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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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SwordfishKnight said
Dammit Kotori be social.


Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School

The shorter boy's introduction took Kotori by surprise - whilst she'd always been on the taller side, she'd thought that with such a difference, he'd be a first year for sure. It seemed that her surprise was written more clearly on her face than she'd have liked though, as Noboru immediately followed his introduction with just such a remark; leaving Kotori to merely give a wry half-smile at both being caught in thinking exactly that and not wanting to actually outright agree. Either that - or he simply was so used to people commenting about his height that he just got it out of the way right from the start. The presence of two other students went unnoticed by Kotori meanwhile - and they had left for the track club before she had a chance to catch on.

As the shorter boy then asked if they could move elsewhere, Kotori's eyes wandered to the room that he'd come from just before - an understandable reason as to why he was in a bit of a hurry, given his previous state of undress. Seeing as she had no further business at school herself, Kotori quickly nodded before following the quick pace that her fellow Second Year set.

Only slowing down once they were outside and already approaching the school gate, Kotori's breath was going quite a bit faster than before; the brisk pace only barely staying under a light jog for her. Relieved at the more normal walking speed they returned to, her respite only lasted a few seconds before getting surprised yet again this day - by a suddenly approaching female student; a Third Year judging by the insignia on her uniform. Seemingly an acquaintance of Noboru's, she immediately began chatting with him, speaking of clubs; both Noboru's and her own. His drama audition unbeknownst to herself, Kotori simply assumed that the Idol Club had been the one in question that had taken the shorter boy's fancy - and seeing as he'd already told other that he was planning on joining, he was probably a little down about today's outcome.

Having stayed silent throughout the exchange, Kotori blinked in surprise when the Third Year turned to her and apologised for showing up out of nowhere and introducing herself as Class 3-3's Inoue Matsuhita. "Ah, no, it's no bother, Inoue-senpai" Kotori said before giving a bow in return. "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," she introduced herself in turn - only for Noboru's attention to instead wander to the two other students not far off; standing in the direction from which Inoue had come from and, presumably, whom she'd left to get here. Excusing himself, he quickly headed over to them; leaving the two girls behind.

Staying back where she was, Kotori glanced between the three male students - all of which, on closer inspection, shared the trait of physical fitness in variable states of apparentness. A sideways glance to Inoue meanwhile revealed that she, too, looked like she was no stranger to physical training; leaving merely Kotori as the odd one out who had by now recovered from the rather fast walk just moments before. Still standing beside the older girl, Kotori wasn't quite sure what to do - Noboru had said he'd be back, yet she hardly knew what to talk about with her senpai in the meanwhile; leaving her instead to simply remain silent.
SwordfishKnight said
Or better yet, through unexplained shadow world shenanigans, all the baras become females, while all the females become male baras. Bishounens stay the same.

"Once a girl has been created, circumstances will conspire to keep her a girl."

The Laws of Genderbending would spoil that plan.

...but then again, it would technically meant that everyone would... get bent.
SwordfishKnight said
It may have something to possibly do with Noboru's shirt ripping off as if it were a magical girl transformation.

Mahou Shoujoboru Season 1 airing soon?

itano123 said
god damn it i get time of nothing and i get sucked into Aura Kingdom.

so what day is it now?
would kendo club be open?

TrixyTrix said
wondering if any character is alone...
its time for me to get something up..

Common problem, common solution: Run into each other. Guaranteed to be 100% effective!
SwordfishKnight said
The power of love is triumphant over the power of evil. But don't worry, Noboru will get his daily teasing later, of course at an increased scale.

Unwitting Instigation of Doom: Success!

Sen said
Literally running into people is even more 100% effective!

Well, looks like Toma and Kotori are both excellent unwitting instigators of others' dooms by bringing Aiko near Noboru when he's ripe for the bullying.

...and then nothing happens. The shame.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School

Having decided to give the boy the benefit of the doubt, Kotori listened to his now far calmer explanation - which seemed to come as a relief to him, judging by the noticeable sigh he heaved beforehand. Following his words, she at first put her head to a side in silent question - he really didn't look like the kind of person who'd be interested in such a thing as the Idol Clu, but as it would appear, looks could be deceiving. Trying not to bring to mind the shirtless sight yet again, Kotori instead listened on as the boy explained further. The Idol Club - indeed, that would explain why such loud music had been playing and why there was a classroom full of people.

What piqued her wonder, however, was the way he phrased the following part - 'How or who did it?' That made it sound as if it wasn't the first time such a thing happened; or at least that he wasn't completely surprised at the fact that his shirt practically fell apart by itself - something that would very most definitely freak her out if it happened to herself. Either way though, the male student really did appear to be telling the truth - not that she'd really know him to be able to tell if he was lying or not - so that Kotori had little reason not to believe him, even if the story was a little... out of the ordinary. After a few seconds' pause, she finally nodded - and lowered her school bag down fully.

"I believe you," she added in her quiet voice, realising that nodding in response to his last question alone didn't really answer anything. "Does... this sort of thing happen regularly... uhm...?" Kotori asked, slightly concerned about a case of spontaneous shirt-ripping happening in Warakuma - or anything of the like, considering his choice of words previously. Ending the question, her voice trailed off as she realised that she didn't actually know the boy's name or even which year he was in. Immediately following the question with a quick bow as she realised that neither had she introduced herself before asking his name in such a manner. "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," she said before raising her head again - and noticing that she was just tall enough that their heads reached the same height as Kotori lowered hers in such a manner.
Savo said
I think Haru lives somewhere Philippines, and I'm in Las Vegas. You are somewhere I Texas if I recall, Sho is with in Australia or Japan, and Puds is currently in Australia I believe.

Well, guess I'm stuck right in the middle of all you guys, being in Switzerland myself.
SwordfishKnight said
Use the tried and true run in technique. Always works.

100% effective!

Also, I think Kotori just lost her Ecchi-Protag status. After all, who in their right mind ever just goes "Okay, then explain it," instead of running off to the scream of "Perveeeeert!"?
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School

'I saw nothing. I saw nothing. Yes, just a norm-' Kotori's attempt at self-conviction failed the moment the boy spoke up; causing her to practically jump at the sound. Knowing that she could hardly keep pretending now, she slowly bought her eyes from the wall to the now shirt-clad male - though still slowly shuffling on, almost unconsciously. Unsure of what to say in such a situation - in fact, she didn't even know just what the situation was supposed to be or just what he meant with a bad day - she instead gave a nervous attempt at a smile. The net result was, at best, a slight twitch of the lips; unseen due to the way she held up her school bag almost defensively and covering both the lower half of her face and her chest as she did so.

She nearly jumped a second time when the boy suddenly spoke up yet again, immediately going into an attempt at explanation. 'Not what I...? Eh?! A whole classroom?! Bu- tha- wha-?' Luckily for Kotori, she was still clutching her school bag up in front of her - lest the reddening of her cheeks become immediately obvious. Her first instinct was to just apologise for having stumbled into such a thing before hurriedly departing - but at the same time, the somewhat conflicted nature of the explanation held a hint of sincerity in it, as if he really and truly did have some reason and that it was not at all what it looked like. Though it felt a little hard to doubt that, Kotori decided to at least try.

"Uhm..." Kotori tried, her soft voice barely making it past with the way she still was holding her school bag before her - something she only realised a moment later. Lowering it just enough to reveal her face - the reddening thankfully having faded again - fully, she started anew: "Then... what exactly were you doing...?" she asked hesitantly, only now also realising that she didn't know his name - though she still held a distance from the boy as she spoke. It was only now that Kotori actually got a good look at him that she realised that he was surprisingly short - 'A first year?' - though she briefly averted her eyes as she remembered that he still had a well-trained physique nonetheless.

All told, Kotori was at a complete loss at the situation - and just leaving it at that would probably only have made it worse and there really was some innocent explanation for all this. At least, that's what she hoped to be true.
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