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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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SwordfishKnight said
Yes. She is. Let's hope she doesn't get the wrong idea about Chiaki and Noboru.

A half-naked boy comes running out of a room with a blushing girl in tow who presses his apparent clothes into his hands - with loud music having been coming from the room just previously?

Nope, no wrong ideas to be had there at all.

SwordfishKnight said
Also, would you prefer Noboru interact with the now mentally scarred Kotori?

Considering her apparent Ecchi-Protag status, I'd say we'd need at least half an episode worth of misunderstandings to follow.

On the other hand, given that she'd probably just head off into town and thus would have to employ the age old technique of Walking Into People (100% effective!) for interaction - it would probably be convenient, if Noboru isn't planning on pulling a dramatic run-after-the-girl moment. Also, for hilarity's sake.
SwordfishKnight said
[...] Goddamit Kotori you see a man shirtless and don't even have the decency to say hi?

> Kotori
> See someone topless without even wanting to
> Get accused of lack of decency

Kotori is an ecchi anime/manga protagonist?
Kotori Shirohane, master of being in the wrong place at the right time. And stealth.

Sen said
[...] But Sato was never a bara, and that was the only reason I endorsed the Bara Brigade! I only now realize my fault.

He who endorses the Bara Brigade should look to it that he himself does not become a bara. And when you gaze long into yaoi the yaoi also gazes into you.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Friday, April 10 2015 - After School

Letting the usual hustle immediately following the dismissal of class after the final hour die down before even just getting up, Kotori remained at her seat for a few minutes following the class-ending bell; going over her notes of the day. Much as expected, the classes were starting to begin in earnest - the easy-going introductory period following a new year's beginning having started to subside in favour of the normal everyday tidings; a routine starting to establish itself - both in terms of classes as well as clubs. Kotori meanwhile had abstained from joining any - having politely declined any would-be recruiters and paying no further mind to the various recruitment posters all throughout the school. Rather than be preoccupied with such things, Kotori rather just circled the various material she intended to look at over the weekend as well as the homework that was going to be due before closing her notebook; placing it back in her school bag.

Looking up and adjusting her glasses as she did so, she noticed that the classroom had become nearly devoid of students - the most of the remaining ones being there to hang out with their classmate friends or, like herself, to get their schoolwork in order. Standing up, school bag in hand, Kotori would give a simple polite nod in greeting if any happened to look up as she passed them on her way out of the classroom. Given her lack of obligations to either meetings with friends - the closest thing to such being the occasional wave or hello when someone such as the the new-to-town senpai happened to greet her in the hallways - or club activities, Kotori's next destination was clear - home.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School

Looking into her bag while walking through the hallway, Kotori checked a mental list of things she had in terms of school material - and coming up short a notebook and a pen; two things she decided to pick up on her way home; it being merely a small detour to the stationery store in the mall after all. Looking back up, she noticed something rather odd - not by seeing, but rather hearing. Glancing about for the source of the music playing, she found and open door not far ahead - only for the music to end before she could even get a look inside as to who was playing it or for what purpose. Instead, voices could be heard - followed by an odd tearing sound and, immediately thereafter, a commanding shout. Confused at the strange sounds, Kotori wasn't even quite at the door when suddenly two figures came out of the room.

It was only at a second glance that Kotori noticed that one of the figures was a female student and the other, in fact, a topless male student. Lacking any knowledge of how such an absurd situation came to be, Kotori immediately hid her face behind her school bag; not wanting to intrude on such a... delicate scene. Still standing a few steps away from the pair, she debated how to proceed - go back and take the long way around? Or just pretend like she had seen nothing? Weighing the two options for a second, Kotori decided against the choice that involved at least two sets of stairs and instead peeked out from behind her back - luckily in time for the boy to have already put on the shirt that the girl had gotten him.

Lowering her bag fully, Kotori stepped slowly started walking - while keeping close to the wall furthest from the unknown-to-her student whilst avoiding drawing any attention to herself and the fact that she had witnessed the previous scene. There was just a slight problem with that - namely, that the rather stiff way she moved and her clear attempt at avoiding any stray glances by practically gluing her eyes to the wall beside her all but screamed unease that made it quite obvious that something was up. And, given that there were few students still about in the hallways, there were also few doubts as to what said something was.
SwordfishKnight said
Hrrrm. Sounds like an interesting idea. The fanservice could definitely pull off well there.

Maidboru. 'nuff said.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2

Checking one last time to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, Kotori gave a small nod to herself before taking her school bag into her hands and heading out of the classroom. The occupants thereof had shrunk considerably in number during the short time she'd remained - not that that came unexpectedly. This way, however, Kotori had little trouble in navigating the classroom or the hallway; giving a small nod in passing if anyone happened to say goodbye as she went by. She was somewhat relieved about these circumstances - it could be quite a pain, trying to press one's way through the masses of students all heading out at the same time. Halfway out, however, an odd commotion drew her attention - warranting at least a quick look at what was going on in the auditorium.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Auditorium

As it turned out, the noise was indeed coming from the auditorium - which was being used as an impromptu stage for, as Kotori remembered from the flyers, an audition for Drama Club. Standing in the doorframe, she couldn't say she recognised any of the auditionees - though it was difficult not to know the apparent head judge and club president, Hamada Leiko who gave a short critique after every performance. Kotori had to give the auditioning students some credit - standing up on a stage under scrutinous eyes was definitely not something she'd ever willingly participate in. As such, just watching was more than enough for her - and even just a few at that; turning away to head back home after listening to barely half a dozen recitals.

As she walked toward the main entrance, Kotori thought about the lines spoken - vaguely familiar, she wordlessly moved her lips to form them, wondering where she'd heard them before.
Sen said
Kotori x Literally a chair

Incidentally, a chair's probably who Kotori's spent most of her time with. But really, Chair's great. Always there to support her. Chair will always wait for her.

...if it weren't for Chair's fascination with butts.
Kissu said
Control yourself, Takaru. The yaoi insanity needs to stop somewhere. [...]

I don't think it's ever going to stop. Not until everyone has been shipped with everyone. And everything, too, probably.
Kissu said
Teiji walks into Jace on the That might be stretching the powers of walking into people a bit too much.

There have been stranger things. Or the pretty much clichéd "Trying to catch that ball and accidentally stumble into someone while doing so." You know, followed by apologies, blushing, dreamy stares and- oh, great, here we go again.

Pudding said
This will be Chiaki.

> Looks at diamond encrusted hello kitty watch
"Where is he? ... I better go have a look for him"
> searches school, fails
"I'll just text him, I'm sure... Sure he's fine"
> message could not be received by recipient
"Omigawshomigawdhomigawsh! PLOOOOOOOOT!"

And here I was, totally expecting her to go "Idol Club Fan Club Search Party: GO!".
Zane620 said
Im here, Ive just literally had nothing to post about.

vancexentan said
I'm more or less in Zane's boat. Do you really want me to move Jace around playing baseball? It seems like trivial fluff but if you really want me to I can get up a post tomorrow.

Have Teiji walk into Jace or vice versa. Guaranteed to be 100% effective!
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