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Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Classroom 2-2

At the ring of the bell, the last teacher of the day for class 2-2 looked up at the clock, only then realising that it was already so late, before turning back to his class. "Well then, that will be all. You're dismissed," he announced - at which most of the second year students practically jumped to packing their things up and heading straight out of the room; perhaps to meet old and new friends, perhaps to head for equally old or new clubs or perhaps just to head home. In the lattermost group was Kotori Shirohane - though she was in no rush; instead taking her time to neatly pack everything back into her bag before standing up and heading out of the classroom without as much as a word to another classmate; even as some stayed back to talk among each other or to wait for their friends to come meet them. Kotori, however, had no such thing to do.

Warakuma High: Main Entrance

As she passed the large noticeboard near the entrance, Kotori couldn't help but spare it another glance - and was almost surprised to see even more flyers to be hanging there; most of them advertisements for clubs. See the various papers, she only then remembered that she had an errand to run herself, too - moving on slowly, Kotori rummaged through her bag in search of the grocery list her mother had given her that morning; having been asked to pick the items on it up as she was going to be busy with the flower shop back home all afternoon.

Soundlessly repeating all the items on the list once she finally found it and held it up to read, Kotori wasn't paying quite as much attention on where she was walking as she perhaps should have - and promptly walked right into someone who was going in the opposite direction of the large crowd streaming out of the school building. In her surprise, Kotori nearly dropped her only half-read grocery list; barely catching it halfway to falling to the ground before immediately bowing in apology to whoever she had just walked into in her carelessness. "Sorry!" she quickly said, her soft tone of voice almost drowned out in the hustle and bustle of the crowd all around; not even having gotten a look at the face of whoever it was she was apologising to yet.
Well then, time to figure how to get Kotori, prodigal member of the Go Home Club, involved in the going-ons.

And to get a post done sometime tomorrow, I'd estimate.
Sen said
[...] I'm curious about "Missouri" and her "boy cutter", though.

No. No, you really shouldn't be.
Sho Minazuki said
Hm.Whatever happened to that Idol club?Also, I have a sword.

I believe Chiaki was searching for members throughout the lunch break.

Also, I totally do not foresee any possible friction whatsoever between Idol Club and Drama Club. Nope, none at all.
Sen said
So are Sato and Ayano the only ones with ranged weapons? I guess it takes special ability/knowledge/privilege to use ranged weapons like Yukari and Naoto. The only common-ish kind of way to learn a ranged weapon would be Archery club, which Sato is part of, so yeah. Unless one of the characters in this has guns built into their wrists and they're not telling us.

Welp, there go all our secrets.
Oh, and perhaps you could integrate the class roster into the second post. Would be even more informative than just the year everyone is in.
...for some reason, I'm starting to feel that I'm the only one who isn't playing Smash.

Or ever has, for that matter.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrance

Taking a look at the new club openings for her second year at Warakuma High turned out to take quite a bit longer than anticipate, what with all the commotion surrounding the announcement board - and the school as a whole; quite unsurprising seeing as it was the first day of a new year. Though Kotori wasn't actually planning on joining any clubs this year either, she thought it a good idea at least to know what the options might be. Mentally checking off each choice - from sports like Kendo or Soccer over Classical Literature to the more outlandish newly-opening Idol Club - she then turned back to head back to the classroom; her lunchbox still remaining uneaten.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Classroom 2-2

Taking her seat - middle of the second row from the front - and placing her lunchbox before her, Kotori brought her hands together before her, closing her eyes for a moment before actually starting. As she ate, she glanced about the classroom - which was severely depopulated during the lunch break; most of her classmates seeming to prefer spending their lunch break out and about, perhaps with their clubs, perhaps in the cafeteria or perhaps elsewhere entirely. Either way, it meant that Kotori could pass her lunch break in peace and quiet - much like class itself had, courtesy of her not knowing any of her new classmates by anything more than in passing if at all. That wasn't all that bad, however - considering that most of the people whom she knew of from school tended to be those whose names circled around often enough by word of mouth to be memorised.

Shifting her gaze out the window and to the sky above Warakuma, Kotori thought of the various clubs she'd seen advertised down at the notice board - but with a small sigh pushed up her glasses that had shifted a little throughout the morning as she came to the conclusion that, this year again, she wasn't going to be joining any before packing up her finished lunchbox; placing it back in her bag and instead taking out her books for the next lesson - and starting to read a little therein ahead of time. After all, there was little harm in getting familiar with the material.
I-Am-X said
Class 2-2!Helps gets some more interaction in that class.XD

2-2 it shall be then.
Kissu said
Sho handled the class rosters, so you should ask him.Although the important question remains; is Kotori a first or second year?

I'd say second year - leaving the options of class 2-1 or 2-2. Or 2-3 because screw everything.
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