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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis

Amaya Nodded Smiling as she gave him a quick hug feeling a lot better. He always knew what to say or do to make her feel better. She made sure to have everything she wanted as she picked up her bag before she picked Cecilia up sitting her inside her messenger bag. Cecilia moved around some but decided to stay asleep.

Amaya headed out of her room taking a deep breath before she eyes widen "What..."she whispered hurrying down stopping to find the source of the scent..."Zero....you jerk."she exclaimed moving through the crowd towards the fellow dragonslayer. She stopped her raging though when she saw sasha and heard how they were wanting dragonslayers "Uh Sasha...Me and Joshua are wishing to come along to the island...If that is okay with you...I just feel I might find why mom sent me here...why she disappeared."said Amaya. Cecilia poked her head out of the messenger bag yawning "I smell another slayer."she commented

"oh Cecilia that is zero/zeoram"she said "he is more or less my brother in many ways now go back to sleep."said amaya

Raiden, Rose and Ryu Yashia

"that is why he is called the golem...he is set in stone in his ways. please bare with him, he just isn't use to the way things are and doesn't want something to happen."she said "I am not worried about you leaving or anything"she added before listening to lucus before smiling 'oh there is a certain guild master's daughter...he tried talking to at the games."Said rose causing ryu to spit out his tea coughing some "yes do I have a crush, yes. am I able to talk to her , no my tounge gets caught up and I cant talk right."said ryu
cleaning his mess "and if you even dare breath a word about it to her...your wind will not protect you."said ryu narrowing his eyes as his face was incrediably red

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
Interacting With: Sasha, Amaya, Lazarus and Shujin


Zero grinned when Sasha spoke to him. "I can tell." He replied in reference to her little playful jab at Shujin. "Part of me was actually really unsure." He said as he rolled his head, listening to the pops made by his neck from the slow movement.

Please don't do that.
You gotta do that or you get stiff.
You can't yell Lies and Slander every time you don't like something.
But that guy did in the village.
He was 5!
Your point?

"Anyway, I'm a drag..." Before Zero could complete the sentence he heard an all too familiar voice.


"First, I'm not a jerk."

Now that really is a lie.
But it ain't slander.

"Second, I told you that you and Zenoram can play sibling all you want. I'm not your brother though." He growled at Amaya, though it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. "And you're mom wouldn't have wanted you putting yourself in danger. If she left it was for a reason and you ain't helping Aurora or yourself by hanging refusing to let her go right now now. You just keep picking at it over and over like this and eventually you're gonna open a wound you don't wanna open. And it's gonna hurt like fuck." His words were blunt, harsh and frankly a bit stupid given how little he'd actually been around Amaya for so long, but his heart was in the right place. Maybe.

Aw~ You do care.
I swear if you make me come down there.
You won't do anything you big softy.

"You might be a Dragon Slayer, and I know you aren't weak, but think about this shit rationally." Said the dragon slayer currently trying to join despite having no idea where they were actually even going, or why. Maybe he did care, trying to get Amaya to stay. Although he already knew that was a no go.

She has a cat.
Dammit I noticed.
I want it.
I want one.
So do you!
Find a tough one and we can keep it.
You're on.

"I'm gonna regret that one..." Zero grumbled under his breath, his eyes shifting between Amaya and Sasha. He wasn't good with people. He hated patience. But he figured he could get a good brawl out of this mission given the feel and level of magic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You need to learn to be more polite to people." A voice said behind Zero as Joshua passed, giving the Dragon Slayer a hard look. He did not approve of how he was currently talking to Amaya, brother or not. He walked over to Amaya's side and gave Sasha a curt nod but a kind smile. "As Amaya here said, she and I will be joining you on this little expedition. I know you won't mind her since you said you need a dragon slayer, but it's a package deal. I'll do my best to assist ya."

Turning back to Zero, he gave the Dragon Slayer a frown.
"I assume you will not mind her going along so long as she has someone looking after her, which will be my job. Does that put you at ease... who are you? I don't think we've met."

Amelia Averyonna


"If I stay on the ship, I'll be out of the way of any danger unless they attack it." Amelia said before glancing over at her mother then back to Jarvis. "Besides, it's not like I do the fighting myself. Phleg and the others will do it for me and they will keep me safe if no one else can. Please let me go so that I might be of some use to the guild. Besides, if there are spirits there, I'm the only one that might be able to talk to them."

Lucus Griffonbane


"But telling her would be so much fun. Imagine the look on her face." Lucus said with a laugh, merely teasing Ryu. Leaning forward, he gave the boy an understanding smile. "You should've seen your sister and me when we started. We were both in bad places and it was very... very rocky to say the least. But we, well more me then her, kept at it and eventually things worked out."

Leaning back, he grimaced as some particularly unhappy memories passed through his head.
"Sadly, some people took advantage of that and used it to make me a weapon to hurt Rosey. That's how Elyse came to be conceived. I swear, if I ever seen Lyon again, I'm going to murder him. Sadly, that will be easier said then done.

Anyway, for your little crush... keep at it and I'm sure you'll make some headway eventually. But tell me, what do you like about little Amelia so much?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lazarus and Shujin

He was taken a back. "You want to go back for the others? You're serious...?" He coouldn't believe what Shujin was suggested. "You're suggesting we..." He lowered his voice and usher Shujin in closer. The whole guild didn't need to know that they knew the location and business of a dark guild. "You're suggesting we go to one of the most powerful wizards on the continent, who despises our guts now, father or not, and simply 'ask' to let the others leave his side?" He shook his head. "He'll vapourise use on the spot." He stated, as if it were obvious.

Shujin listened to Lazarus' concerns. "We're not going to ask Budo for anything. We're going to end him, 'father or not'. He repeated Lazarus' phrase. "I just know the others hope for their own freedom. I just know it." He clenched his fists in desperation. Their brothers and sisters. The only one he'd seen in the last 5 years was Wither, and she had become a formidable wizard. "We can finish Budo. Me and you." It was optimistic at best, but that was all he had.

Lazarus sighed. He had a family to think about. Getting killed by one of the most powerful dark guild masters going wasn't exactly going to be beneficial. "The only way we can take down Budo. Is if everyone else turns against him. It would take at least 6 or 7 S class wizards to take him down. We could hold him off for a few minutes. But he'd crush us."

Shujin pondered. "Wither will turn. You saw it yourself at the ball! She's still in there somewhere. God knows what Budo has done to the others. We can't run anymore Lazarus. We have to do this.

There was a long silence. Lazarus looked Shujin dead in the eye. "Let's do it." They gripped in a handshake before returning to the unfolding events.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cody Bloodstein

Even while on a mission, James didn't let up on Cody's training. By the time most people were rising from their beds, Cody had already run through a series of drills, including but not limited to close combat, endurance and strength training, before splitting from James to do their own things. First things first, Cody made sure to have a shower and put some ice on a few painful bruises he had received. Compared to James, who had years of experience in all these things compared to his month, he was nothing but a rookie and the differences showed when they spared.
After some breakfast he met up with James before slowly making his way with him to the construction site. He felt particularly sore today, the younger man feeling and appearing off. Like something was dwelling on his mind, but he didn't know how to express his multiple thoughts. And quite a few things weighed on his mind, but thus far he had at least managed to brush James questions aside.

Upon arrival, Cody made a note that there were scarce workers about the site. So it wasn't too difficult to find the client, standing about with an anxious feel to his actions and the orders he barked to his few workers. Walking a few paces behind, the duo approached their client, Cody looked about the site. Taking in how tense the workers seemed to be, even the laugh they emitted as one made a joke to try and lighten the atmosphere around his fellow workers.
And who could blame them?

Jasmine Lockwood

Having finished her breakfast, Jasmine went about doing some dishes before heading out into the main hall. Most of her morning chores were done with, and looking around she noticed that the room seemed to be filled with an almost eerie sense of dread and tension she wasn't quite used to with the usual casualness that this guild had about it.
There also seemed to quite a few people about, more than she felt comfortable around and more than she had seen before. Especially this early in the morning, so something big must be up.
At the exact moment of that thought, she felt what could be best describe as a powerful breeze wash over the guild hall. While some were surprised or bewildered by the suddenness of it, Jasmine instead felt...warm? A strange sensation spread throughout her body, a sensation she wasn't sure how to describe as she had never felt it before. Her body felt tingly and numb, almost like a pin and needles, her hair standing on end almost as if she had been hit by static electricity.
It was such a strange blend of different emotions and sensations which ran through her body at once, but most importantly it all felt...warm. Familiar even, like the warmth of a mothers hug. Or the warmth of a fresh loaf of bread.
Then, suddenly and violently, she let out a powerful sneeze that knocked her off her feet and into a nearby table. And how had it launched her you ask? Well, that was the stream of water she shot out from her nose that soaked whoever was unlucky enough to be standing in front of her at the time. It was like breaking open a dam wall, such was the pressure of the water.
The residue water had wet her dress too, and after wiping some spray from her face she looked as confused as anyone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha smiled at Zero’s words, more than a little amused at the situation, flashing Shujin a grin as well, even as she took in what was going on. From just being with Lazarus and Shujin, she was now, it seemed, surrounded by many. She didn’t mind that, as she turned to address them all. She shot a glance at the dragon slayers, frowning at their squabbles. There seemed to be more going on here then she could see, and she rapidly tried to figure out just what, listening to Shujin and Lazarus talk in the background. Pausing a moment or two, she said softly “You really don’t have the right to tell her why she should do something or not. If she wishes to do it because of her mother, in finding answers for her mother, then that’s okay. We all fight for something.

Sometimes we need something to hold onto, to give us a reason. Do not belittle someone else, because you think it is wrong” She paused another moment, thoughtful, before she cleared her throat, saying “I’d greatly enjoy having you along” She said to them, “I have no issues with it” How many were coming along now? Was this rapidly becoming an even larger expedition then had gone to Edolas? Granted, they hadn’t truly known that they would going to Edolas, but still.

Would it be enough? It had to be.

She flicked her attention towards Lazarus and Shujin again. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped, closing it instead. She knew that lazarus had to do what he could, for his family. She couldn’t stop him… yet she could wish that he could wait until she was able to help. She’d promised that she wouldn’t do anything dangerous… Well, besides this, of course.

She sighed softly, keeping her attention on those around her.

Jarvis sighed, a fear rising in him. If Amelia came, they’d have to bring Sam. And… he didn’t want to lose her again. Sammy was six, even if she was older chronically. And they’d only just got her back… Amelia was part of that, and Jamie had sacrificed several parts of herself for it.

He didn’t want to risk losing either of them.

Yet could he tell them to stay behind? Could he make Amelia stay behind, when she wanted to come, perhaps needed to? He sighed again, and said softly “Very well. But you will not leave the boat, Amelia. I mean it. I don’t want to lose you”

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@Demon Shinobi@YipeeXD@Crimson Raven
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis

Amaya blinked listening to zero as the only expression on her face was a smile she waited till he was done speaking before she opened her mouth letting out a reply "aw you do care like a brother...You have no right to tell me what I can or can't do nor will I listen to someone who has not a single idea of everything I have done and everything I need to do. You know what happened to your family and father...your father didn't up and leave you to only leave a message to find the phoenix wing...why would mom not tell me to find dragon's fang or any of the other light guilds or a dark guild...there is a reason she choose this guild when she never left the mountain. Plus you aren't the ones who ran into two dragonslayer hunters who think you are absolutely evil when you haven't don't a single evil thing."she said "and if you didn't feel like my brother you wouldn't tell me what I can or can't do...plus you don't realize, I have more or less a boyfriend or personal bodyguard here at the guild that has helped me way more then you ever have zero."she said stopping when she heard Joshua's comment "this is zero, zeoram, two in one body. This is zeoram's body he is the sweet gentle side, I love talking with him, the one in control right now is more or less the dragonslayer side zero, he enjoys battles and fights...they are the poison dragonslayer and more or less my cousin since our dragons were siblings."she said to Joshua.

She then looked towards Sasha before nodding in agreement "thank you for defending me Sasha...zero means well since so far there is only three of us first generations left."she added slightly defending zero "whether he admits it or not it is out of care"she added

Raiden, Rose and Ryu Yashia

"it was more of I threatened to kill him if he didn't stop trying to get to know me but he never heed my wrongs but he made sure to keep out of the various shadows and kept at it..which in time was very sweet even if I wouldn't admit it..took quiet awhile before I even allowed myself to fall for him...no matter how many times I turned him down or put him down he just kept at it. and well like he said we were in the best situation and well others didn't like it and well it is how Elyse came to be and what do you mean easier said then done...what possibly happened lucus?"she asked before looking towards ryu again "just be gentle.. Amelia isn't like me she isn't strong and set in her ways just be her friend and work at her trust." said rose

"I believe she is going on that island trip...I don't know if I want to go on that trip since from what I heard we will be on frenzy planet's flying ship thing...I hate not being on the ground." he said
"just like the dragonslayer that I am sure are going to be going...the three known ones anyways." said rose "they hate anything mechanical that moves...or at least the ice one does...I don't know if it affects the poison or jade.." said rose
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall
Interacting With: Sasha, Amaya, Lazarus and Shujin


Zero grumbled listening to one person, then another, and then Amaya finally. Maybe he did see her as family. Currently, the only family her or Zenoram had. It wasn't like they were particularly present in the guild to build such bonds. That was more so Zero's fault than Zenoram's though. And what's worse, he didn't even know how to do that. Zenoram had been the first to pull back. He indulged. Though after abit, he wasn't sure how to push the gentler side back into the fray. Even worse still, he'd liked it. It was just the two of them, occasionally Damian, and nothing else. Jobs where Zenoram met people, but didn't need to working about getting close only to lose them. Zero enjoyed anything where he could fight or explore.

"I get it. I don't get to talk. Is that about right?" He sighed, finally speaking after a moment of brief silence, looking from person to person. "Just don't die." He said to Amaya softly. He hated that she brought up Hemlock. It wasn't anymore beneficial to know what happened to him than if he had left. At least then maybe there could have been some hope that he was alive. Or some hope that what he had done was for the best. Now... He was just gone. He crossed his arms, closing his fingers around the black dragon scale jacket to clutch the material.

[i]She gets it.
Birds of a feather you two.
I prefer dragons of a scale.
I can feel you smiling.

"So." He turned back to Sasha. "What can you tell us about this little trip we're taking?" The dragon slayer asked, a bit more serious now as he spoke to her. He was all for venturing into the unknown and the chance of a fight, but he wanted to make sure he knew everything possible. Besides, he'd just showed up not long ago. So, it wasn't like he'd be in the know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Ferrin wound his way across the guild hall toward the woman indicated by Jamie to be Sasha. To be honest with himself, he wasn’t sure what he was going to say. Explaining the situation and his silly proposal was difficult, and would require more explanation then he was willing to give. At best, he was simply going to talk directly to the instigator of this expedition and offer his support. He wasn’t quite ready to advertise his past yet.

He idly noticed that the bad luck curse was still weakly active. He felt it manifest as he step-sided an accidentally spilled drink, then stepped over someone’s leg that shot out suddenly. Despite the heavy magical “noise” in the guildhall, Ferrin kept his senses open for the curse. So he acutely felt the sudden wave of magical energy sweep across the room. It felt odd, but he wouldn’t have paid it much it much mind, as it could have just been someone practicing a spell, if immediately after he hadn’t gotten the immediate certainty that he was bing watched. Acting casual, he rolled his shoulders and yawned nonchalantly then he slowly and seeminly disinterestedly glanced around, an expression of boredom on his face.

His ruse was foiled by the fact that his yellow eyes happened to lock onto a pair of red ones.

Time seemed to stop and crystalize. Ferrin wasn’t sure how long the moment lasted, maybe a day, maybe a year. He found himself entranced by the gaze, unable to look away.

Then someone walked between them and the moment was gone as quickly as it had came.

What was that about?

Ferrin kept walking, but the memory of those eyes stuck with him. Fugitively, he glanced back, making note of the red-eye girl’s appearance and the two men that were with her.

Trying to dismiss the odd moment from his mind, Ferrin strode up to the small knot of people gathered around Sasha.

”I would like to know that as well.” He interrupted loudly and cheerfully. Smiling, he florished and gave a small bow to the group. ”Ferrin Astra, Aether wizard and the leading man, at your service.” He turned to adress Sasha specifically. ”So you are Sasha. I see a beautiful face to go with a such beautiful name.” He complemented her light heartedly.

@Caits @Demon Shinobi @Roseletta @YipeeXD

@Lunarlors34 @t2wave

Colt and Claire

Blink. Blink.

...she reminds me of a squirrel. Claire told her brother privately. He couldn’t really disagree.

”So what you are saying is that it was a Take Over spell gone wrong that joined you with this other person...” Colt asked, half musing to himself.

”How we ended up this way...well. To be honest neither of us are sure. It was done smoothly and carefully. We fell asleep one ordinary night in the middle of the woods, then next thing we knew, we abruptly woke in a bare room, locked up and like this.” He gestured at themselves. ”This room was in a strange facility, full of machines and guarded by strange moving armors. Through some very fortunate circumstances— —And thanks to me! —And mostly thanks to Sis, we managed to escape.” ”We later found out that we had been kidnapped by someone, and that someone had sent a powerful wizard, a necromancer, after us to recapture us, and they nearly succeeded. But we were saved by a man named Ferrin.” Colt paused in thought. ”Unfortunately, that is all we know. We came here and joined the Guild to get answers. I wish we could help you more, but take over magic is not our specialty. Perhaps you could find some wizard in the guild who knows more.” Colt finished apologetically.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

A tingle of excitement shot up Isabella's spine when a familiar voice perked up from beside her. Caught off guard by Jane's sudden appearance, the young lady couldn't help but gape awkwardly.
"Jane! You're here!" She picked her jaw up from the ground, her beaming grin softening into a pout.
"You're here." She repeated softly. A pang of guilt struck her chest, which she responded to by stiffly clutching the frills of her blouse. She bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes. Those warm, caring eyes that belonged only to Jane; Isabella didn't deserve such affection after her behaviour in Crocus.

Taking a deep sigh, she turned her attention back to Jane and gently held out a hand on top of hers.
"Jane, I am so sorry about standing you up." Saying it out loud really emphasized how bad she felt. Her lip quivered, but she continued. "You are so kind and fun to be around; I didn't know what to do with myself. I was afraid." Beyond that the words refused to escape her lips. It was a pathetic excuse, but Isabella couldn't bring herself to admit how she felt. Not just to Jane, but to herself as well.

In an effort to change the subject, Isabella removed the Council summons from her corset and placed it on the counter in front of Jane. The letter was laid out very professionally, but still held a touch of prestige one would come to expect from the Council. It all seemed very standard at first; formal introductions of the Council's role and how they have benefited Fiore in the past. The letter seemed very impersonal, as if it were a template that had been sent off countless times before. Though towards the bottom of the page, one excerpt seemed to stand out.

On behalf of the Magic Council's Department of Science and Magical Innovation, Isabella Pinelli is hereby invited to attend a second stage interview for a position at one of the Council's very own laboratories situated on the campus of Crocus University.

It then went on to mention the history of the campus and how such a prestigious offer is only given to a select few wizards each year. Isabella waited for Jane to finish reading before picking up the letter. She gazed into the barely legible scrawling, letting each word burn into her mind.
"I had intended to share this news with Master Jamie and seek her guidance; but I'm so nervous I just couldn't bring myself to do it." Isabella sighed, tucking the letter away once more. Throughout all this time, she had failed to notice that her hand still rested gently atop of Jane's. Almost instinctively, her grip tightened.
"I just don't know what to make of all this."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Don't worry, I won't let her die. So just relax a bit and calm down." Joshua said to Zero before turning to Amaya, listening to her explanation of Zero/Zenoram's situation, or more accurately condition. He frowned at what he heard, glancing over at the other dragon slayer before looking at Amaya. "I would ask why you never mentioned him before, but I guess it never came up or he simply wasn't relevant to the conversation." At this point, he gained an amused smile and began speaking in a teasing tone as he put an arm around Amaya's shoulders. "Anyway, I didn't realize you viewed me as a boyfriend. When did that start? Or am I really just your simple bodyguard?"

Amelia Averyonna


"Alright papa, I understand and I promise I will not leave the boat, unless it's for my own safety." Amelia said, happy to hear that she was being allowed to come along. Her thoughts went to Sam though and she quickly found a solution in her own head. "In concerns to Sam, since the rest of us are going, why not ask Miss Rose to look after her. Sam loves playing with Elyse and I'm sure Miss Rose wouldn't mind letting the two of them have a little play date together. Plus, we won't have to worry about her then, since she'll be in capable hands."

Lucus Griffonbane


"Lyon's true magic wasn't just poison magic. It was Poison God Slayer magic, making him that much worse. It was no wonder he could experiment with all those deadly plants and animal parts without any fear, he was completely immune." Lucus said grimly before turning to Ryu, preferring to focus on a more positive subject. "From what I understand, Amelia isn't really comfortable around new people, especially with those... pretty little additions on her back. She's more comfortable talking to spirits and her family. I don't think I've seen her talk with the rest of Phoenix Wing at all. She's usually stuck by her adoptive father's side.

As for the island trip, that's up to you whether you go or not. I know Master Fraquar and Pyrrha are going but that's it. The rest of the guild is staying in town, keeping it safe. As for me, I'm here for my child and girlfriend... we should probably have Elyse and Raiden come in before Elyse gets to cold and winds up getting sick though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lazarus and Shujin

The two men held their handshake for a few moments, before returning to the small troop which had gathered around Sasha. The crowd was growing, but it wasn't big enough not to pick out individuals. A man, who had introduced himself as Ferrin had approached Sasha. "I'm not sure what's worse, your chat up lines, or my god slayer magic up your ass." He remarked, marking his territory. Sasha could defend herself, but she made him a jealous man.

Shujin watch the situation unravel in hysterics. "Now now Lazarus, calm down, he only means well." He outstretched a hand,"Nice to meet you Ferrin. Shujin Moritz, Dragon Fang. This is Lazarus Rex..." He paused, waving his hands for effect in a sarcastic voice. "...The light god slayer." He chuckled. "But seriously I've seen that man do some fucked up shit over much less. You want to be on his good side, he comes in handy."

@Crimson Raven @caits
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Well, somehow she expected this. Things always were busy around these people, weren't they? Her fingers continued their gentle dancing across the strings of her harp. She'd been away for a bit, and she just wanted to catch up with someone, but it didn't seem like that would be happening.

A flaring temper caught get ear, and she couldn't help herself, "you know, threats of violence aren't really the best way to resolve personal conflicts. Tends to escalate things, really." Aah, but wasn't Lazarus always so protective?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha sighed softly. She understand dragon slayer politics as well as, and perhaps more so, anyone else, but she never really understood the… relationships of them. She didn’t see any reason for this slight hostility between Amaya and Zero/Zenoram. “You’re welcome” She said to Amaya, giving her a smile, although she was still a little perplexed. She studied the Dragon Slayer with a personality complex, before she responded.

“Nothing, really. Its an expedition for a reason, but, well, it seems prudent to have dragon slayers in a place where a large dragon battle was once fought. Seems like a good precaution, wouldn’t you think?”

Sasha tilted her head towards yet someone else approaching her, studying him. Was he flirting with her? Sasha wasn’t exactly an expert on that sort of thing, and she realised that different cultures had different ways of speaking. Still, Lazarus response indicated that it had indeed be flirty.

She reached out to lay a hand on Lazarus’s arm, giving him a smile, before she turned to Ferrin, “I’m sure Lazarus merely misinterpreted your words” Best to keep things civil, for now at least. “I thank you for the compliment, I often hear that expecting woman do tend to have a certain appeal to them.” Best to state she was indeed already claimed, and to try and soothe Lazarus, “Although I fear luxuries have alluded me these last few months, I’m pleased to hear that it didn’t damage my appeal” Word play. When had she ever thought she could be good at it? This wasn’t something she particularly enjoyed, nor something she believed she was capable off. She was just trying to avoid a brawl.

“Its a pleasure to meet you, Ferrin. I’d gladly tell you anything I know about this mission, however, not much truly is known. I believe when we get there, something is going to happen. Information from 100 years ago is rather scarce, but I have tried my best to hunt up what I can. The disasters that have been happening… led me to believe that the island is involved, and what happened then. I believe that… there is only once chance to fix what happened then, save the island, and fiore itself”

Jarvis sighed softly, the thought of Amelia in danger anyway stabbing at his heart, but what could he do? He just had to hope that she was safe. At Amelia’s suggestion of having Sam stay with Rose, Jarvis nearly panicked once more. He didn’t want to leave Sam, didn’t want to not be in reach of her. Even after all this time, he worried that something would happen, that they would lose her again.

A wound that had barely began to scar… but then, some just never healed. He knew full well that the man that had sought to harm him, and his, was dead, and wouldn’t be coming back, but… there was still that fear.

He paused a moment, quickly composing himself, before nodding. “A fine suggestion”

Michael looked down at the map he held, frowning slightly. He was sure that he had been going in the right direction, now… this City was confusing, and he stood in what he hoped was the main square, looking about. There weren’t too many high buildings, and he hoped to catch sight of… yes, there! A flash of red, small, but he made for it, weaving past buildings, keeping that in his sights, as it slowly became a guild insignia. Phoenix Wing, and it looked like he arrived in time. He sighed with relief, wondering what had ever possessed him to travel by himself here…

And even why he was going.

He paused, before he entered the base. Which seemed even more confusing the Dragon Fang, if that was possible. He hesitated, before taking abreath, and approaching a girl playing a harp. “Um… “

@CirusArvennicus@Joshua Tamashii@Demon Shinobi@YipeeXD@Crimson Raven
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

With all the voices around them, it really didn't surprise her when no one heard her. Eh, she'll just keep playing. It was her form of patience. She could wait for the world to end, like this... oh, now there's a song idea. She was just about to start piddling around with some other instruments to find the right sound when someone addressed her.

It surprised her, just a bit. It wasn't anyone she recognized, either. "Ah, hello." She smiled sweetly. "Are you in the guild? I haven't seen you before. I'm Trinity. I've been away for a little bit myself, playing music for folks. Did you need something?" She didn't stop playing, though her tune changed just a bit.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Ferrin’s mouth curled into a gleeful grin at Lazarus’s belligerent response. It seems this wiseass was lucky afterall. He could practically smell the testosterone in the air. His grin only drew wider as the man who indroduced himself as Shujin spoke. Ferrin opened his mouth to return verbal fire, but before he could get a word out, Sasha stepped in to deescalate the situation.

A pity. Nothing was quite as much fun as a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent.

Instead, he bowed again, “I’ll remember that. Far be it from me to cause distress to such a beautiful woman, much less one with child.” He said benevolently, the first part directed at Shujin, and the last at Sasha.

“Its a pleasure to meet you, Ferrin.”

“The pleasure is uniquely mine.” He interjected.

Ferrin listened intently to her brief explanation, a small frown replaced the grin he had been wearing. “Save Fiore. How noble. But tell me, what proof do you have that the island is involved, and what guarantee do you have that we can do anything about these disasters once there?” He asked, puttting a slight emphasis on ‘we’. “And don’t tell me it’s at the behest of that crackpot Time Lord. Messing with time will only lead to trouble.” Ferrin quite aware of how ironic that last line was, but when playing a part it was important to keep the act going. Right now, he was feigning ignorance to correlate her side of the story with what he already knew, and hopefully turn up new information.

@Caits @Demon Shinobi @Roseletta @YipeeXD @Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Repairing the Rifts

Damian shrugged, glancing down through the skylight in the guild hall's roof at the gathering of people. That was part of why he'd bothered coming in today, besides getting to see Penny. It was time that Phoenix Wing's S-Class wizards all had a talk with each other. Damian had seen a pattern recently, a disconnect between the three of them that shouldn't have existed, but with all of them leading their own lives, it couldn't be helped. "I don't know yet, but I don't think I will be. Depends on what Zero and Zenoram ask for and what we S-Class decide. Come on, let's find Mayt. We all need to talk."

Leading the way off the roof, Damian entered the guild hall and made straight for the third S-Class before leading the pair back to one of the side meeting rooms and closing the door behind them. Once they were seated, he joined them and sighed. "So, first time in awhile the three of us have been in the same room."

James Hunt|A Test of Honor

Foreman Takafumi's eyes were bulging and he shouted orders at his men, directing those who'd still bothered to show up where to work with what they few could move and manage. When a man in gold armor and another younger man in leather approached him and the armored man informed him of who they were, he rounded on them. "IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! You know how long ago I asked for help from the guilds? But noooo, the Grand fucking Magic Games start and suddenly no one has time for us! I don't care how historical the damned event is, WE NEED HELP!" James grimaced slightly at the man's language, but after a moment, he finally calmed down. "The last kidnapping was a couple of days ago. I, uh, gave chase, hoping to save him, but I couldn't catch up. All I know is they're somewhere in the eastern forest." James nods, thinking on the matter.

"Don't worry, Foreman, we'll get your people back and make sure the bridge is finished." Nodding, Takafumi returns to directing his men while the paladin leads Cody towards the indicated forest. "So, what do you think? Trick of the eyes perhaps? Seems sloppy to let him see which forest they were in." James knew it was overconfidence on the part of the gangs, but he wanted to test Cody's learning.

Jane Addeson|Forgiving is a Pain

When Isabelle initially reacted in surprise, Jane couldn't help but grin widely. "Of course I'm here! Where else would I find a beautiful woman with a penchant for dressing old fashioned?" She then noted the muted tone that Isabelle took and waited as the other woman explained herself. Jane couldn't say she was surprised if she was honest, the few dates she'd been on, with men and women, had been about the same, though her reason was much preferable to the "I found out you're a wizard" or the "you turned out to be really boring, especially since you wouldn't show off your magic earlier." Belle's reason felt...honest.

Or at least, as Jane got the sense there was something more, honest enough. Jane waved a dismissive hand as she took a seat next to her friend. "Water under the bridge love, you apologized for it instead of making up some half assed excuse. That's already a win in my book." The letter, which the requip mage took a great of amount of ceremony to lay out, caused the energy blade user some concern, both for her friend and her own relationship with the rest of the guild.

The only name she knew well from Phoenix Wing was Damian, and he was more by reputation than personally, and Isabella had been the first person to talk to her after her recovery and not be some kind of giant prick. But, she knew that an answer to the dilemma was the only thing that would help the entertainer, so, with a sigh, she spoke as she squeezed Isabella's hand back. "Well, there's no denying it's a rather fantastic opportunity. Hell, dad would be jealous if he were still here. But...well, what about Bullet? And me? And the guild? You're a big part of everyone's lives here and, well, I can't speak for everyone, but I don't want to see you leave." She chuckled a small, sad chuckle. "Hell, I would HATE for you to leave."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


The duo just stood there not knowing how they should react to the sudden turn of events. Nolan was just standing there, wondering what the hell happened and why it happened. His partner too was standing there wondering what in the hell just happened. Before the two of them could even say a word, the stream of water that Jasmine has accidentally shot smacked Nolan in the face. The God Slayer just stood there and took it though anyone within earshot could hear his garbled yells and curses. Dalton, being the ass he is, was pointing and laughing at his partner, but the stream had fallen down towards the feline too though Nolan's clothes were caught as the stream moved on.

By the end of that stream of water, both Nolan and Dalton were drenched. The Slayer's face was covered by wet locks of hair and his clothes were hanging heavily down against his body. Dalton's pompadour had lost its form and his entire body was covered by a mass of straight, dripping hair. "The fuck is goin' on today?"

"I don't know, Dalton. I don't know." He pushed his soaked hair out of his eyes and approached Airel. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" He was about to put his hands on Ariel's shoulders, but he realized that his hands were cold and wet so he stopped himself. He noticed that she was focused on something completely different. "Hey, seriously are you okay? What are you looking at?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Micahel hesitated, putting his map away, and studying the girl he’d approached… She had to be his age, or round-abouts, and seemed a little bit… distant? From the rest of this guild, which is probably why he approached her. He shook his head at her words, "N-n-no, I'm n-not. I'm apart of D-dragon F-fang. I... I heard about this expedition, and t-t-thought I'd c-c-come along... I'm M-m-m-michael"

How did she play and talk at the same time? Gods, he had trouble even speaking and walking at the same time, let alone doing two such intricate tasks. He squirmed slightly, insecurity causing him to glance away, and wonder why he was here to begin with. “Um… “

Sasha tilted her head, studying the man before her. He seemed so angry... so out of place, and seemed to want to control everything. What had happened to him, to lead him to this sort of life? Who had hurt him, that he didn't want to give anyone else power? How strange... She let him talk himself out.

"Given that I believe you were talking with Master Jamie, you do know the main goal of our mission. Patrick may have turned me in this direction, but I worked hard to come up with research, facts, and the like. You're welcome to look through my Journals, and sketchpad. They will tell you all you wish to know. However" She paused a moment, thoughtful, "If you're asking me to see the future, I apologise, that is not where my talents lie. Does not knowing the future stop this? No, like anything else, we go and we do our best. I want to help the island, Mr Astra. That is my goal. To help the island."

She fell silent another moment or two, before continuing, “I believe that they are coming from the island. Most, if not all, of the disasters have been the result of magic, and I traced the origin to the sea, and in the direction of where the island was last reported to be. Right now, it does not matter to me… I am going to that island, and if you disagree, then I’d love to see you stop me” She said, her tone rather passionate, her expression serious.

“I will protect the island. I may not bare the mark, but I will fight for my Fairy Tail heritage, and right now, that’s this island.”

Penny was silent, watching Damien go for a moment before following him. She leaped down off the roof without fear, and with a quick blast of power, she slowed her fall and landed quite gracefully. She followed him, silent still.

She honestly, even know, had no idea why she’d been made an S class. She’d done what was required of her… and that was it. She sighed softly, entering the room, but didn’t want to sit, instead she leaned against the wall, shifting slightly.

She didn’t know what to say, and she looked away. Even now, two months later, it still hurt. And probably would forever. “There’s too much going on” She said softly, “Everywhere”

Jamie turned slightly at the sense of something... potentially deadly happening, spying Ariel with another girl, and in that moment, a tremendous amount of magic entered the air, and Jamie was moving towards the small group, even as the girl seemed to disappear. Or rather, be absorbed by Ariel. Jamie cursed lightly.

There was still so much she didn’t understand… so much she needed to understand, and something had gone on here that wasn’t anything she had ever seen. And yet, it was also something she had seen plenty of times. Just, different.

Jamie flicked a glance towards Jarvis, but didn’t stop her movement towards Ariel, “Give her some space” Jamie said at once, “Don’t use magic.”

@CirusArvennicus@Joshua Tamashii@Demon Shinobi@YipeeXD@Crimson Raven@Zarkun@Burthstone
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Royse teleported back to the city gates, stuffing the teleportation lacrima back into her pockets. She had used far less magic than expected for that trip, and the teleportation was precise without much interference. The one who created this orb must be a seasoned mage. Rather than heading to the guild hall right away, the archer feels that sightseeing across the streets of Magnolia would be a better idea.

"Sorry--" Royse had accidentally bumped onto a passerby clumsily while making a turn for the streets corner. He was a kid about half her age. He ran away upon seeing her, perhaps it was because of her right eye. No, it was because of this... Tightening the bandages around her eye socket, she could still feel her fresh wound throbbing in pain. It was rather awkward being the one to scare kids like that. Still it was nothing as compared to what she did in Crocus, on how she killed some of the slavers right in front of the childrens. She grasped her bow so tightly that her hand turned white. If it wasn't for Mithera, I would've slaughtered everybody in the warehouse...

She relaxed her grip and let out a steady breath as the signboard of the Phoenix Wing guild was within sight. 1 million for one eye, Royse pondered whether that quest was worth the money, despite rescuing the kidnapped kids. She entered the guild hall after buying a lemonade from a nearby stall, sitting by a table as she took a rest from the whole trip.
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