Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma | Friday, April 10 2015 - After School
Having ordered their respective meals and taken a seat at an empty table, it wasn't long before the food was brought to the Warakuma High Students at the Thai restaurant. Giving a small "Thank you" when her curry was set down before her, Kotori remained silent for most of the remaining time; merely speaking up if the conversation at hand was directed toward her - which it hardly was, seeing as the attention seemed mostly centered on the small chopstick battle that went on between the three MMA Club Members; though that was quickly resolved as Inoue's win.
Soon after, the three began talking again - with Kotori simply listening, though without any foreknowledge of the topic, staying away from joining in. It rather quickly went from light-hearted to a serious tone, however - leaving Kotori a little worried about the matter. Had there been some kind of accident? Or were they just worried that something might happen? Before she could ponder this, however, Alexei turned to her, apologising for bringing such matters up; leading her to quickly wave it off with an added "Oh, no, it's no problem." As he then asked whether she lived near the mall, Kotori nodded; the flowerstore being within easy walking distance from it.
As he then offered they walk home together, she saw no reason to decline, nodding in agreement instead. Once they were ready to set out, they bid farewell to Sagat who remained behind at the restaurant before the three of them began walking home. Kotori remained much her quiet self on the way back, too; only speaking up if one of the two directed a question to her or when they reached Inoue's home as she bid farewell to her senior. Once Alexei had retrieved his bike at the office, it was time for them to part ways as well; leaving Kotori to give a polite bow before wishing him good luck with his job - though she wasn't quite sure if it really was something that required luck.
Either way though, it was just a two minute walk before she reached the Shirohane Flower Shop. Stepping inside, Kotori saw her mother moving a few small potted flowers about before stepping back to see how they looked before she noticed who'd just arrived home. "I'm home," Kotori said in her usual quiet voice as her mother gave a wide smile. "Welcome back, Kotori."
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Residence | Saturday, April 11 2015 - Early Morning
A soft beeping sound filled the room, causing a stir in the figure laying underneath the covers of the bed. "Nnnh..." was the only sound coming from her as she pulled the covers a little closer to herself. The beeping seemed to take offense at that - and in turn began to sound more frequently and at a more urgent pitch; causing the sleepy Kotori to rise into a half-sitting, half-lying position in order to softly tap her alarm clock before it went into its cacophonic third type of incessant beeping. Still sluggish from having just awoken, Kotori sat herself up fully, stifling a yawn as she did before groping for her glasses on the nightstand next to her bed. Still drowsy, she nonetheless swung her beds out from underneath the covers and immediately into her slippers beside her bed; suppressing a shiver when the air hit her pajama-clad legs that were still used to the comfortably warm bed.
A few minutes later, Kotori was standing in the kitchen, preparing her lunchbox for the day - the usual morning routine consisting of a quick splash of water in the bathroom to fully wake up, getting dressed, eating breakfast and cleaning her teeth thereafter having been done as usual. Halfway through, her mother stepped into the kitchen, one hand before her mouth as she tried and failed to stop a yawn as she saw Kotori already up and about. "Ah, you're up early as usual. Good morning, Kotori," she said with a smile as she went to pour herself a glass of orange juice. "Good morning. So are you," was the simple reply before the two Shirohanes went about their usual morning business - which, as every morning, ended with the mother sending her daughter off to school at the front door with a wish of "Take care.2
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | After School
"Alright, Class dismissed" - and with that announcement, the class burst into its usual fervor to be the first out of the room and school; all to eager to get on with their weekend. At least, most of them did - some took it more slowly and yet others, such as Kotori, remained seated for their own reasons; finishing up her notes of the day's classes in her case. Taking another minute or two to write everything down, she closed her notebook after having gone over the homework that she'd be doing over the weekend. As expected, it wasn't that much - yet, given that it was only the start of the year.
As she packed her bag, Kotori thought about what she'd heard during the lunch period - that a student hadn't shown up today; a first year if it was a classmate of the two who'd been talking about it. As she hadn't heard any more of it though, she thought it a shame for whoever it was - to catch a cold so early in the school year, that is, and to have to miss school because of it. Thinking nothing more of it, Kotori picked up her school bag before she headed out of the classroom; only noticing the occasional glances in her direction by the time she reached the main entrance - but didn't think much about it; believing them to be club recruiters that were still on the hunt for the last few yet-undecided students to bring into the fold as she simply kept her eyes down so she wouldn't have to waste their time.