House Whent of Harrenhal
"Guard against the Night"
House Description and History:
Harrenhals holds the northern shore of the God's Eye in the Riverlands and the remains of the Castle of Harrenhal, which was built by Harren the Black and later melted and burned by Aegon Targaryen's dragon Balerion shortly after it was completed. Now it is a solid fortress, with a good harvest of resources coming into it's coffers. With plenty of loyal men to man the battlements and the Whents holding to sanity and stability, perhaps the curse of Harrenhal has finally been dispelled among the common folk. The Lords of Harrenhal are under the rule of the Lord of Riverrun and House Tully.
Recent History:
The lords of Harrenhal, House Whent took the seat after defeating Danelle Lothston the mad. There is many a rumor of how such came about but it was generally agreed that Danelle Lothston had taken to the dark arts and darker deeds. Overthrowed, her seat was granted to Lister Whent, a loyal knight to the Lothston until Danelle's madness. There was talk that he remained loyal to House Lothston even after that and that both families were linked as Lister's wife shared similar qualities with Danelle Lothston. Lister only spent four years as a Lord of Harrenhal before dying of some strange illness of the bowels. A lingering curse from the deposed Danelle Lothston it was said. The recent death of Waltyr Whent, the younger brother to Osmund Whent, has left the family feeling heart sore but they are still secure in Waltyr's three sons.
Family Members:
Lord Osmund Whent (b. 201) (57)
Lady Sallei Whent (Moonton) (b. 8210) (48)
Shalla Whent (b.240) (19)
Ser Waltyr Whent (b. 206) (51)
Jayne Whent (Piper) (b. 219) (39)
Benjicot Whent (b.238) (22)
Oswell Whent (b.236) (20)
Minisa Whent (b. 235) (19)
Sarya Whent (b. 233) (17)
Alysanne Whent (b. 248) (10)
Lady Mother Alysanne Whent (b.182) (76)
Lord Osmund Whent of Harrenhal

Age: 57 (b. 201)
Appearance: An older man, his hair has gone grey mostly grey and his face holds the worries that match his age. He wears often plainer clothes preferring to keep to a simple Lordship. He is no grand lord and thinks finery is for those higher than him. His wife, mother, and daughter can badger him into dressing in finery though he resents it.
Description & biography: A diligent and humble man. He was raised with the best in mind from both his parents, to ensure that the taint of Harrenhal would not corrupt their children. He came to the Lordship twenty years ago when his father passed. Wracked with grief, he was in no shape to take up the reins of lordship and left much of the matters of the domain to his mother. A woman who seemed disinterested in her husband's death. Osmund loved his father dearly and looked up to the man, loosing him so suddenly shattered something in the new Lord. He leaned heavily on his wife and daughter, piecing himself back together and finding himself falling in love with Sallei. His wife and he had been a pair for a time, but he had never seemed to care for her. That year made him rely heavily on her and since then they have had several miscarriage and young children born only to die shortly after without names.
His mother was pleased by this and he took over the lordship delighting in teaching Benjicot about how ruling worked. As no son was born and Osmund found himself and Sallei aging, he was reluctant to set her aside and take a mistress for a bastard or... less appealing means for a son. So he took to teaching his nephew and entered in talks about marrying his daughter, Shalla, to her first cousin. While not ideal, and disapproved of by his mother, Osmund found it the best choice to secure House Whent's future.

Age: 57 (b. 201)
Appearance: An older man, his hair has gone grey mostly grey and his face holds the worries that match his age. He wears often plainer clothes preferring to keep to a simple Lordship. He is no grand lord and thinks finery is for those higher than him. His wife, mother, and daughter can badger him into dressing in finery though he resents it.
Description & biography: A diligent and humble man. He was raised with the best in mind from both his parents, to ensure that the taint of Harrenhal would not corrupt their children. He came to the Lordship twenty years ago when his father passed. Wracked with grief, he was in no shape to take up the reins of lordship and left much of the matters of the domain to his mother. A woman who seemed disinterested in her husband's death. Osmund loved his father dearly and looked up to the man, loosing him so suddenly shattered something in the new Lord. He leaned heavily on his wife and daughter, piecing himself back together and finding himself falling in love with Sallei. His wife and he had been a pair for a time, but he had never seemed to care for her. That year made him rely heavily on her and since then they have had several miscarriage and young children born only to die shortly after without names.
His mother was pleased by this and he took over the lordship delighting in teaching Benjicot about how ruling worked. As no son was born and Osmund found himself and Sallei aging, he was reluctant to set her aside and take a mistress for a bastard or... less appealing means for a son. So he took to teaching his nephew and entered in talks about marrying his daughter, Shalla, to her first cousin. While not ideal, and disapproved of by his mother, Osmund found it the best choice to secure House Whent's future.
Lady Sallei Whent

Age: 48 (b.210)
Appearance: A woman of fair skin and dark hair. Her dark brown eyes are often soft. She often wears darker colors and finds herself chiving her husband to dress more like a lord and less like a laborer at his desk. She wears small trinkets from Osmund and Shalla, and age has yet to touch her features though lately there has been more than a few greys touching her hair and her skin has taken a sallow cast of illness.
Description & biography: Formerly a Moonton of Maidenpoole, she was married at sixteen to the young son of the Whents and expected to give an heir. Eager to perform her duty she was stunned by the lack of concern of a newly nobled house with only two sons and no heirs past that. It was several years later when she questioned Alysanne When as to why. The Lady of Harrenhal's answer at the time stunned the young wife. Alysanne explained that the Moontons had been a marriage for trade and arms. If there were children born of it? It would be ideal, but Osmund was more eager to tend to his land and slow to come to his wife's bed as he liked to sow his wild oats among the common folk while out on the lands. Sallei had been to keep Osmund from proposing marriage with a common woman as was seeming likely.
Taking this in stride, Sallei took to the cause of seducing Osmund to her bed and with talks with her mother in law, a blunt woman, she found success within five years of marriage. Sallei lost the child, but tried again and again. Shalla was the only success pregnancy and she tried several more times before retreating to the Sept of the Seven to pray that she might bear a son. Now, after thirty years of marriage, Sallei found herself hopeless of having a child and is now blessed with one. Her belly is round with the oncoming child and the Maester and her mother in law both worry as Sallei is in the winter years of bearing children the last person either of them know to bear so late in life was Alyssa Velaryon who married Targaryen and then Baratheon and died giving birth to two Baratheon children.

Age: 48 (b.210)
Appearance: A woman of fair skin and dark hair. Her dark brown eyes are often soft. She often wears darker colors and finds herself chiving her husband to dress more like a lord and less like a laborer at his desk. She wears small trinkets from Osmund and Shalla, and age has yet to touch her features though lately there has been more than a few greys touching her hair and her skin has taken a sallow cast of illness.
Description & biography: Formerly a Moonton of Maidenpoole, she was married at sixteen to the young son of the Whents and expected to give an heir. Eager to perform her duty she was stunned by the lack of concern of a newly nobled house with only two sons and no heirs past that. It was several years later when she questioned Alysanne When as to why. The Lady of Harrenhal's answer at the time stunned the young wife. Alysanne explained that the Moontons had been a marriage for trade and arms. If there were children born of it? It would be ideal, but Osmund was more eager to tend to his land and slow to come to his wife's bed as he liked to sow his wild oats among the common folk while out on the lands. Sallei had been to keep Osmund from proposing marriage with a common woman as was seeming likely.
Taking this in stride, Sallei took to the cause of seducing Osmund to her bed and with talks with her mother in law, a blunt woman, she found success within five years of marriage. Sallei lost the child, but tried again and again. Shalla was the only success pregnancy and she tried several more times before retreating to the Sept of the Seven to pray that she might bear a son. Now, after thirty years of marriage, Sallei found herself hopeless of having a child and is now blessed with one. Her belly is round with the oncoming child and the Maester and her mother in law both worry as Sallei is in the winter years of bearing children the last person either of them know to bear so late in life was Alyssa Velaryon who married Targaryen and then Baratheon and died giving birth to two Baratheon children.
Shalla Whent

Age: 19 (b. 240)
Appearance: A woman who takes after her mother but for the ghostly pale eyes of her grandmother. Willow thin and slender, she has almost russet hair. Standing about the average height she does not have a strong presence like her mother and is more demure. Though she often argues with Benjicot, insisting that the two of them will wed one way or the other and they are both of age.
Description & biography: The was the love child of her mother and father, born around her grandfather's death, she delighted the family in a dark time. Though after her birth she found herself the only daughter to a lord and with her husband long since picked out as every son her mother had perished not long after the birth. Resigned to her fate, she learned how to be a good wife from her mother and often scorns her grandmother's wild stories. Now, looking to the future with a stubborn eye she is eager to marry her older cousin Benjicot and to get on with raising a family of her own.
Though now with her mother bearing a child late in life, Shalla finds herself unsure if she herself could bear so much through life. It has lit a fire under her and made her all the more eager to marry Benjicot and begin to build up the House of Whent. Something she often argues about with Benjicot. Even disturbing her father's time with her mother to demand to be married and soon, an action that awakens her father's ire.

Age: 19 (b. 240)
Appearance: A woman who takes after her mother but for the ghostly pale eyes of her grandmother. Willow thin and slender, she has almost russet hair. Standing about the average height she does not have a strong presence like her mother and is more demure. Though she often argues with Benjicot, insisting that the two of them will wed one way or the other and they are both of age.
Description & biography: The was the love child of her mother and father, born around her grandfather's death, she delighted the family in a dark time. Though after her birth she found herself the only daughter to a lord and with her husband long since picked out as every son her mother had perished not long after the birth. Resigned to her fate, she learned how to be a good wife from her mother and often scorns her grandmother's wild stories. Now, looking to the future with a stubborn eye she is eager to marry her older cousin Benjicot and to get on with raising a family of her own.
Though now with her mother bearing a child late in life, Shalla finds herself unsure if she herself could bear so much through life. It has lit a fire under her and made her all the more eager to marry Benjicot and begin to build up the House of Whent. Something she often argues about with Benjicot. Even disturbing her father's time with her mother to demand to be married and soon, an action that awakens her father's ire.
Jayne Whent

Age: 39 (b. 219)
Appearance: A dark woman of average stature. She has born five children and thus is a bit thick of waist. She has dark brown eyes and fair skin with a rather plain face. Often considered less beautiful than Sallei, she finds herself often ignored as the wife of a deceased knight and thus thought to be common stock though she is a daughter of the current Lord Piper.
Description & biography: Born as one of many children, Jayne was always lost in a sea of faces and a daughter that was only useful to broker alliances in the great game of thrones. So she was married off to the newly raised House Whent, the new Lord of Harrenhal needed a wife for his second son. It was not an ideal match in her eyes, for Waltyr was a man who enjoyed hunting, wine and women. The last he and she enjoyed to some lengths, enough to produce five healthy children. Privately she finds herself bitter that Waltyr did not leave her with one last child. Her youngest, Alysanne, is closer to her grandmother and the Lady Alys quickly smacked down every attempted Jayne made to take up positions of power within the Whent family. Always kept to the outside, she sees her years as wife to the younger brother fading were she can potentially make a place for herself as wife to the elder. With Sallei falling ill during her pregnancy, Jayne has been considering methods to encourage her passing and usurp her position. She is only in her late thirties and can easily bear at least one more child. A son for sure!

Age: 39 (b. 219)
Appearance: A dark woman of average stature. She has born five children and thus is a bit thick of waist. She has dark brown eyes and fair skin with a rather plain face. Often considered less beautiful than Sallei, she finds herself often ignored as the wife of a deceased knight and thus thought to be common stock though she is a daughter of the current Lord Piper.
Description & biography: Born as one of many children, Jayne was always lost in a sea of faces and a daughter that was only useful to broker alliances in the great game of thrones. So she was married off to the newly raised House Whent, the new Lord of Harrenhal needed a wife for his second son. It was not an ideal match in her eyes, for Waltyr was a man who enjoyed hunting, wine and women. The last he and she enjoyed to some lengths, enough to produce five healthy children. Privately she finds herself bitter that Waltyr did not leave her with one last child. Her youngest, Alysanne, is closer to her grandmother and the Lady Alys quickly smacked down every attempted Jayne made to take up positions of power within the Whent family. Always kept to the outside, she sees her years as wife to the younger brother fading were she can potentially make a place for herself as wife to the elder. With Sallei falling ill during her pregnancy, Jayne has been considering methods to encourage her passing and usurp her position. She is only in her late thirties and can easily bear at least one more child. A son for sure!
Ser Benjicot Whent

Age: 22 (b. 238)
Appearance: A tall man of dark hair and pale blue eyes. Benjicot finds himself often riding out to deal with problems to escape Harrenhal castle and thus keeps his hair often pulled back in a tail and his beard roughly shaven or a tangle. He is a fit man but not to the extent of his brother Oswell. Benjicot has several scars from his fights against bandits.
Description & biography: Born the first son to Jayne and Waltyr, he grew up loved by his family with his brother. Now looked to as the future heir of Harrenhal's Lordship and set to marry his cousin, Benji is bearing the weight of his position and finds it eroding the ground he thought was a foundation of stone. His father's death hit that foundation hard and left the young man grappling with worries just as his Uncle did in his years. Though he also grapples with the fact he does not care for Shalla at all and finds the woman overbearing. Often he takes to fighting bandits and hunting game rather than staying in Harrenhal. His private worries he speaks of only to his grandmother who sympathizes. Desperately he hopes that this child of Sallei and Osmund Whent will be a son and will live. That he will be free of the obligation of potential marriage, though he knows that privately it is a long hope and unlikely to be. Always a clever lad, he is well versed in how to run a keep and the lands about it. How to play the game of politics and be a Lord or command a force. With the current troubles striving to raise their heads, Benji is plotting to slip from Harrenhal and seek to make a name crushing these threats to the Throne. A vain hope he sees as a potential way to get out of this potential marriage.

Age: 22 (b. 238)
Appearance: A tall man of dark hair and pale blue eyes. Benjicot finds himself often riding out to deal with problems to escape Harrenhal castle and thus keeps his hair often pulled back in a tail and his beard roughly shaven or a tangle. He is a fit man but not to the extent of his brother Oswell. Benjicot has several scars from his fights against bandits.
Description & biography: Born the first son to Jayne and Waltyr, he grew up loved by his family with his brother. Now looked to as the future heir of Harrenhal's Lordship and set to marry his cousin, Benji is bearing the weight of his position and finds it eroding the ground he thought was a foundation of stone. His father's death hit that foundation hard and left the young man grappling with worries just as his Uncle did in his years. Though he also grapples with the fact he does not care for Shalla at all and finds the woman overbearing. Often he takes to fighting bandits and hunting game rather than staying in Harrenhal. His private worries he speaks of only to his grandmother who sympathizes. Desperately he hopes that this child of Sallei and Osmund Whent will be a son and will live. That he will be free of the obligation of potential marriage, though he knows that privately it is a long hope and unlikely to be. Always a clever lad, he is well versed in how to run a keep and the lands about it. How to play the game of politics and be a Lord or command a force. With the current troubles striving to raise their heads, Benji is plotting to slip from Harrenhal and seek to make a name crushing these threats to the Throne. A vain hope he sees as a potential way to get out of this potential marriage.
Ser Oswell Whent

]Age: 20 (b.236)
]Appearance: A tall man, Oswell is extremely fit. His grandmother always laughed and called him 'my little lion'. Piercing blue eyes with a massive mane of handsome blonde locks, he is well-tanned from his rides and constant training with the sword. He keeps his appearance tidy, his quarters organized and always seems to have a cheerful smile. Matched with a booming voice that might be more at home at a battlefield or in a noisy tavern, Oswell is a young man who has one aspiration in the world and has put all his life into attaining it which reflects in his looks and unfortunately leaves broken hearts scattered about Harrenhal and the lands about the God's Eye.
]Description & biography: Born the second son and child to Jayne and Waltyr Whent, he always knew he would be a knight and begged his grandmother for tales of the Kingsguard. Eager to hear of the great knights of the Realm, especially as the old woman claimed to have seen Ser Duncan the Tall herself as well as the Bloodraven and had been there Baelor Breakspear fell in a tournament. Taking to this dream, Oswell spent most of his childhood watching the men practice sword fighting and begging to be taught, often practicing himself if no one would teach him. His uncle, father, and the men simply added him into their practices, amused by the lad's youthful eagerness and endless energy to learn the sword. It also helped that he shot up like a weed once he passed ten years of age, and was quickly made squire at the age of eleven to his father, Waltyr Whent.
When he reached seventeen, a year after his majority he had been to many a tournament and his father finally granted him leave to try for his spurs and Oswell took off riding like a madman towards the nearest tournament where he did win the ability to call himself a knight and was granted the title of Ser. It is well known that Oswell loves nothing like his sword and many women about the God's Eye break their hearts watching him tend to it with the care any lover might envy. A few of the single ladies of proper rank have tried to tempt the young knight with their favor and while a plea for help may turn his head the more raunchy offers for a tumble leaves the poor man confounded and blushing. "He strives to keep to the morals of a knight, and in that fails to grasp the realities." His grandmother says and often chides him for not settling down with a wife, though she does pat his cheek and says the King would be fool not the take him for a Kingsguard if his own were to, gods forbid, create room.
]Age: 20 (b.236)
]Appearance: A tall man, Oswell is extremely fit. His grandmother always laughed and called him 'my little lion'. Piercing blue eyes with a massive mane of handsome blonde locks, he is well-tanned from his rides and constant training with the sword. He keeps his appearance tidy, his quarters organized and always seems to have a cheerful smile. Matched with a booming voice that might be more at home at a battlefield or in a noisy tavern, Oswell is a young man who has one aspiration in the world and has put all his life into attaining it which reflects in his looks and unfortunately leaves broken hearts scattered about Harrenhal and the lands about the God's Eye.
]Description & biography: Born the second son and child to Jayne and Waltyr Whent, he always knew he would be a knight and begged his grandmother for tales of the Kingsguard. Eager to hear of the great knights of the Realm, especially as the old woman claimed to have seen Ser Duncan the Tall herself as well as the Bloodraven and had been there Baelor Breakspear fell in a tournament. Taking to this dream, Oswell spent most of his childhood watching the men practice sword fighting and begging to be taught, often practicing himself if no one would teach him. His uncle, father, and the men simply added him into their practices, amused by the lad's youthful eagerness and endless energy to learn the sword. It also helped that he shot up like a weed once he passed ten years of age, and was quickly made squire at the age of eleven to his father, Waltyr Whent.
When he reached seventeen, a year after his majority he had been to many a tournament and his father finally granted him leave to try for his spurs and Oswell took off riding like a madman towards the nearest tournament where he did win the ability to call himself a knight and was granted the title of Ser. It is well known that Oswell loves nothing like his sword and many women about the God's Eye break their hearts watching him tend to it with the care any lover might envy. A few of the single ladies of proper rank have tried to tempt the young knight with their favor and while a plea for help may turn his head the more raunchy offers for a tumble leaves the poor man confounded and blushing. "He strives to keep to the morals of a knight, and in that fails to grasp the realities." His grandmother says and often chides him for not settling down with a wife, though she does pat his cheek and says the King would be fool not the take him for a Kingsguard if his own were to, gods forbid, create room.
Minisa Whent

]Age: 19 (b. 235)
]Appearance: A thin woman, she is pale of skin with long red hair and pale blue eyes. Her clothes of often woolen and sturdy. Reasonable as she often spends time making concoctions of herbs and medicines.
]Description & biography: Always a bookish child, she would sit and read while her brothers practiced swords or played games of some great battle. She also was a dab hand with a needle and when she first began to learn of what awaited a noble maid, Minisa devised a plan. Learning medicinal herbs and such, she took her mind to marry a old lord and bear him a son. If the gods were good, she would outlive him and be left to her pleasures. If those pleasure were the books Sarya teased her for and the men that her sister eyed with heated passion? What of it? Minisa enjoyed bargaining prices and hearing the news of trades. It was a grand game with the added bonus of plenty of time to read of embroider, with gold to be gained in the mix. With her father's death and her brother to set to marry their cousin, she finds her heart aching for both men. For bells toll for both and with very different meanings.

]Age: 19 (b. 235)
]Appearance: A thin woman, she is pale of skin with long red hair and pale blue eyes. Her clothes of often woolen and sturdy. Reasonable as she often spends time making concoctions of herbs and medicines.
]Description & biography: Always a bookish child, she would sit and read while her brothers practiced swords or played games of some great battle. She also was a dab hand with a needle and when she first began to learn of what awaited a noble maid, Minisa devised a plan. Learning medicinal herbs and such, she took her mind to marry a old lord and bear him a son. If the gods were good, she would outlive him and be left to her pleasures. If those pleasure were the books Sarya teased her for and the men that her sister eyed with heated passion? What of it? Minisa enjoyed bargaining prices and hearing the news of trades. It was a grand game with the added bonus of plenty of time to read of embroider, with gold to be gained in the mix. With her father's death and her brother to set to marry their cousin, she finds her heart aching for both men. For bells toll for both and with very different meanings.
Sarya Whent

Age: 17 (b. 233)
Appearance: With long light brown hair like her mother Jeyne, she is the second youngest of the Whent cousins. While her sister and mother prefer wool and cloth that can be hardy, Sarya likes to wear silks and her gaze lays down the Blackwater to Kingslanding. A place she would be adorned with jewels and worshiped as she should be for the beauty she is. For some this may be a bold claim but many a lord and knight about the God's Eye have noted Sarya for her beauty.
Description & biography: Born the second youngest, for seven years she was the baby of the family and that is the mindset she still holds. Selfassured of her position in life, Sarya is certain she will marry well to a rich lord, perhaps even catch the eye of a Lord of dragon blood or a Lord Paramount. She is a woman who is petty, ruthless and fairly stubborn in what she wants.

Age: 17 (b. 233)
Appearance: With long light brown hair like her mother Jeyne, she is the second youngest of the Whent cousins. While her sister and mother prefer wool and cloth that can be hardy, Sarya likes to wear silks and her gaze lays down the Blackwater to Kingslanding. A place she would be adorned with jewels and worshiped as she should be for the beauty she is. For some this may be a bold claim but many a lord and knight about the God's Eye have noted Sarya for her beauty.
Description & biography: Born the second youngest, for seven years she was the baby of the family and that is the mindset she still holds. Selfassured of her position in life, Sarya is certain she will marry well to a rich lord, perhaps even catch the eye of a Lord of dragon blood or a Lord Paramount. She is a woman who is petty, ruthless and fairly stubborn in what she wants.
Alysanne "The Younger" Whent

Age: 10 (b. 248)
Appearance: Tiny even for her age, the girl boasts brilliant red hair like her grandmother and pale blue eyes, her nose and cheeks are smattered with freckles and her face is full of smiles.
Description & biography: Jayne and Waltyr's youngest daughter, her grandmother's favorite and a curious child. She was named for her grandmother who she resembled greatly. While her mother scorns her curiosity and insist she take up tasks more ladylike than shooting a bow or riding a horse like a boy. A willful girl, Alysanne eagerly wants to know what lies outside of Harrenhal and see the wonders her grandmother speaks of.

Age: 10 (b. 248)
Appearance: Tiny even for her age, the girl boasts brilliant red hair like her grandmother and pale blue eyes, her nose and cheeks are smattered with freckles and her face is full of smiles.
Description & biography: Jayne and Waltyr's youngest daughter, her grandmother's favorite and a curious child. She was named for her grandmother who she resembled greatly. While her mother scorns her curiosity and insist she take up tasks more ladylike than shooting a bow or riding a horse like a boy. A willful girl, Alysanne eagerly wants to know what lies outside of Harrenhal and see the wonders her grandmother speaks of.
Alysanne " Alys The Elder" Whent

Age: 76 (b. 182)
Appearance: Her hair is light blond now and her gaze pale steel. Wrinkles etch her face, age wears on Alys. A short woman of barely five feet, she wears comfortable clothing and delights in looking to the betterment of her descendants. Her hands are scarred as is the rest of her body which she keeps carefully covered. Her vanity is in her single long braid that almost drags along the ground.
Description & biography: Married to Ser Lister before he became a Lord, Alys tells tall tales with her family of an adventurer's life before marrying Lister. She carries small smiles when talking of how fortunate it was that her husband helped to depose Danelle the Mad. Bearing him three children, two sons and a daughter he died only four years after taking up rulership of Harrenhal from a strange illness. She did not mourn his death but took up rulership of Harrenhal while her sons mourned. Guiding their wives in the marriages she guided their children in their futures. The Matriarch of the Whents, she guides them in their dealings.
With Osmund and Sallei unable to leave Harrenhal with Sallei pregnant, Alys has taken the trip to King's Landing to observe the going ons as well as taking Minisa, Sarya, Benjicot and Osmund to present them to the Court with the aid of Jayne. Alysanne the Younger remained at Harrenhal, unhappily.

Age: 76 (b. 182)
Appearance: Her hair is light blond now and her gaze pale steel. Wrinkles etch her face, age wears on Alys. A short woman of barely five feet, she wears comfortable clothing and delights in looking to the betterment of her descendants. Her hands are scarred as is the rest of her body which she keeps carefully covered. Her vanity is in her single long braid that almost drags along the ground.
Description & biography: Married to Ser Lister before he became a Lord, Alys tells tall tales with her family of an adventurer's life before marrying Lister. She carries small smiles when talking of how fortunate it was that her husband helped to depose Danelle the Mad. Bearing him three children, two sons and a daughter he died only four years after taking up rulership of Harrenhal from a strange illness. She did not mourn his death but took up rulership of Harrenhal while her sons mourned. Guiding their wives in the marriages she guided their children in their futures. The Matriarch of the Whents, she guides them in their dealings.
With Osmund and Sallei unable to leave Harrenhal with Sallei pregnant, Alys has taken the trip to King's Landing to observe the going ons as well as taking Minisa, Sarya, Benjicot and Osmund to present them to the Court with the aid of Jayne. Alysanne the Younger remained at Harrenhal, unhappily.