Hello everyone. I'm thinking of running a play-by-post campaign that would dispense with a number of assumptions common to the genre. The setting is my own invention and quite original, however, one of the features I want to introduce is constant exchange of ideas between players and myself as the GM. Players are invited to propose landmarks, creatures, people and other facts about the place, or whole adventures; I'll do the same for their characters, so revision will be constant on both ends. The idea is not so much world-building as a world in flux. The game is also a blind date: players will have to agree to jump in without any idea about what kind of world their characters will find themselves in. I can only say that it's not usual fantasy or sci-fi; genre tags are off here. Also it's a constant journey, for very good reasons. Other than this, players will have to start with the famous question "Where am I?" and discover the place and each other first, eventually, if they try, find out the laws the place lives by. Nothing will be handed on a silver platter. On a gold one, more likely.
I'm very accommodating of personalities, powers and goals, but I aim at mature players. In fact for a while I thought about a definite minimum age of, say, 25. Not because I necessarily expect an equivalent of the R or the NC-17 in there, but because bold and thoughtful interactions will be necessary even in-character: rolling will be minimal, role-playing and actual research on the player's part (e.g. how to ride a horse at a trot, if that's what you want to do) will translate directly into degree of effort and thus success. I also would like to coax a different behavior and group dynamics from players. If you're interested, check out a longer description here: