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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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With a final nod - mainly to herself - Thessalia stood up from her seat that she'd been occupying for a good five minutes; all the while keeping up her fiercely serious expression. That, however, changed - to a far more pleasantly-expecting one as she headed over to the Innkeeper's counter; raising a hand as she did. Recognising the gesture, he looked up, a friendly business smile on his lips as he turned to face his newest customer of the day. "What can I get for you, Miss?" he asked. "I'll take the local special," Thessalia said in return, nodding to the board behind the counter that listed the various prices of the meals that could be ordered; including a small summary thereof. Usually she simply went with whatever was cheapest - but recently, she'd started occasionally going for something that had at least a little more taste; a sort of treat every now and then. "Right away," the Innkeeper replied before turning to fix up a meal. Glancing up at the price board, Thessalia quickly checked her inventory; despite the fact that even killing a single frontline monster tended to pay enough for a meal.

Just moments later, the Innkeeper turned around once more, placing a plate on the counter with a friendly "Here you go." Paying for the meal, Thessalia turned around - only for her expectant expression to drop as she noticed that in the short time she'd been away from it, her table had been occupied by a small group that had entered the locale just after she'd gotten up. Dismayed at the sight, Thessalia weighed her options - go over and ask for a seat at the same table? Just eat at the counter? Look for a different table? Of the three, the first would mean she'd have to ask those complete strangers for something - not an option, therefore. The second meanwhile had its own problems - she'd be right next to an inevitable point of focus in the form of the Innkeeper. That left only the third option - which in turn wouldn't be as simple as she'd hoped.

Glancing around, Thessalia noticed that just about every table was already occupied - most by small groups of players when all she wanted was just a quiet break. For that, only two kinds of single table occupants came to mind - the quiet types or those far more interested in their own food. Following these criteria, Thessalia decided on a further-off table; the natural choice of someone who'd rather seclude themself - which was most likely the intention of the fellow at that table, Thessalia guessed. Plate in hand, she headed over to the table; passing by the stairs leading up to the rooms of the inn and another player standing at the bottom thereof before setting her plate down at the table. "This seat free?" she asked for politeness' sake as she looked to the black-haired swordsman at the table - only for the sight thereof to seem familiar for a second before she could place it. "Wait, Reiva?" Thessalia recognised whose table she'd so happened to choose - the same swordsman that she'd occasionally bumped into a few times over the past weeks ever since the Post-First-Boss-Incident and whose name she abbreviated for simplicity's sake.
Incidentally, breadsticks are actually rather terrible for sodomising, too.

Not that that's going to stop anyone from trying, I shouldn't think though.
Well, that is a tried and true method of meeting people. After all, how many stories start with "So, we just met and hit it off immediately"?

Oh, wait. Wrong hitting.
"Alright then," Thessalia agreed as a small bag materialised in her hand; only to be handed over to the blacksmith before her. A slightly sour look on her voice as she did so, she still needed her armour and weapon repaired if she wanted to head back out later after all - even if she never liked the cost associated with it. With her gear back in top condition, she thanked the blacksmith for his work before turning to head off in direction of the local inn - the second destination she had in mind for her break from training. As Thessalia set off, she noticed an occasional flash of blue in the town plaza, not far from her locality of choice - it would appear that others preferred to save on time walking rather than on col for the teleport crystals; something she wasn't always in ample supply of with her constant drain due to healing potions, crystals and repairs - without even accounting for the occasional item upgrade. Bringing her inventory up for a moment, an inaudible sigh came over Thessalia's lips - it would be a while before she'd be able to improve her sword again, seeing a lack of prerequisite materials in order to do so.

Closing her inventory again, Thessalia stepped into the inn before looking about - a few vaguely familiar faces showed that she wasn't the only one of the frontliners taking a break here. However, her favourite table - located both near the entrance and next to a window - was already occupied. With that one out of the question, she instead headed for the nearest unoccupied one; a larger table that seemed more suited for a small group than a single occupant. Either way, however, she sat herself down on the nearest chair thereof, leaning against the backrest and resting one hand on the table whilst the other slowly tapped her chin; a serious expression coming over her face as she did - no doubt a serious question being pondered by her. At least, that was what it looked like - little would an onlooker guess that Thessalia was actually just debating which meal she was going to go with today. She, on the other hand, was paying little attention to who might be entering the inn - as doing so might have revealed a few more faces she could have recognised.
Floor 4

Thessalia's eyes darted between the two monsters before her - Crazed Oxen, larger and even more ferocious creatures similar to those found back on Floor 2. They were a lot more dangerous, too - compared to their cousins two floors down, they were stronger, faster and more durable; not even accounting for the fact that they also looked a lot meaner with wicked horns, bulkier builds and titular crazed look about them. Furthermore, the monster density seemed higher, too - it was hard to find a single enemy these days; most of the easier farming spots often being taken up by groups and guilds - it wasn't exactly the easiest thing, staying a solo frontliner. Those thoughts, however, weren't at the fore of Thessalia's mind - much rather, she was watching the Crazed Oxen before here carefully; waiting for the telltale signs of their usual opening move, a highspeed charge with their horns down. And sure enough, just a moment later, the Ox on her right gave a bellowing roar and started its charge.

It covered ground quickly - but even so, it was well withing what Thessalia expected. An instant later, her sword began glowing a faint green - the sword being one she'd bought from and upgraded at a blacksmith that had set up shop on Floor 3; its appearance being similar to her old basic starting curved sword in that it was a longsword with a simple curve to it. It did not take her long to transition from the activation stance into the actual sword skill - sword lifted up at chest height, pointed forward, a quick twist of the wrist brought it into a circular movement that intersected with the onrushing Ox' path - at which point a now familiar flash appeared; stopping both attacks dead in their tracks: A successful Parry; something that she'd had ample opportunity to train these past weeks. However, she didn't stop there - her Sword Skill was a rather basic one; meaning she only remained frozen in the attack's ending stance for a moment.

Rather than use the opportunity to attack the Crazed Oxen that was stunned for a slightly longer time, Thessalia spinned around on her heels; her sword already glowing in a faint orange as she held it point down and off to her right - before bringing it up in a diagonal slash; again to intercept the second Ox' charge as another flash broke the two attacks apart. With their initial attack halted, the two monsters woud soon go into their usual attacking motions - trampling, swinging their horns or far slower, shorter distance charges. Taking a step back, Thessalia's sword took on yet another glow, light blue in color this time, as she prepared her own counter-attack...
A small sigh of relief was the only sound that came from Thessalia's lips as the last Crazed Oxen froze for a second - before bursting into dozens of motes of light; only to fade into nothingness thereafter. Checking the reward screen, she got the expected amount of both Exp and Col - though her rate at which she could kill them couldn't compare to the larger groups', she did at least get to keep all of it for herself; includig the occasional item drop - most of which she sold off anyway. Sheathing her curved sword again, she decided to take a break for the moment - something she'd done with more regularity after the events following the victory over the First Floor Boss. Another sigh - this time more exasperated in nature than before - followed that thought. Getting healed by and even needing to sleep in someone else's room; only to have to explain that it was all due to her own carelessness toward her health had been rather embarassing. Either way, she didn't make all that much contact with the black-haired swordsman from back then - nor anyone else, for that matter.

Despite that, however, it was somewhat difficult to stick with the frontliners for such a long period of time without getting to know some, even if just in passing, courtesy of the boss fights of Floor 2 and 3 as well as the usual grinding spots being the same for most frontliners. Since the disbanding of the Legion of Light, a number of smaller guilds had sprung up; constiting of various players - some simple bands of like-minded individuals, other close-knit groups and others yet again just big groups of strangers. Thesalia, however, had yet to join one - not that she hadn't gotte a few invites, much like every other soloer still among the frontliner, but she still preferred keeping to herself if she could help it. Glancing out over the wide fields around here, she saw a small group fighting half a dozen oxen all at once - probably a small guild out training. She kept her eyes on them for a moment - before turning from them; instead pulling out a healing potion from her pouch and putting it to her lips to bring her health back from barely-entered-red to nearly full again over the next few seconds.

As she made her way towards Floor 4's main town - avoiding any monsters on her way there - she opened her inventory up; glancing over her earning for this training session - before checking on the condition of her equipment. Her sword was getting worn, but was still in good condition - and easily up for another fight or ten. Her Armour, on the other hand, had taken a fair beating - she'd definitely have to get it repaired back in town. Still, it was definitely more durable than her previous set - and offered more protection as well, since she'd chosen to overhaul her whole equipment back on Floor 3 shortly before the Boss Battle; mainly at the behest of a number of incredulous ad-hoc party members for a small local event when they realised that a frontliner was still running around with starting weapons and armour. She didn't regret it, either - though it had cost what she deemed a small fortune - as it allowed her to take longer trips out into the field without the constant need for repairs as before - and the new light metal armour pieces even looked pretty neat, too; the metal plates covering most vital areas having small details along their edges whilst the leather armour beneath still was of a dark brown, almost black colour.

Engrossed in checking both stats and inventory, only sparing a glance to avoid obstacles or monsters, Thessalia took little note of the players she passed on her way to town; neither the two by a stone wall nor the more hidden fellow up in the oak tree. The sound of fighting caused her to look up once - the source of which turned out to be a heavily armed and armoured frontliner, fighting by himself and holding his ground easily despite taking several hits. It took her a moment to realise that the silhouette seemed familiar for some reason - that being that the figure was one of the frontliners' tanks; having served as a veritable wall of steel during the Boss Fights before. Much like expected, he didn't seem to be having much trouble by himself - though just as Thessalia was about to get back on her way, she noticed a faint glow not far behind the two-handed axe-wielder: a teleporting player.

Seemed like the two would have everything under control - prompting Thessalia to carry on and head for town; intent on first finding a blacksmith for repairs and then an Inn for a quick meal.
You should be careful who you hand that to, though. You never know - they might just... drop the bass.
The confusion on the black-haired swordman's face spread over to Thessalia as she look over to him; blinking a few times as she felt her eyes wanting to close again. Was he wondering how much he wanted? His inital words, asking about what she meant, brought about a slow lifting of one hand to whereabout her health bar ought to be from his point of view; correlating it from where she saw his. It didn't take long for him to catch on - and to deny any need for recompensation. Relief came over over Thessalia at that - although a nagging thought crept its way into her mind in its place; the possibility that he might somehow try to leverage it at some later point. "I... see. Than... you..." she muttered more than she spoke - even as she closed her eyes again; her exhaustion returning in full swing after the previous surprise had briefly stirred her. Within moments, the only sound that came from her was that of her breathing as the non-stop grinding before the boss fight and the event itself finally took their toll; sending her to sleep despite the circumstances she was in.
...beep ...beep... beep...

A constant, soft beeping permeated through the haze of Thessalia's mind - the everpresent reminder of her health status; the sound a repeating version of the sound that notified the entry into the yellow zone but now signified her hp as being in the critical red zone. It kept her from drifting off completely to sleep - until another sound was heard; this time that of her health bar rapidly starting to climb upwards again. Perhaps the sudden change therein, perhaps the feeling of no longer being in immediate danger of dying, perhaps another motion - it was enough to stir her from her state. Slowly, Thessalia opened her eyes; blinking a few times to get a clear picture before realising that she was lying on the ground. Confusing came over her as she tried to recollect the events - she remembered the Boss Fight, making her way to the first town of the Second Floor, and then getting a room... or did she? The last parts were a hazy mess, causing her to try and shake her head to get it clear - though the motion was rather subdued.

Shifting her gaze up, she then noticed that she wasn't at all in her room - she was lying on the ground of the hallway, it seemed. Another moment of confusion came over her before she realised what must have happened - that she hadn't quite managed to reach her room after all. It was then that she realised that a voice had come from not far away just moment before. Still feeling her exhaustion, Thessalia nonetheless brought her hands up to press herself up from the ground and instead at least get into a sitting position; leaning against the wall she had been laying next to; not far from the door that lead to the inn's rooms. With that done, she turned to look where the voice had come from - and found the source to be another player kneeling beside her with a mixture of worry and confusion on his face. "Ehm..." she started, but had to try again to get her voice to come out right. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice still quiet; figuring that she had somehow bothered whoever this may be.

It was only then that she actually realised that the previously constant beeping had vanished - and her health bar was no longer in the red but rather all the way back in the green zone. This brought her mind back up to speed in an instant - what had she missed?! How long had she been laying there for - had her health regenerated all on its own during that time? A quick glance out of the window at the end of the hallway, however, showed that the sun had barely traveled any distance since she'd last seen it - which meant that she could hardly have been out for more than a few minutes. That, in turn, meant that she would have to have received healing from another source - the possibility thereof kneeling right in front of her in the form of another player; a male curved sword wielder much like herself that brought a faint feeling of recognition as one of the many participants in the Boss Fight.

"Ah! Sorry! I mean, thank you," Thessalia practically blurted out as it finally dawned upon her that he had, for whatever reason, used a health potion or crystal to heal her, a complete stranger, after having found her lying here on the ground. For a moment, she tried to figure out why he might have done that for someone like her - before coming up with what she deemed the most likely solution. "Erm... how much?" she asked after a brief pause as her eyes - the first thing that had come to her mind as to why he might have done so being in order to get a fair sum out of the whole situation, having used up a healing item on someone in need after all, rather than to help out simply for the sake of helping. Even though her ever-present caution towards any other player was the first thing on her mind after she'd gotten over the surprise, Thessalia could still feel the lack of sleep creeping its way back into her; her eyelids already beginning to feel heavy again as she awaited her black-haired sword-wielder's answer.

By the time she reached the town that would no doubt be her home here on the Second Floor, Thessalia was only barely holdig herself up; dragging her feet rather than really walking into the safe zone. Her health had returned to the red area - underway, she'd been blindsided by two onrushing oxen that she'd struggled far too much against for her liking; even having to be aided by a helpful player on the second one. Dozens of people had already passed her on her way here - meaning that the town was already starting to fill up with players before she got there. Hazily looking over the nearest buildings, she spotted one sporting a hanging sign that read "Inn" and headed for it. Shaking her head to clear herself of the drowsiness, Thessalia vowed get more sleep in the future - she couldn't let her condition affect her ability to fight. "A room for a night," she weakly requested from the Innkeeper, ignoring the other players that were already present - some in joyous celebration over the Clearing of Floor One, other in a far more sombre mood. Accepting the small fee for the room, she climbed the stairs that lead to the Inn's rooms - even as she felt her tiredness overtake her. 'Just... a little...' she tried to convice herself to get to her room - but even so, she already had collapsed in the hallway with an audible thud as her armour hit the ground; not quite managing to reach even the first set of rooms - her tiredness finally taking its toll as she drifted off to sleep.
Thanks for the offer - but I think it might be a little too late, unfortuntely, seeing as I've already read everything up to now. But thank you nonetheless.
Anyway, I have my CS up and ready for appraisal.

Username: Thessalia


History: Apart from her parents choice of fancy names, there isn't much out of the ordinary about Thessalia. Average grades for the most part, no particular interest in any sports or arts and the everyday struggle of finding out just what she wants to become later in life, she fits in quite well at school. Her family consists of both her parents - the source of her name which she inciddentally also uses as her online alias for its rarity - and her older brother; the latter being the reason she took up gaming as a pasttime years ago. They would often play various games together - him more seriously than her, who was more interested in the fun of it than anything else. With her main interest laying in RPGs, it was natural that SAO was at the top of her to-do list - as it was on her brother's. Unfortunately for him, SAO's release happened to coincide with his class trip - leaving Thessalia to start ahead of him. She did do so with no small amount of guilty glee - particularly after the email he'd sent her, telling her he would, apparently, slap her with a sea bass if she started without him. Little did she know just how much she could have saved herself if she'd followed his innocuous advice...

Personality: Thessalia isn't the most outgoing person; mostly sticking to a small circle of friends and family in real life. In games, she does much the same - keeping mostly to herself if she isn't underway with some more extroverted friends. For these reasons, she mostly tends to be a solo player - though considering that she plays just for the fun of it, this doesn't stop her from having a good time. As such, she's generally a quiet person, keeping to herself and just doing her thing however she sees fit; even if it isn't the most optimal - after all, a game's for enjoyment. At least, that was the way it was before SAO.

Weapon: A simple longsword with a curved blade

Skills: One-Handed Curved Swords, Light Metal Equipment, Sprint, Parry

Crush: None
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