Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptik Wisdom

Cryptik Wisdom

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ReivaX look down at her hand extended out in front of him, he paused once more, almost hesitant to shake the girl's hand. With a deep breath he moved his hand out to meet hers. As he met his hand with hers he would lightly grip her hand, proceeding to shake it. "I'm X... I mean I'm ReivaX..." He stopped. Upon hearing another voice in the immediate vicinity he turned his head. He spotted the person who said 'Hello', a girl with white hair and a big two-handed battle axe on her back. With his other hand he waved to the girl who just walked up to him and Faeron, as if to say 'Hello' without words as he stood there in an awkward silence. Not again, I was already having problems talking to this girl now there's another one. Life really isn't liking me right now, what am I going to do... He thought frantically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Raven shoots Ryan a mock evil eye at the mention of binge grinding, pointing a finger at both of them after words. "Oh no, no binge grinding. We are sitting back, relaxing and enjoying our victory." He made a point to avoid mentioning any kind of mourning, since he already knew they'd all be doing it anyways. Karen had been a friend to all of them, even if they didn't know her all that well. And the fact that she had died when she hadn't needed to, been in a place that was just irresponsible for Bachus to let her be in, made it that much harder to handle. Still, he kept the smile on his face and the encouragement and jokes a coming.

"And besides, we're eating something that Cash DIDN'T cook. Can't hurt to relax for that, can it?" Cash knew Raven was only joking about his cooking skill, especially since neither of them spent much time working on it like Ryan did. Sitting on a bed and unequipping his armor, he fell back with a sigh onto the mattress and closed his eyes. "Hard to believe we already beat one of the bosses. Ninety-eight more to go, right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan smirked, knowing he would cook it. He stepped to the side, beginning to prepare it as they mentioned binge grinding. "Heh... Only a fool would do something like that..." He said this, but inside, he figured he might actually do it... He didn't exactly count himself as anything other than a fool anyway. He smirked, glancing to Raven who had made such a huge deal about it, as well as the cooking. "Come on, he's not that bad... Just because I gag at the thought even now..." He turned his head away from the food he was preparing, gagged, then returned to his original position "Doesn't mean he can't cook..." He smirked directly at Cash for a moment before looking back at the food, which, because of this game's cooking system, was ready to cook... All he really had to do up until now was simply tap it with different tools for cooking. Now, he had to use heat though, and, since inn rooms didn't come standard with an oven, he had to go downstairs to the lobby to use the inn's own fire-powered oven. He proceeded to put it in, making sure to thank the innkeeper for letting him use it. A short time afterward he would come back up with the food, having made sure to cook all of it so him, as well as all of his friends, could eat it. "Alright, since we are all up here, we get to eat first, and the ones outside get to find out later." He said with a smirk before setting the pot down on the table and getting some plates from the innkeeper, handing one to each of his fellows upstairs. "Unless of course, you want to wait for everyone else... Though, they don't seem to be coming up here too quickly."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cash looked at all the both of them as they mentioned his cooking,"My cooking is..." Cash started. Even cash knew his cooking skill was less than par, but was it really that bad? "I made breakfast before the boss didn't I?" Cash asked rhetorically as he finished. Cash sat contently on the bed as he waited for Ryan to finish cooking downstairs. Cash looked over at at Raven who was laying on the bed, Cash's face slumped as he heard his 'Words of encouragement'. "Ninety-nine...Ninety-nine more dungeons, Ninety-Nine more floors, Ninety-Nine more bosses...." Cash added to Ravens words. He couldn't help but feel like this mission to free everyone from the game was anything less than impossible. Cash let out an exasperated sigh that lasted for a good 10 seconds, purposely emphasizing his exhaustion.

Cash straightened his back as his nose twitched through the air, smelling the sweet smell of the freshly cook ox meat. Cash was uncertain how Ryan had prepared the seemingly delectable meat this time, all he knew was that it smelt delicious. Cash added a small comment to what Ryan had said along with answering his question, "First come, first serve..." Cash's mouth was dripping with saliva as his eyes rested on the sight of such a beautiful meal. A tear grew in Cash's eye as he starred at the cooked Ox meat, "I'm so grateful." Cash said with a shaky voice. Cash was being over dramatic, but he didn't care, as long as he could prove he was thankful while sharing this meal with his friends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

In the short while they had been able to go to floor 2, Bachus had kept returning to the first floor dungeon. The boss room, and sitting cross legged in the spot where Karen had died. He had done the exact same thing several times. It sort of healed him a little, as it was pretty much her grave. "Karen..." He muttered under his breath. "What am I supposed to do now? You weren't supposed to die... nobody was supposed to die!!!" He was filled with rage before he equipped his sword and begun battering the floor with it. "Fuck you! You here me!?" He of course was referring to the GM of the game. "You cant do that!!! Bring someone into your life and snatch them away in the blink of an eye!" He smashed the sword to the ground with each word. "FUCK!!! YOU!!!" He final hurled his sword into the wall, where it burst into data. Seems as though it had taken too much of a battering.

Bachus crumpled to the floor sobbing. "Karen..." He opened his menu. "I'm sorry." He terminated the guild, sending a notification to all the legion members, who at the time would be enjoying a party. He grumbled to himself. "I'm not cut out to lead..." He pulled his cloth hood over his head, made his username private to friends only, and left the boss room. He take on this world alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan and those who chose to attend the meeting deciding over whether or not to create a guild would be sitting in the inn room that Ryan had rented for his party for that night. Some might be eating some of the leftover ox meat, and others might just be there, but Ryan felt, since he was the one who invited everyone, that he should start off the talk about the guild. "So... I know that for those of us who've already talked about this... Last time we agreed not to create a guild... At least... Not this early..." He glanced out through the window at the party that was going on outside, which very easily made it difficult, if not impossible, to sleep in this inn right now. All of the people outside seemed confused about something, asking each other something. He returned his focus to the matter at hand. "But after that last boss fight... I don't think the Legion, especially their leader, is worth trusting to keep everyone alive while still pushing forward through this game... So I think we should make our own guild. Everyone in the guild will be in a party with people that they must learn to trust fully. There wouldn't be random groups that form, there'd be groups that, once you're in that group, that's your family. Just like we've basically created over this time... Unless you develop a problem with someone in your party, you will stick with them, and you will learn to treat each other as more important than your own lives... What do yo guys think?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Raven munched on his ox meat while listening to Ryan speak, turning each point over in his mind as Ryan made it and forming his own opinion on it before moving on. There was another minute of silence before he spoke, looking over each member of the little council they had in the room, including their own little group. "Ryan's proposal is solid, and I see very little wrong with it, but before we could send you off in random groups, we'd have to make sure you're willing to kill just to survive. Because if your group gets caught by PKers out in the field, you will have to fight them and there is a good chance you'll have to kill them to not be killed. We've been able to bluff our way past up to this point, but..."

Raven let the sentence trail off and hang in the air for just a moment before continuing. "We would also have to be sure we could trust you with others and that you won't try to lure them into death traps. We lost plenty of people today, including a friend, and we don't want to lose anyone else."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptik Wisdom

Cryptik Wisdom

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I cant believe I actually had to deal with that..." ReivaX said as he pushed the big wooden doors of the tavern open. The eerie creaking sound of the large wooden doors of the tavern opening reverberated through the first floor of the building. As he entered the tavern the creaking of the doors was followed by the sound of a loud bang as the doors slammed shut behind him. ReivaX looked around the dimply lit tavern, tables surrounded by chairs occupied the area. The are before him seemed rather empty and dull. I can't believe how dead it is in here... I mean we just cleared the first floor... He thought to himself as he looked around the seemingly empty area. Spotting an empty booth, among the many empty booths, in the left side of the tavern. ReivaX took it upon himself to sit there and sort through his inventory while he had the chance. "Garbage...Useless... Don't want it... Oh, keeping that... Getting rid of that... I guess I'll hold on to that..." He uttered to himself, his voice soft and quiet as he decided what he wanted to delete from his inventory. As he finished sorting his inventory ReivaX folded his arms on the table before burying his face into his arms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

IC: Haunt spat some blood to the side as he reholstered Fury and walked into the safe zone of the town, a cut on his cheek bleeding, the red liquid running down into the corner of his mouth.

One of those beasts had blindsided him. They were smarter. Much smarter than floor 1 enemies. His PM notifier started to blink, and he sighed as he read both new messages.

Maybe it was time to join a group for real.


Haunt looked up from where he was sitting in the inn as Raven finished his first statement, a few drops of blood still lingering over the slice in his cheek. "I'm perfectly willing to kill. This isn't a game. We aren't just characters, and PKing isn't just bad etiquette. They're actually trying to murder us, and I'm going to defend myself, even if it means ending them."

He smirked, then winced in pain as the cut reopened a little. "Your guild sounds like my kinda place."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cash frowned as the thought of having to kill someone to survive, even though it was survival, Cash still didn't know how he felt about it. It would be easy for Cash to agree to this, but to actually put it to practice is something Cash can't wrap his brain around. "I don't know if I can do that..." Cash whispered to the group in between one of their conversations. Cash noticed how quietly he said this, and he knew his opinion would be dismissed if only 1 person heard. He decided to say it again and make it a point, "Killing others to survive...I don't think I can do that." Cash said loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to be mistaken for anger. Cash looked down at his shaking hands, trying to think of the people whom he will have to kill later on, it actually scared him a little bit. Cash looked up to everyone and continued speaking, "I don't know how you guys can just make up your mind that easily. You guys are agreeing to kill other players, teenagers, gamers in cold blood, just so you could survive. I-I Understand that they will be trying to kill you, but at the end of the day, it was us that went killed other chara-people." Cash shook his head trying to shake all the horrible thoughts, hoping this would terminate the conversation that he started.

There's no fighting this. Join a guild or not I'm going to have to kill someone out of my own will. I shouldn't have brought it up...I'm just making myself look weak...I can't be weak, that's how people die... Cash thought before adding one more thing to the previous conversation. "I-I agree with you Ryan...The guild, the groups, unbreakable bond...killing to survive. I agree." Cash finally said as he sigh deeply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

By the time she reached the town that would no doubt be her home here on the Second Floor, Thessalia was only barely holdig herself up; dragging her feet rather than really walking into the safe zone. Her health had returned to the red area - underway, she'd been blindsided by two onrushing oxen that she'd struggled far too much against for her liking; even having to be aided by a helpful player on the second one. Dozens of people had already passed her on her way here - meaning that the town was already starting to fill up with players before she got there. Hazily looking over the nearest buildings, she spotted one sporting a hanging sign that read "Inn" and headed for it. Shaking her head to clear herself of the drowsiness, Thessalia vowed get more sleep in the future - she couldn't let her condition affect her ability to fight. "A room for a night," she weakly requested from the Innkeeper, ignoring the other players that were already present - some in joyous celebration over the Clearing of Floor One, other in a far more sombre mood. Accepting the small fee for the room, she climbed the stairs that lead to the Inn's rooms - even as she felt her tiredness overtake her. 'Just... a little...' she tried to convice herself to get to her room - but even so, she already had collapsed in the hallway with an audible thud as her armour hit the ground; not quite managing to reach even the first set of rooms - her tiredness finally taking its toll as she drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded, looking at the ground for a moment before looking at the others. "Well... Anyone else...? If there's no objections... We should decide on someone to take the role of leader, as well... Someone who can take the pain of having other peoples' deaths on their hands... Even if they didn't cause them, the guild leader might be blamed... I realize that I have been blaming Bachus a little too easily for Karen... Even though I still think it was his fault... I think he at least deserves to be left be, considering how he probably feels... But, either way... Whoever takes the role of leader will have to take the responsibility to deal with that as well. You can't be weak-willed either... Willing to give in as soon as you hear your name being called for a death... We can either have someone we trust simply take the spot, or we can hold a vote amongst ourselves..." He glanced around at the others, waiting for either a late rejection of the guild idea, or a suggestion of some sort for the leader.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

IC: "I never said that I was going to enjoy killing. I'm not. I'm only saying that I'm going to live through this. Qualms about killing are not going to get me or anyone around me dead."

Haunt sighed, shifting slightly in his seat and adjusting Fury's holster, his gaze traveling around the room.

"I am going to like inflicting some serious punishment on the Admin. I can't suggest a leader, the only one of us that I truly know the capability of is myself."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Raven nods to Haunt and then looks over the others, still debating on the best approach. "Well, there's only a small hand full of us in here that know and trust each other all that well, so I guess the question is if those who don't know us can trust us to pick someone trustworthy." He looks at Cash, considering what he'd said about killing the PKers if they attacked any of them. It certainly wasn't his first resort, and they really had been able to bluff their way past every PKer guild out there. Hell, a few had even been out for good items, not the code, and foolishly believed that they weren't really gonna die. He'd mentally laughed at each of those guild members, and mourned for them. They would likely die quickly and painfully when one of the code hunter guilds found them.

Sighing to himself, he looks at Cash and speaks again. "I'm not saying I want to kill these other people, Cash. In fact, I'd still rather bluff my way past than try and to dissuade them from attacking if possible. We're all PEOPLE in here, trapped in some sicko's twisted idea of fun simply because he suddenly suffers from some kind of bloody god complex. We will make him suffer for every person who's died, but to kill him? That's too painless a way out for him. I say we trap him here, let him fight for his life like he made us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptik Wisdom

Cryptik Wisdom

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ReivaX lifted his head from his folded arms on the table, the slightest bit of drool hanging from his lip while a dazed look of confusion sat upon his face. He shifted his head from left to right only to see the Inn more people than before. Did I really fall asleep? How long was I out for? He thought to himself as he continued to look around the room. With a grunt like sound he pushed himself up and out of the booth he'd occupied. Covering his mouth with one hand as he yawned while the other stretched into the air. "I really shouldn't fall asleep like that in public places." ReivaX said as he shuffled to the bar where the Innkeeper resided, brushing past the other players who occupied the area as he made his way over. "A room please," He mumbled to the Innkeeper only to realize he might not have been loud enough. Clearing his throat, ReivaX would repeat himself louder than before, "A room please." Paying the innkeeper the needed amount of gold for the room before the Innkeeper pointed him up the stairs.

As ReivaX reached the top of the stairs he saw the girl passed out on the ground in the hallway. Stopping in the midst of his tracks, his heart began to pounding out of his chest. I-Is she dead... oh my god, how could this be... His hands on his head as he began to panic on the inside while his breathing got heavy. Suddenly it dawned on him; they were in a safe-zone. Stop it... stop it... we are in a safe-zone!! Forcing himself to calm down before seeing her health bar and adding to the thought, If she were dead she wouldn't even be here, he body would have exploded into red pixels. Her health is extremely low.... maybe she just passed out... ReivaX walked over to the girl who was out cold on the ground. Pulling out his healing crystal, he would use it on the girl as she needed it more then he did at the moment. Once he saw her health back in the green, he slipped the crystal away. He would lightly nudge the girl with his right hand hoping to wake her up. "Hey m-miss... miss?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

...beep ...beep... beep...

A constant, soft beeping permeated through the haze of Thessalia's mind - the everpresent reminder of her health status; the sound a repeating version of the sound that notified the entry into the yellow zone but now signified her hp as being in the critical red zone. It kept her from drifting off completely to sleep - until another sound was heard; this time that of her health bar rapidly starting to climb upwards again. Perhaps the sudden change therein, perhaps the feeling of no longer being in immediate danger of dying, perhaps another motion - it was enough to stir her from her state. Slowly, Thessalia opened her eyes; blinking a few times to get a clear picture before realising that she was lying on the ground. Confusing came over her as she tried to recollect the events - she remembered the Boss Fight, making her way to the first town of the Second Floor, and then getting a room... or did she? The last parts were a hazy mess, causing her to try and shake her head to get it clear - though the motion was rather subdued.

Shifting her gaze up, she then noticed that she wasn't at all in her room - she was lying on the ground of the hallway, it seemed. Another moment of confusion came over her before she realised what must have happened - that she hadn't quite managed to reach her room after all. It was then that she realised that a voice had come from not far away just moment before. Still feeling her exhaustion, Thessalia nonetheless brought her hands up to press herself up from the ground and instead at least get into a sitting position; leaning against the wall she had been laying next to; not far from the door that lead to the inn's rooms. With that done, she turned to look where the voice had come from - and found the source to be another player kneeling beside her with a mixture of worry and confusion on his face. "Ehm..." she started, but had to try again to get her voice to come out right. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice still quiet; figuring that she had somehow bothered whoever this may be.

It was only then that she actually realised that the previously constant beeping had vanished - and her health bar was no longer in the red but rather all the way back in the green zone. This brought her mind back up to speed in an instant - what had she missed?! How long had she been laying there for - had her health regenerated all on its own during that time? A quick glance out of the window at the end of the hallway, however, showed that the sun had barely traveled any distance since she'd last seen it - which meant that she could hardly have been out for more than a few minutes. That, in turn, meant that she would have to have received healing from another source - the possibility thereof kneeling right in front of her in the form of another player; a male curved sword wielder much like herself that brought a faint feeling of recognition as one of the many participants in the Boss Fight.

"Ah! Sorry! I mean, thank you," Thessalia practically blurted out as it finally dawned upon her that he had, for whatever reason, used a health potion or crystal to heal her, a complete stranger, after having found her lying here on the ground. For a moment, she tried to figure out why he might have done that for someone like her - before coming up with what she deemed the most likely solution. "Erm... how much?" she asked after a brief pause as her eyes - the first thing that had come to her mind as to why he might have done so being in order to get a fair sum out of the whole situation, having used up a healing item on someone in need after all, rather than to help out simply for the sake of helping. Even though her ever-present caution towards any other player was the first thing on her mind after she'd gotten over the surprise, Thessalia could still feel the lack of sleep creeping its way back into her; her eyelids already beginning to feel heavy again as she awaited her black-haired sword-wielder's answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cash let out a deep sigh as is head bowed slightly,"I guess it's obvious that I'm not leader material." Cash admitted, chuckling lightly by the end of the sentence. Cash looked at his group, not really knowing who to pick to be their leader from. Cash's face switched frequently from different expressions as he listened avidly to the conversation about a guild. Cash stood up from the bed he was comfortably sitting on, and started to move towards the. Hopping in a weird fashion due to his non-existent leg. After a few hops later Cash stood at the open window, feeling the pleasant artificial breeze that the game created, it felt so real Cash closed his eye and relaxed in it. The voices behind him sort of muffled as he stood in the window, relaxing and letting the breeze brush up against his skin. Of course Cash knew this was rude of him, to just ignore their conversation, so Cash turned around and leaned against the window sill. Cash waited his turn to speak in the conversation, waiting for someone to nominate Raven or Ryan as leader so he can quickly second it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The boy had ran away, excusing himself. Faeron just quietly watched the male leave, confusion in her eyes. Was he uncomfortable? Should she go after him? A little sigh escaped her lips as she greeted the other girl. "Hiya." Before long, she found herself wandering away, to where the meeting was taking place. Ryan then began to talk about making a new guild. He also brought up another topic; the PKers. She shivered a bit, gripping onto her spear. Were they still looking out for the code? It would be nice if they did - then this whole game could end.... As the meeting continued, Faeron found herself mostly agreeing with what the others were saying. Although she would definitely feel bad taking a life; it was going to be their fault for attacking her group first. However, she could see the hesitancy in Cash's voice and expression. "I'll kill for him," she thought, turning her gaze to the others once Cash hobbled his way towards the open window.

"I really don't care who the leader is. After all, I trust all of you with my life," she began, a small smile on her face when she looked at Raven. "It would be nice to trap the creator and force him to play the same game we played, but that wouldn't make us any better than him, right?" she softly ended despite her recent thoughts about killing in order to survive. "Anyways, I'll just nominate someone so we can get this over with. Raven?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded, looking to Faeron for a moment. "Unless there are any objections, Raven seems like a fine enough leader to me..." He looked to Raven, crossing his arms, "You willing to take the responsibility of being the leader? If you accept and no one else offers any suggestions, it means you'll be the leader by default. I don't have any complaints with that though. It actually seems well enough just to have someone that I know I can trust as the leader." He waited for any sort of response he could get from Raven pertaining the job opening now available to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

Raven wasn't sure how to react to what Ryan and Faeron had just said or whether or not he should take the offer. He trusted most of the people he knew in this room to the same degree they trusted him and he wasn't even sure he could handle the responsibility of taking care of that many people and being responsible for their lives. Whatever god was out there knew that he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Speaking of living with myself... Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly before speaking. "I...I would be honored. But...but before I let any of you say this is settled, there's something about me you need to know." He opens his menu and scrolls through it before sending them all a copy of his healing list. There was an unusual amount of healing supplies in it, crystals and potions being the most prominent.

"I suffer from severe depression, both in SAO and in the real world. Over the years, with the help of my family and some serious therapy, I've slowly been beating it out, forcing it away and just able to be happy. But over the last week, the depression has gotten worse and I bought a bunch of healing stuff just in case I had a relapse." He looks down at the ground and absentmindly rubs his arms. "So, I'm willing, if you can handle the fact that your leader is fighting his own demons at the same time."
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