this RP will be a high Casual to Advanced writing.
Setting: It has been twenty five years since the beginning of the Eternal Calm. The Youth League and New Yevon as well as the machine faction have joined together to build a better Spira together after their differences twenty or so years before. Because of this Spira has exploded with technology, Airships are more common now, but not common enough that it is still expensive. But a few Public transport ships are available. Blitzball spheres are now in every town, it is still the one sport that brings Spira together every year.
Though the temples are obsolete now, Former Guardians and Summoners have asked the leader of New Yevon, Baralai, to make the temples a historical monument, replacing the holes (caused by someone that no one knows about but the main people involved.) With replicas of the Fayths that once were housed there. Although they are more of a museum now, the Fayths chambers as well as the Cloister of trails is still off limits to the public because of the Fiends that have found their way back in once again.
Besaid, still a small village but twice the size it once was, now is a popular place to visit because of Lady Yuna who lives there with her husband Tidus and child(ren). Besides that, the Besaid Aurochs are now one of the better teams in blitzball, though it's rival is the Zanarkand Abe's, which was created by Tidus as he helped in the reconstruction of a part of Zanarkand, Among some of the buildings restored, the Grand Stadium was also brought back to it's original Glory, as well as the section where Yunalesca created the final temple and housed her Husbands Fayth Lord Zeon. The rebuilding of Zanarkand stood for remembering what has happened in the past and to never make the same mistakes again.
But our story begins in the humble Village of Besaid, like many other stories. The Blitzball tournament is starting and now because of the easy travel, fans of each team go to their teams home town to follow them back to Luca. Then on to Zanarkand for the Finals. A group of friends and strangers shall meet here and be thrown on an unexpected journey to save Spira them from their Sin once more...
This is our story... Write it well...
Alright, for this story we will obviously need a Summoner, (or two) if you want to be that character (After you post your Character Sheet) and Ill fill you in on the details and edit it accordingly. I'm looking for a total of 6 characters (preferably three guys and girls.) And I would rather a girl summoner but i am not solid on that. Romance is allowed and encouraged, but please...keep it PG. No God modding, and no power posting leaving someone behind. I will start this as soon as I get three others. Three more may join in at any time.
Character Sheet
Notable Parents: (EX: Baralai and Paine or any main or supporting character in the games.*Note those two are taken unless you want a brother as a character in the story*)
Hair Color:
Eye color:
Appearance: (Picture preferred, Description is accepted, both are best!)
Any Armor:
Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?
Those who were playing this before RpG went down have first dibs back on it
Name: Gippal
Notable parents: Baralai and Paine
Age: 21
Hair color: White
Eye color: Red
Appearance: 5'6 Wears black, like his mother. Black pants with a tight white tee shirt. He normally wears a black leather jacket. He has his sword belt loose and hanging low on his left side where his sword hangs. He also wears black combat boots.
Weapons: long sword. (Clouds buster sword but not massive. It's about the size of a long sword. But same shape. The blade is 1 1/2 inches wide, 1/2 inch thick.
Biography: Gippal was named after a family friend, the leader of the machine faction. He grew up in Bevelle with his parents because of his father who is still the leader of Yevon. His mother didn't want him to grow up as a brat so she took him to Besaid every year for the summer to lived and visit with Yuna and the rest of her guardians who did the same for their kids.
In Besaid he would grow to love Blitzball and often play with Tidus and Wakka to train as well as his friends. But when he was 16 he decided to go out on his own, make a name for himself and not under the name of his father as son of the leader of New Yevon. He took up work as sword for hire, helping caravans travel by protecting them. He also hunted down marks of Fiends that are dangerous.
He also made a name for himself playing Blitzball for the Zanarkand Abe's . He managed to get on the team when he scored five goals in a scrimmage in an open practice. He played for the Abe's for 4 years then left the team suddenly after a hot shot Blitzer joined the team. Fans think that he was replaced by the hotshot but other stories are flying.
He is now heading to Besaid to join the Aurochs in the upcoming tournament, which is a huge uproar In the world of Blitzball.
Personality: He is normally in the spotlight due to his fame but he doesn't like it, he tends to take the lead because people look to him as a leader. He cares for his friends and wants to do good and looks to help anyone in need.
Living or arriving in Besaid?: Arriving by airship.
Setting: It has been twenty five years since the beginning of the Eternal Calm. The Youth League and New Yevon as well as the machine faction have joined together to build a better Spira together after their differences twenty or so years before. Because of this Spira has exploded with technology, Airships are more common now, but not common enough that it is still expensive. But a few Public transport ships are available. Blitzball spheres are now in every town, it is still the one sport that brings Spira together every year.
Though the temples are obsolete now, Former Guardians and Summoners have asked the leader of New Yevon, Baralai, to make the temples a historical monument, replacing the holes (caused by someone that no one knows about but the main people involved.) With replicas of the Fayths that once were housed there. Although they are more of a museum now, the Fayths chambers as well as the Cloister of trails is still off limits to the public because of the Fiends that have found their way back in once again.
Besaid, still a small village but twice the size it once was, now is a popular place to visit because of Lady Yuna who lives there with her husband Tidus and child(ren). Besides that, the Besaid Aurochs are now one of the better teams in blitzball, though it's rival is the Zanarkand Abe's, which was created by Tidus as he helped in the reconstruction of a part of Zanarkand, Among some of the buildings restored, the Grand Stadium was also brought back to it's original Glory, as well as the section where Yunalesca created the final temple and housed her Husbands Fayth Lord Zeon. The rebuilding of Zanarkand stood for remembering what has happened in the past and to never make the same mistakes again.
But our story begins in the humble Village of Besaid, like many other stories. The Blitzball tournament is starting and now because of the easy travel, fans of each team go to their teams home town to follow them back to Luca. Then on to Zanarkand for the Finals. A group of friends and strangers shall meet here and be thrown on an unexpected journey to save Spira them from their Sin once more...
This is our story... Write it well...
Alright, for this story we will obviously need a Summoner, (or two) if you want to be that character (After you post your Character Sheet) and Ill fill you in on the details and edit it accordingly. I'm looking for a total of 6 characters (preferably three guys and girls.) And I would rather a girl summoner but i am not solid on that. Romance is allowed and encouraged, but please...keep it PG. No God modding, and no power posting leaving someone behind. I will start this as soon as I get three others. Three more may join in at any time.
Character Sheet
Notable Parents: (EX: Baralai and Paine or any main or supporting character in the games.*Note those two are taken unless you want a brother as a character in the story*)
Hair Color:
Eye color:
Appearance: (Picture preferred, Description is accepted, both are best!)
Any Armor:
Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?
Those who were playing this before RpG went down have first dibs back on it
Name: Gippal
Notable parents: Baralai and Paine
Age: 21
Hair color: White
Eye color: Red
Appearance: 5'6 Wears black, like his mother. Black pants with a tight white tee shirt. He normally wears a black leather jacket. He has his sword belt loose and hanging low on his left side where his sword hangs. He also wears black combat boots.

Weapons: long sword. (Clouds buster sword but not massive. It's about the size of a long sword. But same shape. The blade is 1 1/2 inches wide, 1/2 inch thick.

Biography: Gippal was named after a family friend, the leader of the machine faction. He grew up in Bevelle with his parents because of his father who is still the leader of Yevon. His mother didn't want him to grow up as a brat so she took him to Besaid every year for the summer to lived and visit with Yuna and the rest of her guardians who did the same for their kids.
In Besaid he would grow to love Blitzball and often play with Tidus and Wakka to train as well as his friends. But when he was 16 he decided to go out on his own, make a name for himself and not under the name of his father as son of the leader of New Yevon. He took up work as sword for hire, helping caravans travel by protecting them. He also hunted down marks of Fiends that are dangerous.
He also made a name for himself playing Blitzball for the Zanarkand Abe's . He managed to get on the team when he scored five goals in a scrimmage in an open practice. He played for the Abe's for 4 years then left the team suddenly after a hot shot Blitzer joined the team. Fans think that he was replaced by the hotshot but other stories are flying.
He is now heading to Besaid to join the Aurochs in the upcoming tournament, which is a huge uproar In the world of Blitzball.
Personality: He is normally in the spotlight due to his fame but he doesn't like it, he tends to take the lead because people look to him as a leader. He cares for his friends and wants to do good and looks to help anyone in need.
Living or arriving in Besaid?: Arriving by airship.