Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After he asked the question no one answered but suddenly aunt Yuna pushed through the group, she dropped to her knees and carefully brushed the shattered glass away from the head Of the statue. "Valefor..." Yuna said softly as she watched the color continue to return now half of the torso was colored

Yuna looked back at the group and said . "What happened." With a stern voice as her eyes rested upon him. Gippal tried to explain what happened but then Sena yelled out in a strange voice "Comeback to us!" Then a moment later the room was filled with blinding light.

At which when he opened his eyes he saw that the fayth was repaired and the statue was full of color again. He noticed now a little girl standing above the glass. Yuna began to speak to it though they couldn't hear the replys. How could they come back? Yuna sent them 20 years ago.

He watched as tears came to his aunts eyes as she turned around as the fayth faded away after she bowed. She then asked the blonde if she was. Lablanc's daughter, wasn't Lablanc the one who got in the way all the time during mothers travels? He remembered some stories of her stealing things from their airship. She had a daughter? Who seemed to have an attitude like her mother from the stories he could remember. She then told her she was the next summoner.

She then asked Sena if she knew her from somewhere.

"I ... Know you as well. I can't say I've met you personally before, however..."

After a moment the blonde stammered out,"Yes...Leblanc is my mother...but...wait..wha...wha..what? Summoner? Wait, no, no that can't be right...there ARE no more summoners...no Sin...no summoners. Eternal Calm..." She stammered out, the confusion making her voice shaky and stuttery. "How can I...How can I be a summoner?"

The blonde looked towards and raised a finger in Alexs direction "I TOLD you I wasn't an outsider!"

To which Alex replied,"Oh yeah, guess Valefor is either drunk or your the only magical one. Yes, this coming from the girl who insulted his temple, whined throughout everything then stupidly stomped on cracked ice. Good choice Valefor, good choice." Alex said sarcastically before huffing as she walked to the exit.

The room was silent for a bit. Gippal new he should just let Alex go when she was mad it was best to let her vent for a bit by herself. So he decided to add in," summoners where here long before Sin was ever around. Maybe they just decided to come back?"

At which Yuna looked to Tidus and shook her head. "No... Fayths shouldn't come back on their own accord. Well with out reason. They came back because something is about to happen to Spira. I know it." She looked at Isabeau and continued." All I know is that Valfore picked you out of the group to summon her. You are going to need some guardians now." She looked at Gippal and said "looks like I am coming with you to Luca now. I have to speak to your father." Gippal nodded and looked to Urick who nodded his head then looked to the blonde before he could speak though he saw Sena drawing out her two black katanas and turning to Leblancs daughter. She walked to her and got down on one knee, holding both katanas to the ground. "Please," She half begged, half stated. "Take me on as your guardian, Lady... Isabeau."

She beat them to the punch."My name is Gippal, this here is Urick. We offer our services to be your Guardians until we figure our if there is another Sin or not." He said with a smile.

After they would introduce each other Tidus would speak up and say"let's get out of here. Before anything ELSE happens." With that he and Yuna ushered the group back with Yuna still being a little out of it thinking why would the fayths come back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

How the tables had turned, more or less. Isabeau was still confused, or more accurately she was overwhelmed. She had come to visit as a tourist and now, by some stroke of luck or possibly even fate, she was leaving as a summoner. And now, three of the four strangers were offering their services as Guardians. As the katana-wielding black haired girl approached her, Isabeau took a cautious step back, finally letting out a sigh of relief as the girl took a knee and offered her services. Isabeau didn't even know the girl's name, and yet, it was she that indirectly led them to this place...so it would be accurate to say that this girl wishing, begging to be a Guardian was responsible for Isabeau's new position as a summoner. A fledgling one, but still a summoner.

Before she could respond, the man named Gippal introduced himself and another named Urick, and they, too, offered to be Guardians.

"Wait...I didn't even say I was going on a Pilgrimage or anything..." Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, "I don't even know any of you!" Somehow she knew, maybe because of lucky guess or maybe because of how quickly they came around, but Isabeau knew the three of them were not likely to take no for an answer. "Tch, if you want to follow me around, do what you want. Just don't be annoying or get in my way!"

She nodded in triumph, her attitude returning almost as soon as it had vanished. And with another humph, she followed after Tidus, wanting to leave the temple behind for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmph, what a idiotic turn of events. Alex growled as she stormed out of the temple ignoring the nervous monks that gave her dirty looks. Judging her like they always did. Muttering soft curses under her breathe, the crimson haired woman stormed out of the temple, moving swiftly through the town and to the docks. It was pretty easy to tell she was mad, and the people who knew her knew to stay away until she calmed down. Already, the effects on the temple subsided and she already felt better, besides her temperament of course.

When she got to the beach, she kicked the sand a little before picking up a flat rock and tossing it toward the water. The rock did several skips along the water before disappearing under the surface. Summoner... Hmph, sure she had always wanted to go on the epic quest a Summoner and her Guardians were tasked, but she had standards. She wasn't going to babysit some uncute, undeserving, coddled spoiled brat in a adventure. No way she would except such a summoner.

"Stupid." Alex growled as she tossed another rock.

Seeing the boat was already docked, Alex huffed before heading up on board. Grumbling as she went to the deck of the ship, before simply lied down on the ground, her head held with a propped up hand as she lashed on her side, her back to the rest of the boat. Silently fuming of what had just happened. She knew Gippal and probably the others would jump at the chance of this... Anyone really would. Perhaps it would get lonely again.

"Feh who needs them?" the tall woman grumbled under her breathe! closing her eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

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"Wait...I didn't even say I was going on a Pilgrimage or anything..." Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, "I don't even know any of you!" After a moment "Tch, if you want to follow me around, do what you want. Just don't be annoying or get in my way!"

Gippal raised an eyebrow." Fayths randomly appear, slight chance on sin being back or something worse you are the next smummoner." He lifts his hands kinda making a no brainer movement. "Something's up in the world and you might be stuck in the middle of it so Pilgrimage or not you might need protection." He started walking ahead and said, "Besides you were the one who was complaining about being alone against the fiends." He looked at her by turning his head. " Sorry for offering my services. If you excuse us we have a boat to catch.im sure you don't want to be left on Besaid by yourself. "

He looked at Urick before jogging off ahead. He dreamed of doing this... Just with someone with less attitude.

Soon they were all at the ship, Gippal looked round for Alex and when he found her lying down onthe deck he came over to her and asked," You eh, alright? And please don't give me the usual "I'm fine" huff and go jump off a cliff Cotten head routine. Have the headaches gotten worse?"

He said with folded arms. As he looked to the others on the ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As a world wind of activity happened in the chamber of Fayth Persephone was shocked when the Aeon "ressurected" how cool was that!? She thought as they moved out, she kinda was mad when Gippal and Urick, well Gippal offering Urick to be her guardians and the girl isabeau took it as a drag. She would have loved Gippal being her guardian. She often would dream about it. Her face flushed at the thought but glad the others wouldn't have known why.

As Gippal jogged on ahead she said to Isabeau. " you should be glad to have Gippal offer to protect you. He is a famous Blitzer AND well known body guard of sorts so you should know he and Urick are the best to have around in a tough spot. Besides any girl would dream to have them escorting them. Your extremely lucky... Especially when you became the next summoner after 22 years. "

She folded her arms as they walked out of the temple. Besides you get to travel the world on a pilgramage. Once everyone knows there's summoners again it's gunna be great for you. Like a prodigy. " she had to admit she was really jealous.

She then looked to Sena who was walking with and said, "Why did you run in here in the first place? Didn't you know the Aeons were sent 22 years ago?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sena rose when Isabeau stood shocked. She placed her katanas back into their respective spots on her backside before looking at her summoner. A strong sense of loyalty overtook her; not just as a guardian... but as something else. She sensed her bond with Isabeau would only grow in strength. "M'lady," She spoke softly, all fomer signs of panic completely gone. "I must board my chocobo Abra onto the ferry, but I will make sure the cloister is clear of fiends so that you may easily follow .... "

She looked up at the statue of the fayth. "You will need to pray to the idol to be able to summon it... " She looked back at Isabeau. "I will return to escort you to the boast when you are done. Meanwhile... I'll stall so that the boats don't leave." Sena bowed her head to Isabeau. "I will return."

With that the dark haired woman ran out of the fayths temple, making headway for the ferry. It was about to deport, and was in fact beginning to move away. Her eyes narrowed, and she ran along the docks, outstretching her hands. The top of the water froze, allowing her to run on it and to the front of the Ferry, where she jumped up on the waves, her arms extending. A surge of blue and black laced energy coursed through her veins, and the water around ferry froze, causing it to stay in place.

No one would be leaving until the summoner had completed her prayers.

Sena stayed on the ice, her hands still upraised, and panting. It was difficult to freeze seawater, especially in this weather. She had to keep this up constantly in order for the ferry to not move. Over the side of the boat some people shouted down at her, and looking up she saw Gippal. She made eye contact with him. "Gippal," She asked, "Would you mind... retrieving Abra for me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

"I have to WHAT?" Isabeau paused in her attempt to leave the Chamber of Fayth, turning around to listen to her eager Guardian. Isabeau couldn't help but admire the girl's gestures, calling her with such respectful titles, being more helpful than before, and showing a devotion, or was it dedication, to her simply on the grounds of Isabeau now being chosen as a summoner. "Pray..."I have to pray? I can't just summon?" Isabeau sighed as she re-entered the Chamber. No one had told her exactly how one became a summoner, or the process involved, but she remained in the Chamber, waiting for everyone else to leave. If she was going to pray, it would be done in private.

"Pray...right...pray." Isabeau took a deep breath and made the hand gestures of the prayer. Everyone in Spira knew it, one of the traditions that never died, and even her mother, when she wasn't making boastful and arrogant claims, had been known to offer her prayers as well. Isabeau closed her eyes, bowing, and then rose, repeating the prayer, keeping her eyes closed and her mind open.

Isabeau's hair blew slightly in the brief breeze, that must have meant the prayer was working. She repeated the gesture once more, bowing low, and her body went warm. It hit her all of a sudden, a warm, inviting feeling, one of friendliness and one of hope. Her eyes opened and her knees went wobbly, and she fell onto her back. She looked at her palms, they looked the same, though she could feel something within them. Was this what it felt like? Was this what it was like to be as summoner.

"It's...true...I'm a summoner..." she spoke, softly. "Me...a summoner...wait until mother hears about this..."

Isabeau laughed, a friendly laugh. She laughed in disbelief, and she laughed because it was the first thing that came to her mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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The tall red head opened her blue eyes slightly as she heard footsteps heading toward her and she already could guess who it was. Her suspicions were only confirmed as Gippal spoke and questioned her. Despite how they were the usual rivals, Gippal tended to worry over others in such circumstances. He wasn't really one to hold a terrible grudge unless someone managed to do something terrible.

"Just irritated. Headaches have passed now that I'm in the fresh air. They also come around if I stay too long in the temple, or apparently go deeper in them. What about you? Shouldn't you be with the all mighty Summoner?" she asked! her voice clear as usual but less angry now.

At this, she could hear that black haired woman from before and she couldn't help but growl a little. She was the one who started this whole mess. "Well... Speak of the woman who started it... Seems like she's calling you. Go ahead, I'll be fine here." she said as she waved her free hand casually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Time skip)

The next morning the group was on their final approach to Kilika, the trip was rather un eventful, as was most trips on the sea since the beginning of the eternal calm. Gippal spent most of the trip hiding from fans but he managed to spend some time on deck with Persephone and Alex and with Sena occasionally to make sure she didn't freak out or anything.

Gippal walked onto the deck taking a breath of the salty air. He looked over at Isabeau, who he didn't talk to much to her yesterday after offering to be her guardian. "So how's it going the day after becoming a summoner? He asked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sena sat on the highest point of the ship possible, sitting cross legged with her blade across her lap. Her eyes were closed.. she was listening to the songs of the voices in her head. The call of the seas breeze caressed her ears, reminding her... just a bit.. of her uncle. How when she was young he'd pick her up and toss her in the air. Ah... but whose memories did it truly belong to?
Her eyes opened. Her inner self was lost to her ears... but at least with the silence that came up here, knowing her chocobo was below deck and nestled comfortably in the chocobo nests, she was able to meditate in peace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex had spent most of her time lounging on the deck much like when they left. She didn't enjoy being cooped up inside, feeling like she would get seasick if she stayed in there too long. Occasionally she spoke to Persephone or Gippal but she otherwise avoided other people. Avoiding fans as well but she wasn't quite as popular as Gippal. Sure, she was excellent and one of the best at the position she was, but she was known to be intimidating. On court, they loved her, in person she just made them nervous.

She listened as Gippal walked to that lucky summoner to speak with her, the red head huffing a little at the thought of the brat but she remained to her own space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

Isabeau had spent most of the trip on the deck, looking out to the ocean, avoiding others, especially strangers that seemed to want to confirm for themselves if she was, in fact, a summoner. While it was certainly nice to be noticed, to be appreciated, there was a line and it was crossed, that line being when a constant barrage of questions from people who didn;t even bother introducing themselves came rapidly. Isabeau didn't want to stand around and answer questions all day, she still barely knew anything about being a summoner, including why she was chosen. She would've gone inside the ship to hide, but the last time she did that she had to stay near chocobos and those birds were not her idea of a fun time.

Gippal, that was the name she believed he said, approached her as she was staring out into the ocean, enjoying a moment's respite. "It's weird," she responded to his question, still looking out to the ocean, "It's still hard to believe, I mean, I was there, you were there, we all saw it happen...I'm just confused. I don't know what to think. I hope I'll find some kind of answer in Kilika. I thought I'd like the attention but...it's kind of annoying, having strangers come up to you and tug on your clothing. Ugh, I'm just confused about everything."

Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, and continued gazing out at the ocean
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It's weird," she responded to his question, still looking out to the ocean, "It's still hard to believe, I mean, I was there, you were there, we all saw it happen...I'm just confused. I don't know what to think. I hope I'll find some kind of answer in Kilika. I thought I'd like the attention but...it's kind of annoying, having strangers come up to you and tug on your clothing. Ugh, I'm just confused about everything."

He nodded and said" I must say I never thought summoners and Aeons would return ever. Even Aunt Yuna is confused which kinda worries me. They said they came to help... I know they were around long before sin but it was only for sin we really needed them. " He looked out to the ocean as well and after a moment he continued. " I know what you mean about being famous. It's not all that it's cracked up to be. Trust me I've had it my whole life. Being the son of Baralai then for Blitzball.... There's rarely anywhere where I don't run into a crowd that wants my autograph or latch onto me. " playing Blitzball is his own fault he loved the game and was great at it because he wanted to. He just didn't want the fame. He played to play not to befamous.

As the ship steered it's way towards the harbor, just before it entered the shallows 100 yards away it jerked violently, causing all those unprepared to be knocked off their feet. He didn't have anything to catch onto and fell hard on his side. He quickly got up and looked over to Isabeau and asked, "You ok?" After she would answer he would look over the railing and see that their movement had stopped. They were at a stand still. Crew of the ship was running around trying to see if they were taking on water. Then a man yelled "Fiend!" Who was on the crows nest pointing over board.

Tentacles slowly came out of the water surrounding the ship. As some where high enough they came down and slammed on the ship, shattering wood and crushing a few men. One of which came down towards Gippal and Isabeau. Without hesitation he dove and grabbed her in a tackle spinning so he landed on his back and she on him. Grunting as he hit the deck.

The Captian started to bark out orders to his crew to protect the women and children on board, people started to run up from below deck , but before many could one of the masts was broken in half and fell infront of the door. Trapping most of the people under neith.

Gippal stood up and helped Isabeau as well before pulling his sword from his sheath. Now added to the tentacles large crabs slowly crawled on board causing more Havoc. He took a defensive stance between the crabs and Isabeau. He wondered where Urick was at, he couldn't see him. Or Persephone for that matter. Hopefully they were safe.

As a crab lumbard towards them he slashed at its legs, severing one of them causing the fiend to roar in pain. With out looking at her he said, "Let's hope you can call Valfore! Or we are in trouble."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Urick slept in that day as it would be one of the last he would have now with being a Guardian. He still couldn't believe that Aeons had returned! By Yevon he would have never have thought to see one. Now with him Being the guardian to the first Summoner in twenty years he might get that chance. He got out of his cabin and made his way up to the deck and as he exited he was nearly knocked off his feet as the ship shook violently but thankfully because of his training he quickly spread his feet wide and reached down to stabilize himself until the ship came to an eerie stop.

He stood up and looked around, he could see Gippal on the ground and Isabeau. To his right he could see Alex. Before he could do anything though a man yelled "Fiend!" Then the tentacles appeared Urick swore to himself as he lowered into a fighting stance when he heard screaming from under. He looked back as the tentacles started to smash onto the deck and looked up when he heard a loud Crack as the mass broke, Falling towards him. With out a hesitation he dove for the door, the mass crashing down just centimeters behind him. Landing on the bottom and rolling to his feet he looked back to see the way up was blocked. It didn't matter for now as he heard more screaming and looked around to see water coming in and tentacles stuck through the side of the hull.

He rushed in and Grabbed a fire axe off the wall. His martial Arts would be kinda useless in this situation. Feeling the weight as he moved to the nearest tentacle he swung his ax and sliced through it, slamming the ax into the hull behind it, blood squirted everywhere as it flailed and slipped back through the hole. But it seemed another would take it's place after wards and he would spend a moment fending it off. After he would wound the other he would run deeper to help anyone in need.

He then ran into Persephone who was having a hard time fending off the tentacles because of her spear, not really meant for close quarters, but she was holding well despite the disadvantage. to his left he saw Tidus slashing at tentacles like it was nothing, but what worried him was Lady Yuna was on the ground knocked unconscious. He quickly jumped in and tried to help Persephone

(FF Fan is going to wait till everyone else posted)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sena looked down from the highest point of the ship to see tentacles wrapping themselves around the ship. The mast, which she had been sitting on top of, cracked and began to fall. As it did, she fell with it. She tried to move off as quickly as possible but she already was falling into the water. Her body slipped ungracefully into the choppy sea water. She took a moment to get her bearings underwater, and she could see the body of the fiend, its massive torso clinging to the bottom of the ship where its tentacles terrorized the people above. She shot up to the surface, gasping for air.
"Gippal, Urick!!" She called out. "Let the others handle the tentacles, kill the actual--" she'd been distracted with trying to get her fellow guardians attention she hadn't noticed the fiends tentacle wrap around her body to yank her back underwater. She coughed, struggling to resist gulping in the salty water as the fiend pulled her further beneath the waves and closer to its gaping maw. She moved her hand down and pressed it to the tentacle grabbing her body, where it solidified in a mass of ice before she kicked it, shattering the top part of the tentacle.
The Fiend roared in displeasure before turning its face towards her. She pulled out her katanas, her torn up trench coat billowing around her in the water as well as her dark, ponytailed hair. This was going to be an interesting battle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drummer-dan


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Kilika beasts met in the seafront cafe for breakfast as usual. Khinnu always ordered the same thing, pancakes with syrup, which she found waiting fo her as she took a seat at the usual booth. The waiters and chefs knew the order of every team member and made it so it was ready on arrival.

Th pancakes were divine and the conversation fruitful as ever, the usual banter and insults that could exist only within a unit so close to one another.

Khinnu made ready to order a drink when sh heard a loud crashing from outside, she looked to her team and told them to stay inside, she was the only one with real battle experience after all.
The sight beyond the door was one she had never seen before, in fact it was one she couldn't have ever imagined. The ferry from Besaid had been ambushed by some kind of sea creature, which was very unusual for this day and age, attacks like this were of course very common in the days before the eternal calm. She need to help.
Khinnu leaped from the docks into the sea and swam until she found the hull, she leaped up out of the water and drew her pistols, she lined up a shot and let loose a barrage of rounds which tore into th large tentacle that was about to come crashing down on a very familiar looking man and the lady beside him. The tentacle fell limply to the floor, a safe distance from the couple strewn across the deck. Khinnu landed elegantly and ran over to help the two to their feet.

"You guys ok? I'm Khinnu by the way" she said as she pulled them up. Her large green swirled eyes greeted them politely as they stood.
"Looks like you could do with a hand here...stand back "

She pulled a lever on her guns and they rapidly changed shape, the barrel widened and beneath it a compartment formed that seemed to hold something and it was in this compartment that Khinnu placed a large round which shimmered a fiery red, she fired the round into the largest of tentacles and watched as the fiery whirlwind encased it and seriously burnt it, the ship rumbled as the beast below let out a screech, two more tentacles came flying toward her in response the first she avoided by vaulting sideways in the air, the second she fended off with another accurate volley of gunfire.

"Well fire seems to work!" She said with a grin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

So Gippal, in addition to being a Guardian - which he decided for himself but Isabeau decided to simply let him do what he wanted - was a Blitzball player. Isabeau was never much for Blitzball, not even when the Guado Glories were still around. She wondered if the two things, blitzball and being a summoner, had anything in common apart from coming with both expectations and unwanted attention. His response didn't do much to ease her confusion, but it made her feel a little bit better knowing that she wasn't alone in the hating being an overnight celebrity. And here she thought all blitzball players just wanted to be famous and rich.

Suddenly, the ship jerked violently. Isabeau, who had been holding onto the railing, tightened her grip and was rocked to the side, but still remained standing, despite her body slamming into the side of the ship. "I'm fine," she replied to Gippal's question, despite being in slight pain from the sudden slamming. But the question now was why had they stopped. Had they hit something? Had they run aground?

The answer came when tentacles rose from underneath the ship and slammed onto the deck. Isabeau was frozen in shock as she watched one of the tentacles slam down and crush some ship workers. She looked up and saw one coming down towards her, but just as soon as she had laid eyes on it, she was tackled and falling on top of Gippal, saved, but still in shock.With assistance from Gippal, she stood, brushing off her clothing. She stood back, watching as Gippal dispatched some crab-like fiends with ease.

Isabeau removed the metal rod from its sheathe at her waist and grasped it with both hands. If ever there was a time to discover if she really was a summoner it was now...though she probably should've asked Yuna how exactly to call forth an aeon. Isabeau closed her eyes. "Okay...Valefor...if you can hear me...and if I'm really a summoner...I...We could really use your help." Isabeau's hair began to blow, a glowing circle appeared around her feet. "I summon thee, come forth, Valefor!"

The words sounded natural, sounded right, and the glowing aura around Isabeau grew brighter as lights shot up into the sky. From the clouds, a bird-like entity flew down and began flying in front of Isabeau. Valefor. Isabeau couldn't help but be amazed, amazed that she pulled it off.

"Uhm....okay...okay...uh...I guess...I guess um...attack the fiends, yes! Valefor, I need you to attack the fiends! Help me out!" Isabeau was still confused, but there was confidence now, confidence in being able to get through this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex was muttering to herself before just about slid about the boat as the boat was viciously rocked. Cursing, she glared as tentacles latched tightly onto the ship. Growling, the red head got to her feet and unsheathed her blade, making a swift stab to a tentacle. It screeched before trying to slam against her, but she quickly moved out of the way. Glancing to the others who were already battling as well. Gippal was already at the little bratty summoners side.

Someone else also joined in the fray, but Alex was too busy fighting off tentacles to care who at the moment.

As a crab eagerly came toward the summoner, Alex sprinted across the boat. Her sword coming down in a swift strike against the hard shell. Although most times it be harder to crack open a crab this size with a single blow, the red haired woman had strength and it squealed in pain as the sword crashed into its back.

Pressing her foot against the front of the crab and kicking it away, She merely glanced at the newly named summoner. Just then she could hear the crazy bimbo screaming to Gippal. Turning to look at her, Alex watched as the bimbo got pulled grabbed by a tentacle and pulled under water.

Cursing, she looked to Gippal. "Gippal, you two go help her. We got it up here." she shouted, only mildly glancing at Valefor. She had always respected that certain Aeon, but seeing him in person made her almost give her a headache. Why? Whatever, doesn't matter he was here to help so that was that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal Looked over as a girl jumped in firing at the tentacle that nearly crushed them landed and ran over to them

"You guys ok? I'm Khinnu by the way, Looks like you could do with a hand here...stand back "

She changed her weapons that now fired...well fire. it was actually quite impressive, he had never seen anything like that before. But he did notice she was an Al Bed so it made sense...they were more tech savvy than any one else.

"Well fire seems to work!" She said with a grin as Gippal shook his head and slashed at another Crab, breaking through it's shell and slashing it in half. While Isabeau was focusing on summoning, he repositioned himself inbetween two more that tried to make for her. Blocking strikes from their claws and kicking their legs out from under them and jabbing his sword into one in between its eyes, he NEVER Saw so many fiends at one time. What was happing? Was it to do with the Aeons return?

He realized he didn't introduce himself to the new girl, but there was a time and place...and it wasn't now as he heard Gippal, Urick!! Let the others handle the tentacles, kill the actual--" as her voice cut off he looked up and caught a glimpse of Sena being pulled over board. "Son of a..." he said softly as he understood what she meant. He looked around for Urick but couldn't see him, he must have been below deck. He heard Isabeau talking to her self behind him, hopefully it would work..

As he thought about it suddenly lights shot up into the sky and after going into the clouds, Valfore came swooping down. He stood in amazement for a moment...he was looking at a Real Aeon...He shook his head as he heard "Gippal, you two go help her. We got it up here."

Looking over to Alex he turned to Khinnu, he didn't know how much her guns would work under water. If she was referring to Khinnu and him. He then said to Khinnu, "Please watch over Isabeau for me!" He motioned over to Isabeau so she would understand who he was referring to. He then shouted to Alex, "I got it!" With it he sprinted over to the side and dove over, positioning his sword in a way that it would not get ripped from his hands and or bash him in the face. When he hit the water he spun around as fast as he could to catch his bearings.

He saw Sena to his right and the Fiend infront of him. Man it was big... He looked around the bottom of the boat and saw holes in it, with tentacles sticking in them. If they didn't kill this fiend quickly the ship was going to sink. His eyes narrowed as he thought, "Alright... lets do this.." First battle as a Guardian? he was wondering how more dangerous the battles could get... He swam forward passed Sena right for the Fiend. He dodged little tentacles with ease, because of his backround in Blitzball the water was home for him, as two came to block his path by grabbing him he spun in a barrel roll...allowing his blade to reach out and as he spun he slashed the two tentacles. Then finishing his roll he grabbed onto the main body of the fiend and stabbed with all his strength right for the only eye. he then held on to his blade as the fiend began to shake back and forth trying to rid itself of him. Was this a good idea? hmmmmm Probably not... as he thought to himself.

it wouldn't die by that blow. as it wasn't getting any weaker just yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Persephone was sitting with Tidus and Lady Yuna, asking questions about their pilgrimage, when the fiend struck. They all were knocked from their seats and flung to the floor, Tidus and her were fine, but when they looked over at Lady Yuna they noticed she was not... Tidus quickly crawled over to her and pulled her into his arms. Her head hit the corner of the bed as she fell. Evidence of blood was now starting to flow from her temple. For the moment she was fine, and they were suddenly pulled away as they heard screams and more crashing. Tentacles slammed through the hull of the ship and were swinging around violently she Reached for her spear and started swinging and jabbing as they came close to them. Tidus as well stood up and pulled his sword from his belt and started slashing.

Not to much later Urick suddenly appeared and struck with an Axe....which seemed to kind of fit him....but she didn't think on it as she saw that he just saved her from getting hit from behind. Water started brushing against their feet now Just what they needed. She had no problem holding her breath but most of the people on this boat did not. Urick turned to her and asked in between dodging. "Is Lady Yuna alright?"

Persephone said after stabbing another Tentacle, "YES! She just hit her head with the initial crash.... We got to get people out on deck!" She continued, looking down the hall to see the water flowing higher now. After a sudden roar that could be heard, muffled by the water, the tentacles seemed to stop for a moment, some pulling out and causing more water to flow in. "The Door is blocked by a part of the mast. " Urick yelled as he tossed his axe to the side. "Ill go and try to move it!"

Persephone watched as he ran back up towards the deck, the ship was now tilting at a ten degree angle. She didn't know how well he could move a mast...even if he was as big as a small ronso. But she had to help the others make their way to the top. She turned and sprinted down the halls and when ever she found someone she would help them and point them towards Urick and away from the water.

Once she was sure she found everyone she made her way back to the door...which Urick was still trying to budge... but with the ship tilted now it was even more weight for him to push...some of the bigger men tried to help but no one could help budge it... and she was sure no one on the outside could do the same as well. Children cried as mothers tried to calm them saying everything will be alright.... she looked back at the rising water, it was flooding even faster now. She looked over to see Yuna now on her feet, leaning against the wall while holding her head. She was clearing the fog from her head trying to regain focus...
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