Avatar of YipeeXD
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  • Old Guild Username: YipeeXD
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    1. YipeeXD 11 yrs ago


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In Pariah 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Looks cool, will work on a CS
Lazarus - Tenrou Team

Now drenched in sweat, shaking in fear, eyes shut. Lazarus was in a world of his own, experiencing flashbacks of all the cruel, evil things he had done. There was a voice in his head, his own voice but warped in a dark sort of way but much softer. For what seemed an age he battled with his conscious, whilst his face remained vacant. "You are nothing but a servant in lord Zeref's new age." Lazarus replied to the voice in his head, which nobody else could hear. "N-No... I'm a Phoenix Wing Wizard. "You will succumb to Zeref and kneel before him." "I will fight the darkness in this world." The voice began to become more angry and satanic. "There is nothing more important to you than Zeref! You are mere trash compared to his great power! ZEREF!". He just wanted it to stop. Lazarus managed to move his arms, bringing his hands to his ears. "Shut up, Get out of my head!" He started making noises as if he were in pain, writhing around on the ground, as the voice continued to torment him. "Zeref... Zeref... ZEREF... ZEREF!!!" The voice was no longer in his head. It was coming directly from his mouth. "I am nothing but trash and I live to serve lord Zeref." Lazarus opened his eyes, with an evil glare. "I have found myself. I'm here... Zeref." He closed his fists and made a move to stand up, evil aura slowly whipping around his body. Sasha has launched herself at him, smothering him with her love. Lazarus struggled a lot, before halting his aggression momentarily. "It's warm...". A stream of tears fell from evil Lazarus' eyes. He heard three heartbeats as Sasha clutched him tightly. His own, Sasha's and the babe to be. He closed his eyes again. "Zeref... I'm sorry. I can't." Meanwhile, inside his head, Lazarus' moral persona had broken free. "I'm a Phoenix Wing Wizard... I will fight the darkness in this world... And will leave it better for them...". Evil lazarus opened his eyes and looked into Sasha's. "You will." Evil Lazarus let go, fusing back together with his moral alter-ego. "Zeref... I've surpassed you." He burst into tears, clutching onto Sasha as hard as he could. He felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his body, and he could feel magical power surging inside of him. He wiped his tears away, as he was healed by Jasmine's magic. "Sasha. I love you more anything this word can offer. Zeref cannot take that from me." He looked into her eyes intensely, with blushed cheeks and watery eyes. "Let's make it home together." He placed his hand onto her stomach.
@MarshiestMallow @Crimson Raven @T2wave @Hatakekuro @Lunarlord34 @Burthstone @Silver Fox @CitrusArms @Demon Shinobi @Joshua Tamashii @Oblivion666 @Zarkun @LightningMaiden

Lazarus - Tenrou Team

His attack didn't even leave much of a scratch on the white dragon. "Damn." He composed himself before readying the next attack. "Mayt is right Sasha, if we can't cause fatal damage to the dragons, then they can fight eachother!" He rushed in towards the white dragon. "Holy ray!" He fired a beam of god slayer magic at the dragon's face to get its attention. Once it's eyes met him, he charged and lept into the air. "Slash of the light god!" ... "fist of the light god!" He performed the heavy double attack, before landing in front of the dragon, so that it would face towards Mayt and the shadow dragon. "Go Mayt! Do it!". He expected the dragon to attack Mayt, only he felt an impact from behind harder than he had never experienced as the dragon landed a full swipe. "Eurgk!" Blood spewed from his mouth as he was sent a few meters towards Mayt, landing in a heap on his back, gashing his head in the process. The dragon took a step forward, slamming its foot on top of him, digging it's talons in. He struggled, momentarily, charging his god slayer magic to move the dragon's foot. He didn't have enough strength. Lazarus closed his eyes and waited for the end, with that last hit taking away his energy to fight.

He felt a sudden magical pressure. The dragon's talons eased up, and its weighted lifted from him. The dragon hadn't killed him, but he was shivering in fear, skin pale as a ghost, sweat gushing down his face, mixing with the blood from his head wound. This magic was far more dangerous than the dragons. He looked up, almost in slow motion. "Zeref." His eye twitched, as he experienced mini flashbacks of his former self and his journey to finding Zeref, before he had found Phoenix Wing's warmth. A few tears trickled from his eyes. He repeated himself. "...Zeref." He couldn't move, for fear. He looked towards Sasha. If anyone could snap him from this frozen state of fear, it was her.
@MarshiestMallow @Zarkun

Lazarus - Tenrou Team

The magical pressure created by the dragons was almost unbearable and his legs felt as though they could buckle at any moment. Everyone was fighting for their lives, for each other. Lazarus had been in a daze from the moment that the first dragon had broken free from the time lord's spell, but the bravery of his comrades has snapped him out of it. Jack, and Hunter were fighting the fire and shadow dragons, Sasha supporting them.

White. A white dragon. A flash of light and a bellowing roar sounded, as the white dragon lasered its breath towards the 2 slayers and Sasha. Lazarus' body moved on its own, in front of Sasha, protecting her and their unborn child. As the laser got brighter and brighter as it rapidly moved closer he grinned. "I hope this tastes better than it looks." He tossed his jacket to the ground, arms out and sucked in as hard as he could. The light drained from the dragon's roar, as Lazarus feasted upon the attack. He wiped his mouth. "Not bad." This was the most powerful he had ever felt. He had consumed the white light of a dragon. "Master Jack, Hunter. Let me take this one." He looked back at Sasha. "Sasha! We're all going home together! The three of us!" He looked down at her belly, before fixing his gaze on the white dragon. "Revere me dragon. Let's see how you fair against the power of a light god slayer! RAGING BELLOW OF LIGHT GOD!" He sent a breath attack of his own straight back towards the white dragon. "Sasha! I need your support! Let's slow this one down!" He grinned. His attacks probably wouldn't leave a scratch on the dragon. But as long as he could keep consuming it's light, he could fight for his friends.
apologies for my long absence :3
<Snipped quote by YipeeXD>



Weasels are popping

yes to both
gang gang gang whats poppin people?
I am still here by the way, I just have december/january exams to get through! :)
Lazarus and Shujin

The two men held their handshake for a few moments, before returning to the small troop which had gathered around Sasha. The crowd was growing, but it wasn't big enough not to pick out individuals. A man, who had introduced himself as Ferrin had approached Sasha. "I'm not sure what's worse, your chat up lines, or my god slayer magic up your ass." He remarked, marking his territory. Sasha could defend herself, but she made him a jealous man.

Shujin watch the situation unravel in hysterics. "Now now Lazarus, calm down, he only means well." He outstretched a hand,"Nice to meet you Ferrin. Shujin Moritz, Dragon Fang. This is Lazarus Rex..." He paused, waving his hands for effect in a sarcastic voice. "...The light god slayer." He chuckled. "But seriously I've seen that man do some fucked up shit over much less. You want to be on his good side, he comes in handy."

@Crimson Raven @caits
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