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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Excellent! In that case I'll read up on the events of the RP so far just to be up to speed before getting my CS up - that should be done in a day or two, I'd wager.
Say, you guys wouldn't happen to still be taking on new people post-start, would you?
If you were, I do believe I would be quite interested in joining.
Following the order to prepare for Orbital Drop, little time was lost - with a brisk pace, the five squad members in the briefing room headed toward the Drop Bay; Thessalia casting one last glance at the holo-map before flicking the projector back off. The way was a short one, ursurprisingly - little point in wasting space in a Drop Ship, after all; meaning that just a few moments later, the five joined up with the sixth member, Richard, who was finishing the launch preparations for the Squad's drop pods. Hearing their approach, he announced the installation of smoke launchers in Core's and Overwatch's pods as well as skyshard launchers in Rapid's - a potentially useful addition, garnering a confirming nod from Thessalia. A quick glance around confirmed that all of them were, to whichever degree, already familiar with the procedure; none of the others wasting any time to board their A.W.E.'s. Seeing this, Thessalia in turn faced her own - MKS-19C Hagelsturm.

The white A.W.E. stood quite tall; its exterior's ruggedness only hinting at the advanced shielding system that was the heart of the Wirbelwind unit. Now, however, Hagelsturm was kneeling, allowing its pilot easy access to its interior; a swift motion that had been executed too many times to count already. Half pulling, half swinging herself up, Thessalia quickly got herself into Hagelsturm's cockpit; the A.W.E. recognising the presence of an Interface Suit within and performing a quick scan before the systems started up in earnest. The frontal armour began moving; sealing the cockpit as the HUD came online. Immediately, dozens of lines began pouring over it; each informing a trained eye about the status of the various systems as they powered up and came online. Most of them passed too fast to be of any use; merely a short OK denoting the completion of a set of subsystems remaining thereafter - until, just a few seconds after the process had begun, the HUD faded; only to reappear a moment later, this time in fully operational mode. Numerous statistics were displayed - subsystem condition, Core charge, shield power, weapon status and ammunition as well as environmental data and all identified nearby units. Of those, there were five.

One by one, every member stated their readiness in their way - from the more matter-of-factly Sasha over Wolfgang's enthusiasm to Jack's silent appearance on the squad's radar systems. "Hagelsturm to Squad One, all units operational," she announced over the comms as Hagelsturm began to stand up from its kneeling position; the white A.W.E. quickly making its presence known as it stood taller than the lighter units in the squad. Scanning the Drop Bay, Thessalia could only confirm what Hagelsturm already had registered - all of the others were equally prepared and ready to go; Richard's unnervingly distorted voice echoing as he suggested they get on their way to hunt some saurids. A simple nod in agreement sufficed for Thessalia before turning toward the drop pod that was to be Core's ride to the surface - after all, everyone knew what was to do. Climbing into the drop pod, careful not to damage either it or Hagelsturm in doing so, Thessalia too attached the crash webbing to her A.W.E. as Hu-Shi did the same; the others no doubt too in their respective pods.

Having finished the securing process, Thessalia turned her attention to the console upon the central support beam of the drop pod; confirming that both the coordinates entered were correct and that the other two pods were linked up. No sooner was this done, Richard's voice came over the comms, asking for a sound off. Glancing up at Hu-Shi, or rather, Chrome Ex-Road, she gave a simple nod before responding: "Core Team, ready for Drop." With each pod noting their readiness, Richard spoke up again - and stating that they'd be going in first. "Copy. Core and Overwatch will drop after you, ten second intervals," she responded; a few inputs to the console getting the system ready for a drop with just a single further press of a button. Eyes hovering over the console's status screen of the drop pods, Thessalia would closely follow Rapid's descent closely - even as the symbol flashed; noting damage of some sort. A warning appearned, stating that the drop pod was veering off course - only for the warning to change into notification that it was correcting course. Counting down the ten seconds since Rapid's launch, Thesslia narrowed her eyes when the drop pod was hit once again - this time evidently harder as the pod's orientation was blow out of the water. Even so, though, she remained silent - there was nothing they could do up here to help; the two of Rapid having to manually get things back in order - even as she in turn initiated Core team's launch; the ten seconds having passed.

Core's pod was in turn loaded into the launching tube; the final preparations being made - as Rapid's descent suddenly slowed; the two having managed to reorient their pod and fire the reverse-thrusters in time for a hard, but still safe enough landing. There was little time for relief, however - as just a moment later, Core team's pod was launched. Withing a fraction of a second, the drop pod was violently propelled planteside; the vessel rapidly heating up and starting to leave an evermore glowing trail behind it as it streaked through the atmosphere. It was, much to be expected, a bumpy ride - but the drop pod held up; the console noting the rapidly declining distance between them and the ground - before the worst of the shaking stopped. The drop pod noted various details outside changing; most of them about the atmospheric constellation - until the drop pod gave a violent lurch. Immediately, a warning flashed - something had hit them; taking a part of the heat shield with it. The temperature began to noticeably turn itself up - with still a long way remaining until the drop pod reached ground.

"Heat shield down to half, systems heating up," Thessalia reported, her voice retaining its calm despite the situation; her eyes glancing over the various displays of the consoles that showed the drop pod's systems - judging by those, they should be able to make plantefall before the pod disintegrated; their A.W.E.'s shields taking heat for them. Just then, the drop pod shook once again - as they were hit once more; the Saurid's volleys of bio-acid striking home - but, as a quick scan showed, only barely having grazed the side of the pod; slightly knocking them off course but doing minimal damage. Eyes practically glued to the console - even as Hagelsturm noted the constantly increasing ambient temperature - Thessalia followed the steadily decreasing altitude meter - until the number thereon suddenly started decreasing at a markedly slower rate; though not due to the reverse thrusters. Scanning the console, the problem quickly became clear: The previous hit had done little damage per se - but some acid had managed to burn through and mess with the main thruster; its disabling slowing their descent noticeably - and making Core team a far easier target.

Fortunately for them, however, the damage came too late - as the drop pod had already passed far enough to be out of harm's way for what the Saurids could throw up into the air. Thus, though slower than anticipated, Core team managed to complete the Orbital Drop - even if the interior was heating up to humanly unbearable levels; the exterior of the pod glowing brightly and, in some places, even burning or having started to disintegrate as the reverse thrusters finally fired; the pod's downward momentum violently stalling and reaching far safer speeds before, with a resounding boom and a final shake, Core team made plantesfall. Some of the systems had taken damage throughout the procedure; making a precise determination of their landing coordinates impossible - and thus prompting Thessalia to utilise the smoke launchers that had been installed. "Smoke is on. Let's get out and secure a perimeter," she announced - as the drop pod's doors crashed down; revealing the outside world as a thick cloud of smoke. Simultaneously freed from the crash webbing, Hagelsturm immediately pushed outward; its MStG-37 already unfolded from its forearms and ready to face any opposition; even as Richard's voice came through belatedly, announcing Team Rapid's equally successful drop.

As it turned out, Core team had made a perfect landing - just behind friendly lines, albeit a little hotter than intended, as Hagelsturm's radar system picked up the surroundings; these matching the still-fortified side of the river and its central bridge. "This is Core team, landed on point. Moving to engage forces across central bridge. Rapid team, move to rendezvous on the other side. Engage at will," she announced - both in response to Richard's call for orders, as well as to set the immediate course. "Overwatch team, move into positions and get an eye on the situation. Free to engage," she continued for the third and final team of Squad One - before switching the comms to team- rather than squad-wide. "Zhong, we're moving out. We're heading over the bridge and setting up a beachhead - we're here to draw attention," Thessalia cleared up, even as she turned toward the bridge; ignoring the part wondrous, part fearful faces of the Defense Force's soldiers around them as she set her comms back to squad-wide, Hagelsturm beginning to head straight toward the enemy-held side of the bridge where the fighting was most intense.

"Squad One: Move out!"
Having turned back to the assembled squad after putting forth her plan, Thessalia was little surprised to see Jack being the first to step up to speak - or at his words. What he raised was, however, a valid point - Nephesh was hardly an A.W.E. suited for combat and ULANOVA would already be able to provide both Fire Support and On-Site Intelligence. At the same time, however, the only options were to either place him in Rapid to give them some immediate reconnaisance or to place him in Overwatch to offer a second set of eyes on the front lines and, if necessary, some additonal firepower. The choice had been, from Thessalia's perspective, the lesser of two evils - after all, there simply were some situations in which certain skillsets were of little use; instead needing to be appropriated as best as possible. Aside from that, however, he also introduced himself - without any restraint to his situation as, essentially, Roman's other mental half. Thessalia suppressed a sigh at that - not for the unexpected frankness, but rather the aftermath that would surely follow once Roman was back in place after that announcement.

Sasha, meanwhile, was the second to raise her voice - in incredulity at Jack's sudden change before noting much the same process of thoughts that had already occured to Thessalia in regards to Jack's team assignment to Overwatch rather than Rapid. In addtion, she also proposed a different approach to the situation as a whole - rather than deploy behind friendly lines and approach from there, she suggested dropping straight into the action; most likely to use the disruption caused by their orbital drop to allow them to gain the upper hand in the initiative and act on it; Rapid doing much the same on the other side of the battle lines in order to initiate a pincer-like attack on the Saurids between Core and Rapid while she provided Fire Support as needed. As she said - risky, with a chance of greater pay off. Thessalia, having followed both her words and motions towards the holo-projector, merely kept her eyes slightly narrowed in thought at the input - even as Richard already took his leave; keeping abreast of the tactics through the comms system.

In an almost surprising move, Wolfgang spoke up after Sasha - but not in agreement but rather advocating a more cautious approach; thereby echoing some of the thoughts that had lead Thessalia to choose it over a more aggressive option in the first place: lack of training as a team. Especially considering what it had done to the previous constellation of Squad One, she was not exactly willing to go forth with a plan that relied fully on close-knit teamwork right from the get-go such as a frontline drop - even though she had still thought that Wolfgang would have been in full support of such a course of action as it would have got him into the thick of combat even faster. Eager, but not hot-headed would seem more accurate.

Another voice came up after the German - Hu-Shi's, as she noted two details: Chrome Ex-Road's ability to dispense energy to the less efficient units of Rapid and its unusual methods of locomotion, given its tracked rather than bipedal stature - though the latter would not be much of a hindrance given the generally urban combat zone. The former, meanwhile, was kept in mind - though Thessalia would prefer that they got the operation done within the team's fuel limits. Even so, however, it would be a good option to have in case of unexpected hindrances - much like the suggested rendezvous between Core and Rapid in the field; either being able to lend a hand to the other if necessary.

Following the four, the comms came to life again - as Richard called for silence. Judging by the time he'd been gone, he was either in the comms central of the dropship or the drop bay - meaning he was either about to establish contact or there was some problem with the drop pods. Fortunately, it turned out to be the former when the Englishman hailed the ground forces. The conversation that followed made a few things quite clear - for one, the situation on the ground was getting desperate. For another, the Saurids were mainly composed of a mix of talon-armed Tearers and acid-spitting Slimers - hopefully meaning that there wouldn't be any nasty surprises waiting for them further behind the Saurid lines. With a final word of hurry, Richard cut off communications from his side; seeing to it that the drop procedures would go as smoothly as possible.

A chuckle came from one of the four - not unlike a few before - before Jack spoke up once more; his face showing amusement that seemed to stem from several sources. "Your ideas are all well and nicely thought out, but your plan is going to go straight down the toilet once we do enough damage that the Matriarch starts calling for a regroup. The Saurids are not exactly hunters and brilliant tacticians. They are more like locusts; they attack in swarm and without strategy. When around their queen though, they turn into something more akin to the highly militarized and much more painful, bees. We need to thin out the herd as much as possible and stop them from gathering around their general the queen." Putting aside the occasional gesture that accompanied his words, there was a truth to them - the behaviour was much akin to a cornered animal fighting even more ferociously; if on a larger scale. The look that Jack, having said his part, was giving Thessalia made clear that he expected her to take over from there - the question merely remaining, how.

All told, it came down to two options - getting in and out before the Saurids had a chance to form up or taking the long road and cutting down their numbers as much as possible. Neither option, however, much appealed - the former could come apart if they hit unexpected obstacles whilst the latter would require extended combat from all sides. Casting a glance to the holo-projected map, Thessalia spoke up; her voice still calm - rather than being angered by the words of the others, she had much rather taken them into consideration, it would seem. "We're going with the original deployments. Jack, your focus will be finding the Matriarch and covering blind spots. Ivanova, I trust you'll know where to take up position based on the circumstances," she announced; making certain that they would be going with near front line drops rather than going straight into Saurid forces as well as clearing up that Jack would remain on Overwatch and that Sasha could take up whichever position afforded her the best point of view in both intel gathering and laying down fire.

"We're doing a close to front line drop, so there won't be much time to get ready after landing. Primary objectives are locating and destroying the Matriarch. How we'll proceed will be determined on site. Secondary objectives are elimination of the Saurid forces and the relieving of the Defense Forces. If all goes to plan, we should be done before needing to refuel, but stay alert for anything unexpected once we're down there," Thessalia finalised; giving an occasional glance to the four gathered squad members when their respective input became apparent through the orders. Rather than wait for a second round of input to her words, she then raised her hand in the direction of the door leading to the drop bay.

"Squad One, get ready for Orbital Drop."
Confirming her identity after stepping into the armouring chamber, Thessalia reflected on her thoughts from last night - after the conversations had slowly ebbed down and everyone had retired to the dorm rooms, she had taken the opportunity to do some quick research on the capabilities of the three new Squad members' respective A.W.E.'s, as was revealed through the by now updated Lunar Academy database before going to sleep. Confirming much that had already been said, there were scarcely any alterations that would have to be kept in mind. How the now six of them would interact and what their exact roles would be would have to depend on the circumstances of the mission at hand - something they would soon find out, she knew, as she stepped out with the Interface Suit fully in place; Wirbelwind's tornado emblem visible on both chest and glove. Thessalia gave a nod to each Squadmate when they arrived - the last to do so having barely a few seconds before yet another hiss could be heard; its direction indicating who would step through even before he did.

The Colonel hadn't even finished his shout of "Attention!" before Thessalia was already standing just so; awaiting the briefing that was to follow. As Colonel Landsfeldt then spoke up, the Swiss' thoughts quickly turned to their previous missions - and quickly narrowed the possibilities down. As the Colonel finished his words, Thessalia immediately gave a salute before, together with the rest of the Squad, stepping into the holo-chamber. A quicky glance around showed it to be empty, save for the six of them, much like expected. Preliminarily closing her eyes, she heard Richard speak up just moments later before a bright build-up began; its light remaining visible even through closed eyes as the empty white world around them changed into a holographically real one. Opening her eyes again, Thessalia immediately recognised the surrounding - which left only one mission in mind.

And indeed, as Richard got the holo-projector running correctly, the same map that had already once been shown to them onboard the same dropship was displayed; indicating it to be the same mission that had been aborted previously due to Karl's temporary reassignment. Richard and Jack - no longer Roman - must have recognised it just as easily, judging by the quick glances that went around. As Thessalia quickly scanned the image and text displayed, her mind was already focusing on the task that was to come - and how to accomplish it. Bringing back thoughts from the last time, she discarded or adjusted plans and ideas to fit with the new team constellation; integrating new parts with what she already knew about the three new members. Just in time, Richard then turned away from the holo-projector and towards the group; addressing the sergeant thereof.

"We'll be going with three groups," Thessalia began, stepping forward and toward the still occasionally flickering map. "Core, to focus around, Rapid, to respond to sudden changes, and Overwatch, to provide support and information," she said, holding up her right hand as she turned to face the group; extending a finger for each group mentioned. Retracting two, she then pointed at the middle brige of the three central ones. "Core will consist of Zhong and me. Our job will be to advance through the enemy lines and take on the opposition." A quick glance and nod went toward Hu-Shi as she mentioned her name, before moving to point toward the river bank just east of the same bridge; circling the area. "Overwatch will be Ivanova and Jack. Your job will be fire support and information relay." Again, she gave a quick nod toward the two; her previous circle indicating the approximate area in which a fire support position could be established for the operation to follow - that Jack would be in the midst of the enemy lines needed no mention.

Moving her finger to the eastern-most of the three central bridges, she traced a line from the Saurid-held end of it toward the center. "Rapid will be Williams and Feuer. Your job will be to distract the enemy, take out what you can quickly and get out of trouble before it gets too hot," she finished; once more nodding toward the two. "We'll be moving north to south, as circumstances allow, as the matriarch will most likely be behind their lines. The eastern part should allow good covering fire with few obstacles but enough cover. Overwatch, we'll need your information for where to go and where to strike. Rapid, try to stay close to Core, we don't want to get too separated. Everything else will be determined on the ground," Thessalia ended, casting a glance at each of the five squad members - and remaining just a moment longer on Jack; a silent reminder of what was expected of him, before going on.

"Anything to add?"
Following Thessalia's words, there was a momentary pause - even as she cast a glance at the last one to speak, she noticed a minor shift in Richard's pose as he too knew who was to follow. That, however, turned out to be unnecessary - as Roman, after the short silence, actually spoke up himself. More of a whisper than a word, he began again a second time; now in an actually audible tone - only to be abruptly cut off the the sudden shark bark of the Colonel's voice as the intercom came to life. With a single word, he had the attention of the entire room without even having to be present; heads being turned toward the intercom - including Thessalia's. What followed, however, was an incomplete, but understandable sentence nontheless - whilst the reason thereof was unclear, Colonel Landsfeldt was clearly not pleased with this so-called Sa'eed. Another brief silence fell before the Colonel addressed Squad One again.

A sixth squadmate - that was the announcement; an inferrable answer to the question of who and why the Colonel was talking to before included as well. And just as he finished speaking, announcing her arrival, the intercom went silent again; instead being replaced by the familiar hiss of the door. Thessalia's eyes, as well as all four pairs of the other squad members' no doubt, immediately switched from the intercom to the new arrival. The one in question stepped in with a friendly smile, a plastic box of sorts in her hands. An Asian descent was noticeable in her features, even before she would begin to speak just moments later and introduce herself as Hu-Shi Zhong and confirm herself as Chinese. Making a mental note of the name to remember, Thessalia instead focused on what else she said - she was supposed to have been part of the Squad from the beginning; much like the now-transferred Karl and Scarlett.

Furthermore, she had been hospitalised but now back up to speed on the coursework that had been covered over the past two months - which meant that she was most likely quite diligent and/or already had acquired some experience in A.W.E. piloting; much like the whole of the Squad. Her hobbies meanwhile were in part shared, such as cooking and martial arts, and new, such as knitting and gardening. Furthermore, baking seemed to be part of it - at least judging by the plastic container that she announced to be full of cookies. The scent thereof quickly confirmed this when Hu-Shi opened the lid thereof - even as she named the different flavours. Either she was trying pretty hard to impress or she was a simply genuinly friendly person, Thessalia concluded as the Chinese took her own seat, if in a slightly different form from the rest.

Richard, meanwhile, had few qualms about the Chinese - instead reaching for a cookie as he noted the addition of another capable cook. As he thereafter was visibly taking a liking to the biscuit in his mouth, Thessalia reached for one; sparing it a glance before taking a small bite. She was no expert in such things, but in her opinion too the taste was quite good. Richard spoke up once again - and turned his glasses clear as he stood up to head toward the kitchen; asking if anyone else wanted a cup of tea. Glancing back at the collection of cookies, Thessalia gave a simple "Yes, please," for an answer; her voice once more bare of any discernable accent, before placing the second half of the biscuit in her mouth; using the small pause thereof to look back to the Chinese - and await her answers to the questions that the others would almost undoubtedly ask just moments later.
The wordless exchange did it's work - despite the only barely visible discomfort, Roman did not excuse himself but rather took a seat among the group; most likely coming to a similar conclusion as to what course of action was, in the long run, the most beneficial. That done, Thessalia shifted her focus back to Wolf as he spoke up following Richard's question; giving a simple nod as he first reconfirmed everyone's names. It seemed that Richard had taken the German's interest with his A.W.E.'s - which, given his quickly apparent competitive nature, would most likely be reciprocated by the Englishman's own. What followed thereafter, however, was far less predictable - lowering his hoodie beneath his neckline, Wolf revealed something that was most definitely out of the usual. Narrowing her eyes to get a clear look at it, Wolf explained that what they were seeing was essentially an input to a neural interface device. Leaning back again, Thessalia thought upon the matter - neural interfacing had been a long-standing subject of research of various companies and groups but, until recently it seemed, never had managed to reach a practical level of application; the current methods to date still proving simply more efficient and with less yet-unknown factors. As such, it would certainly be an interesting subject as to just how useful it would prove itself.

Sasha, it seemed, held this news in similar regard, judging by her remark. Speaking up thereafter about herself, she revealed that both her A.W.E. was of a heavier build and that her experience with the matter was a more recent developement than most. As it would appear, however, she neither took pride in that nor felt worse off for it - instead just taking it in her stride. That, at least, was not what motivated her it seemed - though the fact that both Wolf and Sasha had been placed in Squad One was certainly telling about their skills either way. As such, their squad had gained a fast attacker and long-range fire support - both of which would certainly come in handy. Passing a glance over the four seated squad members, it would appear that Wolf would most likely be an easy fit, assuming that Richard and him didn't rub each other the wrong way. Sasha on the other hand - it was more difficult to place her, though she did not seem opposed to the Squad as a whole. It looked as if this composition might actually be able to get through - for now, Thessalia added as an afterthought with a last glance to her side, as there was still the last factor in the team that would reveal itself soon enough.

After a last exchange between Richard and Wolf, the former turned the current topic away from A.W.E.'s - and instead toward what everyone did outside of them. The slightly trailing end did not go quite unnoticed - though rather give any indication about it, Thessalia simply gave a nod for now about Richard's assessment. What the Englishman said of himself was not unknown to her - seeing as he often took over cooking duties and often came back to the dorm with a few new bruises and scrapes after some down time.

Wolf's enthusiasm that had been evident in his voice as she spoke about his A.W.E. quickly faded as he seemed to stumble over how to answer - a telling sign of his upbringing, seeing as Thessalia recognised it immediately. Much like expected, the German's pasttimes were mainly atheltic-oriented - befitting what little had been able to be garnered about him. Sasha's answer, meanwhile, came in a far less restrained fashion as she revealed herself as a dancer, a reader and a piano player. The Russian's remark about her choice of reading, directed at Thessalia, got her a momentary quizzical look before she alreay spoke on - not for the Swiss' surprise at the remark but rather a questioning of just how a book could be considered trashy.

Either way, however, Sasha soon after leaned back into the chair as she came to an end - leaving the next one to speak up. Seeing as the only two remaining were Roman and herself, it wasn't difficult to guess who it would be. Leaning back forward into a fully upright position, Thessalia cast a glance toward Richard before speaking. "As you said, I like to read. On various things," she said, her voice lacking any distinct accent and retaining its usual calm as she did. "That's all, really," she then added after a small pause - which was true, considering that for the most part, she preoccupied herself far more with A.W.E. related topics even during alleged free time. Compared to the others, it sounded somewhat lackluster - but to herself, she was quite fine with it. With that, Thessalia cast a quick glance over to her side - a simple reminder that someone still was to speak up.
...well, that basically sounds like standard operating procedure to me.
Also, Russia is technically part of Asia. And we got Russians up in here.
Is it time to leave the darkened corner in which I sip my tea and do this so-called socialising again? My, my, time sure does fly.

Either way though, I'd say it sounds like a basic plan which, in general, tends to be better than no plan.
A faint but familiar hiss denoted the opening of the dorm room door - causing Thessalia's eyes to dart from the page over to the displayed time and then to the open door itself; the time having told her that it could not be the Colonel who had announced his soon-to-be arrival earlier for precisely 1600 hours. The fact that it was still two minutes until then meant that it had to be someone else - which narrowed the list of possibilities down to the third member of Squad One, Roman. Thessalia's thought process turned out to be correct - the American stood just past the doorway for a moment, scanning his surroundings whilst receiving a simple nod from her before he headed straight for the most tucked-away chair in the room. Turning to face her book once again, the Swiss noted the time again - a mere minute remaining until the Colonel's arrival which would undoubtedly be on time down to the second - and let the holodisplay fade away; just moments before the same hiss was heard once again.

"Alright cadets, line up!" came the immediate order from Colonel Landsfeldt; not even having waited for the door to fully open and just barely avoiding to clip it on the way inside. His words got an immediate reaction from all three of the room's occupants - within scant seconds, Richard, Roman and Thessalia all were lined up and standing at attention. A careful observer would be quick to note that all three had a slight difference in their stances - Richard was shaking off the after-effects of his interrupted nap whilst maintaining his form; Roman was fighting the urge to just bolt and run like mad; Thessalia meanwhile keeping her gaze fixed on the Colonel - though it took a surprising amount of willpower to suppress an involuntary shiver when the experienced soldier's piercing eyes met hers, even when there was no reason to fear. He was hardly the kind of superior that one simply got used to.

The words "At ease" could hardly stand in a starker contrast to the voice in which they were spoken, a sharp bark accompanying them that caused all three squad members to tense up for a moment before they took up a more relaxed stance. As the Colonel then spoke, it was as if he was reading their thoughts right out of the three's heads - even as he announced that from tomorrow onward, the missions would commence again; the words following these confirming the previously held suspicions - Squad One was getting reinforcements. The three current members all held differing opinions of this news, though no surprise - in Thessalia's case, her thoughts were separated between questions of how the squad composition would look like and faint worry of whether the same friction between the individual members as last time would appear.

Those thoughts, meanwhile, came to a halt when the Colonel turned back around to address the waiting members in the hallway, telling them to get inside whilst already heading out himself. A faint relief came over all of them when he left - such was the tension that Colonel Landsfeldt mere presence evoked. The attention, in turn, fell upon the two that stepped through the open door - Wolfgang Feuer and Sasha, as they would introduced themselves. Of the two, the German - both his name and the way he pronounced it making it obvious to a native speaker of the language - made a more noticeable appearance - he stepped up, looked around and then began to speak; wasting little time in making himself known. Sasha, meanwhile, was more subdued - measured steps and, particularly compared to the previous introductee, calm, she seemed more the planning, fore-thinking kind compared to the quick-footed Wolf, as he preferred to be called; the presumable Russian, judging from voice and name once again, received a simple nod for an answer to her question regarding the Colonel.

Of the two, it would appear that Wolfgang's attitude fell on more dissatisfaction, judging by the small drop of the corners of Richard's lips that Thessalia noticed out of the corner of her eyes - Roman meanwhile no doubt already trying to edge his way out of the newcomers' attention on the other side of the Englishman. The A.W.E.'s that they piloted, meanwhile, immediately set Thessalia's mind into gear - Helios, high speed attacks, and Ulanova, long range fire support. Combined with the already present three units, that would be enough to allow a number of squad-level mission types somewhat effectively - the question was whether the pilots would work just as well together; a worrying prospect considering the unintelligible mutter coming from her immediate right.

Richard was the first of the three to introduce himself - and took over Roman's part, too. The Englishman held on to his arm, no doubt having noticed the American slowly inching away. Thessalia sent a quick glance their way - caught in the immediate spotlight thanks to Richard, Roman stood stiff; the faintest traces of shivering starting to make themselves noticeable. If it went on any longer, he would most likely break into a full sprint through the door and as far away as in any way possible. Knowing this, Thessalia spoke up right afterwards: "Thessalia Minari, Squad Sergeant and pilot of Wirbelwind's MKS-19C Hagelsturm. I'll be providing cover and covering fire," she said, her eyes shifting from Richard and Roman over to Wolf and Sasha; her voice retaining its usual quiet calm manner and lack of audible accent in any way.

Fortunately, the immediate attention moved from the introductions to matters of comfort as Wolf headed to get changed into more comfortable clothes whilst Sasha headed for the nearest chair; Richard seating himself down on his usual spot on the setee where he would soon after be joined by the returning Wolf. Giving a telling look to Roman - who was no doubt already figuring out the fastest way to extricate himself from this situation in which he was faced with strangers that had at least a passing interest in him - Thessalia took a seat beside Sasha; in turn leaving three open places - beside Richard, beside herself or outside the small circle altogether. A brief glance was all the gave to discourage the choosing of the latter - whilst it was no doubt the easiest way for now, Roman had to know that it was no long-term choice.

At Richard's words, Thessalia turned her briefly distracted attention back to the others - both interested in the answer to the Englishman's question as well as taking note of the fact that Wolf indeed seemed more relaxed than in uniform whilst Sasha too did not take long to make herself more comfortable. For the moment, at least, things were getting along well.
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