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Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 2 | Sunday, July 5 2015

Responses to the lingering shadows were mixed - and not only in terms of what exactly they were doing. However, with no over signs of hostility and no warning from Megumi, Rui cautioned them to proceed without attacking. Kotori wasn't averse to avoiding conflict where possible, seeing as it would mean they'd not have to exhaust themselves unnecessarily and as such was quick to agree with a nod - all the while still trying to fix her gaze on something that wasn't the shadows in the water or the other party members. This did turn out to be a little more difficult as they continued on however, as she found her glasses to be ever less transparent due to the rising steam until she finally had to concede to it and had to wipe them on her uniform just to be able to see clearly once more.

Unfortunately, she picked a rather inopportune moment for it as the very second she removed her glasses, a screech resounded through the hot springs. Making a rather rushed job of cleaning them, Kotori had clear sight just in time to see the shadowy women in the water scatter in a panic - and the veritable horde of shadowy monkey now surrounding them; seemingly only waiting for a signal from a noticeably larger monkey which seemed to be their leader. Not knowing exactly what they were up against, Rui asked for Megumi to scan their opponents as everyone got combat ready - including Kotori, who once more summoned Kikuri-Hime to her side in preparation to cast her lightning spell if any of the shadows got too close.

She couldn't help but worry that someone might get knocked into the water though - which might not exactly be the best of things considering the relationship between water and electricity; even if she wasn't sure if such a thing still held true in this strange Mirror Realm.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 1 | Sunday, July 5 2015

Distracted by Akane's constant dodging and weaving between its strikes, the shadowy knight put up little resistance as the spells of both Sato and Kotori struck home; leaving it open for a decisive blow by Akane and Rui. Caught in the crossfire, its chestplate began to crack - and then shattered completely, the rest of its armour quickly following as it too crumbled into shadowy dust that disintegrated before it even touched the ground. However, unlike most shadows, this one did not disappear fully - instead, in being destroyed the knight's armour revealed that a living person was actually hidden within.

Megumi was quick to establish that the person was merely unconscious - to the relief of Kotori, who was worried that their attacks may have unwittingly harmed them - and sent Kazuki to their location in order to bring them to safety. This too was quite welcome news to Kotori, seeing as it gave her a moment to catch her breath and, though unnecessary at that time, check on everyone else's condition while they waited for Kazuki to arrive. He did so only shortly after and, after just a brief few words, carried the recovered victim back to safety - which meant it was time to press on for the team, Rui announced and heading towards the stairs ahead.

Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 2 | Sunday, July 5 2015

Heading up from the previous floor, Kotori looked about carefully as no one knew quite what to expect; even with Megumi's watchful eye on them and their surroundings. For the moment, however, things were quiet as neither Megumi nor their own eyes detected any shadows in their immediate vicinity - leaving them to inspect the dungeon itself a little more closely. From the look of things, the theme from the previous floor seemed to be continuing - if the first floor was a dining area, then this one was a bathing one it appeared; the look and feel of a traditional Japanese inn undeniable - even if the strange disparity between being in the mirror realm and yet on seemingly mundane ground at the same time was a little unnerving.

Nonetheless, they carefully pressed on through a changing room and reached a rather large outdoor hotspring - which Kotori most definitely was not looking forward to. But whilst she wasn't exactly keen on public bathing, considering she didn't like having her scars on display, it wasn't like they'd be getting into the hot springs themselves - instead, the reason was far more prosaic in that steamy places simply did not mix well with glasses. Of course, that was before they actually arrived at the hot springs and saw the shadows mingling there - and by the looks of things, it seemed that they had ventured into the women's bath.

Similar to the dining ones a floor below, these shadows did not initially seem all to interested in the group and were instead more focused enjoying on the water - or, at a second glance, the presence of each other. Whilst she hadn't really known what to expect, it certainly hadn't been this for Kotori who tried - and failed - to somehow avert her eyes from the shadows whilst still keeping an eye on them in case they turned hostile; a slight blush undeniable even whilst wondering - and not for the first time - if it was alright to be seeing into other people's private matters, seeing as these places seemed to somehow reflect their thoughts and personalities.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 1 | Sunday, July 5 2015

For a moment, Kotori was worried if the hit had been strong enough when Rui's Garudyne seemed to only crack the pot - only for the cracks to suddenly expand all along the outside before the entire thing burst apart. This seemed to disrupt the enclosing shadows in some way as a great many of them fled away further into the dungeon and the few remaining were weak enough to not be any significant threat anymore. Megumi briefly informed them of how the situation had changed before everyone's attention focused on the knight which was still preoccupied by Akane darting in and out of its attack range and taking attacks of opportunity wherever she could - and luckily not having taken much in return.

Still, even if she managed to avoid all its strikes, it would take quite a while to take down such a foe all by herself - and after having felt the power behind its slashes before already, she didn't seem too keen on experiencing that again and instead used Setanta to empower everyone with Matarukaja before once more diving into the fray and getting the knight's attention. This left it open for attacks by Rui, Sato and Kotori - an opportunity that didn't go unused as a roaring wind blast struck the knight before thunder crashed as Kotori too added to the spell barrage with a "Zionga"; a little surprised at just how much increased the attacks were due to Akane's help.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 1 | Sunday, July 5 2015

Thankfully, the healing spell took effect before any further harm could come to Akane - not that she let any do so, seeing as she seemed more intent on taking a cautious feinting approach in order to lure the large knight away at Rui's behest. Sato too followed through on Rui's order and started to strike at the shadows guarding the incense pot with Chronos' assistance, blasting them with crashing wind that tore them asunder or left them dazed enough to be easily finished off by others. Rui himself meanwhile made use of both these facts, pressing on past the distracted knight and into the fray of the gathering shadows as he reconfirmed his previous intentions - only this time asking for Sato and Kotori to focus on clearing a path for him.

With any immediate danger of anyone taking a particularly dangerous blow cleared, Kotori was a lot more willing to go along with the plan in an offensive manner. Without any wide-arced attacks, neither Sato nor she could stem the tide of shadows - but if they only had to focus on those which were an immediate threat or in the way of Rui as he charged forward to deliver a heavy blow directly to the incense pot, they just might be able to do so. As such, Kotori gave a quick nod at Rui's words as she shifted her focus from the group - though not quite without the occasional glance to make sure everyone was safe - before calling upon Kikuri-Hime once more.

A thunderous crack followed whenever she directed a "Zionga" at one of the shadows that barred Rui's way or was about to swing around him and strike from behind. Together with Sato's spells, a rift was forming in the shadows - though Kotori worried what might happen if the rate at which they appeared increased as Rui drew closer. Still, it seemed like the lesser shadows were now almost entirely focused on him, leaving Sato and Kotori mostly free to aid in clearing a path and Akane to continue her exchange of blows with the knight as she dodged another of his attacks; only to land one of her own with Setanta's assistance.

With Akane avoiding any incoming strikes and the shadows being cleared for Rui, Kotori was left to tentatively hope that his and Askr's strike would be true, even as a shadow in his way, dazed by her own lightning strike, was blown apart by Sato's Garula.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 1 | Sunday, July 5 2015

Between Sato's arrows and Kikuri-Hime's lightning bolts, the two at the back managed to keep most of the shadows attempting to strike Akane and Rui from behind off them, allowing the two frontline attackers to make good headway and even reach the black knight. In doing so, Akane wasted no time to go on the offense and struck a persona-assisted blow, even as Megumi finished her scanning and let them know exactly what the incense pot was doing - by her words, it didn't seem to be affecting this fight, but rather the one that the other group had on their hands. With Akane's initial strike making a dent, Rui took the opportunity to go for the incense - but it seemed that their initiative and luck ran out as a bustle of shadows swarmed out from behind the pot and forced Rui to retaliate whilst the knight managed to take a swing at Akane.

Immediately, Kotori's worries crept back up as she flinched at the sight - but luckily, Rui managed to get enough distance between him and the shadows to avoid any rebuttal whilst Akane managed to avoid taking a direct hit. Still, seeing how even a glancing blow could do significant damage, Kotori was rather quick to mend what had been wrought. "Kikuri-Hime, Diarama," she called, in turn enveloping Akane in a soft golden glow - though it only lasted for a moment, it seemed to seep into any wounds and restored her to full; letting Kotori breathe a little easier - she hoped that this way, even if the worst came to pass and either of the two at the front took a direct hit, they might be able to hold on for long enough for her to intervene.

However, just undoing damage was no way to win a battle - which was something Rui had already realised and thus called for a new approach; ordering both Sato and Kotori to go for a surrounding maneuver. "Right," Kotori quickly said, adding a nod, before complying - with their continued attack on the shadows, they'd managed to cut down on the number of shadows so that both the older archer and she didn't need to worry too much about being attacked by any stray shadows. Still, she didn't like the prospect of being surprised by any particularly sneaky mirror world dweller and thus still occasionally gave a wary glance about when she wasn't looking between the other three group members to make sure none of them might be getting snuck up on or taking any hits which would require her immediate aid.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 1 | Sunday, July 5 2015

With all parting words spoken, the groups had set off on their respective paths, prompting Kotori to put her worries for the others aside and focus on the task at hand - after all, getting distracted by her own thoughts when everyone was relying on her would most definitely not do. Rui took point as, with Megumi's guidance, he led the group into the dungeon which had the looks of a traditional inn about it. However, there was no time to enjoy any relaxing atmosphere one might associate therewith as Megumi chimed in with a warning just as soon as the group spotted the first shadows themselves. Not wasting any time, Rui and Akane were quick to attack them - and dispatch them too, as they turned out to be of the weaker variety; leaving Sato and Kotori to take on those further afield as they moved on mostly uncontested by the seemingly eating shadows and their hosts.

However, this didn't continue on forever unfortunately - as the opposite end of the floor drew closer, some more incongruent opponents presented themselves in the form of armored knights. These could take a bit more of a beating than the weaker shadows before them - but couldn't stand up to the combined attack power of the whole group; serving more to slow rather than stop their progress. Kotori hoped that they weren't indicative of how things would proceed - a continuous increase in the shadows' power - when they came upon yet another kind of knight; this time clad in black armour and seemingly guarding both the hallway and an odd pot of sorts from which wispy strands of smoke seemed to emanate.

Megumi was just as quick to realise that this was no ordinary enemy and informed the group that they were facing one of the captured people's shadows - though by the sound of things, they weren't the progenitor of this whole dungeon. Still, even with her previous hopes dashed Kotori knew from more than enough experience that these kinds of shadows tended to be far tougher than the 'normal' ones - if there even was such a thing in this world. Plus there was that pot to be aware of until Megumi could fully scan it - thus leaving the group to fend off the knight to the best of their abilities. Rui meanwhile quickly formed the plan of attack - together with Akane he'd rush through whilst Sato and Kotori would make sure that they got through.

"Ah, right," Kotori said, adding a quick nod as she once more called upon her persona, Kikuri-Hime. A comforting calm enveloped her as she felt the presence of the floral shrine maiden more acutely and prepared herself for the fight ahead. Though she hoped it wouldn't be necessary, she was ready to heal any incurred wounds at a moment's notice - and until then, she glanced about to see if any shadows were trying to sneak up on herself and Sato, who were staying further back, or trying to get behind Rui and Akane as they charged off and through the ranks of shadows.

With a single word, "Zionga," a bolt of lightning came crashing down on one of the shadows which looked to be trying to move around Rui and Akane in order to attack them from behind. Seeing the two of them taking on the shadows up close, Kotori was somewhat glad that Kikuri-Hime's abilities lay where they did - the prospect of fighting these creatures from such a short range was a rather frightening one, even with the aid of a persona.
Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn | Sunday, July 5 2015

Once the initial surprise at the fourth new addition to the team in the form of Zeke had subsided - some seeming to take it more in stride than others - the preparations were made to head into the mirror world itself. Kotori would be following Rui, together with Akane and Sato, whilst Kaminari would be leading Ryan, Mako and Shizuka from the other side as Ayano had surmised that the dungeon itself was unusual in that it had two separate entrances and thus allowed for a simultaneous two-sided approach. Remembering her own unease when she'd first entered the mirror world, Kotori tried giving an encouraging smile in their direction - at least that was the intention; the result being more akin to an awkward half-smile.

Though she would have liked to be able to help both Mako and Shizuka, seeing as it was their first excursion into the mirror world, Kotori also trusted that Rui knew what he was doing when he made the groups and that Kaminari and Ryan in turn, together with their navigator and, if need be, Zeke, would make sure that not only those two but also whoever was kidnapped would return safely. Megumi and Ayano meanwhile had continued to scan the area to glean any information they could and chimed in with their discovery of a dozen strong signatures - strong shadows, though not quite as powerful as the ones which were the basis of a persona, would be dotted around the upcoming area it would seem; a prospect that Kotori wasn't exactly too thrilled to hear about.

Still, they had managed to get through things this far, so the least she could do was to hope they'd do the same here - and looking about her team as Rui gave the order to move out, neither Akane nor Sato seemed to - at least outwardly - show much of a lack of confidence; prompting her in turn to take a deep breath to calm herself and then follow them into the mirror world as they headed toward the inn after giving a brief bow to the other team and wishing them the best of luck and to stay safe.
Kotori Shirohane - Abandoned Warehouse | Sunday, July 5 2015

Receiving the message about the gathering for yet another Mirror World excursion did not exactly do wonders for lifting Kotori's spirits, particularly when she'd been cautiously hopeful that things may be taking a turn for the better with the kidnappings just the day before - only for those hopes to be completely dashed when she arrived at the warehouse and it was announced that there weren't three kidnappees this time but rather near a dozen, albeit with some strangeness surrounding the dungeon that formed.

Furthermore, there was the yet-unresolved matter between her two fellow Agriculture Club members, Matthew and Shizuka, which left her to glance between the two whilst trying not to draw any attention to herself doing so or, in turn, them. Her unexpected meeting with Rui on the matter had, unfortunately, not revealed a way in which to help the situation - she thought that may be partly her own fault for not being too clear on the matter as she hadn't wanted to reveal too much about the lives of others without their consent, though her attempts at subterfuge by cladding her words with things like 'hypothetically speaking', 'asking for a friend' or 'I read in a book that...' The last one at least was true.

Still, the best course of action, it seemed, was to simply wait and leave it to the two of them - and for Kotori to hope that things turned out well in the end. After all, it was something that only they could figure out. Still, seeing them being the way they were did little to brighten her mood, even as Megumi explained what they knew of the dungeon this time around - but despite all that, Kotori couldn't help but steal an occasional glance over at Rui, even before he was addressed. Or rather, the bird on his shoulder which was the cause for said addressing in the first place. She was not ornithologist, but the bird - Zeke, apparently - did seem vaguely familiar in some way, leaving her to wonder if it was perhaps the same bird that had aided them in the previous dungeon. Given how much of a help it had been back then, Kotori was only to glad if it remained on their side; not even realising the rather bizarre nature of the whole situation after everything that had already happened in regards to the Mirror World.

With their newest and perhaps oddest addition yet thusly inducted, preparations were at hand - and following that, splitting up into groups. As ever when a dungeon trip was in order, Kotori's worries began to surface - but after a few moments, she put them aside with a deep breath. With a somewhat shaky confidence, she stood ready to begin - all the while hoping that everyone would once again return safely, that no one got too badly hurt and that they'd be able to save whoever was caught in on the other side of the mirror.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Saturday, July 4 2015 - After School

Given that it was a Satuday, when the bell rang to signal the end of the day's lessons it was still early - though the usually joyful atmosphere at that prospect was a little dampened with the ever-looming finals creeping closer with every day; a fact that the teachers were only too glad to remind every single student of - in particular the unlucky few who happened to catch their attention through inattentiveness of their own. Kotori, luckily, was not among them - though she still couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, no matter how often she checked her notes at the end of the classes, paid attention during them or studied at home. Although a small measure of that unease probably stemmed from not entirely academic sources.

An inaudible sigh escaped Kotori's lips whilst most of her classmates had already vacated the room - things had taken a turn for the awkward at the agriculture club after Shizuka had approached her briefly on her first day back at school after being discharged from the hospital to ask her to let Matthew know she wouldn't be showing up at the club meetings. The very fact that Shizuka was using her as an envoy rather than tell Matthew herself directly had left Kotori to wonder a little - though she didn't say anything at the time, seeing as Shizuka didn't seem all to comfortable with talking about it. This suspicion only grew when Matthew himself seemed a little out of it on the subsequent meetings sans Shizuka - and who seemed to take the news with little more than a nod of acknowledgement, leaving the rest of the meeting a rather awkward matter that Kotori tried to pass over by using the time to study.

It seemed that ever since Shizuka was kidnapped, something seemed to have happened between the two - but without anything to go on or wanting to intrude on private matters between them, Kotori was left with little more to do than worry from afar. Shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear it of the thoughts, she instead focused on more upbeat matters - such as the fact that it seemed that no one had been kidnapped this week, seeing as there had been no messages from Rui or Kaminari on the matter; leaving her carefully hopeful that just maybe the cult was stepping down with the kidnappings - and not going even further after the triple case of the previous week - even if she didn't quite find it entirely convincing herself.

So lost in thoughts, Kotori only now noticed that in the meamtime the classroom had emptied out completely; leaving her to quickly pack her things and head out as well.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma: Ferrero Mall | Saturday, July 4 2015 - After School

Kotori occasionally glanced up over her glasses to make sure she didn't accidentally walk into anyone as she peered down at the small shopping list in her hand. Her mother had asked her to pick up some things up from the supermarket in the mall on the way home - and with little else to do, Kotori was only too happy to oblige. Still, navigating the mall wasn't quite so easy, seeing as it was quite a popular meeting space on any given day but particularly a Saturday afternoon - though at least most of the visitors seemed to be drawn by the more fashionable locales such as the various clothing shops or cafés.

Unsurprisingly, she saw several fellow students, though most only recognised as such due to their uniform or a vague passing familiarity - though on one brief glance about she noticed a familiar face not far ahead in the form of Rui, who seemed to be headed for a café and didn't appear to have noticed her. For a moment, Kotori was conflicted over greeting him or leaving him to his business when she had none herself - at least until the awkward atmosphere surrounding the agriculture club and her fellow members came to mind. Though he was not an actual part of the club, Rui did seem to have a knack for knowing what was going on with people, even if in occasionally slightly eccentric ways - and as such, perhaps he might know more.

Hoping that such a thing wouldn't be considered delving into others' private matters, Kotori drew close enough that her greeting, quiet though her voice may be, might be heard over the amibent noise of dozens of other mall-goers: "Ah, good afternoon, Shinichi-san." Kotori gave a brief bow - before realising that her plan did have one small catch in that she didn't really know how to broker the subject, seeing as just flat out asking about whether he might know anything about Matthew and Shizuka seemed rather abrupt, leaving her to glance about as if that somehow might produce a helpful answer of sorts.

"Uhm... I-I hope I'm not being a bother, but I was, uhm, wondering if you might be able to help me with something...?" she finally asked, though doing so was quite evidently not her forté.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Wednesday, July 1 2015 - After School

Kotori was rather glad to see that both her classmates, Masahide and Mako, had been discharged safely from the hospital, the same most likely being true of Shizuka as well, seeing as they were present in the classroom once again. She'd given them a small greeting after the somewhat awkward visits back at the hospital when she'd realised that she didn't really know what to do on such a visit and they had thus turned out to be of rather short duration - and she'd asked the nurse at the front desk if they could deliver the flowers to Shizuka's room after one run-in with her parents and Matthew had been enough embarassment for one day.

Of course, as with every kidnapping, and increasingly so with each new case, the rumours had been flying the day before and the two had undoubtedly been swamped with questions from curious classmates and others the moment they set foot on school grounds, if not before. Kotori felt some sympathy for them at the attention; particularly considering that it would most likely be a bit difficult to explain what actually happened, what with the mirror world sounding rather fantastical even after experiencing it for oneself multiple times already.

However, the buzz surrounding the kidnappings was easily replaced by the excitement for the upcoming summer break that was fast approaching - though the teachers were quick to curb this with a reminder of the upcoming final exams. Kotori looked toward them with rather mixed feelings - on one hand, she'd been sure to uphold her note-keeping, regularly done her homework and tried to keep to her study schedule at home as much as she could. On the other though, the mirror world excursions and increasingly worrying rate of kidnappings were definitely not very conductive to a studious mindset at the moment. Some of her classmates however didn't share such worries and had instead asked if she might be able to help them out - though Kotori had to apologetically turn them down, given that opportunity for any study groups tended to fall on inconvenient days on which she was to help out at the store at home or on the weekend which she'd almost grown accustomed to being reserved for rescue operations in the mirror world.

With a small sigh, Kotori finished up her notes for the day; the bell signalling the end thereof having already rung out some time before and thus left the classroom quite a bit emptier than before. A brief flash of movement from the windows caught her attention - but when she looked, nothing out of the ordinary was to be seen anymore. With a slightly puzzled look upon her face, Kotori simply shook her head at that before readjusting her glasses and proceeding to pack her school bag and head out of the classroom; her mind not yet made up on whether to stop by somewhere in town on her way home.
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