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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay then, Persona RP time! In a nutshell, the lovely little town of Warakuma is experiencing a bit of a Badly-Behaved-Teenager-itis epidemic. Since this is a tad unusual, quite a few people are concerned about this, but can't really do much about it. Because, really, what's even the cause? How do you cure cults? Who's doing the brainwashing? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

Unbeknownst to the world at large, however, the true cause isn't something... normal. See, it turns out there's another world out there. A world that can only be accessed under certain conditions. See, all you need is a large mirror, magic powers, and or something with said magic powers to shove you inside, and voila! You're inside the Reverse World. Or Mirror World. Or Flip-Floppity Land.
Putting that aside, this place is quite dangerous, as it's teeming with 'Shadows'. They're pretty horrible monsters that would very much like to devour you. If you want to have any chance of surviving, you're going to need to evoke the power of Persona. How do you do that, you ask? Well... you'll know, once you need to know.
For now, here's some rules for ya.

Standard 'No God-Moding', No harrassment', 'no meta-gaming' etc. stuff applies.

One character and user per Tarot, if only to enforce diversity... If it gets late in the roleplay and no ome makes that arcana, then sure, make an app for it.

Relatedly, stick to Personas within your arcana, please. If you're using someone or something that's not been Persona'd before, try and have them match the typical traits of the arcana as closely as possible.

No Maragadyning things from the very beginning, please.

Gms help forward the story and such... We also sort of know what we are doing, so mind listening to us. The gms are-

Sho Minazuki
Now then... the current list of available Arcana:

Note: Given the high number of available arcana, I'd rather we add to the list gradually, instead of unleashing an army of Persona users. While you can still make a claim, it may be a while before you can use a Persona. Of course, I'll make sure there's other things to do when not spelunking alien worlds. Plus, feel free to play a non-Persona user. That should make things... varied.

Also, if your an inactive persona user and you come back after quite some time, you might either be sharing an arcana with someone or be a non-persona user due to factors. If you do quit, you will be a npc.
And now, have a sign-up sheet.



Appearance: Pictures and descriptions accepted.




Background: Backstory stuff here. Not entirely necessary, really.



Mirror World Dungeon Apps - This is mandatory for those who didn't get the pm by the way, because they are essential to forwarding the plot.

Name of Dungeon:

Describe what the outside looks like:

Describe what the inside looks like:

What does your shadow/mirror selves say when you deny it: ((It always shall start off with "I am a shadow, the true self." before going into boss mode while saying a few more words))

What does your "True Self" look like:

What are its abilities:
Okay then... any questions?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Sutoraiki Kaminari

Age: 18

Living up to the family name?

Ignore the most of the police crap on him. He only has a normal blue shirt, with a black undershirt, a neck tie, and pants. This is usually what he is wearing when he isn't wearing a school uniform.

Arcana: Emperor

Personality: A calm and collected individual who is more known for his family's rep. He decided to try to follow what he thought he loved to do the most - Detective Work. He is an avid fan of Murder Mystery novels, and often wants to jabber about them as much as possible. Thankfully he keeps that swelling feeling inside of him, and remains serious, even when talking with others.

Although he is a calm and collected indivual, he can often sometimes become... Rather panicky when pressured. This is made worse when his father expects him to live up to his family's name, and its now causing him to rethink his options. Despite his nervousness, he has a rather big heart, and is willing to talk it out with almost anyone.

Equipment/Skills: He has basic police training thanks to his dad, and is one of the more athletic students in the school. He also has had some Kendo training.

Equipment - Stun Baton.

Background: Kami was born to a long line of detectives, officers, you name it, and was expected to live up to his family's name. Although he finds this to be a lot of pressure, he enjoyed solving the crimes in the books his father bought, gradually growing his interest in the "family business." He went through his whole life, preparing for the moment he would become and investigator. He made a few friends, but he sometimes contacts them to see how they're doing. The boy has recently began helping his father with one of his newest cases though.

He was recently beckoned by his father to help him out with his newest case - the teenagers and some random cult. He thought it would be easy, he thought it would eventually blow over... But after actually doing some investigating, he is feeling the pressure on his back pushing him down. He doesn't want to disgrace his family name, but the case isn't going anywhere.

The panic of this case could be getting to him, as he is begining to have strange dreams each night. He wonders what it could all mean with the blue room, the weird old dude, and that hot chick he saw every night in his dreams.

He has also recently turned 18 (in the roleplay).

Persona: Zeus

Should of made his Persona look like He-Man for the lolz :P


Zio: Deal a small amount of electricity damage to an enemy.

Arm Chopper: Deal a small amount of physical damage to an enemy, with a chance of causing fear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Teiji Ishihara


Appearance: Star Shocked

Arcana: Star

Personality: Quite a cheerful person, who hardly ever seems down about anything, unless it comes to math where his mood goes down the drain in a heartbeat. Some people tend to get annoyed by his positive outlook on life, mostly when something negative happens to Teiji, he seemingly just shrugs it off, which is something they for some reason can’t stand. Teiji is also not one to back down from a challenge, seemingly taking everything head on, even math. The one thing however that he fears and would never go on purpose go near, are insects. Teiji is terrified of insects, after having a bad experience with them as a child, he tries his best to avoid the creatures. However despite this flaw, he still attempts to get everyone to always shrug off the little things, and not worry about them.

Equipment/Skills: Was taught a bit about how to use spears when he was young, by his grandfather, so he has decent experience with polearms. Is also great at sorting things in order, although this is mainly due to having ocd

Background: Around the age of nine, Teiji was sent to live with his grandfather, while his father and step mom had issues to work out. His grandfather was one of those people that thought children should take it upon themselves to learn something new. So his grandfather handed him a wooden pole and then instructed him in the ways of using one, of course the man didn’t believe the child would ever need this, but he thought it would be a nice little activity for the child, and seemingly Teiji loved it, despite whacking himself numerous times. This only lasted for a few months, where his parents had worked things out and took him back home, but due to Teiji’s respect for his grandfather, his parents agreed to let him visit him every now and then.

Over the years he visited his grandfather learning quite a bit, yet sadly when Teiji turned fifteen his grandfather passed away, yet left Teiji his own hand crafted spear, which Teiji hangs in his room to this date. Teiji of course was saddened by this, yet still went about his school life with a positive outlook, ever so confident to conquer math one day. Teiji also happens to be a member of the soccer club, finding it a fun way to pass his time.

Persona: Kartikeya

Appearance: Kartikeya

Single Shot- Deals light damage
Bufu- Deals light ice damage
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

So you restarting it yourself?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Kato Usagi

Age: 18


Arcana: XIV Temperance

Personality: A spacey and excitable young man whose in his final year of high school, barely scrapping by due to him being Narcoleptic. For the few half hours he's wide awake he is cheerful and kind and also speaks very carefree and often changing topics mid-sentence. But he becomes irritable and grumpy when he's about to fall asleep, and he passes out from any time from five minutes to two hours. Often waking up confused and still sleepy for a few minutes then he back to normal. For school and life he tries his best but he fears all his hard work will be naught as he feels his narcolepsy will take over his life. He's also very carious and likes to know the truth in stuff around him, going as far as he can to figure stuff out, but he knows his limits. When he's about to sleep he has a dark sense of humour. But also seems to carry a sense of duty when he talks seriously almost like a completely different person when duty calls or if he can help somebody in need.

Equipment/Skills: decent runner but had to quit track and field due to his narcolepsy, clever when he's wide awake, taught first aid from his nurse mother.

Background: His life before was average before he turned 12, he slept normally and have normal parents and a older sister. But when he turned 13 his life started to become a mess. He started to sleep in at mornings and miss school and when he did make it to class he slept though almost every single class and test. Often failing them and being the laughing stock of the classroom bullies. But the bullies didn't last long as his sister often black mailed them to leave him alone, but he was none the wiser and he just thought they moved onto somebody else. But he decided to do his best to not sleep all the time, but the older he got the harder this gets to do. His sleeping spells went from every three to four now to every hour or two. He was sent to a doctor in his second year of high school, which he was diagnosed with Narcolepsy which was obvious to everybody. His parents didn't know what to do or say so they often ignored it or leave him be when he sleeps. But his sister wouldn't have it, she did everything in her power to help him no matter if it was homework or how he feels about his sleeping habits and even trying to wake him up every morning to go to school. His sister was the only reason he even passed third year. But something happen much to the family horror. The supposed personality shift that been affect teens has infected her. The once clever and gentle young woman has became cold as winter and cruel to her family and friends. Because they couldn't handle her new shift in personality their parents sent her away to live by herself. Kato was devastated by this, he vowed to know why that happened to her and if he can reverse this shift, or at least stop it from infecting anyone else.

Persona: Hypnos


Abilities: Dia, Bufu
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


We're restarting it ourselves?

Also told you I'd open the interest.

I can take over this RP and write a story for it though if that is what you guys would prefer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Noboru Yamamoto



Appearance: Noboru is short, standing at 5 foot 3. He is a relatively lightweight child, but makes up for it by building every bit of muscle in his body, resulting in a thin, but well muscled man. his hair color is lighter than black, but darker than gray. his face is relatively average, with his nose being rather short, and having a well defined jawline. On his chin stands a small amount of hair stubble, but his upper lip is well shaved.


Personality:Noboru is a brave teenager and usually relies on himself and lets others rely on him, but is prone to throwing tantrums when he can't fix a problem by himself. He is rather dull and prefers exercising his muscles to exercising his brain. He tries to befriend most people he comes across never trying to give up on being their friend.

Equipment/Skills:heavy duty sports tape, Skilled in wrestling and boxing, Very strong.

Background: Born the fourth and final child to a retired singing father and a choreographing mother, Noboru was raised trying to learn how to sing and dance. His parents realizing that he was hopeless in these talents around the age of eight, gave up on him and focused more on his siblings. Unfazed by this, Noboru replaced the time his parents used to spend with him teaching how to dance and sing with working out and exercising his body. Any chance he could get, Noboru would be exercising, instead of studying for school. Not wanting others to feel alone as he did due to his parents, Noboru tries to befriend others at very high costs. When he got into high school, Noboru immediately joined the wrestling team, hoping to become the captain. In his off time, Noboru practices boxing.

Persona: Atlas

Abilities:Kill Rush, Counter

Here is Noboru.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name:Aiko & Akari Yamamoto (Twins) AIko-Male, Akari-Female

Age: 18

Appearance:The Fabulous Twin Duo!


Personality:Being twins, Aiko and Akari are very similar. They both have a similar flair for the dramatic, opposite of the down to earth Noboru. They love to make fun of their youngest brother when they get the chance, not knowing when to truly stop it. They are rather defensive of other people making fun of him, but this is more of a "My punching bag not yours" kind of attitude.

Equipment/Skills:Acting and Singing.
Akari-Acting, Aiko-Singing.

Background: Born as the eldest twins of a famous singer and actor, they are perfectly talented at everything their parents are, if not more.


Here is the twins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cerberus0807


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Fion Galon

Age: 17


Arcana: Justice

Personality: Fion is a fairly cheerful and slightly shy guy by nature but he rarely does what he likes around others unless he get's to know them first. Often he will pretend to be someone else because if he's not accepted as someone he isn't it's different then not being accepted for who he is. Often this means he will dress up like a video game or anime character and act like how they would. Though despite this when he meet's someone new he will try to become friends with them and will make it clear he acts like a fictional character because he thinks it's fun. He is a friendly person as well and will never attempt to cos-play like a villainous character he thinks that if he can help someone he will.

Equipment/Skills: Has knowledge of various styles of swordplay and techniques.Starts with a wooden sword. Quick reflexes, and quick witted.


Persona: Lugh


Abilities: Cleave, Agi, Dia.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sho Minazuki said
So...We're restarting it ourselves?I can take over this RP and write a story for it though if that is what you guys would prefer.

Well some of us were going to discuss it tomorrow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ayano Wakahisa

Age: 17

Appearance: Enjoying solitude...

Arcana: Hermit

Personality: A rather gloomy and brooding person by nature, Ayano doesn't really talk much and prefers it stays that way. When she's outside-a thing she does so very rarely-you'll often see her staring at the ground when walking and she usually has a troubled or discontent look on her face. One thing she keeps on demanding is for people to leave her alone, as she prefers to lock herself up in her own room. On the Internet however, her personality becomes a complete inverse of what she is, adopting an alias known as Yanary who stalks image boards and art-sharing sites, she herself runs a blog that is mostly filled with video game content. As Yanary, she masquerades as someone who is very cheerful, upbeat and overall a nice person who welcomes others with an open heart.

Equipment/Skills: Ayano is rather efficient in the world of computers, she has some basic understanding of hacking and coding but don't expect her to plant or create a virus somewhere.

Background: Ayano grew up in a simple home, she had the basics a family had: A mother, a father and a sibling or two. She had friends, was excelling in school and overall everything was fine.

Things changed during middle school though, as Ayano faced the cruelty of bullying. She was practically the center of it all, they'd talk behind her back and would even threaten to kill her if she didn't do something that appealed to them. Eventually, she took it all to heart and considered herself to be the worst person to ever live off the face of the Earth. She didn't fight back, it'd only get worse. She tried telling a teacher, it didn't do much. She told her parents, it only lasted a day.

As time went on, she became bitter and thought that her only real friends were the ones she made online. They listened to every problem she had and thought she was a good friend. She retreated into the Internet whenever she had a bad day and would just forget everything that happened.

Nowadays she's heard some freaky rumor about teenagers suddenly changing personalities and how its connected to this 'Mirror World' she heard about...

Persona: Dantalion

Appearance: A thousand faces, one mind.

Welp, here we are.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sato’s Theme
Rokoru's Theme
Mika's Theme
Yuki's Theme
Sato’s Dungeon Theme
Sato’s Boss Theme
Boss Theme (SIDE A)
Battle theme (SIDE A)
Warakuma Highschool
Warakuma Highschool, On Break
Warakuma Highschool, After Classes
Warakuma Highschool, Chilly Days
Warakuma Highschool, Beautiful Days
Warakuma Shopping Complex
Warakuma Shopping District
Warakuma High Archery Club
Warakuma High Drama Club
Hashimoto Residence
Itou Cafe
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

What's wrong with discussing it as we repost our characters?

Do any of you have ideas what to do with this?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I'm... only reposting my character if we can work something out for Midori. I'd rather not force Roxas to stay in for one thing and she does kind of need to be yandere... it's easy enough to edit names in posts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Roxas leaving this RP hanging lost it it's story, a valueable NPC, and a unified organisation. All we are are just players. For instance Midori, your character lost Akemi to Roxas' absence, which was pretty important for your character.

The RP needs to be rewritten and taken up by someone else, or a new one just gets made. You can't finish a puzzle if one piece is not there, so you either build a new one, or rework to fill that gap.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I don't want to do an NPC for her to be obsessed with, but I don't want to post her until something is worked out first. If nothing works out there's no real point in posting her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

VitaVitaAR said
I don't want to do an NPC for her to be obsessed with, but I don't want to post her until something is worked out first. If nothing works out there's no real point in posting her.

Just talk it out with Roxas through pms. If worse comes to worse we can give her character to someone else to control.

Same goes for those wanting to be admins... We are possibly going to need a triumvirate of them... Maybe different timezones, and such just in case we have different restraints. Either way since I can edit the main post, I'll probably be one of the three.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think the most important thing to do right now is to focus on making progress, not on making ambitious plots or any such business. We need to keep the little moments going, or everyone's going to lose interest and leave before we can even think of the bigger stuff.
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