Ferrin Astra
Tenrou Team -
A Day to Remember
A Day to Remember
Direct interaction:
That spell might have had been a big bigger then Ferrin had intended. Aether was great and all, but it's compounding power made it difficult to control destructive energies. Even ice, which was pretty tame as they go. Nothing like the wild, untamed energy of fire or lightning. Despite the fair warning, Time Lord was slow to get away.
Normally, Ferrin might have felt bad for accidentally injuring a comrade. But in this state, any remorse barely cause a ripple on the void of his mind.
"Get out of the way next time." He stated calmly as he dashed passed him.
He pulled in a wide arc, keeping what he hoped was a safe distance, between him and the now-pissed dragon, while he could also keep track of the chaos of the battle, keeping track of events with all the calm ease of writing a grocery list.
Karn, the two-souled chimera slayer, had turned into a copy of the dragon and went on the offensive. If he had to guess, the slayer would not be able to sustain that form long, and the drain on his magic was probably incredible. He would tire himself out too fast. They? Themselves? Whatever.
He made mental note to also stay out of the way of those poison attacks from the other two-souled Slayer. Zero and Zenoram, in no particular order. Truth be told, Ferrin's magical defenses did not extend to poison, something he had spend long and fruitless hours trying to fix. He had to be extra cautious around them.
A great number of their group were milling in confusion, fear, or simple indecision, not sure what to do. A momentary feeling of frustration flashed, before being consumed. He would just have to work twice as hard to see them all through.
It wasn't their fault, not all of them had the level of experience Ferrin had gained. In fact, had he not been deep in the Heart of Steel, he might have envied them. He wouldn't wish the things he had experienced on another, not even his worst enemy. But, those experiences had forged the man he was today, whether he was proud of them or not.
He felt the sudden rush of fire magic from Ariel, even over all the other conflicting energies from the nearly two-baker's-dozen other wizards. He blinked, surprise flicking across his state of mind, as he quickly placed the magic. Phoenix Slayer. She must have picked it up from Penny. First his Aether, and now Slayer? Just how many powerful magics had the poor girl's body sustained? He felt, again, that unexplained surge of protectiveness which, too, was quickly was swallowed by the void. He set it aside. Now wasn't the time to puzzle that particular connection out.
Karns! Move back! A faint mental command from Ferrin via a short range telepathy was all the warning they would get. He paused a beat to give them that moment, and if they did, he snapped his fingers again. This time, activating the second part of the Frost Nova spell. "Tremble!" He shouted. Responding to his magic, the shattered and melted shards of ice each detonated in a heatless blast of silvery energy, like a series of firecrackers. Each individual blast was relatively small, but the collective force was considerable. A shockwave flew out, inevitably throwing up sand and dust.
"I think all I did was piss it off." He muttered.
But things were going well, by the veteran's opinion. With the assembled might of all the wizards present, they might actually stand a chance of ending this before--
More roars shook the sky and the earth and the water.
The Aether wizard skidded to a stop, his heart sinking. No.
More dragons dropped in.
A jet black dragon that materialized out of shadows.
A bird-like dragon, swooping in out of the sky.
A poisonous purple and evil looking dragon that slurped up the poison slayer's magic.
And a lethal, powerful, shining white dragon that landed not far from Ferrin and fixed it's golden gaze on him.
Gulp. Four.
Five total. Five dragons. He was giving orders before he realized it. "Group up! Group up! Don't take a dragon on alone! He gestured with his sword. "Support the Dragonslayers, they are our best chance of survival! Anyone with flight or decent anti-aero magic, engage that Sky Dragon! Don't let it pick us off from above! Amaya, help the Karns and the Fire Slayer with that Fire drake! Light magic on that Shadow Dragon! Zero! Zenoram! You need to play defense with that Poison dragon or this will be a short fight! Clean up it's poison! And- Whatever else he was going to say was interrupted as the white dragon opened it's maw and took a deep breath.
Ferrin didn't even have time to curse, though one leapt to his lips. His heels dug into the sand as he threw himself to the side, just as a brilliant beam of light shot past him, faster then he could blink. His eyes watered with pain from it's brightness, forcing him to look away. It wasn't a full-power breath attack, otherwise, he would have been dead for sure. But it was awfully close. The wards on his coat lite up, detecting the harmful magic, and powering up to meet it. Fortunately, unlike other breaths, the white dragon's didn't expand: instead it simply and indiscriminately bored through anything and everything in it's path, carving a perfectly round funnel across the landscape and out of sight. Had it expanded, Ferrin knew for a fact he would be dead. He didn't think his magical defenses could withstand even a glancing blow from a moderate breath attack. His coat would disintegrate, and his body right after. At least he wouldn't even feel it. Cheery thought. ”Hey!” He shouted at the dragon. ”Talking is a free action!”
Speed, then, was his friend in this fight. He quickly regained his footing and martialed his thoughts for a spell. "Aether-enhanced: High Speed!" His misty silver aura redoubled as he cast the buff upon himself. The dragon was now between him and the rest of the group, just about cutting him off. Don't take a Dragon on alone! His words from seconds ago came back to him as an ironic echo. No help for that. He had to stay alive until the others could come to his aid.