Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After Urick asked about Lady Yuna he heard "YES! She just hit her head with the initial crash.... We got to get people out on deck!" He looked at her then down at the rising water...he hesitated for a moment, the only way out was blocked. "The Door is blocked by a part of the mast. " Urick yelled as he tossed his axe to the side. "Ill go and try to move it!"

He then turned and ran towards the door, using his speed he tried to use his weight to slam into the mast. it only Budged slightly as he rammed it with his armored shoulder. Grunting in pain as the blow still knocked him. After a moment he lowered his stance, trying to get under it. He grunted and growled as he pushed with all his might but it wasn't moving any more. But he didn't give up, this was the only way out...soon other men came up and tried to help, but with the hall narrow and the door even more so, there was only so much they could do with out being able to give their full strength cause of awkward positions.

Soon the water was at his knees...and he finally knelt down and took in a few breaths... there was nothing they could do... he looked back to the rest of the people and he saw Persephone and lady Yuna who was now standing up holding her head. She closed her eyes and said, "Everyone...Get away from the Door...." with such authority Urick himself wanted to get away from the door as fast as possible. He made sure everyone was at least ten feet away from the door as he looked back and heard Yuna say, "Please, clear us a path!” as she put her hands together and a glyph appeared under her. Suddenly a dog...thing... appeared from one of the side rooms and came up next to her.. at which she petted before looking up at the door. Despite the loud noises of battle outside they could hear thudding of footsteps of something larger than himself. Suddenly the wood shattered and light shined through. Urick had closed his eyes as it shattered and as he looked through he could see a massive man leaning down to look into the doorway... after a moment he realized it wasn't a man, but it was an Aeon... at which he shoved the mast on their left to the side to give them more room.

Yuna walked up to the Aeon and smiled, touching it's shoulder. Urick then said to everyone as the water reached his waist. "Alright MOVE It's safer up there than here!" After he hurded them out he found others fighting the tentacles, it seemed they were doing fairly well and he saw another Aeon... Valfore, So it seemed Isabeau was able to summon after all... He watched as the Aeon fired a laser from it's mouth, burning a few tentacles in the path.

Yuna then turned and paid Yojimbo, then when he was paid he turned and pushed the sword from his sheath with his thumb and flashed as he sliced through the two biggest tentacles with ease. He looked around for Gippal, but couldn't find him. he found everyone else but the girl named Sena as well... where were they?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sena put her katanas back into her holders for a moment, seeing Gippal stuck to the shaking head of the fiend. She tossed out both her hands in front of her, where an ice crystal, laden with darkness swirling around it, formed and shot out, impaling the beast. It froze for a moment, giving pause to allow Gippal to pull himself free. Ice crawled up the sides of the fiends body. Not waiting for confirmation to see if Gippal was safe, Sena took advantage of the beasts momentary pause. She swam, drawing her katanas again, slashing at the sides of the fiends body, slicing off several of the largest tentacles.

Up above on the ship the tentacles froze for a moment as well, and fell onto the boat when she sliced them off.

She fell back, the ice wearing off its effects. Damage was dealt to the fiend, and though its appendages were fewer and the beast a tad weaker, it was still kicking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MightyGos


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sweat going down his forehead, knee-deep in water, staff in hand, Yrios pushed his way through the corridor and out to the deck. Just moments ago he had been loafing around on a bench at the ship's lounge until a sudden jerk flung him out of his seat. The people that back then were only confused now screamed and ran by his side as they exited the hall. A big, humanoid warrior had cleared the entrance off, presumably under the command of a woman that moments ago had performed some kind of ritual to summon him. Yrios was uncertain of to what school of magic that spell could belong to, but he had no time to think about it, so much water inside the the ship could only mean that it would start sinking at any moment. That is, if it hadn't already began to. But the mayhem that greeted him as he exited made him come to a sudden stop.

Huge tentacles sticking out of the water and onto the ship, giant crabs creeping up the railing and onto the deck, people everywhere running and fighting for their lives. Suddenly drowning to death seemed like a good idea. But something caught his eye amid all the chaos. The silhouette of a beast he had only seen in books. "Is that...?" Valefor swung its wings gracefully, fighting the monsters with magic and strength alike. He knew perfectly well that Aeons no longer existed, yet somehow it was there, more alive than ever. His eyes lighted up and a big smile covered his face as he stared at the god-like beast."Dis is so cool." Another sudden movement of the ship's deck snapped him out of his daydreaming. Whatever was down there, clinging to the ship was not gonna let go any time soon. Before he could ask anything a clashing sound interrupted his thoughts.

Two giant crabs were aproaching a young couple to his left, one of them clashing its pincers together, aparently sharpening them. The boyfriend was trying his best to protect his girl, screaming and kicking the beasts, barely keeping them at bay. At a sudden moment one of the crabs launched itself forwards, attempting to crush the boy's leg in between its pincers. The crustacean's attack was interrupted by Yrios who slamed his staff against the ground, halting the pincer's trajectory with it. However, the crab grabbed the staff as well, and both Yrios and the crab began to pull it. "Let go already!" As the other crab approached, Yrios turned his head to the couple "What are you staring at?! Can't you see I'm having a private conversation here?!" The couple immediately moved away from Yrios as he let go his staff and extended both of his arms, facing his palms to each crab. "Got some fire?" His hands lighted up and two short bursts of fire shot out of his palms, incinerating the crabs' face as they both squealed and shook their appendages in agony. "Sorry, this is a no-smoking area." The crab that was holding the staff threw it away in an arch as it convulsed, landing and slowly gliding towards the ship's edge.

Yrios bolted out of his stance and ran towards the staff "Crap crap crap crap." He dove on the ground, catching it inches away from the edge as he let out a sigh of relief. "Pheew." "Lenore would be sooo mad if I lost it", he thought. He stood back up, noticing that he was dangerously close to some tentacles coming out of the water, and ran back to the ship's entrance where he thought he'd be safer and expected to see more action from Valefor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

Isabeau could only watch in awe as Valefor proceeded to obey the command given, attacking the tentacles latching onto the ship with a ray of energy from its mouth, causing the tentacle to writhe in pain before falling motionless and slipping off the side of the boat. She had never seen anything quite like it before, and she was so taken by the spectacle that she hadn't noticed a tentacle slap down right next to her, missing her by just a few inches. She let out a shriek, losing her balance and falling onto her back. She closed her eyes, expecting the tentacle to make another strike.

There was a call like that of a bird and Isabeau opened her eyes just in time to see Valefor striking a tentacle with its talons, coming to the aid of the still frazzled novice summoner. The tentacle joined the others in lifelessness, slipping back into the ocean. Isabeau got to her feet, dusting bits of dust and debris from her clothing. "Th...thanks, I guess," she said to the aeon.

"Valefor, can you do that beam thingy again? I want to see these fiends fry!"

Isabeau was determined to see this battle through, and with Valefor, she figured her odds of surviving had increased twofold.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex watched as Gippal went after the weird crazy girl before continuing her attacks on. The tentacles and the crabs near the wannabe summoner. It seemed the two in the water were making progress as tentacles froze up and sunk within the waters suddenly. Despite this, crabs still eagerly rampaged throughout the deck. Valefor was attacking opponents with his beam while some guy was fighting crabs and oddly talking to them. Whatever, she didn't care, she had better things to worry about.

As a two more crabs neared them, trying to snap at the summoner, the crimson haired woman tsked before kicking one in the face to knock it on its back. Her sword swinging to the other that neared the summoner, the blade stabbing it in one of its black beady eyes. It screeched and backed off, while Alex gripped her blade with both hands and stabbed down on the struggling crab that was on its back. The blade piercing its softer underbelly with a loud crack.

Despite how she had claimed she would never be a guardian to that brat, she wasn't going to just let her get hurt either. Even if she wasn't a summoner, Alex wasn't heartless enough to let some innocent girl die. Despite how much this girl pissed her off. Growling, she pulled her sword out and slashed at another crab.

"Damn things!" Alex shouted angrily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drummer-dan


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Khinnu took a step back to assess the situation unfolding in front of her. She could see two people fighting alongside herself, one a fiery red head who looked very at home in the heat of battle, the other girl however, looked a lottle uneasy. She could see the lack of battle of experience and decided that this girl was in need of some help. She seemed to be commanding some kind of beast, the look of it matched the description of one of the Aeons of old that her mother used to tell stories of, but she knew that was inpossible as the Aeons had long gone.
The beast was powerful but only did as commanded and the girl seemed somewhat awkward to the situation.

Khinnu jogged over to her to let her presence be known, she stood in front of the young and raised her weapons reasy for the oncoming enemy.
The crabs were swarming the boat and needed to be taken care of, Khinnu lined up a shot and took it, watching as the round pass through the carapace before lodging itself somewhere within the creature, which was blown back slightly by the force, it scampered about for a few moments but then presses in once again.

"Hmm, tougher than I thought" she said mainly to herself.
She drew up her other pistol and let off a volley of rounds which stopped the crab dead in its tracks. No sooner had the pyreflies left its body before a second and third crab clambered over the remains of their kin.
Khinnu lookes over to the girl behind her.

"Im gonna need some help, get that thing in all out offence and we'll be fine" she cracked a reassuring smile.

The tentacle came back up out of the water ready to strike, khinnu switched to magic shot and readied two fire spells within her guns, she watched and anticipated the trajectory of the incoming tentacle.
Looking back at the girl she shouted for her to dive to the left before doing so herself.
Upon landing she lined up her pistols and unleashed the fire spells which, as before, seemed to cause the creature a great deal of pain. She stood up and checked on the girl who was still behind her.
"You O..." she was broken off as a crab surprise attacked her, tackling her to floor.
She began hitting it with the guns but the tough exoskeleton was far to superior and the creature carried on its relentless assault.
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