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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Meanwhile, I'm just over here, waiting for Cryptik and/or Undying to get their collab post done.
SwordfishKnight said
[...] The list is mostly based off of activity in this thread.

You underestimate the power of lurking.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrance

As it turned out, the newly-arrived Third Year had meant to check out the school, seeing as it was his first day here - but decided to put if off for now with a smile, it seemed. Glancing back toward the school as he spoke, Kotori gave a small nod in understanding before facing him again as he gestured toward the street that just about every other student that passed them had been headed for. "I'll lead on then," she confirmed before stepping forward - this time without bumping into her senpai. Luckily enough, the crowd seemed to be dying down slowly, making the way from school a lot easier to navigate - though that didn't stop Kotori from keeping her shopping list gripped tightly and held to her chest, just to be sure not to lose it again.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping Complex

"...and that leads us here," Kotori finished, not being much of a smalltalker having instead simply pointed out the most important places and streets along the way until they reached the mall; stopping a few steps after entering and taking a small breath before turning to look back at Toma whom she'd been leading through town. "Is there anything else you need here, or just groceries?" she asked, as now would most likely be the most opportune time for someone who was new in town to get whatever they might still be needing, seeing as they were already in the mall; making it only a small detour for Kotori if there was such a need.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrace

Following both her questions being answered in turn, Kotori returned the bow as the Third Year introduced himself, too - as one Tanaka, Toma. "Nice to meet you as well, Tanaka-senpai," she said before breathing an inaudible sigh as he reassured her that he, too, was fine after the small bump. Standing up straight once again, she looked up at the track jacket wearing third year - and concluding, even after a closer inspection, that she indeed did not recognise him at all. Not that she knew every student in the school - but she'd assumed that she might have at least seen him once or twice in passing before, but no such luck.

Judging by that, he was either one of the types that simply didn't draw much attention - a little hard to believe considering his height - or that he'd transferred in just recently. Her silent pondering came to an end when the one in question spoke up again. At his question, Kotori glanced down at the list in her hand - and probably the source of his inquiry. Before she could answer with more than a simple nod, he already bowed down - and both asked her if she could show him where the grocery store was and confirmed that he was, indeed, a transfer student; and one as recent as just today as well.

"Yes," she belatedly answered his first question in words rather than just a gesture before giving another small bow; missing the brief change in colour of his cheeks in doing so. "It wouldn't be a bother at all, Senpai. I was just headed there myself," Kotori said, truthfully and unsurprisingly, before straightening herself again. No sense in leaving a stranger to Warakuma to stumble about with his surroundings unknown, after all. "Shall we get going or did you need something first?" she then asked - only now realising that she didn't even know quite why the Third Year was heading toward school when it had only just finished, thereby making their little collision possible in the first place.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrance

Having held her eyes closed the whole time she'd been bowing, it was only once Kotori realised that the person before her was actually speaking to her that she opened them again. The voice tipped her off to the fact that the person she'd bumped into was a boy - the track jacket he wore showing him to be a student here at Warakuma High; though the low angle made it impossible for Kotori to see which year.

Hearing his words, Kotori stood up straight again before shaking her head, followed by a nod. "No, I'm sorry I wasn't looking. Yes, I'm alright," she said - only then spying the year badge on the jacket's collar, which turned out to be surprisingly high up given his height, identifying the one before her as a third year and, therefore, her senpai; making the entire incident even more embarassing. At the words he spoke thereafter, nodding at the paper in her hand, Kotori glanced down at the grocery list in her hand; having momentarily forgotten about it.

"Ah, I was just lucky, that's all, Senpai" she answered, truthfully - considering that it would probably have been next to impossible to pick it back up with the crowd all about them otherwise. Realising that she didn't even know her Senpai's name, Kotori bowed once again - not in apology this time, but rather in greeting. "I'm Kotori Shirohane, Second Year," she introduced herself before standing back up straight and having a brief quizzical look come over her face as she tried to place the Third Year's face to anyone she knew but couldn't come up with anything. "You aren't hurt either, are you... Senpai?" she then asked - with a brief pause just long enough to make it obvious that she was also asking his name by indicating that she didn't know it.
vancexentan said
Due to me not really knowing what to do with Jace at the moment and none of my roleplays being active I'm more are less bored out of my mind right now. I'm only really posting this because of the aforementioned anyone in the same boat?

Have Jace walk into someone. Proven to be 100% effective at meeting people!
Well, looks like Sachiko's weapon of choice is actually a gun. Because it looks like shots...

...have been fired.
Actually, that sounds terrifying in itself. Not for the one running, but for the one being run into. Or over, more likely.
...thinking about it, who wouldn't be terrifying to walk into?
When in doubt, walk into people. Works every time.
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