SO yea, I just joined here about half an hour ago as i only got into role playing over the best few months. I'd feel comfortable role playing most things as it is, there isn't much i won't avoid but that being said i'm not into massive amounts of romance- just a side thing. i guess my favourite sort of thing to do is action and mystery. i'm not massive into doing big paragraphs on my role play as in the ones I've been i haven't had to but with some practice i could certainly get used to it. i love writing and always have ideas and thoughts but for me writing a book never get's the story i want across quick enough as i know soon enough i'll have another one shoving it's way into my head which is why i roleplay as it's a really nice way to convey a story and you are actually part of it. my mine hobbies are gaming, watching anime and reading along with other stuff. I'm a really hyper and energetic person most times so i hope i can get along with some people here. welp, that's about it for me and i hope to see some of you around