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    1. Teancum 11 yrs ago


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Kitsune said
Teancum: Huh... Sounds like his families very blood was cursed to reject magic. Given that is its only ability I shall allow it. However in order to stop holder magic he would have to put it onto the object of magic.

Well his ancestors had use it on those who couldnt use magic to have an ability to fight Wizards on even ground. It wasnt intended to be passed down through the generations. So yeah its cursed but it doesnt happen every generation like stated before. I was intending holder magic to be his weakness but never thought of that Idea... it would give me a challenge....
Theme Song
Name: Lach (Lock)
Codename: The Blood Samurai
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: Human


Because of his Magic he has Scars all over his body, and its normal for him to have wrappings on his hands and forearms, even on his torso.

Personality: Loyal, Charming, Mischievous, Relaxe,d Dedicated
Likes: Fighting.... Sleeping...Getting money, women
Dislikes: people who cant take jokes, bullies, being called chicken
Fears: Dying, its why he trains so hard,

Guild: Azure Dragon
Rank: D
Guild Tattoo: Left side of his neck
Meaning: A chance to work with others, a family.

Magic: Blood Sacrifice
Caster or Holder: Caster
Description: This magic is not like any other, Lach must sacrifice his blood (By cutting himself) and some how throw his blood onto his opponent. If he succeeds it negates the opponents Magical power (unless he has an item which it doesn't effect.) If the opponent doesn't wipe the blood off completely its power remains this is extra hard if the opponent has it on his clothes thick enough to touch his skin, which means he or she would have to remove that clothing.
Also because his magic works only when he gets blood on the opponent he has to resort to his speed and agility to survive and to get close enough.

History: Lach grew up ina small village with his grand father, who was a scholar of Magic, who was a great Wizard himself. Despite having a Grandfather and a Father (Who died from ammonia) who were wizards he himself could not use magic of any kind. After learning this his Grandfather devoted himself to find the reason.

Because of this he was picked on a lot by other kids, and often got into many fights. So he learned how to defend himself, and soon started winning fights against kids who could use magic against him. it just seemed every time he would get a good licking his luck would change and he manage to overcome his adversary. It was after one of these fights his Grandfather received a clue, while cleaning up his blood he realized he couldnt use magic anymore (As he used it just before he touched the blood) Soon he came up with an Answer, Which was a Forgotten art that his own ancestors created to fight off Wizards, Called the Blood Sacrifice. The actual technique to apply to one self was completely forgotten but it was known for the children to inherit this ability, not every time but sometimes...even skipping multiple generations. It was created for the use of non magic users for an edge against the wizards they fought.

After learning this he trained even harder with his weapon skills and toughening himself against pain, as he would have to cut himself to make this work. Since his training has nothing to do with his magic for he has no way of making it better or stronger he focuses on his swordplay and conditioning which will give him the edge against any who also wield a weapon but also have to focus on their magic as well. He made a name for himself as the Blood Samurai, for obvious reasons. He became a mercenary for a while to earn some money but it was too lonely for him so thats when he decided to join a guild, Azure Dragon seemed to be the fit right
After Urick asked about Lady Yuna he heard "YES! She just hit her head with the initial crash.... We got to get people out on deck!" He looked at her then down at the rising water...he hesitated for a moment, the only way out was blocked. "The Door is blocked by a part of the mast. " Urick yelled as he tossed his axe to the side. "Ill go and try to move it!"

He then turned and ran towards the door, using his speed he tried to use his weight to slam into the mast. it only Budged slightly as he rammed it with his armored shoulder. Grunting in pain as the blow still knocked him. After a moment he lowered his stance, trying to get under it. He grunted and growled as he pushed with all his might but it wasn't moving any more. But he didn't give up, this was the only way out...soon other men came up and tried to help, but with the hall narrow and the door even more so, there was only so much they could do with out being able to give their full strength cause of awkward positions.

Soon the water was at his knees...and he finally knelt down and took in a few breaths... there was nothing they could do... he looked back to the rest of the people and he saw Persephone and lady Yuna who was now standing up holding her head. She closed her eyes and said, "Everyone...Get away from the Door...." with such authority Urick himself wanted to get away from the door as fast as possible. He made sure everyone was at least ten feet away from the door as he looked back and heard Yuna say, "Please, clear us a path!” as she put her hands together and a glyph appeared under her. Suddenly a dog...thing... appeared from one of the side rooms and came up next to her.. at which she petted before looking up at the door. Despite the loud noises of battle outside they could hear thudding of footsteps of something larger than himself. Suddenly the wood shattered and light shined through. Urick had closed his eyes as it shattered and as he looked through he could see a massive man leaning down to look into the doorway... after a moment he realized it wasn't a man, but it was an Aeon... at which he shoved the mast on their left to the side to give them more room.

Yuna walked up to the Aeon and smiled, touching it's shoulder. Urick then said to everyone as the water reached his waist. "Alright MOVE It's safer up there than here!" After he hurded them out he found others fighting the tentacles, it seemed they were doing fairly well and he saw another Aeon... Valfore, So it seemed Isabeau was able to summon after all... He watched as the Aeon fired a laser from it's mouth, burning a few tentacles in the path.

Yuna then turned and paid Yojimbo, then when he was paid he turned and pushed the sword from his sheath with his thumb and flashed as he sliced through the two biggest tentacles with ease. He looked around for Gippal, but couldn't find him. he found everyone else but the girl named Sena as well... where were they?
Urick slept in that day as it would be one of the last he would have now with being a Guardian. He still couldn't believe that Aeons had returned! By Yevon he would have never have thought to see one. Now with him Being the guardian to the first Summoner in twenty years he might get that chance. He got out of his cabin and made his way up to the deck and as he exited he was nearly knocked off his feet as the ship shook violently but thankfully because of his training he quickly spread his feet wide and reached down to stabilize himself until the ship came to an eerie stop.

He stood up and looked around, he could see Gippal on the ground and Isabeau. To his right he could see Alex. Before he could do anything though a man yelled "Fiend!" Then the tentacles appeared Urick swore to himself as he lowered into a fighting stance when he heard screaming from under. He looked back as the tentacles started to smash onto the deck and looked up when he heard a loud Crack as the mass broke, Falling towards him. With out a hesitation he dove for the door, the mass crashing down just centimeters behind him. Landing on the bottom and rolling to his feet he looked back to see the way up was blocked. It didn't matter for now as he heard more screaming and looked around to see water coming in and tentacles stuck through the side of the hull.

He rushed in and Grabbed a fire axe off the wall. His martial Arts would be kinda useless in this situation. Feeling the weight as he moved to the nearest tentacle he swung his ax and sliced through it, slamming the ax into the hull behind it, blood squirted everywhere as it flailed and slipped back through the hole. But it seemed another would take it's place after wards and he would spend a moment fending it off. After he would wound the other he would run deeper to help anyone in need.

He then ran into Persephone who was having a hard time fending off the tentacles because of her spear, not really meant for close quarters, but she was holding well despite the disadvantage. to his left he saw Tidus slashing at tentacles like it was nothing, but what worried him was Lady Yuna was on the ground knocked unconscious. He quickly jumped in and tried to help Persephone

(FF Fan is going to wait till everyone else posted)
I must burst the surprise! POST EVERYONE FOR NEXT POST..........................WE FIGHT!
I and FF fan are gunna wait for the next post from Aerandir
sorry for the wait, lots of homework
After Han Li left Rayn and the Beautiful Nyima he quickly changed into some more durable clothes for the travel. He always loved the Challenge and when the opportunity came to to kill some airbenders it was a step up from just fighting. He enjoyed it. The thrill of the kill and the thrill of escaping was intoxicating. throwing a small travel bag together he quickly left and raced towards the home that Rayn had given him. Rayn, he heard LOTS about this guy. part of the reason he wanted to fight with the rouge benders, heard this guy was tougher than steel...there was a story the new recruits were told when he was stuck in a fight with 4 very skilled opponents, he rolled over a car and bended the metal off and wrapped himself in it in one motion, making a metal suit almost instantly.

As he made it to the corner of the street he slowed down to a walk, he was so conditioned already that he wasn't even breaking a sweat. He placed a big smile on his face for he was actually happy. Rayn promised him an un even fight. HE LOVED being out numbered. actually gave him a work out. All he had to do was act the hero for the battle and afterwards get the group to a secluded location and Kill the airbender and Avatar. or wait for the group to sneak attack them while they slept.

He noticed the group now outside about to leave. "Just in time." He said to himself as he gave a big wave to the group. He saw some northerner water tribes right off the start and smiled "oh goody another pretty girl to woo." he thought as he then said, "Hello! B E A Utifull morning isn't? I just heard the news!" He got to the bottom of the steps and places a hand to cover his mouth as if being discrete "Word spreads fast the new Avatar is here. which one is it?" He looked at them all with a Big smile on his face and continued. "Oh goodness me forgive me I am rude, My name is Han Li, I'm sure you've heard of me? Champion Fighter here offering my services to the Avatar. Though...." He looked at Zhou. "Seems you got a fierce one already. Northern tribe special forces it seems. Hard to miss they are huge. " He nodded, "I would love to spar with you some time sir. " He offered his hand and Zhou took it and he shook it while looking at the others. "May I join your group?"
Search for Diana -Hector
As they made their at through the streets his eyes sting as the sand started to blow into them. As many of times as he visited here he still hated the sand. He was better suited for the seas. Just as it seemed the storm was going to be caught In the storm they reached the weaver's shop. At the entrance was a tall fellow, armed with a bastard sword who was ushering them inside. "COME ON, APPRENTICE OF TEILA! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" He notices the rest of the group following her and nods them inside. "YOU LOT TOO! MOVE!"

He looked at the man who had his face partially covered with a mask. The upper part he did see and it seemed that the man himself was caught in a few storms....and been through some rough battles.
"Charming fellow..." He said softly as they moved into the shop.

Inside he saw a wide assortment of clothing and a the he shop keeper was an elf, shaved bald, looking weary and pale with a pair of pale grey eyes greeted them as they walked in. He heard Nadira say “I suppose we should.. make ourselves acquainted.. we may be here for a while after all” Nadira left them to their own bidding while she made her way around the shop.

He sighed as he walked around the shop why couldn't they be stuck in a weapons shop instead? He asked himself as he picked up a hat. His chin jutted out as he inspected it. 10 years as a pirate he never found the perfect hat. He did for a while but lost it during a raid on one of the Liverian ships. Every hat he's tried just wasn't... Him. He grumbled as he tossed the hat back on the the rack. He glanced to his right his eyebrows raised as he noticed tall woman with a scar across the bridge of her nose wearing a mix of leather and chain mail armor. Women who knew their way in battle always had a strong personality. Which he couldn't resist one who could keep him on his toes.

He slowly made his way over as he looked around. He heard Nadira again "Hello there, as much as I appreciate the shelter from the storm, I don't suppose you know why I was sent here? Or are you simply the look out..”

"Perhaps we are here to witness a beginning of a joke with an elf, a dwarf and a human in the same building " he said with a smile. He then looked towards the elf." Perhaps you would be the one more suited to ask that question to.you are the keeper of the store after all."
Urick was silent when he heard Gippal say " Do you guys hear that?" He could, was coming from inside the fayth. He noticed the color as well as suddenly Lady Yuna rushed passed them, she seemed confused and when she brushed the glass away he could see it as a loving gesture. He heard stories on how close she was to her Aeons. He even heard her say "Valfore" in a way one would meet a long lost friend. She then turned around and demanded to know what happened.

At which the black haired woman yelled in a strange voice with her eyes glowing,"Return to us!"

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. What was with this woman? She froze the glass went mad and now is glowing in the eyes. He then saw Gippal try to answer but before he could the fayth flashed brightly for a few moments, blinding everyone as they covered their eyes. As the flash died a warmth seemed to flow the once cold room.

Urick finally looked and saw Yuna standing and looking at the fayth. Which the glass was repaired now and he fayth, once grey was now vibrant with color. He could hear Yuna say" why did you come back? Who did this?" She seemed to speak with the fayth though none could hear the reply. Perhaps there was none.

But slowly a small girl appeared over the glass of the fayth. The girl spoke. " We... came back...because he asked..." She looked to Yuna who shook her head "who asked you?" The girl didn't reply but looked to Alex when she saw the pendant she smiled before resting her eyes on the blonde woman. "He will explain...but we came to..." It seemed as if the Fayth was about to say something but decideded against it. At which she looked at the blonde woman, bowed her head and said, "All will be answered... At the right time..." and vanished.

Leaving them alone in the fayth, the hymn of the fayth singing loudly as he was told it once was. Lady Yuna had tears in her eyes as she looked at the blonde. "You are Lablanc's daughter arnt you? It will seem Valfore has chosen you to be her next summoner..."

She looked at the black haired woman... A curious expression came to her face.... "Do...do I know you?" She seemed very familiar to her... On multiple levels.
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