Nation Name/Flag:
Flag of Kresta:
Flag of Magrab:
Flag of Beitsan:
Flag of Emcon:
Map Location:
Government Type: The planets of Halcyon have four distinct governments based on their founding planet in the home system. Colonies of the home system planets retain the government and culture of their founding planet.
- Kresta: A Technocracy, they manufacture and trade high tech goods across the Cartel. A collection of appointed directors rule the planets but have no local representation outside of the home system. The only requirement of Kresta colonies is that a tax of wealth and technology be provided to the technocracy.
- Magrab: A Manufacturing power house, their home planet has been completely converted into a series of mega forges and manufacturing facilities. The Krivak family owns their planets and has for nearly 100 years. They rule like monarchs and assign governors to rule individual planets and pay tax to the ruling family.
-Beitsan: Is a representative monarchy, where the monarch is elected every decade. Taxes are collected for the collective defense of the colonies in the form of wealth or people for the colony defense force.
- Emcon: Is a religious monarchy where a King is elected by a senior council of high priests. These monarchs rule for life before being replaced upon their death. A hierarchy of priests rule the planets and send a high priest to vote on their ruler. Every planet it the Cartel appoints a high priest making the election of a new leader a large affair. They Worship memory of the Yrrani and consider them gods.
Demographics: 98% human with a small amount of other alien species. Emcon and its colonies are hostile to alien life.
Military: The only colonies that maintain their own military force is Beitsan. They have a defense pact with the Emcon and contract their soldiers out to Kresta and Magrab.
Beitsan forces are very balanced and conventional, employing a combined arms mentality for military strategy. The elite of the Beitsan military is a raiding force of marines.
History: The Halcyon system was founded during the Pax Yrranus, and four planets within the habitable zone of its host star were colonized. These planets were devastated by the galactic war and after the Great Fall lost contact with one another completely. A Technology regression occurred and the system collapsed in the anarchy. New societies emerged around the technologies that were found and slowly regained control over their home planets. When these societies tried to expand beyond their planet another conflict was fought over control of the system between the planets. After ten years of war a peace agreement was reached between the planets. Expansion in the home system was forbidden but was encouraged outside of the system and any habitable planets found and colonized are considered the sovereign territory of the colonizers. Over 200 years later peace has endured and thriving economy has developed between the colonies.
In the current era, peace remains but relationships may be strained between the colonies and long and mostly bloodless cold war of subterfuge and theft is being fought over the control of technology and knowledge.
(More will be added to history as things happen in the story)