Avatar of Tangletail
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    1. Tangletail 10 yrs ago
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Current Game halfway done: but on pause
9 yrs ago
Programming a Wasteland/Fallout 1&2 style game. Going so and so.


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Ah shit, I knew I forgot something when I keep poking in.
I'll be moving my stuff into this later today. And I thought that the Guild is usually on a "When you can" basis
I'm interested if you got room
@Tangletail The pisture isn't loading for me. Did you delete it?

Did this work?
I'll be good with Forum posts.

You know... usually I find it utterly impossible to find a picture for most of my characters. But... I think I found a perfect one for Mix-mix.

I'm good with Discord.
@Tangletail Yes that's fine, I'm sorry for not answering sooner. Perhaps your Kobold was raised to live in secret, and you are looking to earn respect to live as you please?

Could work.
How is everyone's progress on their Character sheets? Is there anything you don't understand or want input on deciding?

Trying to come up with a background for the Kobold Alchemist. I thought of him starting off as the closest thing to a doctor for his tribe. But I am trying to figure out how he might have ended up in the town, or in the hellknight's employ.

For pathfinder's lore over kobolds, there are Kobolds whom secretly live in human towns and cities. Either by the local lord or ruling family's discretion (Because the kobolds are stupidly good at tunneling, so they build and maintain civics like cisterns and sewers, or secret tunnels.) Or without anyone's knowledge or just known pests - whom are mostly left alone because they are more beneficial than harmful. It's also possible that the kobolds could be employed for military purposes. Scouting, sabatoge, breaching walls, etc.

Also you never answered my question if I could use that gold for crafting potions are alchemical items.
<Snipped quote by Tangletail>

Ooh, that is good to know, actually. I might go with the dhampir, after all, just to avoid bringing the party conflict from the very start. Plus, can always play tieflings in 5E - but not dhampirs.

Also, I have a few stupid questions.

1) Do we get any starting equipment with our class like in 5E, or do we buy everything with our starting gold?
2) When (if ever) do we get ASIs?

You buy equipment with your gold using the values noted in the equipment pages of Archives of Nethys. If you are a small creature, there are specific rules for your equipment's weight and damage.

You get a Feat every odd character level ( If you multiclass, this will not slow your feats down, like in 5e.) This means that at level 1 you start with one feat. Your race may specify that you get a bonus feat like humans, or from your class like fighter, so be sure to check. So levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so on. Feats may also have requirements, like a minimum Base Attack Bonus, a level requirement (Leadership at level 7), another feat if it is part of a chain (Power AttackCleave, Whirlwind, Greater Cleave, finishing cleave ), or a class feature.

You get an ASI every four character levels. Once again, multiclassing does not slow this down like in 5E. The ASI however is only one point. So levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. You may also get this from your class as well, like Dragon Disciple.

ASI and feats cannot be traded for one or the other.

Also you will notice that a lot of things scale based on Class Level, or your Level. Class level is the level of the class that can use that ability. If you are a level 5 wizard, level 2 pally, you will cast the fireball as if you are level 5.
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