked at the strong orange buck who, from the dirt on his hooves, must have been a farmer or woodsman.
"You can take it, but I prefer to drink alone," she said, no emotion coming from the words. "And in silence."
The buck sighed and returned to the table, were he was greeted by gawfawing from his friends. It was all in good jest - he had little luck with mares anyways. Of course, he was but the third pony that attempted to flirt with Lens. And like the others, got the same answer.
The barmaid looked at lens and quirked an eyebrow. "So what brings you here to our little village? Seems odd that a scientist would come here of all places." She smiled as she was wiping some cups. Lens decided to answer, deciding that she preferred a conversation that wasn't focused on getting a date.
"Just traveling back from the Canterlot Mountains, attempting to negotiate setting up a Observatory on the south end of the chain. Alas, I was denied by the local Magisiter."
The mare set down the glass, and picked up another. Lens wondered how an Earth Pony was able to do that without breaking them. "Sorry to hear that. Though, I guess they didn't want anypony trying to spy on their land. But why were you consorting with the Baldies?"
"That new cult, ones that say they work for a Lady of Purity, fixing things up in town. The ones with the shinny scalps."
"Ah yes, one of my interests is learning about new social phenomena. With the coming of these new Alicorns, quite a few cults have arisen. I find the topic interesting, and wanted to see who this Lady they spoke about."
"Thinking about joining them?" There was a hint of an edge to the question. Lens wondered if the town disliked the Sweeper mission.
"No. Just curious is all." She took a drink from the ale. "Besides, I like my mane."
The barmaid laughed, having not expected such a comment from the icy Scholar. "So how long are you staying?"
"Maybe a week or so. It was supposed to be for a day, but I found the architecture here to be very interesting - another subject of mine. Probably spend a few days through the town records." But Len's thoughts were on the Noxferus, and she began to blush.
"Are you sure it's not thinking about anypony else?" said the barmaid. She had seen the look of many of a lovestruck pony before.
"Um, er… not right now," Lens said. "Another ale please."
Lilly sat on a marble seat in the graveyard, sweat getting into her eyes. If there was one thing she missed about her light brown mane, it was the fact that it was like a sponge. She used her hoof to clean her eyes. "It took all evening, but we did it."
Three others were with her, one a unicorn, the others pegasi. Of the group, only Longsight the unicorn had a mane, a short dull violet that contrasted with the bright-yellow coat. The moon was now casting it's light over the town, and in the distance gaslight glowed.
"I wonder who would have disturbed this place," muttered Longsight. They had reset the tombstones, leveled out uneven ground, repaired damaged stones if they could. The coffins themselves were already buried, but in such a hasty manner. Lilly wondered about that, but the town watch had already taken care of the matter. The Watch did not say anything about the missing bodies.
"Probably a bunch of hooligans. Whatever, we should get back to our camp," said Honeybee, a golden pegasus. "I just hope we don't run into any drunkards like last night." Absentmindedly she lifted a hoof over a blackened eye. Lilly nodded, and they began to pack their equipment into their cart. But then they heard a scream in the night, coming from the forest near the yard. Longsight lit up her horn, casting light over the graves. But despite this they could not see under the trees very well, only making out vague shadows.
There was a long silence.
Then they saw a silhouette of a pony shambling in the woods. There were sounds of gasping and gurgling, and one leg seemed to be motionless. The shape began to move towards the light. Lily was about to make a move to help, but Honeybee grabbed her. "Could be the Laughing Cult or something worse - let's wait until we can see who it is," she whispered.
The figure was getting closer, but before they could see the figure in the full light it fell. And then something else came, a blur or a motion, that took the pony. The fallen one was gurgling and yelping, frantically trying to shake off whatever took him. But soon both was gone. The four missionaries stood in fear, motionless in the night.