Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds
Kotori nearly jumped - not for the first time that day - when Alexei and Inoue exclaimed in near-perfect synchronicity at her answer. Looking a little confused between the two, Inoue went first - causing Kotori to avoid looking them in the eyes out of embarassement as she said that it both fit her well and was most likely helping the sales; even if Kotori couldn't help but feel that someone more forward such as Inoue herself would be a lot better in the task. Sagat then spoke up - causing Inoue in turn to apologise with a bow. "Ah, no, it's no bother," Kotori quickly said, shaking her head to emphasise that it was of no matter - only for Alexei to speak up thereafter.
His question was rather unexpected to Kotori - he certainly wasn't the first person who would come to mind when she thought of a usual customer, after all. He then went on to explain the reason for his asking - causing a small smile to form on Kotori's lips when he said that he was asking on behalf of being able to give the girls of his family - his sisters, she guessed - a bouquet each day. Alexei seemed almost embarrassed at the question - probably due to it being a little at odds with the gruff appearance he gave off - and quickly mentioned that they should get going; seeing as they had already been lingering on school ground for a while now.
Letting the three MMA Club members who knew exactly where the restaurat in question was take the lead, Kotori thought on Alexei's request for a moment - before coming to the conclusion that there probably was some way to help out with his situation. "I think it should be possible, Dragunov-senpai," Kotori said tentatively, putting a finger to her lips thoughtfully before nodding to herself - seeing as her mother had always been asking for her to bring some friends by, this was as good an opportunity as any; even if they had only just met - and she had a feeling that her mother wouldn't mind at all after hearing the same story.
"Yes, definitely. Just come by the Shirohane Flowerstore in the Shopping District when you have time," she said after a brief pause - before remembering that both Sagat and Alexei only recently had come to Warakuma, prompting her next question. "Have you been there before?" Kotori asked, seeing as there was little sense in telling someone to come by a place they didn't even know how to find - much less if they hadn't even been to the Shopping District, if that was the case.
"Yes, Infact my employer Mitshuro Constructions has a dealership office there. I have been around there a few times. Always eyed the shop from the outside, it had some beautiful peonies that caught my eye." Alexei said to answer Kotori. He had a mildly embarrased look on his face as he reflected back on his initial words regarding this flower business.
"I dont wanna impose on you, I mean you hardly know me for me to be asking such a favor. My apologies." he said clearing up. Sagat meanwhile was fairly bemused seeing this side of Alexei. From the amount of time they had spent with each other, he looked like a man of strangely artistic tastes whose body language conveyed the exact opposite. Inoue held a surprised expression too, she hadnt fancied him to know anything about flowers and yet he was there, talking like he knew what was what.
"I will drop by if you dont mind. What time does the shop open? Do you guys deliver on request?" he asked curious about the flowerstore that the junior ran.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Streets
Kotori nodded with a quiet "Ah" in understanding as Alexei mentioned the name of the company he worked part-time for; walking past it regularly on her way to the mall whenever she headed out from home for errands. Another small smile followed when he then mentioned having seen the store from the outside - "Ah, yes, those are coming into season right now," she confirmed - not even picking up on the discrepancy between Alexei's appearance and his knowledge of the flower's name. As he then went on to apologise for the suddenness of his question, Kotori shook her head to show that it was no bother. "It's fine, really. It must be hard looking out for your family," she said, her honest tone making clear that she really was speaking what was on her mind.
When Alexei continued, Kotori nodded at his mention of dropping by before answering his questions. "We're open from half past seven until half past six, Monday through Saturday. And yes, we do morning and evening deliveries. Both on Sundays, too," she said, realising that her mother always said these lines with such enthusiasm and a great big smile whenever she talked with a new customer compared to her quiet, matter-of-factly way of stating things - Kotori really wasn't much of a salesperson, after all.
As the junior replied in an earnest voice about the schedule ofthe shop run by her family, a small smile crept on Alexeis face, now he wont have to go to that shop out of town to get the flowers and that the timins were particularly conveinient for him.
"I will certainly drop by with my request soon. This is a lot of help, thank you. As for looking after my family, well I am the only one who can, so I stopped fussing about it and accepted it." Alexei told with a matter of factly tone.
"We all do our little bits to help our family, what I do is nothing special like you. The responsibility of running a family business is tough job. I know because I see how hard Sagat works." he said, drifitng a bit in his own thoughts.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Streets
At Alexei's words, Kotori gave a simple nod before he thanked her, prompting her to shake her head in turn. "It's no big matter, really," she said before he went on to talk about how he supported his family - because he could and because he had to. It seemed that, compared to her, who helped out because she could, wanted to and even liked to, even if it wasn't strictly necessary, he had it a lot rougher - yet he assumed that it was less of a task than her own. Quickly bringing a hand up to wave it off, together with a shake of her head, Kotori said "Ah, I just help out. It's not really that much." Which, indeed, was true - she really did only help out, and even that only when she wasn't at school, meaning that it was still her mother who kept the shop running; something she had been doing for the last three years. For a brief moment, Kotori's expression dimmed - before shaking her head; instead looking back up at her surroundings to make sure she'd remember where exactly they were going.
Noboru looked on as the three conversed between each other. He didn't want to interrupt, they seemed as if they were having a fun time. His mind couldn't focus as he looked off, not watching where he was going. His shirt felt a little tight, stretching across his bosy. It wasn't meant for him, but it was given to him to wear, so he wore it. Deciding that he wasn't hungry anymore, Noboru slipped away, without anyone noticing, deciding to pay a small visit to someone.
"We're here." Sagat announced in a monotone. Their walk had been pretty uneventful barring the conversation between Alexei and Kotori. Inoue had been looking at the road blankly all this while, still recovering from her gaffe. She snapped back in reality from the announcement.
"I'll have Pork Ramen" Alexei declared before Inoue announced having the urge to eat riceballs and soup. Sagat was hungry but decided that taking bites off tye two orders was what he'll do. With this Alexei asked Kotori politely "what is it you would like to have, Shirohane-san."
He just noticed that Noboru had suddenly gone missing. No one catching his absence till they made to the restaurant. They wondered when he slipped by.
Kotori Shirohane - Thai Restaurant
Following the short conversation, Kotori excused herself from it for a moment, citing having to phone home as a reason - as she had yet to let her mother know that she would be back a little later than usual and wouldn't be needing dinner. Little did she notice, in the meantime, that Noboru silently snuck off - the fact that he had only coming to light when she apologised for having to make a call in the presence of others. Looking about, she couldn't see the fellow Second Year anywhere - did he perhaps have some urgent business to attend to? Seeing as she didn't know much about him, there was little point in trying to guess his reasons. Deciding to put off doing so, she instead followed the Third Years as they drew near their destination.
Entering the restaurant, it turned out to be a comfortably-sized one; a number of guests already inside ranging from a fellow student or two to other residents of Warakuma. The three MMA Club members seemed rather at ease, most likely having come here fairly often - leaving only Kotori to sheepishly follow behind them, trying not to look too out of place or draw any attention. After deciding what they'd be getting for themselves, Alexei turned to her, asking her what she wanted. Thinking on the question for a moment, Kotori decided to go with something simple. "I'll have some curry," she said - before adding "but a small one" as she looked between the three MMA Club members and herself, considering the difference in their builds.