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    1. Teancum 11 yrs ago


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Lach smirked as he saw some of his blood land on her but knew his work wasnt done yet. Depending on the amount of blood it took time to negate the magical power in someone if they only had a drop of blood on them. But! I did automatically weaken their powers.

And soon he was surrounded by the speakers and heard from sam that he had her.. at which he ignored. The blast she sent out helped with that. though they werestrong they were not as strong as before, but he didnt want to show that yet.... He jumped but a little to late on purpose allowing himself to get thrown and land hard on the ground near Marie. hiding his hand which was cupping more blood flowing from his wound. he gets up slowly feinting being hurt. Sure enough she would say something, at which he ran closer to her and swung his blade at her again, he then as he swung his blade flicked all the blood in his hand at her as well.
Ill be posting soon!
She was taken off by his word, stuttering as she spoke "W-w-what?!"

"Bah, fans should not get on la stage!" With a click of her finger suddenly two thin speakers shot up in front of the pair and blasted out a wide spread shock wave, only for her to lower with the speakers and bring up a high kick dance, which set off all her speakers either side of her to blow the pair off the stage. At which Lach dove to the side and rolled to hisfeet and she continued, "Besides. I rather like mwah men rather more... Refined."

"Now then, shall we start?~" Spinning in place she kicked out, her dance moves opening up several speakers on the floor, sending out a slicing sound way across the floor. Lach grunted and dove again, hopping around and summersaulting to get away from the blasts. He then cut his elbow discretely with his blade so she couldnt see it. the cut was not deep at all but its location would bring a lot of blood out, at which he allowed his blade to get soaked in it as he suddenly heard the potions guy start speaking French! He didnt speak french but he could pick up he was talking how he loved her music... He Stood up and said, " I dont know what he said, but back off! I got the back stage tickets.... He rushed forward and jumped high into the air, his arm now covered in blood as well as his sword He slashed his blade down and the blood flicked off of it as he did, he wasnt aiming for her exactly but near her.... he had to get his blood on her. If no blood got on her the first time he then spun and flicked his wrist to where she dodged too... which was his main aim to catch her while she landed.
Ok I edited it , Aerandir gave me permission to fill in a few things for his character
Latch followed the group with his hands be hind his head, stretching them, and taking big steps. He looked rediculus but he didn't care. It was good to always stretch before a battle and hey it was better than being cold.
Before he knew it they were running down a paper rockish tunnel. With Orin and The big guy with the massive sword. They kicked the doors down like it was nothing... Making him wish he was as big as those guys. He wasore tone than muscle but it worked for how he fought so he didn't think to much on it. As the dust settled he heard people in worried tones say it's Hector.... The frozen fang! He looked at the big guy surprised. Hector? The ice dragon slayer bounty hunter?!? He saw Hector smile and chuckle almost evilly and run in to the thickest part of the enemy guild.
All Lach could do was smile "AWW HELL YEAH!" He yelled as he pumped himself up knowing that this guild was going to get their asses handed to them. He jumped into the fray as well dodging mostly trying to get near his opponents, most of them were too slow so he didn't need his blood to knock their magic out, mostly cutting nerves tendons or knocking the people out is what he did. Being in the thick of it as well. Trying to be near Hector cause come on he wanted to see some dragon slayer style!
He noticed as well Orin was very strong obviously the strongest in the guild... Well perhaps now with Hector who was currently fighting a beast take over guy with his bare hands....annnnnnd four other guys..... While LAUGHING.
"Is this the best you got?!" He heard Hector roar as he decked the beast take over wizard with an uppercut crushing two of the guys beneith him. As he fell on his back. Hector simply turned and jumped into the crowd again. Now that's a man he wants to fight. Lach thought to himself.

Suddenly the room begun to shake and change and that noise from before sent four men flying . Apparently it's that rocker dance chick... The guild master allowed this to be made into his guild hall?! Must be very well off. "You are playing within my showroom now darlings~ You have not a chance to get by me and bother mister Axcel."

He happened to stop next to Orin... He knew he was going to try and fight her but suddenly a small plain paper doll slipped out of his coat and stood on his shoulder. The voice of Beatrix was clearly coming from it and rather loudly too. "Don't be foolish... If you all attack her you may be falling right into their trap. There are two hallways that lead from here and circle around to the Guild Masters room, if you continue to fight here and wear yourselves out the others will just turn up and deal with you then... Some of you may have to stay here to deal with her directly while the rest split up an-,"

The paper was blown apart by a pin point sound wave, almost unheard "What a clever thing... It doesn't matter what you do however, as the others will deal with you anyway~"

Lach placed his hand on Orin's shoulder and looked to him. "Beatrix is right, we can't waste time on the small dry out here. You and Hector are the strongest you two should go ahead and get to the guild master. " I'll take care of the chick." He looked at the girl and back at Orin and winked "I always had a thing for white haired beauties " he looked to Hector who just finished bashing two guys heads together and using them as weapons to knock others over noticed the girl..obviously but didn't look interested in going after her. He heard him yell out as he dropped the two men like a sack of potatoes and walked over. "The fight here is in our favor. I agree with him we should move ahead and take care of the stronger ones holding back. Don't want them to sweep in and take out the kids in our guild. " Hector smiled and said "let's see what you got kid!"

Lach narrowed his eyes. " I'm not a kid..." He swiped his sword to his right and jumped onto the stage with the girl... Marie if he heard correctly." He then gave his most charming smile and said" How's it going? I'm not much of a fighter and I'm sure your strong obviously but I can't bring myself to even think of fighting a beautiful woman like yourself... Perhaps we could skip out on this and grab a bite to eat?" He knew obviously she wasn't gunna go for it. But hey.... It was worth a shot.
I claim the rocker chick! He has a thing for singers ;)
Lach was still in shock that there was a talking raccoon among them...even after the whole ordeal he sat there with the pizza in his mouth. finally coming too when people came in and started reporting. Continuing to finish his slice he moved over to the group. and listened to what happened.

Everyone was talking and it was hard to follow, so he decided to go talk to the new guy, who was a samurai. "Hey! My name is Lach, You deciding to join the guild? That would be awesome, its been a while since i've crossed swords with another swordsman. " He held out his hand to shake with a smile on his face.

He then noticed Hector eating ice like it was a snack and gave a weird look. What ever floats the guys boat.
Elliot nodded to him, answering his question, "I did. Pretty good reward too... But you know me, can't stand sitting still," She shrugged, "I tried to get back early enough to grab myself another job but seems that I came to late."

He under stood slighly there were times where he wasnt lazy and needed to get out and do something....but that wasnt today.

She glanced over to Hector and he followed with his eyes as well as she laughed, shaking her head, "Ha! He wishes. No, met him on a job sometime ago... Left on... not to pleasant terms," There was a pause and he leaned his head toward her as if he wanted to elaborated more, but he quickly realized what was the cause to the end of her story was that Elizabeth had popped up and started asked them questions.

"Heeeey! GUYS!" She smiled waiving at them. "Sooooo how are you guys? What you guys doing? Searching for jobs? I wanna do a job. But I dont know yet."

Elliot opened her mouth, "I'm go-" she stopped suddenly as Eli nodded smiling at him. "How are you?" She asked again. It was clear she was more interested talking to him than Elliot.

"Aaaand you don't care..." Elliot said as she gave him a small wave before leaving. He made a painful smile, he hated when that happened, he gave the same small wave at Elliot back before looking to Eli and smiled back.

"Im fine how have you been?" He asked as he placed the palm of his left hand on the pommel of his katana. as she would answer he would look around the room and notice another man with a Katana. He suddenly felt excited and yet at the same time territorial, Here was someone who he could spar with, he had to make sure he looked good for the women of the Guild,being beat by this other guy wont do well... He wondered who he was he looked experianced, but experiance is not the same for everyone.

After Eli finished answering his first question he added," looks like there are no more we can go on for today, only one left is the S class and no one here is cleared for that. I mean I could d it if I wanted to, but that would put Beatrixs panties in a bind. "

He also noted a guy walk in off the street talk to beatrix and hop over the bar and started working like that.. and a raccoon followed after him and ploped himself next to Kael and look at his food long enough to manage a score a piece. "Heeeeeeey." he wined " Kael! Dont go waisting a good slice of pizza on a racoon like that!"

He put up his finger and said excuse me to Eli before walking over and leaning on the counter and grabbed a piece" thanks Illl spot ya next time." Mid bite he realized that the Racoon was talking. At which he paused with the pizza in his mouth and stared at the raccon for a moment before narrowing his eyes and slowly reaching out with his free hand and poked it in the chest a few times.
I can't allow one person to have all the fun ;) besides what good is a rp with out an epically awesome sword fight!? I think it would be an awesome one
Lach Yawned as he stretched his arms by pointing them high in the air, rotating his wrist to un-tighten his forearms, cracking could be heard as he did so Which were folded against his chest for his hour nap in the Guild Hall. He squinted as he looked around, the light hurting his eyes. He saw some new people already who were not here the day before, Some young...one old, but experienced. He studied all in the guild from his corner as he had his legs folded and propped up on the table with his chair leaned back on its back two legs... the same position he held while he napped. His sword propped against the wall to his left just in case.

As he looked around he noticed many of the people he knew were gone, probably out on jobs... Which he remembered he slept through the posting of the new jobs. Giving himself a facepalm... he was running low on money, he had to get some for rent.

His thought process was interrupted as he heard Elliot talking smack to an old man, she seemed to know him... he did seem familiar but he couldnt place a name...oh well he will figure it out later.

Sighing he dropped his feet from the table and while the chair fell forward onto its four feet he grabbed his sword in the same motion as he stood up, spinning it into his sash around his waist. Then he made his way over to the job board with his hands cupping the back of his head, still stretching.

As he came to the board his hands still in the same position he looked at Elliot. "Hows it going? Didn't you just get back? Also whats the deal with you and that guy over there? Ex boyfriend or something?"
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