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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Well, I just realised there would be one question still to be answered: Which class should Kotori get stuck in?
Manga Martial Arts Club. One half provides the fights, the other the over-the-top shonen manga version of 'em.

You know you want it.
Sen said
I really doubt Priestess is ever going to be taken.

Well, a little late, but...

Name: Shirohane Kotori

Age: 16

Appearance: Is... something the matter?

Arcana: II Priestess

Personality: Kotori is, by any standard, a quiet girl. She rarely speaks if not spoken to directly - and even when she does, she only does so in a soft voice. She isn't one to put herself forward and, in fact, actually prefers to keep her distance from others, making her a rather timid person. She is, however, rather diligent; always doing her utmost at any given task. Given her weak constitution, she dislikes most physical activities and, in fact, often sits out during P.E. She also seems quite conscious of people's eyes on her and quickly feels uncomfortable when that is the case.

Given these traits, Kotori is not exactly the most sociable person - though that doesn't really seem to bother her. Most of her free time she spends studying or helping her mother around the family flowerstore in the Warakuma Shopping District.

Weapon - Japanese Umbrella: A bamboo-and-paper umbrella.
Armour - School Uniform: The standard female Warakuma Highschool Uniform.
Accessory - Small Locket: A small heart-shaped pendant worn around the neck; kept in a pocket while at school.
Skills - Does well in her studies. Knows a large number of flowers by name. Quite capable at Flower Arrangement. Is strongly near-sighted. Low stamina.

Background: Kotori is the only child of the Shirohane familiy, who have lived in Warakuma for generations and are known for their flower shop in the Warakuma Shopping District - the shop is on the ground floor while the family home is on the floor above. Unfortunately, Kotori's father - a kind man who was never seen without a smile on his face - passed away in a car accident three years ago, leaving her mother to look after both the store and the child. Fortunately, Kotori was by no means a troublemaker - though after her father's death, she did become a lot more quiet and reserved. Though saddened by her husband's passing, Kotori's mother remains a cheerful person at heart and does her best to keep both the store going and watch over her daughter.

Apart from these things, Kotori's childhood had few other noteable events. She hasn't joined any clubs at Warakuma Highschool or actually made any real friends due to her nature, never being one to draw much attention. Furthermore, she isn't much of an athlete; quickly getting out of breath and has sat out during P.E. a number of times due to this already - though she doesn't feel all too bothered by this.

Persona: Kikuri-Hime

Appearance: Kikuri-Hime

Dia - Light Single-Target HP Recovery
Patra - Cure Single-Target Fear/Rage/Confusion ailment
Zio - Light Single-Target Electricity Damage
Strong against Electricity
Weak against Physical

As for the Mirror World Dungeon - Savo's gotten a PM for that.
Late as though it may be, I do have to ask - would you perhaps still have a spot open, seeing as there are Arcanas yet unclaimed?
ReivaX's words after Thessalia's answer came as a surprise - she had expected him to be... actually, she didn't really know what to expect. Rather, he simply took it as a no and left it at that; instead stating that there would be other times if now wasn't convenient. Not really sure what to say, Thessalia didn't speak before he already continued on; standing up as he did. She gave a simple nod as he said that he would be heading out to train some more - only to look up as he then added for her to take care in the field. Perhaps more surprised than at his previous words, she only nodded again; only adding a "Yeah, you too," when he'd already started walking toward the Inn's entrance. Remaining seated for a moment, Thessalia's eyes fell back to the table before her - only to then give a small sigh at the whole conversation. She really still had to start geting used to other people, it seemed.

Deciding to put that to the back of her head, Thessalia instead stood up, her meal finished in the meantime, and turned toward the Inn's entrance. Out of habit that she hadn't even realised she'd started to build, she flicked open her inventory, checking the usual essentials - current amount of col, the state of her equipment and the amount of potions and crystals. Seeing as all of these things were in the green - her small shopping before lunch having done its part nicely - there was little need for her to remain in town any longer. For a moment, she pondered her options - should she go more toward the exp-heavy areas or rather the more col-drop inclined places? Seeing as she wasn't really in an immediate need for an upgrade or other purchase, Thessalia opted for the former - and thus headed toward the town gate.

A certain tension came over Thessalia - as always when she left the safe zone that were the towns of Aincrad - as she left the fourth floor town behind her; heading out toward her currently preferred training area - all the while hoping that no guild or group had decided to take up residene there in the meantime as had been the case occasionally in the past. Being a single soloer, there was little left for her to do but vacate the spot after all - not that she would have wanted to make trouble over such a thing even if she thought there was a chance to be had in it. As she walked, she noticed some figures off her chosen path - three players running toward each other. No, six - one running toward the other two and another three trailing behind the two. They were a ways off so that it was impossible to quite make out who they might be or what they were doing - but as she watched for a second, she noticed the single player draw his weapon as one of the two stumbled and fell. For some reason, the whole scene had an oddly tense feeling about it - as if it wasn't just a group of friends meeting up; even over such a distance.

'I probably should just keep walking...' Thessalia concluded - even as she veered off from her previous path; picking up the pace as she did. Despite her mind telling her that it was safest not to get involved, a small nagging feeling at the back of her mind just didn't leave her in peace - the thought that, if something really was about to happen, perhaps she could do something to stop it; her speed having reached a full on sprint to try and cover the distance by the time she fully realised what she was doing - though she doubted she'd get there before the trailing three managed to reach the others first.
Looking up, Thessalia found ReivaX to be rather aimlessly looking around the inn - having finished his meal, he was probably looking for a quick way to excuse himself and get back to his own training, she wagered; his previous question having gone over her head in the meantime. Following his eyes for a moment, she too noticed that an ever increasing number of guest were either leaving or getting ready to do so - even though one could find people in just about every inn at just about any time of the day, the usual mealtimes still attracted the largest crowds; some habits just being too hard to shake, it seemed. Returning her attention to what little remained of her own meal, it was diverted just seconds later when ReivaX spoke up - unbeknownst to her for the second time in short time - and asked whether she wanted to train skills together with him.

"Huh?" was her immediate response in a questioning tone of voice; her expression turning quizzical too before he continued speak - or rather, trailing off. The question seemed to come out of nowhere - and even more so due to Thessalia having only just put down such a question herself. Yet here were the same unspoken words returned at herself - causing her to reconsider her decision for a moment. Of course, a party would be a lot more efficient in the long term than soloing. Furthermore, it would perhaps be nice to have someone nearby during the long hours out in the field for once. Yet just as she thought that the pros were outweighing the cons by far, she remembered the first boss battle - the sight of the first player that died in that fight; the fear, the pain and the utterly broken despair in his eyes as he burst into light. Not just once - such a scene had been repeated again and again throughout every boss fight and even out in the fields.

Looking back up - inadvertantly having averted her eyes - Thessalia thought for a moment how to answer before casting her eyes down again. "Sorry, I... don't do well with others," she finally said, truthfully - though not for the reasons that would seem obvious from the context they were spoken in.
...and so much for curiosity being undying, eh?
Following Thessalia's question, a second of silence followed as she'd caught ReivaX mid-mouthful - though his answer thereafter didn't surprise her much; it being much the same reason as her own. Thinking about what to say in return, Thessalia couldn't find much more than a simple "I see" in return - and falling into silence after that; the only sounds coming from the players all around or the cutlery being used. Despite this very thing - a quiet lunchtime break - having been exactly what she'd been hoping for, the kind of quiet that hung between two people at the same table was quite a different thing from what she'd been anticipating. Passing off the silence by simply continuing with her meal, she occasionaly glanced up at the other table occupant or the other patrons of the inn - even as she realised that, despite having been stuck here in Aincraf for over a month now, she had yet to really hold much of a conversation or spend time with other people. An inaudible sigh came over her lips at that realisation - and the next one thereafter: she was still her quiet old self that felt uncomfortable around strangers.

Glancing over the various other tables as another guest passed the table she was sitting at, she wondered if it might not be better to try and actually go about making some friends - after all, it could hardly be that absolutely everyone in the world harboured ill intentions; even in such a life-or-death environment - and after some had already showed the opposite to be true. For a moment, she considered the option - but then, with a small shake of her head as if to clear it of such thoughts, decided against it. It really just wasn't something for her, it seemed, asThessalia concluded. It was only then that she also noticed her own plate had lost most of the meal it had carried - a large portion having been eaten as she wasn't paying attention. Seeing that, she looked up across the table - unsure if the other occupant, the black-haired swordsman, had, in her longer-than-anticipated state of being lost in thought, broken the silence or perhaps even simply left the table altogether.
"Thanks," Thessalia said before putting her plate down and moving the seat back a bit before sitting down as ReivaX confirmed that it really was as unoccupied as it looked; only looking up as the quick cough that had preced his words turned out to be ongoing. He seemed to recover quick enough though, as just a few moments later he went on to ask what she was doing here. Poignantly looking from the black-haired swordsman down to the plate before him and then the one before herself, Thessalia answered the question truthfully nonetheless: "Just taking a quick break before heading back out later." Casting a glance across the Inn's various tables as if to make a point, she went on just a moment later. "Sorry to interrupt you, but all the other tables were taken," she explained; refraining from mentioning that he looked like he wanted to keep to himself much like she'd intended. "And you?" Thessalia returned the question; picking up her own knife and fork as she did. Whilst her expression had been mostly neutral and reserved, a look of content did steal its was to her face as she took her first bite - going for the more expensive choice had definitely been the right way to go.
Well, that looks pretty much like every military theory lesson ever all around the world, I'd wager.
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