The smell of grass was almost unreal, painfully fresh and green as he cursed the blades underfoot. The grass tickled his feet, the soft soil sinking inbetween his toes. The fresh air was almost painful as it rushed suddenly into his lungs, burning his nostrils. Was this really what he wanted so long ago? The sunlight seemed so..unfulfilling, but he supposed that it was only bound to happen, after all, now that he was king, such trifle things were..meaningless, uncomparable. This was all nothing to what he had now, he wasn't even sure why he had done this anymore. For them?
For these stranger young dragons that he'd gone through pain and isolation for? That he'd wanted to raise and nurture? That had never really belonged to him from the moment they were born. Those deep violet eyes; they weren't his, but..they were his. And, there had been a time where he would have foolishly gone to the end of the world for those eyes...
The soft question snapped him out of his daze and he slowly knelt down, fixedly staring into those eyes, pretty eyes; the both of them. Rehearsed words, "It's a secret place. All for the both of you. It's made just for you and the both of you will be age and happy here, do you know? This is your safe place..and," An actor forgets the most important line on stage. Forgets the scene, forgets the role and those dark eyes were always so piercing. A tremble went through him and the fog was back.
"And..when you are here, remember that whatever Father does, no matter what Father does to hurt you, Father loves you." Improvisation, they say it's more than a line then. It's more than acting, if just for a moment. Reaching up, he wrapped his arms around the two young soft..He could..almost see why Edge wanted them. Almost, what was wrong with him? Pulling back, he stared down at the two of them; so young, so supple, so trusting. He blinked, a darkness clouding the edges of his vision. History really was repeating itself in some awful parody. What were these afflictions that gripped him as king?
Pulling away from the two of them, he stood up and too another breath of painful air, staring to feel a little sick of the green surroundings. A dizziness striking the king, "Go, go play...."
And when you lose every part of yourself, you're forced to remember all over again just so it can torture you some more. Meek, my new king. My old enemy. Te shadow has never faded, yet another has fallen everlasting victim.