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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Diabolicalrhapsody said
You can do that Sword. If Kotori doesn't want to add in something.

Kotori, of all people, wanting to add something? What is this heresy?!
Floor 50

Standing amidst the front row of the strategising leader of the numerous guilds - both front liners and supporting craftsguilds - stood Thessalia, a thoughtful expression on her face as she took in the various points and counterpoints being thrown about between the others whilst remaining silent herself. Not having missed a single Boss Fight in the entire past year, she was, if not known, at least easily recognised among the frontliners; not only for her ceaseless dedication toward raising both her level and skills but also her continued status as an inreasingly rare solo player despite the ever increasing risk this carried - having turned down every single offer to join a guild, including the leading frontline groups.

Over the past months, Thessalia's equipment too had gone through several changes, even if its overall appearance remained the same. Her one-handed curved sword was longer and thinner than before whilst retaining its only slight curvate; its blade dark grey with a brown leather-wrapped grip. Her light metal armour had gone from rather basic leather overlaid with a few thin metal plates to a hardened black leather layer underneath numerous well-crafted and carefully arranged metal plates, a dull grey in colour, that offered good protection without weighing as much as an equivalent set of heavy metal armour. She still disliked the use of either helmets or shields - due to them restricting her field of vision and weighing her down too much, respectively.

Despite her by now well-known presence among the front liners, her friend list was barely any longer than it had been a year ago - owing to the fact that, excepting Boss Fights, the occasional surprise event or spontaneous team-ups in the face of PKers, she still avoided groups to this day. Of course, there were some people that she ran in to on enough occasions to at least remember their names - but by far and wide, she was essentially still the same reclusive solo player that she was a year ago. One difference, however, was clear in the way she carried herself - no longer hiding in the back lines, an entire year of constantly being on edge in this game of life and death had given her a wariness that she never dropped anymore, even as she gave an inaudible sigh at the current round of bickering between the heads of the two largest and foremost frontline guilds about who should take charge in the next Boss Fight.

Looking up and around, Thessalia recognised many of the faces about her - most were seasoned boss fighters and regulars the the front lines; fresh faces being a rarity to join these ranks nowadays. The occasional absence meanwhile generally only could mean one thing - another name added to the memorial back on Floor 1. Shaking her head to clear those thoughts, Thessalia focused her attention back at the strategy discussion at hand, her expression bordering boredom at the non-progress as she ran a hand through her long black hair before crossing her arms before her chest as she awaited the conclusion of today's strategy meeting.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds

Following Inoue's brief introduction of her, Kotori felt the attention shift to her - something she'd never been very good with. Fortunately, rather than let another silence fall like before with Inoue, the tallest of the three males students - Alexei, as he introduced himsellf with his full name as well as his friend, Sagat - spoke up. Truth be told, it would have been hard to notice that they clearly weren't of Japanese descent; at least not entirely - though Kotori was hardly one to ask such a thing. Instead, she was far more surprised at when Alexei followed his words with a polite bow of his own given that he gave a far more gruff feeling based on his appearance to care for such things.

Kotori quickly followed suit, giving a quick bow in return before formally introducing herself, too. "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2. Nice to meet you all too," she said before straightening herself again. Thankfully, the attention soon shifted away from her again as Inoue passed on the offer of a meal over to Noboru - who decided to accept it. This. in turn, made Sagat - who'd remained both silent and unmoving up until then - speak up, if only briefly; perhaps similarly unkeen on being the center of attention much like herself. "Thank you, Shrichapan-senpai," Kotori said in her ever quiet voice, giving a small bow as she did - whilst having silently pronounced his name a few times in her mind to make sure she wouldn't stumble over her own tongue as she said it.

Kotori blinked through her glasses in surprise when Alexei thereafter addressed her directly; not having expected as much as he then asked her what it was that she did in her free time - perhaps for the same reason that Inoue had spoken to her, the hope of gaining a new club member? Rather than extend an invitation, however, he then instead offered up his services, it seemed, in utility work - likely being his own part time occupation - to both Noboru and her; a field of work for which he certainly seemed cut out for given his build - something that really could be said for all three of the boys.

"I mostly study or help out at home. My family runs a flowerstore," Kotori said, answering Alexei's question from before. Given that both Sagat and Alexei weren't from Warakuma, they likely hadn't been around the Shopping District much she guessed - and they didn't quite look the type that would be very interested in flowers of all things. As such, Kotori left it at that - even though her mother always was insisting that she should tell her friends at school to come by.
SwordfishKnight said
I have a sneaking suspicion that Noboru is going to either die, or come close to dying.

...until someone learns Recarm, that is.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds

Following her words, Inoue simply gave a sigh - perhaps disappointed in not having been able to secure another member for her club after all. However, the older girl didn't seem to let it get her down - despite giving a momentarily displeased look as she turned to see that the previous group of three had grown to four, she still turned back to Kotori and agree to join them; at least once the other girl had left her friends to head off and to whatever business she may have to attend to. In spite of her previous sigh, Inoue went on to make it known that she wasn't all that surprised at the outcome - or really that disappointed.

At her offer thereafter to come by occasionally - even calling her gentle and graceful, causing Kotori to avert her eyes in embarassement at the unexpected words - Kotori wasn't sure if she really could agree. Before she even could say anything, Inoue already spoke on; inviting her to visit a Thai restaurant that Sagat was looking to take over - this Sagat being one of the two MMA club members, Kotori assumed. Giving a weak nod in reply, Kotori still kept her eyes to the ground as they began walking over to the other three.

Looking back up half-way there, Kotori could see that Noboru and one of the MMA Club members were talking whilst the third held a sort of vacant look on his face. The former meanwhile seemed to be on an earnest topic, judging by the looks they were sharing - but such an thought was easily conjured just from the atmosphere that hung about the three noticeably well-built boys. This, however, didn't perturb Inoue; the older girl instead walking right up to them and greeting them; showing no sign of hesitation in offering Noboru to join them at the Thai restaurant she'd mentioned before.

Giving a small bow as she heard her own name mentioned, Kotori was almost relieved that she didn't have to speak up to introduce herself on her own - before looking back up in surprise at the offer to visit being extended today, rather than sometime in the future. Judging by his reply, Kotori could surmise that the shorter - which was clearly a relative term, given that the two of them towered over just about everyone else - one of the two male MMA Club members was called Sagat and the presumable future owner of said Thai restaurant; most likely a family business. Kotori, meanwhile, was preoccupied with whether or not to accept the offer - weighing the options of coming home late, getting to know a place she didn't know about in Warakuma and spending time with these people she'd only just met against one another.

Ultimately, she decided to wait and see if Noboru would accept; it being hardly polite to be the only one to decline - or to pressure him into joining along, too.
SwordfishKnight said
I can guarantee that there's a 30% chance all yall gon feel bad for hating the twins.

Playing devil's advocate here, but let's not crucify Sho, it does get rather confusing sometimes, and nobody is perfect.

...whilst there's a 70% chance that we'll enjoy suffering either way - whether deserved or not and no matter by whom.

Also, playing comedy relief during a drama moment here, but you can't play Devil's advocate. We don't have that arcana filled yet.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds

Turning back to see that the three boys had been joined by yet another girl in the time she'd been talking to Inoue, Kotori wondered just who this Noboru really was - first the Idol Club girl, then Inoue, now this new girls all had come to talk to him; the third in a row noticeably taller than him and casually leaning on top of him in quite a familiar way - it seemed that they already knew each other. The connection between the two unbeknownst to her, Kotori couldn't help but wonder at the odd motions and soundless words he was sending in her direction - only for her to suddenly feel two hands place themselves on her shoulders as Inoue entered her field of view with a determined look.

Taken by surprise at that, Kotori tensed up at the sudden contact - and almost missed the first few words when her senpai began talking to her; her voice an earnest tone. It seemed that she was most serious in her attempt at recruiting her - making it clear that what they were after was neither a new gopher or some prodigy to carry their club but rather just anyone who wished to spend their time getting into shape in whichever way they saw fit; not caring whether they were a complete amateur or a serious pursuer of martial arts. Inoue was honestly convinced of her words - that was clear from the way she spoke as she asked her a pair of questions; not giving a hint of either malice or lying but just honest truth.

Following that, the older girl paused momentarily; giving Kotori just enough time to think on her words before she spoke on again. Perhaps to take the edge off her previous words that had come quite out of the blue with their force, Inoue finished with an honest and friendly smile. Kotori, on the other hand, was quite overwhelmed at the older girl's forwardness; her first response merely being a surprised blining of her eyes from behind her glasses before catching herself. Casting her gaze aside rather than her senpai's face who was at mere arm's reach from her, Kotori only answered after another moment's pause. "Uhm... th-thank you, Matsuhita-senpai," she said, clutching her school bag a little tighter as she spoke, "that sounds really great," Kotori continued, glancing up at the older girl - before then lowering her eyes down at herself again. "But... it really wouldn't be possible for me," she concluded; this time without her voice trailing away to nothing.

Realising that declining in such a curt manner was hardly appropriate after Inoue's rather passionate speech, Kotori raised a hand to placate any potential follow-up before speaking on. "It's not because of all of you," she reassured her, including the other two club members, "or anyone else. Really." Shaking her head to emphasise the point - her soft voice holding no hint of dishonesty - Kotori looked back up at Inoue. "But thank you for your offer. But... I really can't. I'm sorry," she finished, giving an apologetic bow as she did - for though she could see that Inoue really did speak the truth when she was talking about her club, it simply was not something for Kotori; something only she could really know. 'At least... not right now...'

Straightening herself again, Kotori noticed that, from behind Inoue, Noboru was still motioning toward her - seemingly trying to catch her attention. Was he trying to tell her something? Glancing between the group of now four and her senpai before her, Kotori decided that such was perhaps the case. "Shall we get back to the others, senpai?" she asked, raising a hand to point back at said others - the two male MMA Club members, Noboru and his newest female companion - without even realising just how much it sounded like an attempt at changing the topic and focusing the attention on someone else.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds

The silence between the two girls remained in place for a good two minutes while the three boys were a little ways off; talking among themselves. Kotori had assumed that Inoue would most likely head back to her friends together with Noboru - but that wasn't the case; her senpai instead staying beside her the whole time. Finally breaking the silence, the older girl spoke; asking her about any clubs of her own. Shaking her head at first, Kotori then gave a bit of a surprised look toward Inoue as she then asked if she wanted to join their club.

Glancing between the three boys and Inoue, then down at herself, Kotori couldn't help but feel that she would be most out of place in such a club - even as her senpai went on to explain that they weren't trying to be a strict or forceful club but rather one to simply enjoy physical training in various forms. Inoue seemed to like the club - that much was apparent from the way she spoke about it; her words sounding honest when she said them - making it a little hard for Kotori to find a way to say that she really didn't think she was cut out for such a thing; most likely just being in the way even if she did join. Inoue then went on to apologise for her spirited approach - probably having seen Kotori's unease at the proposition.

"Ah, no, it's fine," Kotori said, shaking both her head and a hand she had raised when her senpai began her apology. "I... I'm afraid I'm not really suitable for you, though," she continued, an apologetic tone in her voice, "I'm not very good with physical things and I have to help out at home after school, so..." Kotori's already quiet voice trailed off; an apologetic half-smile on her lips as she wasn't quite sure she should be declining a senpai's request like that - even if she was certain that it was the best course of action for all of them.
SwordfishKnight said
Noboru will teach her how to be social if it kills him. [...]

Well, that sounds like a great plan.

You know. Unless something happened to Noboru.
Like getting thrown into mirror world.
Now wouldn't that just be such a shame if it happened.
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