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    1. tenebrae16 11 yrs ago
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Current Tene's being productive, happy and cute!
7 yrs ago
Needa learn to take my mind off all the bad feelings, all the bad thoughts...Slowly slowly getting better.
7 yrs ago
I don't feel so good Mr Stark - Mood
7 yrs ago
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -the voices in my head
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Yay, it's birthday!....Now whut?


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Yay Post! Will write reply now :3
It's fine, you can do first post, I'm alway terrible t introductions anyway >.> I also tend to have plot twists and surprise ;) but if there's anything you strongly disagree with just tell me. Looking forward to your post.
He glanced at the man, watching him fixedly as he reached for the child. Keeping mum as the angel soothed the boy, choosing to leave him in the demon's care. Xephos nodded a stoic goodnight to him, holding the boy against his chest until the door was closed on them and he felt himself involuntarily relaxed. His shoulders drooping and the weight of his panic finally dropping onto him, drawing out a long sigh. Looking down at the sleep addled boy, he gently shifted him better into his arms, careful not to jolt him too much. In the morning, he would have a talk with the boy about leaving his quarters in the middle of the night,and nearly giving him an impossible heartattack, but for tonight it was way past the boy's bed time and he doubted that the boy would comprehend any form of scolding now. "How about an old story, hmm? Something you haven't heard in a while." He cooed to the boy, pulling up a chair next to the bed. Javier turned over, nearly falling out of his arms and as he laid the boy to bed and tucked him in, he was struck by a sudden sense of nolatagia. Thinking back to when the boy was no more than an infant, smaller than a thimble even and able to fit into just one of his arms. This was what ageing felt like he supposed. Reaching over, he brushed the boy's hair back and settled back in the old creaking chair that had seen better less worm wooded days. Beginning his story, he stroked the boy's hair as he let his mind wander. Even when the boy had clearly fallen too deeply into sleep to hear him, he continued on. The words spilling from his lips warmly rehearsed. Not his best story ever told, but there was a certain sense of bias homeliness associated with it. The words buzzed in his mind and he faintly paid attention to them. It was very hard not to think about the angel. He was fairly sure that the angel wasn't here on any known command so at least he was certain that his position here was still safe. The angel's presence might still be a danger to them if anyone came looking for him. His own presence wasn't exactly completely concealed. He was just lucky that the angel hadn't chosen to reveal him to anyone. It weighed on his mind enough that he had to rest his head on his hand. Sighing to himself. It was time to push back some of his own issues and disdain and had a thorough talk with the angel and find out his exact intentions. It we simply a matter that couldn't be ignored, not unless he wanted to selfishly endanger everyone. The ticking clock reminded him of the time when he finally moved from the chair. He may have not needed much sleep, but he still needed some sleep. Pulling the blanket further over the boy's shoulder before he turned and left. Closing the door quietly behind him. Sleep was something that was another peculiarity about the mortal world. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was different. He almost considered the humans privileged to be able to let their minds so unconsciously wander like that without worry whilst others had to actively control their minds even whilst unconscious. He oft wondered what it would be like to not have to constantly be on guard, to just let his mind go where it pleased and escape the world a little while. He never feels like he is well rested enough when he wakes up. Donning his attire, he finds the angel is already awake and entertaining the children. Watching them from the doorway, he hears footsteps come up from behind him and the scent of iron and oil, burning his nose. "He's really good wit the children, isn't he Father? I don't think that I've ever seen the children so excited around a guest before." Amelia, he glanced at her and nodded silently. Taking a breath before he averted his eyes away from the happy little circle, turning his head to the red headed child, years beyond her age. She'd been no more taller than his knee once, it seemed like he was being fairly nolstalgic today. "You'll take care of the children today won't you? I've heard reports of rain today and the dust has been picking uplately. I'm afraid of another sand storm coming our way." He straightened himself, ready to head into the hallway, "So it's best they be kept inside. Perhaps some homework will make them dislike class less." He chuckled, though it was only half heartedly. He wanted to get this talk with the angel over and done with. But first, he'd have to tear him away from the children.
Usually my characters have some sort of mental complex with gore or psychopathy. I think that's a good scene to have as well when Cain is sort of in this state of fear or shock whilst trying to help Lucas. I want Cain to be rather young and impressionable, but old enough to comprehend things. Hmm, between 5-10?
Alright :3 that's the gist of what I remember as well. I'm not going to change my character's personality, but I'm going to have him be a little less standoffish, showing off more of his softer side when it comes to the children and the other inhabitants of the church and so on.
They have wood louse plushies...
The smell of grass was almost unreal, painfully fresh and green as he cursed the blades underfoot. The grass tickled his feet, the soft soil sinking inbetween his toes. The fresh air was almost painful as it rushed suddenly into his lungs, burning his nostrils. Was this really what he wanted so long ago? The sunlight seemed so..unfulfilling, but he supposed that it was only bound to happen, after all, now that he was king, such trifle things were..meaningless, uncomparable. This was all nothing to what he had now, he wasn't even sure why he had done this anymore. For them? For these stranger young dragons that he'd gone through pain and isolation for? That he'd wanted to raise and nurture? That had never really belonged to him from the moment they were born. Those deep violet eyes; they weren't his, but..they were his. And, there had been a time where he would have foolishly gone to the end of the world for those eyes... The soft question snapped him out of his daze and he slowly knelt down, fixedly staring into those eyes, pretty eyes; the both of them. Rehearsed words, "It's a secret place. All for the both of you. It's made just for you and the both of you will be age and happy here, do you know? This is your safe place..and," An actor forgets the most important line on stage. Forgets the scene, forgets the role and those dark eyes were always so piercing. A tremble went through him and the fog was back. "And..when you are here, remember that whatever Father does, no matter what Father does to hurt you, Father loves you." Improvisation, they say it's more than a line then. It's more than acting, if just for a moment. Reaching up, he wrapped his arms around the two young boys.so soft..He could..almost see why Edge wanted them. Almost, what was wrong with him? Pulling back, he stared down at the two of them; so young, so supple, so trusting. He blinked, a darkness clouding the edges of his vision. History really was repeating itself in some awful parody. What were these afflictions that gripped him as king? Pulling away from the two of them, he stood up and too another breath of painful air, staring to feel a little sick of the green surroundings. A dizziness striking the king, "Go, go play...." And when you lose every part of yourself, you're forced to remember all over again just so it can torture you some more. Meek, my new king. My old enemy. Te shadow has never faded, yet another has fallen everlasting victim.
Shall we rp a little of their first meeting and how they slowly became friends at first?
Nah, it's those japan sweets. Will reply tmr after sleepy sleep sleep...
I must be hallucinating to see you reply.
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