Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School | After School
The bell signalled the end of the lesson and beginning of the usual commotion as many of the students practically fled the classroom; eager to meet up with their friends, clubs or just getting home after a Monday. And, much as usual, Kotori was still in her seat finishing her notes for the day as most everyone filed past her; occasionally looking up and giving a passing greeting if anyone happened to speak to her as they went by but mostly focused on her writing. The classroom was mostly empty by the time she was finished and finally packed her things too - though not with near as much enthusiasm as those before her as a sigh escaped her lips, and not for the first time that day.
Exiting the classroom, she glanced up at the clock and, seeing as there was still a little time before she'd have to head out, decided to at least pay the Agriculture Club a visit - whilst she wouldn't be able to stay for long today, she might at least be able to help with checking up on the by now dozens upon dozens of different flowers and plants that were growing in the clubroom alone. That thought at least brought a small smile to her face as she headed down the hallway - only to abruptly halt in midstep when she heard a familiar voice. In particular, it was Matthew's - and it came in the form of a yell that could be heard down the hall even as she was only approaching the clubroom.
Her pace slowed, Kotori dithered on whether to draw closer to inspect - but after a few moments of deliberation, bit her lip and slowly turned back around. Between having been reassured that letting whatever it was that was happening between her two fellow club members best be left for them to work out between themselves and not knowing what to do or say even if she were asked, Kotori saw this as for the best - even if it didn't feel like it. As she passed through the main entrance, Kotori saw the other half of this predicament, Shizuka, currently preoccupied with the outside garden in the school courtyard - but for much the same reasons, Kotori continued on with but a small wave; unsure whether the other girl would actually see her as she did.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | After School
"Take care," the receptionist said cheerfully with a smile as Kotori gave a quick bow and hurried back outside whilst trying not to look too rushed doing so. It was only once outside and taken a seat on one of the benches along the path leading up to the hospital that she took a deep breath and started to feel her inner tension slowly loosening up again. No matter how many times she went, she just never could get used to hospitals - they always gave her an strange feeling of unease, even though she knew rationally that there was no reason for it. Still, at least the check-up had shown no sign of a worsening condition and indeed been mostly positive - but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a ill at ease knowing that this meant that her forthcoming operation was getting ever closer.
Kotori's malaise was not helped either by the face that she also knew that the two most recent kidnappees were currently in the hospital - and that she hadn't visited them despite having every opportunity to do so. She felt no small measure of guilt at that, but she really didn't want to spend more time inside than she had to. Looking back up at the hospital, she gave a small bow of her head and whispered an apology - it seemed like the least she could do.
The bell signalled the end of the lesson and beginning of the usual commotion as many of the students practically fled the classroom; eager to meet up with their friends, clubs or just getting home after a Monday. And, much as usual, Kotori was still in her seat finishing her notes for the day as most everyone filed past her; occasionally looking up and giving a passing greeting if anyone happened to speak to her as they went by but mostly focused on her writing. The classroom was mostly empty by the time she was finished and finally packed her things too - though not with near as much enthusiasm as those before her as a sigh escaped her lips, and not for the first time that day.
Exiting the classroom, she glanced up at the clock and, seeing as there was still a little time before she'd have to head out, decided to at least pay the Agriculture Club a visit - whilst she wouldn't be able to stay for long today, she might at least be able to help with checking up on the by now dozens upon dozens of different flowers and plants that were growing in the clubroom alone. That thought at least brought a small smile to her face as she headed down the hallway - only to abruptly halt in midstep when she heard a familiar voice. In particular, it was Matthew's - and it came in the form of a yell that could be heard down the hall even as she was only approaching the clubroom.
Her pace slowed, Kotori dithered on whether to draw closer to inspect - but after a few moments of deliberation, bit her lip and slowly turned back around. Between having been reassured that letting whatever it was that was happening between her two fellow club members best be left for them to work out between themselves and not knowing what to do or say even if she were asked, Kotori saw this as for the best - even if it didn't feel like it. As she passed through the main entrance, Kotori saw the other half of this predicament, Shizuka, currently preoccupied with the outside garden in the school courtyard - but for much the same reasons, Kotori continued on with but a small wave; unsure whether the other girl would actually see her as she did.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | After School
"Take care," the receptionist said cheerfully with a smile as Kotori gave a quick bow and hurried back outside whilst trying not to look too rushed doing so. It was only once outside and taken a seat on one of the benches along the path leading up to the hospital that she took a deep breath and started to feel her inner tension slowly loosening up again. No matter how many times she went, she just never could get used to hospitals - they always gave her an strange feeling of unease, even though she knew rationally that there was no reason for it. Still, at least the check-up had shown no sign of a worsening condition and indeed been mostly positive - but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a ill at ease knowing that this meant that her forthcoming operation was getting ever closer.
Kotori's malaise was not helped either by the face that she also knew that the two most recent kidnappees were currently in the hospital - and that she hadn't visited them despite having every opportunity to do so. She felt no small measure of guilt at that, but she really didn't want to spend more time inside than she had to. Looking back up at the hospital, she gave a small bow of her head and whispered an apology - it seemed like the least she could do.