Name: Tanaka Toma
Age: 18

Appearance Description:His most prominent feature is his height, as he stands at 185 cm, just a touch under 6'1. His overall appearance tends to be disheveled, as he finds himself with little time to put much effort into looking tidy. His rusty-red hair is always a scraggly mess, and he prefers wearing an unzipped track jacket over a plain t-shirt with matching track pants.
Even when he has to dress up more formally, such as wearing his uniform to school, he keeps it as loose and casual as possible, unbuttoning and unzipping everything he can. Despite his aversion to professionalism and general stuffy-ness in his clothing, he has a fondness for plain, dark-colored ties, and always wears one to school. Loosely, of course.
Arcana: Justice
Personality:Toma is a stoic young man, who tends to gives off a 'cool older brother' kind of vibe - he strives to be approachable, reliable, and someone who others look up to. He's fairly social and is often willing to help out any who ask, even at his own expense.
Though he is hyper-competitive, he's never a sore-loser unless he believes cheating or dishonesty was involved in the event. He does his absolute best to get the highest marks possible, and he loves playing any sport, with soccer being the one he's played most. When he isn't studying or playing around with balls, he spends his time playing competitive multi-player games.
Seeing as he has very little free time, his gaming cuts into his sleep every night. It is very rare that he gets more than three hours of shut-eye a day, and his face shows his lack of sleep. Despite this, he somehow finds enough energy everyday to function properly. Usually.
When he sees others upset or caught in a bad situation, he often takes action to try to fix the problem without knowing all the facts and details. This sometimes causes him to come off as condescending and presumptuous, and at worst as a downright insensitive jerk.
He takes extreme issue with bullying and those who just generally try to make life harder for others. These instances are the only time he shows much emotion, and more often than not, it's anger. He feels compelled to protect those who can't protect themselves, but his rage can cause him to take it too far - there have been a few times in his past where he has gotten violent.
Equipment/Skills: His stamina and over all strength is very good, letting him be physically active for hours on end. He's tried various martial arts during his life, and still tries to find some time for Judo. Fights with grapples, kicks, and elbow-length gauntlets that double as knuckle dusters.
Background:Toma's history revolves almost exclusively around his younger brother, Taiki. Their ages were barely a year apart, meaning they were very close growing up. Toma was the more outgoing and independent one of the two, while his brother was far quieter and reclusive.
It seemed as though, from the moment Taiki entered school, he was a target for bullying. Taiki would tell Toma about it, and, more than once, Toma punched one of the kids Taiki had told him about. Eventually, kids in the school were afraid enough of Toma that they stopped picking on Taiki. But they also stopped interacting with Taiki at all, making it impossible for the shy boy to make any friends.
When Toma left the school for Middle school, the bullying against Taiki came back with a vengeance. Knowing it was his fault for having dealt with it so terribly, Toma tried his best to comfort his brother, telling him it would get better next year, when the boy would start Middle School.
Taiki's lackluster marks meant he wasn't able to attend the same school as Toma. At first, Toma wasn't too worried about not being able to protect his brother, as he had seen that his 'methods' hadn't really worked anyways. On top of that, Taiki would be surrounded by completely new kids, who would be able to see him for the nice guy that he was.
Those thoughts proved to be too optimistic, as more stories about Taiki being bullied came up. Toma couldn't understand why. Why was Taiki always the one targeted? Why did others seem to only want to make his life miserable? The more he thought about the unfairness of it all, the angrier he got. He became a bitter person, who only showed kindness to his brother. Toma had few friends because of his attitude, but that fact was something he didn't often thought about, as he was too focused on Taiki.
But then Toma started high school, his life got much busier, and his brother's situation started to seem normal. Mundane. After having spent so much time and energy reassuring and trying to help his brother to no avail, he began to care less, telling himself that the problem would solve itself eventually. He still spent time talking with Taiki, but the talks became fewer and fewer.
The two drifted apart over the next three years, and Taiki spiraled further into depression, eventually committing suicide at the age of 16.
Toma was devastated, and he receded from the world. A few months passed, and during this time Toma became the person he is now. After getting over the shock and numbness he felt from losing his best friend, he decided he would do everything in his power to help and protect those that needed it.
Eventually, he and his parents moved to Warakuma, to leave behind the bad memories.
Persona: Cottus
