Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds
Turning back to see that the three boys had been joined by yet another girl in the time she'd been talking to Inoue, Kotori wondered just who this Noboru really was - first the Idol Club girl, then Inoue, now this new girls all had come to talk to him; the third in a row noticeably taller than him and casually leaning on top of him in quite a familiar way - it seemed that they already knew each other. The connection between the two unbeknownst to her, Kotori couldn't help but wonder at the odd motions and soundless words he was sending in her direction - only for her to suddenly feel two hands place themselves on her shoulders as Inoue entered her field of view with a determined look.
Taken by surprise at that, Kotori tensed up at the sudden contact - and almost missed the first few words when her senpai began talking to her; her voice an earnest tone. It seemed that she was most serious in her attempt at recruiting her - making it clear that what they were after was neither a new gopher or some prodigy to carry their club but rather just anyone who wished to spend their time getting into shape in whichever way they saw fit; not caring whether they were a complete amateur or a serious pursuer of martial arts. Inoue was honestly convinced of her words - that was clear from the way she spoke as she asked her a pair of questions; not giving a hint of either malice or lying but just honest truth.
Following that, the older girl paused momentarily; giving Kotori just enough time to think on her words before she spoke on again. Perhaps to take the edge off her previous words that had come quite out of the blue with their force, Inoue finished with an honest and friendly smile. Kotori, on the other hand, was quite overwhelmed at the older girl's forwardness; her first response merely being a surprised blining of her eyes from behind her glasses before catching herself. Casting her gaze aside rather than her senpai's face who was at mere arm's reach from her, Kotori only answered after another moment's pause. "Uhm... th-thank you, Matsuhita-senpai," she said, clutching her school bag a little tighter as she spoke, "that sounds really great," Kotori continued, glancing up at the older girl - before then lowering her eyes down at herself again. "But... it really wouldn't be possible for me," she concluded; this time without her voice trailing away to nothing.
Realising that declining in such a curt manner was hardly appropriate after Inoue's rather passionate speech, Kotori raised a hand to placate any potential follow-up before speaking on. "It's not because of all of you," she reassured her, including the other two club members, "or anyone else. Really." Shaking her head to emphasise the point - her soft voice holding no hint of dishonesty - Kotori looked back up at Inoue. "But thank you for your offer. But... I really can't. I'm sorry," she finished, giving an apologetic bow as she did - for though she could see that Inoue really did speak the truth when she was talking about her club, it simply was not something for Kotori; something only she could really know. 'At least... not right now...'
Straightening herself again, Kotori noticed that, from behind Inoue, Noboru was still motioning toward her - seemingly trying to catch her attention. Was he trying to tell her something? Glancing between the group of now four and her senpai before her, Kotori decided that such was perhaps the case. "Shall we get back to the others, senpai?" she asked, raising a hand to point back at said others - the two male MMA Club members, Noboru and his newest female companion - without even realising just how much it sounded like an attempt at changing the topic and focusing the attention on someone else.