Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson
Age: 18
Offensive- Gravity control
Defensive- Flight
Enhanced- Enhanced Agility
Bio: Brian found his powers when he started high school. He grew up in a average house hold with two parents that were never home. While in school he would push the limits of his abilities by playing pranks on others. He would make them float off the ground and weigh to much to move. When he learned more about what he could do he started to get into some mischief by doing bigger pranks. When one of his jokes went wrong, it ended up with some girl in the hospital in critical condition, and no one knew it was him. The guilt ate at him and drove him to drop his grades and almost flunk out of school. He knew he had to repent so he started with helping those in need, whether it be stopping a bully to stopping robbers, Brian would use his powers for only good. He was picked up after being noticed by the government, and taken to the HQ to be trained properly.