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Kotori Shirohane - Abandoned Warehouse | Sunday, June 28 2015

With Alexei taking care of the carrying duties for the unconscious Masahide, it had been time to head out of the dungeon. As they arrived at the entrance and found themselves at the strange crossroads once more, Kotori looked about for the other groups with a mixture of worry and hopefulness - though it quickly turned to relief when it became clear that both of the other groups too had been successful and had managed to rescue the remainings kidnappees. In fact, just moments laters she could see the groups approaching - all of whom were present and carrying both Mako and Shizuka respectively. There was little time for more than a brief confirmations of everyone's well-being before the three headed out first and were thus on their way to deliver the kidnapping victims to the hospital, leaving the rest to gather at the warehouse.

However, rather than a round of congratulations, the first thing to be heard was an unfamiliar voice - leading Kotori to nearly jump in surprise as, like most everyone, she spun around to the source. Had the cult somehow tracked them down? Were they being attacked again? Kotori's mind immediately rushed to such conclusions - at least until she realised that there was only a single person standing there. As it turned out, he was no cultist but rather a police detective - at which point Kotori immediately began trying to think of some way to explain all the situation; what with having read her fair share of mystery novels in which an officer of the police found some strange things being afoot and unwittingly interfered.

Except that it turned out to not be necessary at all when the detective - who was starting to seem vaguely familiar, though that was unsurprising with the number of police officers around town recently - explained that instead he wasn't here to arrest some unruly kids but rather to let them know that they should take care in their dealings with these cultists - and that it all sounded rather incredulous even after seeing the mirror; a sentiment that Kotori still shared after having seen the Mirror World multiple times already. Once the detective left, there was little mood for merrymaking and instead the group quickly disbanded to leave on their separate ways home.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, June 29 2015 - After School

School had, for the most part, been a little on the unsual side, Kotori noticed. With the double absence of Mako and Masahide as well as Shizuka one year below them, the rumours were flying as after every kidnapping. By the time lunch break came around, Kotori had heard the blame being placed on the cult, an attempted runaway, aliens and a top secret government project - among other things. Being part of the same club as the third kidnapping victim, some of her classmates asked her if she knew anything more - but Kotori vehemently denied knowing anything more, leaving the rumour-mongerers to their own devices. After all, experience showed that this sort of thing rather quickly died down as soon as the people in question showed up well and healthy at school again.

Besides, as the school bell rang to signal the end of the day's last lesson, interests quickly shifted to more pleasant afterschool activities as the usual hustle and bustle broke out with the students packing their things and heading out to club meetings, friends' classrooms or simply home. Kotori exchanged a brief few waves or quicky goodbyes with the occasional few that spoke as they passed her seat whilst she, as usual, finished up her notes for the day before she too would be heading out; giving a friendly nod to Akane as she passed her. With her own things all packed up, both the classroom and the hallway was a lot less crowded than just a few minutes ago - leaving Kotori to sigh, albeit for another reason.

In particular, the topic of hospital visits - she still wasn't very comfortable with hospitals, so the prospect of going there of her own volition was not one which appealed very much. Still, it would be most rude to not at least wish Shizuka well in person after she'd done the same for her earlier - not that that stopped her from immediately worrying if that might seem a little too familiar if she just showed up unannounced. But then again, she'd been glad to see her visitors...

Kotori still hadn't made up her mind when she arrived at the Agriculture Club room. It was a monday and thus normally a meeting day - but in light of the events the day before, she was fairly sure that Matthew would already be at the hospital. A small smile adorned her face at the thought - even if she immediately felt a little guilty for finding the notion cute when it came on the back of the circumstances surrounding the cult. Still, even with no club meeting going on there were plants of all shapes and sizes, and colours and smells that would be quite cross if they didn't get their regular watering - an act that Kotori always enjoyed for its soothing nature, even as she made up her mind about the visits.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | After School

Kotori took a deep breath to calm herself as she walked down the hallways she'd been pointed to by the friendly lady at the reception after inquiring about the room numbers of the three most recent kidnapping victims. She tried telling herself that there was no rational reason to be nervous - but she couldn't help but feel ill at ease around hospitals; no matter how nice the staff may be or how occasionally a nurse would recognise her and give a friendly wave which got a rather small response. Still, she wasn't here for her own sake - shaking her head as if to get rid of those thoughts, Kotori headed onwards, glancing up at the room numbers until she found the one she sought; taking another deep breath before giving the door a somewhat faint knock.

"Uhm... excuse me," Kotori began before gingerly opening the door; hoping she wasn't interrupting anything. "Good afternoon, Oto...nashi-san," she said, giving a bow as she did, before holding up a small bouquet of flowers she'd brought with her as a hopeful wish of recovery - whilst immediately regretting the previous decision when she saw who happened to be in the room. Not only were Shizuka and Matthew present, but also two more people who Kotori could only assume to be Shizuka's parents - and given the look about the father just then, she further assumed that she'd chosen a most definitely inopportune time to show up. "Uhm... I... I-I'll come back later," she quickly said as she retraced her steps out of the room, closing the door behind her - and only then stopping to take a breath after blundering in in such an awkward manner.

Unfortunately, that also left her standing outside with three similarly-coloured bouquets still in her arm. She'd intended to visit Shizuka foremost, seeing as they were fellow club members and had actually exchanged more than just very occasional words of greetings, but with the other two - Mako and Masahide - both being her classmates, Kotori would have felt amiss to not at least pay them a brief visit when she was already there. And with the visit to Shizuka most definitely being pushed back for an unspecified amount of time, she decided to instead see to the other two. After all, they may be equally as confused about the whole ordeal as she had been if no one else happened to visit them to explain how things were.

Gingerly opening the door and quickly peering inside to avoid a similar show as before after having knocked gently on it, Kotori noticed that the room had more than one occupant. As it turned out, Rui was indeed already on the case and seemed to have both given the brief explanation of the Mirror World and extended an invitation to Masahide - at least, that's what the few words Kotori picked up as she entered sounded like. Still, preferring to be safe rather than sorry, Kotori hesitantly spoke up: "E-excuse me?" Giving a quick bow, she in turn greeted both Rui and Masahide before going on: "Uhm, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," quickly glancing between the two to make sure.

"I just thought a get-well-soon gift would be nice," she continued, her voice trailing off a little as she held up the flowers she intended as a gift - only now realising that perhaps flowers weren't exactly the most desirable sort of gift for a boy after all; leaving her to give an awkward half-smile as she stood in the middle of the room unsure how to proceed.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

As the wolf-like shadow began to stir once again, the lightning bolt struck from above; sending it back down to the ground and unable to come to its master's immediate aid. The shadow in turn came under a final assault as both Kaminari and Riku rushed forth to take mighty swings at the creature whilst Alexei kept a sharp eye on both the shadows; ready to step in should any make a move - but as it turned out, the combined assault finally managed to overwhelm the shadowy creatures. Slowly, inky blackness seemed to rise off of both as they seemed to evaporate before everyone's eyes - leaving only Masahide's golden-eyed double standing in the shadow's place; a familair scene by now and a sign of relief for Kotori who quickly used the opportunity to catch her breath - though not before asking Kikuri-Hime to cast a "Media" upon the group to take care of any scrapes and bruises they might have acquired.

All that then remained was for Masahide to step forth with the encouraging words of Kaminari. Kotori could offer little more than a what she hoped was optimistic nod - even as once again the fear of what may happen if Masahide didn't accept his other side crept up inside her as his shadow began speaking once more. Luckily however, this fear quickly subsided when Masahide spoke in turn - agreeing that he was indeed doing things to leave an impression. However, upon admitting this he seemed to realise that just because he wasn't being selfless when he helped others didn't mean it was a bad thing - bringing a small smile to Kotori's lips as he seemed to reconcile both the good and bad parts of himself in a hopeful conclusion.

With those words spoken, the shadow began to emit a increasingly familiar glow - growing in intensity before releasing an almost blinding yet soothing flash as the malevolent shadow transformed into a new form: A wolf-headed humanoid, adorned with heavy armored boots and simple clothing whilst wielding a long blade. The figure remained for a mere few moments before vanishing out of sight, leaving Masahide to turn towards the group - just in time for the fatigue of the ordeal to catch up with him as he wordlessly fell to the ground in a sight all too familiar to those present. Luckily, that also meant that they were fully expecting it - and with Masahide thus successfully recovered, Kotori gave a sigh of relief.

As always, she was happy that they'd managed to rescue a kidnappee - and equally so that they had in turn managed to confront the troubles that plagued them and come to accept them rather than be consumed; even if being subjected to someone's innermost thoughts did leave her as uncomfortable as ever at the unintentional and uninvited prying - and even more so when the person in question happened to not be a stranger, but a classmate as well. In the quiet after the battle, preparations were quickly made as to who would be bringing the unconscious boy to the hospital and who would remain behind in case any of the other groups required any help - even though Kotori hoped that that wouldn't be necessary; the arduous experience of the last time she'd had to face two shadows back to back not exactly being the fondest of memories.

However, considering who'd been kidnapped, Kotori was willing to put up with that if it meant she'd be able to help rescue a classmate or fellow Agriculture Club member.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

Following the casting of the lightning spell, Kotori took a brief moment to catch her breath from the continued battle as she watched her companions launch their attacks against the shadow. Hope sprouted for a second that they might even be able to end the fight right then and there - but even after Riku's heavy blow, the shadow still managed to pull itself back onto its feet and even finish the revival process on the dog-like shadow. Slightly dismayed, Kotori nonetheless readied herself for the still ongoing fight as everyone retreated from the pair of shadows - especially after Kaminari and Alexei had both just barely escaped from a wild barrage of spells on behalf of the shadow.

Kotori looked questioningly between the two - but neither showed any immediate need for any healing, despite her increasing worry thereof. Unfazed, Kaminari already gave the orders for the next strike - once more focusing on the dog-like shadow before going for the main creature; likely hoping to finish both off back-to-back. Kotori quickly nodded in agreement to the plan even as Kaminari already summoned Zeus to enact his words. She did much the same with Kikuri-Hime, calling upon the flowery persona before extending her hand toward the renewed hound: "Zionga," Kotori called; her words punctuated once again by roaring thunder as a lightning bolt came crashing down - and leaving her breathing a little harder as the strain of the repeated castings was starting to make itself more readily apparent.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

On Kaminari's signal, the entire group sprang into action. Bolts of lightning streaked out from Zeus, blanketing both enemies in surging electricity that forced them on their backfoot - just enough time for the real attacks to strike. Alexei and Riku charged forth, intent on beating down the briefly stunned wolf-like shadow - but for good measure, Kotori added another lightning bolt courtesy of Kikuri-Hime from on high; blasting straight down into the hound. It howled from the pain and brief debilitation thereof - which proved more than enough for the remaining two attackers to reach their target and cleave the shadowy wolf apart; launching it far from them, beaten and bloodied - or as bloodied as a living shadow could be.

This seemed to do little more than annoy the prime shadow however - who was intent on getting its companion back in the fight as it growled at the fallen hound. Raising its hand, the shadow began to pour the wine in its glass over the wolf - which caused it to stir; reminding everyone of Ayano's words that it held healing properties. If they weren't swift, they would be facing two enemies once again, Kotori worried. Kaminari seemed to think similarly as he didn't hesitate to order an attack on the preoccupied shadow; perhaps hoping to stop the process of resurrection or simply to get as much damage done as they could whilst it was relatively safe to do so.

Either way, Kotori quickly nodded in agreement as all three - Alexei, Riku and Kaminari - got off to a running start; intent on getting close and personal to unleash their strongest attacks. Kotori meanwhile remained behind - both to keep an eye on her companions and to make use of Kikuri-Hime in order to once more cast a lightning spell down on their enemies: "Zionga," she called before thunder crashed through the hall, a lightning bolt striking down from above just moments before the others engaged the shadow - leaving Kotori to hope, if only ever so slightly, that perhaps they could end this here and now before the fight dragged on longer and more of them got hurt.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

The lightning bolt struck home - and the wolf-like shadow recoiled from the hit, clearing the path for Alexei to charge in and attack the humanoid shadow. Unfortunately, unlike the hound, it didn't seem too impressed by the hit; immediately going for a counter-attack together with its companion against their assailant. Alexei in turn, however, didn't seem much worse for wear as he shrugged the attack off and denying any immediate need for healing attention despite Kotori insistence - instead, they should rather focus on their foe and save any healing for when it was really necessary.

Kaminari seemed to be of the same opinion as, upon observing how their enemies took the hits they'd been dealt, he ordered an all-out attack on the wolf so that they could hopefully turn the odds more in their favour. "Right," Kotori nodded at that before turning to track the wolf - it seemed to already know that there were more attacks incoming as it was skittering from side to side to make itself a harder target. Nonetheless, Kotori hoped that her attack would strike home again as she called upon Kikuri-Hime once more: "Zionga," she called for - which was immediately followed by another lightning bolt courtesy of the flowery shrine maiden that was her persona; even as Kotori's eyes darted to her companions, readying herself to cast a healing spell should they require it after the inevitable counter-attack of their enemies.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

With the transformation completed, it seemed like the first action was a stand-off - neither side immediately took the initiative to launch an attack. However, this did not last very long - Ayano's initial scans revealed that the hound was called Fafnir and was a fast and dangerous attacker. The shadow in the back, meanwhile, still eluded her on details beyond the fact that his glass of wine was apparently one of healing too - that was probably going to be something that needed to be dealt with if they didn't want the fight to drag on.

Kotori, meanwhile, had remained at a distance and nervously glanced between the two shadowy enemies - but Kaminari and Riku did not wait as long. The former called upon Zeus to deliver a Mazio attack, briefly stunning their foes but not dealing much damage. Riku used the opportunity to strike in tandem with his own persona, Lu Bu - but unfortunately, the heavy blow came a moment too late as the wolf-like shadow recovered just in time to jump aside; the impact nonetheless resounding throughout the room - undoubtedly that would have been a devastating blow if it had hit.

As no one had yet suffered any wounds, Kotori was free to try and aid the attack for the moment - and as Kaminari's attack had shown, neither of the two opponents seemed to be immune to lightning strikes. As such, she called upon her own Persona: "Kikuri-Hime." Unfortunately, she could only target a single foe with her limited offensive abilities - and without knowing the extent of either the main shadow's healing prowess or the hound's ability to dodge, it wasn't an easy decision. However, hoping that the main shadow could only heal itself and that a lightning strike would be both accurate and fast enough, she decided to focus her attention on the dog-like shadow: "Zionga."
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

As the shadows transformed to make up a pair of enemies, there was little left for the group to do - as before, no matter what they said or did, it seemed as if the shadow would find some way to coax the words out of their other half. Such was the case with Masahide once again - though at least Kaminari had the wits to warn the real one to get aside, seeing as what was to come was likely not going to be something that one wanted to be in the midst of. In fact, Kotori felt much that way - but with a deep breath she steeled herself for the inevitable battle ahead, however it may pan out.

Ayano immediately began to scan the shadow in an attempt to find their weaknesses; relaying much the same as Kaminari said: To keep one's distance and hold out for the time being. "Ah, y-yes." Kotori was only too glad to follow the advice as everyone engaged in their respective last second preparations. As Kaminari cast a familiar shielding spell to envelope himself in a defensive layer that would hopefully allow him to withstand any attacks a little better, Kotori unfortunately had little to offer in the ways of helping the others or herself out. Furthermore, without knowing exactly what they were up against, she was afraid to just cast offensive spells with abandon at either shadow in case that was just what it wanted.

Instead, Kotori tried to keep behind Kaminari, who put himself between the party and the shadows; hoping that it would give her enough time to react should either shadow go for her whilst she prepared both Kikuri-Hime and herself to cast any healing spells should they be necessary - though she'd much rather they wouldn't be.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

Calling upon Kikuri-Hime, another lightning bolt struck one of the few standing sneaky skeletons, by now so weary from the fiery barrages of both the hawk and Alexei's Persona, Prometheus, as well as the strikes from Kaminari and Riku that it fell apart from the final blow. The eerie sound of bones rattling echoed throughout the room as the last skeletons were similarly dismanteled; their remains scattering about before dissolving like the many shadows before them. Even so, everyone was still very much on guard after the previous ambush - at least until Ayano could give them the all clear; much to the group's relief.

Looking about as she took a moment to catch her breath, Kotori noticed that the hawk was no longer soaring above them; seemingly having vanished as quickly as it had appeared. A puzzled look upon her face, she didn't know what to think - but she was thankful nonetheless; giving a quick bow in gratitude in the direction she thought it may have flown off into and hoped it stayed safe before Kaminari gave the orders to press on. They left the room behind - still smoldering in some places after the heavy bombardement - as Ayano told them that the hawk was indeed flying elsewhere, leaving Kotori hopeful that it might perhaps be as helpful to the other groups as it had been to theirs.

As they carried on, Kotori began once more to glance about; even more so than before after the ambush that had been sprung upon them. This, however, turned out to be unnecessary as they didn't encounter any further shadows along the way; something that Ayano could only confirm as they reached a set of stairs. Following it upwards with her eyes didn't exactly fill Kotori with joy at the thought of having to climb all of them - but judging by the tension that overcame everyone when they saw the enormous door atop the stairs, everyone realised that behind it would be no respite. With even even less to look forward to, Kotori took a deep breath as Kaminari told everyone to ready up. "Kikuri-Hime. Media," she said, her Persona following suit as she raised the thorned flower in her hands as a soft light enveloped the group; easing fatigue, healing scrapes and bringing everyone to top condition before heading into what would undoubtedly be a most taxing confrontation. And with her side of the preparations completed, the long climb began.

As they ascended the strangely silent stairs, every sound they made seemed amplified - but also let them pick up on a faint voice coming from up ahead. As they drew closer to the door, they became able to distinguish some words - and the fact that it was, in actuality, two voices which sounded strangely similar. This gave Kotori quite a sinking feeling as she realised what this meant - and even more so when she also realised that she recognised the voice. "Eh?" was the sound she made when she noticed that the person up ahead was none other than yet another of her classmates - Masahide Saji. For a moment, her initial doubts and fears returned - not only Shizuka, a fellow Agriculture Club member, and Mako, another classmate, but now Masahide as well. It seemed as if everyone who had been kidnapped was somehow linked to her. Her pace slowed as she began to wonder if perhaps she was doing something that was bringing them to harm - but after a second, she vigorously shook her head.

Such worries and fears would only be a downward spiral of negativity - and that's not what she needed right now; especially not with what was ahead and with the other three - Alexei, Kaminari and Riku - at her side counting on her to do her part. Catching up again and slightly regretting the action when she realised how quick her breathing was when they reached the top of the stairs, the group pushed onward and into the room.

After the derelict and decayed nature of the entire dungeon beforehand, the room they entered was a stark contrast. Pillars, not crumbling but standing tall, lined the path ahead. It was laid out with a carpet deep red in colour. The walls were lined with works of art - though she might not recognise any of them, the decor of the place suggested that they too were likely of resplendant worth. The only thing out of place were the strange contraptions all about the ceiling and walls which helds what looked like people chained within them. Despite this, it was an overwhelming display of wealth which all lead up to the real center piece of the room - an ivory throne, upon which sat a single figure. At the stairs before the throne stood another - yet both were the same: Masahide Saji. The figure atop the throne seemed almost delighted when it saw the group of four entering; his tone almost jovial as he greeted them - yet his words were clearly condescending; leaving little doubt as to which Masahide was the real one.

Once more, confusion and discomfort came over Kotori as she heard the Shadow continued speaking. It didn't seem right to be witnessing someone's innermost thoughts being spoken out aloud; especially when they seemed so at odds with how the person normally was. After all, Masahide was fairly well-known for helping out around town without asking for anything in return - yet here he was, saying it was all just to have people look up to him? However, in the midst of all this, Masahide suddenly began shouting - and in doing so, spoke the fateful words which resounded throughout the throne room as he denied his other self.

Kotori feebly raised a hand as if to try and stop the words already spoken when silence descended across the room - only to be suddenly broken by a snapping sound as the manacles holding one of the bodies aloft seemed to crack and leave it to fall to the ground. Yet instead of striking the ground, it instead seemed to land on all fours; reminiscent of an animal rather than a human. At the same time, the Shadow drew closer - and with every step, its arms and legs seemed to grow longer and longer as its face lost ever more features. Colour drained from his body until all that was left was a deathly pale figure, its long fingers grasping a glass of wine whilst the body beside him began to shake and grow whilst what looked like hair sprung from it. In moments, the hair sprouted all over - until it was covered in black fur, no longer human but rather a wolf of sorts, though Kotori had never seen a wolf with a face for a head.

Sickly yellow beads peered out from the black void where the Shadow's eyes should be - and then it spoke, despite having no mouth. Instead, the wolf-like being seemed to be its voice as it beckoned them to come toward him. No matter how often she may see them, Kotori could never get used to the sheer inhuman appearance of these shadows or the menace that radiated from them - but she also knew that letting such discomfort get to her would be the single worst thing she could do right now. Instead, she called upon her Persona - and as she spoke her name, "Kikuri-Hime," she felt the calming presence put her at least somewhat at ease. After all, she wasn't along in facing this Shadow as Alexei, Kaminari and Riku all readied themselves for what was to come.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

There was a tension in the air which only grew with every moment that passed in which none of the skeletal attackers came forth to attack. Whilst Ayano could give them some forewarning, it was still a close affair everytime one burst from the shadows and struck out against one of the party members. Luckily, no one had been hit yet - but at the same time, the very limited amount of window of opportunity to attack the enemies meant that the group hadn't made much headway either. All told, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable situation that Kotori could imagine, even as she frightfully glanced all around in the vain hope of spotting a sign of an incoming attacker.

However, having put all her focus on that task had left her oblivious to the ever-mounting whistling sound from before. It was distinct from the sound of the blades being swung through the air or an elemental wind spell - unfortunately, Kotori didn't quite manage to finish the thought when all of a sudden a bright red flame erupted before her; only narrowly missing a skeleton that was sent sprawling to the ground by the sudden strike. Heat radiated off the sudden explosion and tore her from her thoughts; leaving her to close her eyes and quickly shield her face from the imminent attack - which did indeed occur just moments later.

Strangely enough, however, none of them hit. Gingerly peeking through one eye, she saw that all around the group the ground was ablaze; the flame strikes having damaged most of the skeletons and even killed a few - but most importantly, the light scattered the conealing shadows and left their foes open for attack. That, however, wasn't what caught Kotori's attention - instead it was the even more perplexing sight to which she was drawn by a drawn-out cry. It was not human in nature - but not frightening for it either, as it was instead the cry of a hawk; circling above - and accompanied by what she immediately recognised as a persona, even if her mind was scrambling to somehow rationalise it.

"Eh?" was her best attempt and therefore miserable failure at doing so - at least before movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention once more. A skeleton, silhouetted against the slowly-abating flames, was drawing near even without the covering darkness. Kotori quickly remembered that now was no time to be staring at inexplicable occurences or wonder about the unexpected assistance, no matter how welcome it was - instead, she called upon her own persona before directing it towards the encroaching attacker. "Zionga," she called - a call that was immediately answered by a roaring bolt of lightning that crashed into the skeleton which, weakened both by a previous counter-attack in the dark and the sudden bombardment, was taken down by the attack; much to Kotori's relief.

All around, the others were having similar success against their foes. With their numbers quickly dwindling, Kotori's thoughts strayed back to the strange hawk - and with the immediate confusion lifted, realising that, by the looks of it, it had somehow come to their assistance; the inferno from before having been directed at their apparently common enemy - even if it left her with more than a fair share of questions.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

Followed and surrounded by foes unseen, Ayano suddenly cried a warning - leading to most of the group to tense up in anticipation for an immediate attack. However, nothing could be seen or heard in the murky shadows around them - but just as tension started to make way for confusion, with Kaminari being the first to voice his, a nigh-inaudible sound much like wind seemed to fill the air. It cut Kaminari off mid-word as he raised his weapon in alarm - just a moment before the blade, having cut through the air, impacted on it. The shadows peeled back, if only for a brief time, to reveal a skeletal figure to be holding the blade; glowing red eyes fixed on the third year.

Kotori, meanwhile, was rapidly glancing about in fear of another such sudden attack - and, worse yet, what might happen if the next strike wasn't parried just in time. Kaminari, however, was quick to act and summoned Zeus to cast a wide arc of crackling electricity all around them - some of the skeletons seemed to have been about to charge but were quickly discouraged by the unexpected counter-attack. None of them seemed to have taken very much damage - but at least the party wasn't under immediate attack for a moment; enough time to regain their bearings and prepare to meet any incoming attacks with Ayano's warnings.

Without any spells to directly aid her companions' fighting abilities or area-wide attacks, there was little Kotori could do beside wait for the inevitable attacks; though at least she'd be able to heal any wounds sustained or add some damage to any appearing skeletons. She nervously glanced about at any movement, any hint of those unnatural red glowing eyes or a hint of sound - but the only things she heard beside her quick breaths was, oddly enough, something akin to faraway wind; leaving her and the others to rely on Ayano's forewarning and their reflexes as they peered into the surrounding dark shadows that hid their foes.
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