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Tsubame Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Much as expected, it was troubling for the young man to ask about the matters of payment - that much was evident from the way his expression changed. Of course, it wasn't exactly her usual way to offer her services at a discout - but seeing the way it made him happy and the fact that she'd been asked by her daughter, Tsubame decided that it couldn't hurt to do it once in a while. After all, what could be better than a satisfied customer?

As he expressed a final wish after offering his gratitude, Tsubame had to stifle a chuckle - not out of malice or ridicule, but rather at the depth with which the Third Year Student thought about his gift; evidently wanting it to be the best it possibly could - knowing that it would be appreciated so made the previous worries disappear. "Oh, no, it's quite alright," she waved off as he then went on to say that it was up to her whether or not to follow the instructions he wished for - before taking out a small card on which he wrote down an address. Taking the card, Tsubame looked at it - as, for the briefest of moments, her usual cheerful smile fell and was replaced by a saddened expression. This, however, lasted only for a heartbeat; her normal smile returning before anyone could take notice.

"Of course," she said in reply to the request for delivery before the young man presented his payment - it seemed, much like Kotori had mentioned the day before, that he truly was intending for it to be a long-running gift. Taking the money with a bow and a "Thank you very much" in return, Tsubame gave a smile as he offered his services if there ever was the need. "Thank you. And no worries - I'm sure we can figure things out at a later time," she said, hoping to relieve the quite apparent financial worries of the earnest Alexei.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Toma seemed to think on her description for a moment - before making note of the fact that she was, perhaps, one of the last to have seen the Noboru. "Oh," was all Kotori could say to that - unsure what exactly to make of it. Had she known at the time, she would have paid more attention or perhaps asked him - but now, a day later, she wasn't even sure about all the details of their meeting anymore. Toma, it seemed, was on a similar track of mind as he asked whether Noboru had seemed, in any way or form, distressed or the like - before being cut off by a noise from outside.

Kotori followed his gaze with her bespectacled own, even as she thought on the question - of course, he had seemed a bit distressed. But that was because of the whole Idol Club incident and he seemed to be quite alright as soon as they left the school building afterwards. Before she could say as much, however, the boy that had stood outside entered the shop; immediately stepping forward to address her. "Eh?" was Kotori's immediate reaction to this as he questioned her about Noboru; whether he'd seemed quiet, where he'd gone off to.

Yet again, before she could muster more than a surprised sound, she was interrupted; this time by Toma who stepped between the boy - another Third Year, Kotori now recognised - and attempted to diffuse his heated mood. Turning around, he then spoke to her; picking up on her previous mention of the MMA Club Members and asking whether they perhaps would know more. There was a brief pause as Kotori thought it over - even if uncomfortably so, seeing as she had the immediate attention of almost everyone pointed at her.

"Uhm... Yamamoto-san was a bit upset about the Idol Club, but not for long," she began, answering Toma's previous question first. "I... don't think he was quiet. He talked to me and the others," she continued with the Third Year's - Aiko, as Toma had called him - question; though she was unsure how Noboru normally was and what really constituted him being distressed or quiet. "I didn't see where he went, but he left us in town. We went to the restaurant together, so I don't think they could know much more," she said, before raising a hand to point over toward Alexei. "You could ask Dragunov-senpai yourself. He was there too," Kotori said - even as she silently apologised toward the Third Year for her attempt at directing the attention away from herself. Furthermore, it seemed that they, at least, knew him already, given the way they'd spoken - perhaps they really could tell the two more?

Tsubame Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Just as she said her part to the tall Third Year Student, the shop's door opened up - and yet another Warakuma High Student entered; immediately heading toward Kotori and speaking to her. Tsubame's eyes narrowed at that - not as much his sudden appearance but rather the way he addressed her daughter. However, the other student stepped in between them and seemed to calm the situation at least somewhat - but Tsubame still kept an eye on the three as she turned back to face Alexei. "Would that be all?" she asked - though the smile she gave was just ever so slightly strained.
Following Thessalia's statement of the one rule their party was going to have, ReivaX quickly took on his usual joking tone with his equally usual wide smile - unlike her, it seemed, he just took it all in stride. That is, at least, until he placed a hand on her shoulder, making it her turn to give a quizzical expression at the far more serious tone with which he then spoke; even his face showing that he truly meant what he was saying as he made clear that he had no intention of dying. Thessalia couldn't help but feel at least a little relieved at that - for all his easy-going nature in the face of danger, he still was quite well aware of it and wasn't going to get reckless it seemed.

As he then added that the same rule applied to her too, Thessalia simply gave a small smile - not exactly one brimming with confidence, but at least sure enough to show that she too was being serious when she spoke. "Of course," she said simply before taking his hand with her own, as if to seal their mutual deal with a shake. With that matter settled, Thessalia gave a quick look about, noticing that most other parties were fully formed and standing together - it seemed that the raid preparations were nearing completion. "Got everything you need? Repairs, potions, crystals?" she asked as she looked back at ReivaX - not that she expected that not to be the case, but rather just to make sure that everything was in order; much like she'd checked over her own equipment just earlier.
Tsubame Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Tsubame couldn't help but smile at the scene before her - the kids these days were in such a hurry, it would seem. But then again, that was exactly what they should be after all, what with it being such an important time of their lives. After Alexei stated his name and class, confirming himself as a third year and therefore an upperclassman of her daughter just as Toma had before, Tsubame nodded for Kotori to help with whatever it was that the latter needed her help - though not without a small smile at the thought of a young man needing her daughter's help. Rather than amusedly watch the scene, however, she instead turned to face the other young man in search of help, having thanked her for her words from before.

As the young man decided to go with both what he believed to fit the intended of his gift and the meanings thereof, Tsubame nodded in encouragement - before he brought a pleasant surprise to her as he listed a number of flowers he wished the Ikebana to entail and even how. Usually, requests came with perhaps one or two specifics or just a general theme - it was always nice to know that there were some who gave it such thought. As he then explained his choice, a small smile came across Tsubame's face - not only for his words, but also the way he spoke them; the intended of his gift quite clearly meaning a lot to him, as evidenced by the subtle rub of his eyes that she pretended not to see.

"My, that's a nice choice," she said in agreement - not only because it was, but also because it meant that by stating his choices so, he also was unknowingly inserting the third criteria for a floral gift by choosing it by himself. He really did seem to have given this quite some thought, it seemed - even if it did leave her to wonder who exactly it was that he wanted to present this gift to and the circumstances behind it. However, she was not one to pry into the private matters of others and thus simply listened as Alexei then requested a delivery, if that could be arranged.

"A morning delivery? Certainly," Tsubame said with a nod and a smile before getting to a matter that her daughter had mentioned the other day. "By the way, you don't have to worry about the price. I'm sure that's something we can work out," she said, seeing as it was hardly something he could just easily bring up all by himself if he was already making a request - though she could also understand why Kotori had asked if there was anything they could do to help, seeing the young man's devotion to his family first hand.

"Is there anything else you'd like?" Tsubame then asked.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

The first thing Toma did as Kotori stepped closer was to apologise for his sudden appearance, eliciting a quick shake of her head to say that it wasn't a big deal. What then followed certainly wasn't what she had expected - she'd thought he was perhaps a little lost and had simply decided to ask someone familiar for direction. Instead, his easygoing smile dropped, instead being replaced by a serious expression that matched his words as he explained that a Second Year called Yamamoto Noboru was missing and asked whether she'd seen him.

Kotori's first response to simply blink questioningly - before things started to make sense. It took her a moment to recognise the name she'd heard the day before and to put a face to it in the form of the previously shirtless male would-be Idol Club member she'd met yesterday. What's more, he hadn't been at school - much like a Second Year she'd heard about but had assumed to simply be at home with a cold. If these two were one and the same, however, that theory fell flat given that Toma then went on to explain why he was looking for Noboru. If his brother was on the lookout, that would mean that he could hardly be lying in bed at home.

A worried expression came over Kotori's face at that realisation - she'd seen Noboru just yesterday and he'd seemed fine then. Had something happend after he'd left the MMA Club Members and herself on his own that afternoon? After a moment's pause following Toma's words, Kotori spoke up. "I haven't seen him today," she said, concern apparent in her voice. "But I just met him yesterday a-after school," she continued, briefly stumbling over her words as she remembered the exact circumstances of said meeting, before holding a hand to about chest height. "He's a bit short and, uhm, kind of fit-looking," Kotori explained, given that Toma not knowing how the person he was looking for actually looked probably making things a bit difficult for him and, unbeknownst to her, describing the person he'd actually seen her talking to the day before.

"We were going to go to a restaurant yesterday with three others from the MMA Club, but he left before we got there," she then said after thinking on the events of the previous day for a moment to make sure she got them in order; giving a quick glance over to Alexei as she mentioned the MMA Club of which he was a member. "Was he alright then?" she asked, given that she hardly knew the boy in question long enough to know if just leaving without a word was something he did regularly - though Toma would hardly know, too, perhaps he'd heard more from his brother.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Following Tsubame's question, the tall Third Year quickly answered that he was here for a daily order, much like Kotori's mother had already heard - though an oddly familiar smile came over her as he mentioned for whom this should be. As he then went on to say that he first wanted to ask for some advice on a matter he'd already consulted Kotori on, the smile took a turn for the bemused, given the way this tall, muscular young man was so politely asking both her and her daughter for advice. "Of course," Tsubame immediately agreed, turning a similarly bemused smile to Kotori who had been quietly keeping out of the conversation and a little off to the side throughout - a smile which only grew as she just got a questioning look back. "What would you like to know?"

Kotori blinked behind her glasses, a little confused at the look her mother had shot her - was it something she'd said? Or had she somehow missed something funny happening? Unsure about it, she wondered about it, even as Alexei relayed his question to Tsubame who was listening closely and who, at the end of it all, gave a thoughtful look and tapped her finger at her lips - a gesture, it seemed, that had somehow been passed from mother to daughter. A moment later, she glanced first to Kotori, then back to the answer-awaiting boy; having readied her answer. "If you give a gift, it's got to be the thought that counts," she said in such a matter-of-fact tone that she may as well have been stating that the sun shines.

After a brief pause, Tsubame went on: "If it's about flowers, you have three options: One you know they'll like, one you think suits them particularly well - or one which has the meaning you're trying to convey," she said - before giving another smile as she added one more thing. "But at the end of the day, there's definitely no girl who wouldn't like receiving flowers, so you can hardly go wrong," Tsubame declared, only to give another of her small smiles to her daughter. "Isn't that right, Kotori?"

It took a moment before Kotori realised that the question was directed at her - and even then she at first just blinked once or twice in confusion before giving a surprised "Eh?" at so suddenly being questioned. Luckily for her flustered self though, she was interrupted by the ringing bell behind her, signalling the entrance of another customer. Turning around, Kotori saw yet another tall student, another Third Year much like the one standing next to her already, in the form of Toma Tanaka. The red-headed older boy began to adress her - only to stop and look between her and her mother whom, as became obvious from his next words, he confused for her sister.

Another "Eh?" was Kotori's immediate reaction, looking from Toma to her mother; only making the connection a moment later - even while her mother simply smiled at the sudden intrusion, an amused "My, my" being all she said to it. Sure, she'd asked her daugher to bring by some classmates if she got the chance, but she certainly hadn't expected her to bring along two at a time. As the new arrival then bowed, apologising for his sudden interruption, Tsubame gave a small chuckle - both to show that is was no grave matter and that she was actually a little amused by the politeness of both these young men.

Kotori, having remained torn between not wanting to make someone who had just entered feel uncomfortable as well as speak out of turn for both Alexei and her mother and therefore just looking between the three, gave a surprised look when, after introducing himself, Toma then said he'd like to ask her a question; the way he said so making it clear that he wasn't meaning her mother. Even before Kotori could say anything, Tsubame quickly spoke up. "Of course," she said with a wide smile before giving a reconfirming nod as Kotori looked over to her; evidently unsure if she should just leave Alexei like that, even if it just mean turning around and moving a step or two away.

Seeing as Alexei had come here mainly to talk to her mother as opposed to her, Kotori stepped to the side before turning fully to face the other Third Year, a questioning look about her as she asked a quiet "Yes?" for him to go on whilst Tsubame in turn awaited what Alexei had to say.
Kissu said
Toma is such a smooth operator. Rui better watch his wimmenz. [...]

Rui just wants all the girls. Toma wants the guys, the girls and their mothers apparently.
Diabolicalrhapsody said
[...] They had reached the shopping mall by now and stood at its entrance looking at their target. Something about the sight of flowers made Alexei smile a bit. He turned to face Kotori once more "Shall we" he said pointing at the shop.

They walked inside the mall and straight towards the flower store, [...]

Ah, just a small note - the flower store's in the Shopping District, but not in the mall itself. It's within short walking distance of it though.

Also, good thing we at least have some easily suspicious students around, seeing as half of 'em just seem to think Noboru's sick/taking a day off.

...also, I can't not imagine Noboru without a rubber horse mask on now. And I am amused by this.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | After School

Following her answer, a silence fell between the two students as they continued on their way. Unsure whether her answer had been enough, Kotori decided to simply let it be as it was; directing her eyes on the road ahead - they'd already reached the Shopping District by now, meaning that their destination was no longer far. A moment later, Alexei spoke up again - to thank her. Blinking up at him in surprise, Kotori then shook her head as if to say that it was no matter needing thanks. He did seem more at ease though, judging from the small smile on his lips - before he pointed out the flower store not far in front of them.

As they headed for it, Alexei struck up another question, inquiring about who made the Ikebana. "My mother does most of it. I help out, but I'm afraid I'm not as good as she is. And we have both, seeds as well as potted flowers," Kotori explained as they entered through the front door, the familiar scent of dozens of different flowers greeting her in their various colours. A small smile came across her face at the sight, as it always did - until she redirected her attention to the woman a a little into the shop, currently busy turning a potted flower just right so that it would look its best before looking up at hearing the small bell attached to the door ringing: Tsubame Shirohane, owner of the Shirohane Flowershop and Kotori's mother.

It wasn't exactly difficult to see the resemblance between mother and daughter - Kotori clearly had her mother's eyes and hair, even if the older's was shorter and tied up for practicality's sake. Turning to greet the customers, a wide smile could be seen on Tsubame as she recognised her daughter - even as she cocked her head to the side ever so slightly in a questioning manner at the fact that she wasn't alone; such a thing being quite rare indeed. She wiped her hand on the green apron with the white flower-and-feather symbol of the shop on as the tall boy, obviously a student of the same school as Kotori judging by his uniform, bowed in greeting.

Kotori meanwhile gave a small bow, too, along with a quiet "I'm home" as her mother came closer. "Welcome home and welcome," Tsubame said in a cheerful voice, her smile unabated, in turn to Kotori and Alexei. She looked at the latter with a concentrated look in her eye for a moment - before snapping her finger, realisation coming over her face. "You must be Alexei Dragunov-kun, yes? Kotori here said you'd probably be coming by," she said to a small nod on Kotori's behalf; not in the least perturbed by the tall and imposing Third Year's appearance.

As similar as their looks may be, it seemed that there was quite the difference in personality from mother to daughter - where the latter was quiet and reserved, the former was far more of a cheerful and approachable person; fitting her role as a friendly neighbourhood store owner quite nicely. "So, how exactly can we help you?" Tsubame asked, laying a hand on Kotori's shoulder to include her in the question - whilst she'd remained quiet throughout, it seemed that her mother was more than making up for her silence with her own cheery attitude.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Streets | After School

Much like she'd expected, her answer wasn't quite satisfactory - as Alexei was quick to try and make the heart of his question clear. Rather than simply a general question, it seemed he was asking about a more specific case - perhaps he wanted to give a gift to someone but wasn't sure what they'd appreciate so he was asking for advice? A thoughtful expression crossed Kotori's face in the brief pause following Alexei before he went on, saying he was sorry for asking such things so suddenly, causing Kotori to shake her head in response. "It's no bother, really," she said before going silent for another moment, contemplating the question.

What was preferred, the thought or the object of a gift? It didn't take long for Kotori to decide on the thought being what was important - but was there also a difference to be found in who gave the present? Would one feel differently about it if it came from a close friend or one's family? After a moment, she came to her conclusion as she spoke up: "I think the thought's what's most important. And if it were from someone important, I think it would probably also be that much more of a treasured thing." Her voice was quiet, even if a bit slow as she wasn't sure if that was what Alexei was trying to find out, even as the two drew near to the Shopping District.
SwordfishKnight said
There's one problem. Noboru is the main source of fanservice. Who will take his throne?

Oh, I'm sure we'll find a way. Fanservice always finds a way.
Kissu said
Or there's, you know, missing Noboru to worry about.

But nahhhh, Rui needs to hit up some babes.

RIP Noboru

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