Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School
The shorter boy's introduction took Kotori by surprise - whilst she'd always been on the taller side, she'd thought that with such a difference, he'd be a first year for sure. It seemed that her surprise was written more clearly on her face than she'd have liked though, as Noboru immediately followed his introduction with just such a remark; leaving Kotori to merely give a wry half-smile at both being caught in thinking exactly that and not wanting to actually outright agree. Either that - or he simply was so used to people commenting about his height that he just got it out of the way right from the start. The presence of two other students went unnoticed by Kotori meanwhile - and they had left for the track club before she had a chance to catch on.
As the shorter boy then asked if they could move elsewhere, Kotori's eyes wandered to the room that he'd come from just before - an understandable reason as to why he was in a bit of a hurry, given his previous state of undress. Seeing as she had no further business at school herself, Kotori quickly nodded before following the quick pace that her fellow Second Year set.
Only slowing down once they were outside and already approaching the school gate, Kotori's breath was going quite a bit faster than before; the brisk pace only barely staying under a light jog for her. Relieved at the more normal walking speed they returned to, her respite only lasted a few seconds before getting surprised yet again this day - by a suddenly approaching female student; a Third Year judging by the insignia on her uniform. Seemingly an acquaintance of Noboru's, she immediately began chatting with him, speaking of clubs; both Noboru's and her own. His drama audition unbeknownst to herself, Kotori simply assumed that the Idol Club had been the one in question that had taken the shorter boy's fancy - and seeing as he'd already told other that he was planning on joining, he was probably a little down about today's outcome.
Having stayed silent throughout the exchange, Kotori blinked in surprise when the Third Year turned to her and apologised for showing up out of nowhere and introducing herself as Class 3-3's Inoue Matsuhita. "Ah, no, it's no bother, Inoue-senpai" Kotori said before giving a bow in return. "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," she introduced herself in turn - only for Noboru's attention to instead wander to the two other students not far off; standing in the direction from which Inoue had come from and, presumably, whom she'd left to get here. Excusing himself, he quickly headed over to them; leaving the two girls behind.
Staying back where she was, Kotori glanced between the three male students - all of which, on closer inspection, shared the trait of physical fitness in variable states of apparentness. A sideways glance to Inoue meanwhile revealed that she, too, looked like she was no stranger to physical training; leaving merely Kotori as the odd one out who had by now recovered from the rather fast walk just moments before. Still standing beside the older girl, Kotori wasn't quite sure what to do - Noboru had said he'd be back, yet she hardly knew what to talk about with her senpai in the meanwhile; leaving her instead to simply remain silent.