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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Noon A moment of silence followed Kotori's answer - only for Hamada to suddenly give a huff; leaving Kotori unsure of the cause - had she expected a different answer? However, rather than say anything to that effect, she instead suddenly realised that she hadn't even introduced herself formally, even if Kotori already at least knew her name. As Hamada gave her name, class and club affiliation, Kotori realised that the same was true for herself - causing her to give a quick bow in return before following Hamada's introduction with her own. "Ah, I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," she said - and, given that she was part of none, leaving out any club affiliation. Raising her head back up, Kotori's face still showed traces of confusion - at least, until Hamada spoke up thereafter. As it turned out, Hamada wasn't looking for something to pass her time - rather, she was looking for inspiration. Whilst she didn't really know what distinguished a common student from an uncommon one, Kotori simply assumed that not knowing as much probably did put her into the former category. A wry smile formed as she in turn wasn't really sure of how much help she could possibly be - though it slipped as Hamade then fixed her eyes at Kotori's, leading her to glance to a side occasionally as if to escape the immediate attention as she began fidgeting with the shopping back slung over her shoulder with one hand; even as Hamada spoke up again to ask what it was that she read. "Uhm..." Kotori began, her voice quieter than before and still averting her eyes, "Mystery and romance novels, mostly..."
I see. Guess I'll just go with green then, seeing as white is the default colour and grey's already taken.
**Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Noon** Following Kotori's question, Hamada cleared her throat in an attention-grabbing manner before returning the question rhetorically. As she then inquired about her test scores, Kotori wasn't blinked in surprise before slowly nodding - even as she wondered what she was trying to get at; putting aside the little side remark about her tendencies for the moment. Kotori doubted that it was about help with studying or the like, seeing that Hamada, despite what the stereotype about the flashy popular people would tell, didn't rank all that low either. Indeed, Hamada's next question made clear that it was no such thing - whilst simultaneously causing Kotori to lean her head to a side with a once more quizzical expression. Whether she read stories? Whilst she couldn't say she didn't, Kotori wasn't quite as sure about whether or not that helped her have a vivid imagination. Either way though, she slowly nodded as she gave a hesitant "Yes?", the uncertainty in her voice clearly audible as she spoke. Was she perhaps bored and didn't know what to do with herself, thus wanting some recommendations for what to read?
**Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Noon** Kotori had been planning the route she'd be taking when, completely out of the blue, she felt someone suddenly grab her arm. Startled and alarmed, she gave a surprised "Eh?!" - until she followed the arm holding hers to a figure standing beside her. Tracing up further, she saw that it belonged to a girl - and one that she recognised a moment later to be a schoolmate of hers. It would be hard not to recognise her - after all, who in their school didn't know Leiko Hamada? The brief fright she'd been given slowly subsiding, a surprised expression still came over Kotori's face as the girl then spoke, stating that she knew her; leaving her to wonder why she of all people would be known by her. That is, at least, until she mentioned the Flower Shop. Giving a meek nod at the question that she was the Shirohane girl, Kotori gave another when the other girl then went on to say that she'd seen her around the school and confirmed that they were in the same year. "Yes?" Kotori agreed, though her quiet voice made it sound more like a question. Glancing quickly about, Kotori also noticed that the girl was alone - which was a rare thing given that from what she'd heard, Leiko Hamada was the kind of person that always attracted the attention of those around her; much the opposite of Kotori in fact. "Uhm... can I help you, Hamada-san?" Kotori spoke up a little, the surprise from before having fully subsided and instead replaced with a quizzical look as she turned to face her fellow Second Year Student; shifting the empty shopping bag from her hand up to the shoulder of her jacket as she did so.
**Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Residence | Sunday, April 12 2015 - Noon** With a quiet but content sigh, Kotori closed the book that lay on the desk before her. After breakfast, she'd headed straight to her room to get the week's homework - a rather small amount, given that it was the first week - abd studying out of the way. With that out of the way, Kotori raised her arms up to stretch them after having spent a good while thumbing through various school books before adjusting her glasses due to their tendency to slowly slip whenever she was looking down for prolonged periods of time. Looking back up, the weather outside her window caught her eye for a moment - it looked like it was a nice and sunny April day; something the flowers would certainly appreciate she mused with a small smile. That, meanwhile, reminded her of the day before - and of the fact that someone had gone missing. Though she'd only just met Noboru two days ago, Kotori still couldn't help but feel a little worried about this - after all, it was hardly an everyday occurence and it obviously had gotten his brother quite worried, judging by the way he'd behaved. Unfortunately, there was little she could do - whilst she apparently was one of the last to have seen him, that hadn't been of much help and she knew far too little about him to be able to somehow aid the search. Still she hoped that he was alright and would return soon. Her brow furrowed briefly as she thought on the name - Noboru Yamamoto. Hadn't she heard that one somewhere before...? That train of thought, however, was interrupted by a soft knock on her door and a questioning "Kotori?" from her mother. "Yes?" she called in return before Tsubame opened the door, popping her head in to find her daughter still seated at her desk. "Am I interrupting?" she asked, receiving a shake of Kotori's head as an answer. "Oh, that's good. Say, could you go down to the mall and get some things? Looks like we're running a bit low on them," her mother asked with an apologetic smile to which Kotori quickly nodded. "Of course. What do we need?" she asked in return, to which Tsubame produced a small list and a thankful smile. **Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Noon** "I'm off," Kotori announced, getting a cheerful "Take care" from her mother who was still busy tending to the flowers in the shop, before heading out; a small shopping bag in one hand and the shopping list in the other. Glancing over the latter, there wasn't much to carry; mostly an assortment of everyday goods that wouldn't take long to gather from the nearby shops. Unbeknownst to her, she wasn't the only student from Warakuma High out shopping at the time - though given that she wasn't expecting to run into anyone else, she'd hardly notice anyone else out and about as she set off to complete her errand.
...I do not regret my involvement in the sunglasses hype in the least.
> Yaay, avatars are back~ > Anyway, what is our current status? > Avatars are back. And how. ![](http://i.imgur.com/9KTirKv.png "")
Sho Minazuki said
[...] EDIT: ALSO.Who is STILL here? Quick roll call. Seriously, we may suddenly be down to like, 7-8 people, which is okay because that's the normal party number in Persona. [...]

I too would still happen to be here.
Eh, we've got snow around where I'm at. Bit of ice, too, but not that bad - mostly in the mornings and throughout the night.
Sen said
Yeah, as soon as everyone wraps up what they're doing we should get on to the next day.

Well, there'd be Alexei and Kotori are waiting on Aiko and Toma's moves for that currently. How far's everyone else?
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