Theme SongName: Lach (Lock)
Codename: The Blood Samurai
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: Human

Because of his Magic he has Scars all over his body, and its normal for him to have wrappings on his hands and forearms, even on his torso.

Personality: Loyal, Charming, Mischievous, Relaxe,d Dedicated
Likes: Fighting.... Sleeping...Getting money, women
Dislikes: people who cant take jokes, bullies, being called chicken
Fears: Dying, its why he trains so hard,
Guild: Azure Dragon
Rank: D
Guild Tattoo: Left side of his neck
Meaning: A chance to work with others, a family.
Magic: Blood Sacrifice
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: This magic is not like any other, Lach must sacrifice his blood (By cutting himself) and some how throw his blood onto his opponent. If he succeeds it negates the opponents Magical power (unless he has an item which it doesn't effect.) If the opponent doesn't wipe the blood off completely its power remains this is extra hard if the opponent has it on his clothes thick enough to touch his skin, which means he or she would have to remove that clothing.
Also because his magic works only when he gets blood on the opponent he has to resort to his speed and agility to survive and to get close enough.
History: Lach grew up ina small village with his grand father, who was a scholar of Magic, who was a great Wizard himself. Despite having a Grandfather and a Father (Who died from ammonia) who were wizards he himself could not use magic of any kind. After learning this his Grandfather devoted himself to find the reason.
Because of this he was picked on a lot by other kids, and often got into many fights. So he learned how to defend himself, and soon started winning fights against kids who could use magic against him. it just seemed every time he would get a good licking his luck would change and he manage to overcome his adversary. It was after one of these fights his Grandfather received a clue, while cleaning up his blood he realized he couldnt use magic anymore (As he used it just before he touched the blood) Soon he came up with an Answer, Which was a Forgotten art that his own ancestors created to fight off Wizards, Called the Blood Sacrifice. The actual technique to apply to one self was completely forgotten but it was known for the children to inherit this ability, not every time but sometimes...even skipping multiple generations. It was created for the use of non magic users for an edge against the wizards they fought.
After learning this he trained even harder with his weapon skills and toughening himself against pain, as he would have to cut himself to make this work. Since his training has nothing to do with his magic for he has no way of making it better or stronger he focuses on his swordplay and conditioning which will give him the edge against any who also wield a weapon but also have to focus on their magic as well. He made a name for himself as the Blood Samurai, for obvious reasons. He became a mercenary for a while to earn some money but it was too lonely for him so thats when he decided to join a guild, Azure Dragon seemed to be the fit right