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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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If Laisander was hoping to get anything out of the priest, then he would be sorely disappointed with the staunch silence that hung between them. As aware as he was of the angel's presence, he kept himself completely focused on the playing children in front of him. Making sure that none of them got hurt during all their roughhousing. Their loud war cries and faux commander voices seem a little too loud for his ears today and after a while, they don't sound like the voices of young children playing pretend anymore. And maybe it's the angelic presence next to him, but his eyes follow Javier closely as he takes on the roll of the brave 'human' who saves the poor captured group of children. Part of him wants to egg him on, because it's the right thing to do and considering it's only play, he knows everyone else expects the 'hero' to be the victor, even those playing the part of the demons are all too ready to be defeated and let the glory fall to him. A different part thinks almost reflexively, draws out the arrows and maneuvers, points out what's wrong with their strategy; sees the battle field and all it's trials and tribulations...the sparks of warriors and the foolhardiness of soldiers.. not little children.

The air feels cool when he finally blinks and inhales, taking a good deep breath as an attempt to clear his head. The red mist of battle is replaced by the laughter of children and the bright glare of the sun, more warm than burning. He forces his muscles to relax, concentrating on his toes up to his shoulders, flexing and stretching until the muscle naturally relaxes and he can feel himself start to calm down a little. What time is it? How long had he spent getting lost in memories of the past? It wouldn't be the first time, but certainly it wasn't something that had occurred for a good while in any recent memory. As always, he pushes it out of mind, relates it to...sentimental connections, if one could feel sentimental about the battlefield.

Standing up, he calls out for the children to come in for the evening classes. He can hear their teacher, Mr Abadawn, pockets cracking with chalk and silver chains jingling, making his way to the front entrance of the church. Nails running down the blackboard under his arm in his nervous habit. The children try to protest, begging to finish up the story, but Xephos can hear the screeching getting closer and he knows the sweet time they'll take just walking to their classroom so firmly, he calls them in. Many of them try to shoot a pleading gaze to Lai on the way in, but Javier doesn't bother knowing how adamant Father Xephos is on their education.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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When it becomes clear that the demon is simply going to ignore him Lai lets out a sigh and simply enjoys the sight of the children having fun. Not an old soldier, his actual years on the battlefield few, the angel is less taken in by the battle aspect of the play than Father Xephos, but he too occasionally has his mind jump to how they could be making use of their units better and how many would already be dead with such childish maneuvers. 'Pigtails could have taken him out right there if she hadn't stopped to slay that tuft of grass, and Javier leaves his back open far too often. He wouldn't make a good soldier' This thought actually cheers the angel up, the idea of any of them in an actual battle saddening him to no end.

'I would be happy if no more innocents had to suffer, but as long as the demons continue I their evil crusade the battles will continue, and little ones like these will grow in number, and in sadness. . .' He lets out a sad sigh, letting his gaze wander over to the church. 'This is such a peaceful place. . .And old. It's amazing how long this simple stone structure has lasted through so much. . .' The sorrow of all the destruction he knows he himself has caused weighs on him a bit, however as he sees the children piling on top of Javier and one of the girls in a “Bandit wave” he chuckles softly, his mood elevating. 'I've never hurt any one. I've never personally caused a human harm. They are God's precious creatures, and while I do not hate my fellows for the accidents they have had, I am ashamed that they all do not try as hard as I to preserve life. . .'

After his mother's rescue of him from his tumble to earth Lai began to pay more attention to the stories told by his family about the battles that have dropped down on to the surface and found that many times the death of a human was noted, but not in a way that showed any form of mourning. After the rescue however his mother began talking about how she had managed to divert fighting from human settlements and of maneuvers she'd come up with for keeping the battles away from the surface. Several thought her a little odd for it, and she always played it off as a way to make battles easier, but when they were alone his mother would speak more honestly. 'After the humans took care of me like that, she began feeling bad about all the humans that have died in the crossfire. Because of how they treated me, she began to mourn the loss of life. . .'

He sighs gently, the reoccurring wave of missing her making his energy flare ever so slightly. At the same time he tenses, looking back at the demon for the first time. His eyes flash at the sight. 'I've seen that look before. Uncle Inus, cousin Joal. . . .All the elders use to get like that a lot when they watched us play fighting. . . .He's thinking of the battlefield. . .' For a moment he wonders if he should try snapping Xephos out of it however quickly dismisses the idea as foolish seeing as the demon would likely take it as an attack and fight back. Instead he goes back to watching the kids until at last the figure of the priest moves and he waits a moment before following him to his feet. He smiles and shakes his head at the pleading looks shot his way, waving as the children slowly shuffle their way towards the clinking scraping noise.

Stretching slowly he looks over at the priest, making sure to keep any cheek from his expression. In a very soft voice he says, “You really take surprisingly good care of them, and not just for a demon. . .” He does not look at the man as he says this, instead giggling lightly at the sight of the little ones yelping lightly as the teacher finally appears and begins herding them inside. In a more normal voice he turns to face the priest fully and says, “So, what work do you have for me today? More hauling? I can do stacking and organizing too if that's what this place needs.” A touch of his old angelic confidence seeps in at this and almost jokingly he stands at attention and awaits his “Orders”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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It's hard to ignore something that's speaking, furthermore it's rude. Out of the corner of his vision, he glares at the angel, mouth set in a thin line at mention of 'that word'. Even if it was meant to be a compliment, it sounds grazing to his ears and he can only shoot the angel a look that tells him not to speak anymore on the subject. He sees what he's trying to do, trying to goad him into working himself up into a frenzy over the subject. Get him to confess whatever the man is looking for, he's still not completely trustful of the angel's voiced intentions. Not trustful of the angel being here on 'vacation', there has to be something more, something more deceitful even for a white winged goodie goodie. Then again, it's probably just his paranoia talking once more; flaring whenever the light of the angel encroached on his personal space. They really never knew how to keep to themselves did they? Insufferable little lightning bugs that-....Yeah, it was the paranoia and the 'other' part of him talking.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, he focused on helping their teacher round up all the little kiddies and get them inside. Javier, Lucille, Benjamin, Gregory, Kuwain, Delorain...5 more heads that rushed past him in to the crowd...

"Daniel!" He called out, unable to help the smile that overtakes him. He doesn't even need to rely on his senses to know who's trying to hide underneath the pews. It's all the leg shaking, bad habit of that child's. Didn't he know it was superstition that a shaking leg meant the loss of one's fortunes. Not that the young thing had any sort of fortune to worry off yet. Said little boy shyly peeks out before the Father goes over to pick him up. Hefting him up over his shoulder and calling out to his teacher, "And here's the last rabbit, hiding in it's burrow." With the mocking bravado of a hunter, bringing his trussed up prey over to the 'slaughterhouse'. The young child squealed, squirming like a real caught animal before he was placed down gently at the feet of his not so playful teacher. Sullenly, he and the rest of the children follow him.

Laisander is probably lucky that he's gotten himself into a better mood when he next speaks to him. Whilst the man seems to be in a more relaxed joking mood, Xephos can only shoot him a look that says 'I rather you just not exist', but an idea comes to his mind. As long as the angel is here, he might as well put him to good work, it could greatly benefit the church and he could keep a closer eye on him as well. A more devious part of him want to 'ruin' this little time off that the angel has and possibly drive him right out of here. It's very unlikely to happen; knowing there is no work that is exactly impossible for an angel to complete, but it's worth a shot. Still, he keeps his expression stoic as he turns to the man and speaks in a monotonous manner.

"There are several large stacks of tools and gears that we need to have delivered and distributed out to the residents. They've already been organized and labelled specifically. Unfortunately," And this is the part where he can't control his tongue or the sudden giddiness that overtakes him when he speaks next, "The vehicle that we usually use for our distribution is undergoing repair at the moment and we were holding off on delivering, but it's already built up quite a back log over the week so your job is to help distribute the parts, however," And he hasn't felt this excited over such a minor thing in a good while. And he knows he has too sound serious and somehow he pulls it off, "-you are to deliver each crate one by one. Your strength will arouse suspicion if you go around hauling crates like pillows. Make several trips if you have to, but get it done."

As dignified as he can manage, he turns on his heels and gestures for the angel to follow him. It's a minor thing and it wasn't like he was actually telling any sort of lies or tricking the angel into anything, but..it he's allowed a little mischief right? It feels like mischief, it certainly makes him feel much younger than he is. Like the days he was an imp, but those days are long gone and now he's a priest. Still, he feels better putting the man to work. It's only for the good of the church.

Did I mention that he might've maybe forgotten to properly instruct the angel where exactly he had to go with each labelled part after he'd left him alone in the store room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Laisander can almost see the demon's temple vein pulsating as he says the “D” word aloud. Adding that to the list of things he should avoid doing he follows the priest slowly inside, his hands in his pockets. 'Y'know, it feels really funny that I'll be asking him for work. It's as if I am trusting him with a part of me or something. I'm putting some faith in the idea that he wants what's best for the church and the children, and that he won't completely shaft me or blow me off or give me something completely useless to do. I mean, I actually expect him to give me something hard, but at the same time, too hard and I'd be useless, so. . .Why am I thinking about this? Ah well, who knows. . .' He smiles at the kiddies as they are shuffled along, the teacher's watchful gaze moving over them like an eagle spotting field mice.

He ends up chuckling aloud as the demon goes on the hunt and begins using the same kind of analogies he'd been using in his own head about predator and prey. 'Well, prey at least' He continues chuckling, smiling and waving back at the children who spot him waiting in a corner for the priest to finish his shepherding duties. Once the little ones are out of sight he approaches the priest and poses his query about work, a little nervous but at the same time kind of excited to get off his backside and get something more useful done besides ticking off the already ornery demon. He loves playing with the little ones, but now he's a little restless.

The expression on Xephos' face is clear but Lai's smile does not falter, ready for any slings and arrows the male is ready to whip his way. 'I don't mind being hated by a demon. I'm use to it' His expression does not fall but as the demon grows more and more excited Lai's eyes narrow ever so slightly. It is his job to spot deviousness, and there is definitely at least a touch of deviousness manifesting here. 'Well, this is a new mood. Normally it's “Go die” or “Get lost”. . . .This is more “Let's see what you got”. I like it' He can’t help but feel the need to rise to the challenge being posed here and he listens carefully as to not miss anything. When at last he's along however he realizes what exactly the challenge entails.

'I have no idea what all these labels mean. . .I mean I can read them, but we don't have addresses in heaven. . .' He lets out a long, drawn out sigh and carefully selects a box. The challenged poised is less about finding the locations than it is avoiding Xephos while he finds away around it. He waits until he can feel the demon some distance away before slipping upstairs and hunting down the nearest young soul he can feel. Spotting a youth coming out of a room empty handed he smirks to himself before offering up a smile to the young redhead as he's spotted. The boy looks a bit greasy, as if he's been working on machines or something, but as Lai has no idea what grease is he just sees it as slick dirt or something.

“Hello there. I was wondering if you're free to help me out.” His voice is honey sweet and the street wise youth recognizes the tone immediately. He's not put off by it, but he knows full well that if he says yes he may be stepping into something he's not ready to handle.

“Depends mister. What do you need help with and what would it entail?” Lai smiles at the youth, liking his spunk.

“Well, you see, I am a traveler and don't know the town very well. However Father Xephos wants me to deliver these crates to people in town, and I got the impression the quick the better. I though maybe if I had someone who knew the area we could get this done in half the time.” The young man eyes the angel faced visitor and sensing no insincerity in him shrugs and tucks the greasy rag he'd been wiping his fingers with into his pocket.

“Sure, why not. The parts have been backlogged a while because of that stupid truck and it's never ending issues.” With a light cough he walks over and looks at the paper on the box. He pauses, looking slowly up at the slightly taller male. “You're. . .Kinda strong aren't you?”

Lai realizes he's carrying the box on a hip like he was toting around a basket full of laundry and not a crate full of heavy metal parts. He smiles without batting an eye. “Why yes I am, which is why I got the job!”

The youth openly laughs at this and motions for Lai to follow. “My name's Job, like that book in the bible. Father named when I got here, as I'd forgotten my birth name.”

Laisander gives him a sympathetic but slightly happy look. “The name is an honorable one to carry. My name's Lai. Nice to meet you Job.” The youth waves over his shoulder in lieu of a handshakes ant the two of them begin their long arduous task of fetch and carry. Having never been inside an intact city Lai takes the chance to get a good look at the inner constructs and machinery. The over all bronze look is very different from the gray of the stone church and Lai can honestly say he likes the gray better, and not just because it's a church. Everything inside seems to be built high, and thin, and more than once the angel wonders if the large crate he is carrying will fit up a particular narrow staircase.

Each time they go back to the church Lai has Job wait outside and preferably near the stalls in hopes that Xephos won't spot him helping and either it worked or Xeph had given in as by the time the sun vanishes from the sky completely and the city is all gas lamps and flickering oil torches Lai and the youth deliver the last of the backlog of parts. Instead of heading right back tot he church though Lai asks if there is any way to get to the top of the wall legally. For a moment the human stares at him hard, as if trying to determine if he's kidding, but eventually he simply asks, “Promise not to tell Father Xephos I took you up?”

“I swear I will not tell him anything about you bringing me up to the top of the wall.” He promises. Even if the demon notices him up there, or identifies the kid, he will keep his promise to not be the one to rat the boy out officially. In a flash Job is off, and without hesitation the angel is after him. Slipping his goggles back over his eyes as he did during most of the deliveries to avoid staring he chases the young man through endless lines of machines and old clusters of broken down building parts. Both seem to littler the area around immediate interior of the wall and as Job vanishes from sight into a hole in the foundation of the wall Lai doesn't even bother wondering why. 'I know why after all. If the wall falls, they don't want people too close to it. . .'

The angel slips in right behind him, pausing only for a moment to admire the gears and clockwork inside the massive hunk of metal before racing up the stairs after the boy. The trip takes a long time, or at least to Laisander it takes a long time. As someone who can naturally fly and/or run at sonic speed, taking the very human way and pace up to the top of the wall feels very slow to him. However once they step out of the door at the top, the stiff breeze pushing the human back slightly into Lai at this altitude, the angel feels it was very much worth the time and effort. 'It's not flying, but it's definitely something. . .'

Bracing a hand against the door frame so it doesn't look like he standing there unbothered by the breeze, even though he really isn't bothered by it, he holds Job's shoulder carefully to keep him from being blown back down the stairwell. Looking out across the desert first he smiles at the light coming from the large archer window shaped windows he can see from this side of the church, and the trail of lights running down the road as people head in for the night. On the other side the flickering lights all over the city make it glow in a pleasantly warm way. Unlike the cool, fuzzy warmth of heaven, this warmth his harder, but warm, and surprisingly inviting.

“Great view huh? Almost a bird's eye view. Like what the angels see. . .” Lai shifts to look at the youth, noting no malice in his voice when he speaks of angels. He knows very well that many humans, even god fearing ones, hate angels for the part they have played in bringing ruin to the earth, but there is no flicker of hate in this teen.

Giving his shoulder a slight squeeze he murmurs, “Yeah, like an angel. . .” After a few more silent minutes they head back in, careful to lock the door from the inside before the slightly faster decent. Once at the ground level they make their way quickly out through the closing doors and Lai laughs as the youth races him back. Once inside the two of them take deep breaths at the smell of the evening meal and with a wave Job heads off to join the others around his age, helping with distribution before taking taking his own portion.

Lai watches with a smile before being overrun with children and dragged to a seat. Javier takes a seat in his lap, as if somehow that is now his official spot when the angel is around, and munches happily while talking about his day. The rest of the children try to do that same and the poor angel only catches about half of what they are trying to say. Once he receives his portion they quiet down a bit to let him eat but still try every now and again to tell him every minute detail of what he missed. Laisander does not mind them all talking and trying to keep his attention. In fact he finds it quite endearing. E doesn't even bother looking for the priest right now, too focused on the children, and eating a meal he's actually hungry for. He knows he'll have to talk to Xephos eventually, as he needs his bed assignment, but once more he's going to wait to be addressed, even if he is just one among many who will be spending the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

He lingers, just long enough to catch the man's expression when he bends down to read one of the labels. And he can't help the delight that flickers inside of him, unable to help but enjoy every little tick of annoyance that he seems able to coax out of the angel; be it a slight twitch or narrowing of the eyes, a slight frown at the corners of his mouth or the brief flicker over his eyes. It doesn't stir anything great, but it makes it more bearable to be in the man's presence. A-And it was good for the church of course! All the work that could be done with the angel around to put his strengths to actual good use. It might actually take a good load off of his shoulders, not having to worry about all the little loose odds and ends around the church. Frayed ends of a wire, Father Christopher always quoted.

And the youth could take a good break too, just one out of the blue. It needn't always be some sort of festival or someone's birthday for the great church to not need any tending to. The building had stood for a good century, lasted through a war that would probably go on for many more centuries to come and stood it's ground through the worst of storms which was the least of it's feats, it could go a day or two without constantly being looked after.

Still, the church was old. He stops along the corridor and presses a hand up against the cool concrete wall. Concrete wasn't used much nowadays, production value was high and the cost was all too much the same. He wasn't even sure if any of the newer buildings within the compound still had any constitution of concrete anymore, or anything outside of the scrap yards. It probably just told of how old the church was and even without constant tending to, one day it would fall and when it did...Well, they'd replace it probably.

The children would have to probably stay over at a temporary boarding home or with any kind civilians who's volunteer their homes for as long as it took, the elderly and ill might be a little harder to sort, but chances were they wouldn't be left out on the streets. The delivery of goods would get delayed and back logged again, especially with all the building materials they required to rebuild the main building and the dormitories, not to mention all the facilities within it. Perhaps he should consider placing an order for some spare parts just in case, he could probably store them away in the scrap yards and grease them up a little to protect from the wind and rain and...

Alright, he was getting a little out of point, but once a new church was built of bronze and steel alloy, it might serve the same function, but it didn't symbolize nearly as much as the grey giant that had held out for so long. Would the children notice a difference after they spent so long getting used to the church to the point that they could run around the corners and avoid the pillars without even paying any attention to them.

It was a rather sad thought all the same. Certainly, he'd feel sentimental over the church's eventual demise, but all things had an end sooner or later. Even this damning war had to stop at some time, but that's a thought that's gotten old as well.

Done with his deep melancholy brooding for the day, he straightens his attire and brushed off the dust that always settled on everything old. And speaking of old things, he was not gonna even go there.

He was going to continue on with logging down what orders the church had received and then start taking register of what supplies they did had and where else they were meant to go. To think that the youth were willing to break their backs carrying load after load, learn to drive out on deliveries and how to completely take apart and put back together complex machinery, but they absolutely refused to and more than once skipped out on trying to learn their figures and accounting for all the storage that they had. He should've been more strict with them when they were younger, but he supposed it was a good distraction with the angel out of his hair and now his thoughts and a great way to find out that dust actually does bother his lungs.

72 full cans of preserved fruits, 34 jars of dried meat, 8 and a half stacks of folded cotton clothes and countless amounts of sneezing and biting his tongue whilst sneezing and thinking out loud, he finds the sun setting and the classes ended. The scent of orange and stew permeating the air and telling him that Gabby's gotten creative in the kitchen again.

Everyone's already seated by the time he gets to the great hall. The children all squeezed together at one bench, trying to get the angel's attention. It's not...unusual for them to get entranced by a guest, even less so knowing said guest's little big secret, but...today he was going to dine in his so called 'office'. What was once the designated room of the pope. He trusts the angel won't do any harm in the presence of so many people though he's unwilling to admit the angel almost has him convinced of his objective.

There's a lot of other reasons too; like the fact that he hadn't gotten to putting down the orders yet and labeling the deliveries that had only just been delivered yesterday; one of which he can at least take care off in his office.

It's not uncommon either for him to eat in his office either. The youths would know what to do with the guests for the evening and any concerns could be sent to him before lights out.

Apparently, it's not so common for him to eat in his office though because Javier perks up and looks around halfway into the meal. Then his brow furrows, "Father did not come to say the dinner prayer, that means he's not going to tell us a bedtime story." Collectively, all the children groan.

In his office, he considers going back out there, knowing him, he's likely to fall asleep at his desk if he doesn't get back to his room by light's out. The angel will probably take care of it, the thought isn't a pleasant one, but he has work to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Following the youth's line of sight Lai huffs to himself, realizing that this demon is not going to make his investigation easy. Not by a long shot. 'Noe he's even avoiding me to the detriment of the children he's so protective of! Silly demon. . .' Don't worry little ones, I'll tell you a story!” They all cheer, quieting quickly as some of the older kids shush them. Despite the shushing however Laisander can't help but notice that the older kids move in a little closer as they continue working. He smiles lightly, not looking at them as to give the illusion that he doesn't notice their obvious interest in whatever story he's about to tell.

Knowing how worked up the little ones can get over a nice rousing tale of good verses evil, he decides to tell a quieter tale. He doesn't know many, as he has spent most of his life fighting, or around others that spent their lives fighting, but this particular story he feels would be well suited for a bedtime story. He dells of the time one of his platoon, though he did not call it that, had misplaced a very important item. The kids looked bored at first, but as the story goes on and they hear of all the trouble they went thought for this important item, and the trouble they almost got into from sneaking around in places they aught not be the children begin giggling and pointing to one another as if saying that they've seen the same thing happening around the church amongst them.

When at last the story concludes the children are giggling and yawning. Athena comes over and begins herding them all to bed. However Javier refuses to let go of Lai's hand, staring up at him with those bright, shining, questioning eyes. The angel smiles warmly at the little one and ruffles his hair. “I will be here for two days, so yes, you will see me in the morning.” The child leaps up and gives Laisander a big hug before finally complying and racing off to join the other children being herded out of the room. Another teen stands up and gives much the same speech as Xephos did Lai's first night at the church before leading the way out of the room and down the long hall. Lai waits until there are only a few left before slipping up to the young man and asking if he can have the same room as before.

“I don't see why not. It's the one at the end right?” Lai nods. “Any particular reason you want it?” The youth sounds a little bored, though as he turns to look at the angel he seems to perk up a little.

“Why yes actually. See, I move around a lot, and I think it would be nice to, when it's available of course, have familiar place to rest my head when I'm passing through.” The youth nods at this.

“Makes sense.” he murmurs, smiling a little as the last visitor other than Lai is directed into his room. They travel in a comfortable silence to the room Lai stayed in before and with a wave the youth says his goodnights and heads back towards the main hall. The angel slips into the room and settles on to the bed. He can still feel his own presence though it has been a week and with a grin he rolls about adding a little bit more of himself to the mattress.

'I wasn't lying. I really do want a familiar place to rest my head. It just so happens that by using the same room will build me my own little power base. I doubt anyone else really uses this room, unless they are overbooked, which doesn't seem like it would happen often' Once the place feels a little more comfortable Lai heads out, sneaking through the hallways until he's outside Xephos' study. He knows he's becoming a bit of a brat at this point but he really doesn't care. 'If he's gonna be stubborn, then so will I!' Making sure the kids are all tucked away for the night Lai settles down against the wall outside the study door, determined to stay there until he gets to say good night to the demeon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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The chair nearly tips back when he jerks up, almost sending his bowl of untouched stew backwards all over the carefully inked out notes before him. The whole left side of his face feels stiff and slightly sore, his mouth dry and starchy. He knows that he's supposedly superhuman and everything, but a whole day of mental strain, sleeping on a desk and ignoring dinner had about the same affect on nearly anyone. Straightening himself in his chair, he rubs his eyes and then checks the parchment and his own cheek for any ink stains that he may have caused by smudging the writing when he fell asleep. It wouldn't be the first time he went to bed late at night and woke up with an ink stained pillow in the morning. No one had seen him make that mistake yet though and he had some dignity to preserve.

No ink, but he'd definitely fulfilled the go to bed late part of the tale. What time is it anyway? He can't tell in his windowless office with the dying light of the gas lamp as his only indicator to how long he's been here. The stew's gone completely cold as well, but he isn't one to waste especially when food is still considered precious. Funny thing, how it was so easy to just throw away something that'd been too much to finish, slightly off or just slightly past it's expiration date back then in the day. In some ways, waste was always worse when there was much to waste and now waste was being used to rebuild the very foundation they'd lost. Back then, what one man didn't want, another did and now nobody wanted anything, so everybody wanted everything. And since he was sure that no one else was awake at such a time to want his cold stew, he finishes it in the last light of the lamp, giving his own personal thanks to the lord for his meal.

Cold, slightly congealed, but it's a delicious end to the day of mental strain though he is already to starting to nod off again from the tiredness that clutches at his eyelids and tries to drag them down. Running a hand through his messy locks, he huffs in frustration. Vanity is a sin, but a priest still has to look proper.

Gathering up the papers, putting aside those with his sleep riddled scribbles for him to discern and recopy later, and replacing the wick and oil in his lamp, he stands and pushes in his chair. In his other hand he carries the bowl to wash up and replace, meaning that he has to use his body to open up the door. Still held gently by the lasting tendrils of his nap, the door swings outward with too much force in the unfortunate direction of Laisander. (I hope this isn't too much assuming, I took outside the study door to be one of the walls on either side not opposite).

The sound does wake him up and he turns the door away with his foot since his hands are still full. Even with his best intentions, Laisander seems to have the worst luck.

"What are you doing outside me door." It's not a question, it's a demand as the demon narrows his eyes and his lips unintentionally pull back into a snarl. His teeth glinting in the light of the gas lamp, sharper by the shadows and by his own unconscious intent. Looming over the angel, he takes a moment to take a breath before he gently puts down the gas lamp and bowl. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leans back on his heel and closes his eyes, trying to pretend he's reprimanding a child instead of teetering on the edge of tearing out the angel's throat. He shouldn't even have given the man a chance to defend himself, because it's obvious isn't it? Outside his door in the middle of the night, either the angel was very bed at being stealthy at eaves dropping or he had just caught the man attempting to enter his office. Of all the nights to work late.

"You have one minute to explain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Staring at the opposite wall for several hours Lai comes to the conclusion that he likes this wall better than the ones at his house. Sure, they are more interesting and full of pictures and stuff, but the actual blank parts are this blinding white color. Like all houses in heaven actually. Since there is no favoritism up there, everything is equal, everything is the same. A little monotonous, but it keeps thing fair. 'And sure, this is just a gradient between white and black, but still, it's different. . .Maybe that's why I like it? Just because it's different? Ah, who knows' His pointless musings are interrupted by a slight sound from inside the room. He blinks, gasping a little as he had not done so in a while and the sudden moistening stings a little.

Staying as silent as possible he turns his head, realizing that the priest is once more moving. For the longest time it was quite obvious that the guy was asleep. Laisander doesn't move from his spot, knowing that finding him standing outside the room would look more threatening than lounging about against a wall. However after about a minute of listening to sounds from inside the room something happens that makes him, for a moment at least, regret not standing up. The sudden swinging of the door startles him, but as as it can't really hurt him he doesn't feel the urge to flee. Instead he just lets out a yelp as it smacks into his right knee.

He does not respond to the demand right away, instead rubbing at the now slightly sore spot on his knee. When the demon sets the stuff down, the obvious waves of killing intent coming off of him, Lai half smiles, the oddness of the entire situation just a little too much for him. 'Why am I here? Well, a really ridiculous reason actually, but meh, it's a reason' Looking up with his cute little half smile, knowing the expression is completely lost on the creature, he replies simply. “I just wanted to say goodnight Father. I missed you at dinner.” Standing slowly, keeping his hands in sight so the demon doesn't think he's trying to pull anything, his half smile becomes a full smile for a moment before falling into a slightly more serious look.

“Well, there was one other thing.” He folds his hands in front of him, leaning against the wall and dropping his gave. “I am sure you already do it already, but I was hoping that when you pray tonight. . .You could pray, in general, for all those under this roof for the night.” He looks at Xephos, his face set in an expression of complete seriousness. “Since I don't want to pray and alert anyone as to where I am, I feel a bit disconnected. I would be able to sleep better knowing that there was at least the faintest hint of connection to. . . .You know. . . .” He feels really silly for asking, and in truth, he's got the feeling that this may prompt the demon to be careful to exclude him from this nightly prayers, but he can't help but ask. “Suddenly no longer having the host of heaven at your back makes one feel rather alone. . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

There has to be a limit to just how much one wants to strangle another, but if he could strangle the man again after strangling him three times over, then he would. The murderous urge had simmered down into irate annoyance, but in someways that was worse. Murder was easy, hate was harder to control and annoyance was difficult as hell. He was going to break a tooth with how hard he's gritting his teeth, holding his tongue as he glares at the angel in response to his coy little answer. Waiting for a real satisfying answer that wouldn't have him wanting to break the man's neck in multiple places. His patience starting to run thin with the seconds that ticked by. The devil was taking on the guise of an angel and taunting him wasn't he?

Either that or paranoia's starting to set in from having the damning light of the angel within his field of vision, around the children. Well, the children weren't bothered by it. On the contrary, he was sure that the angel's aura had garnered him a friendship with the youngsters and the youths faster than he could ever build in his time here. His own aura has to be carefully restrained, pulled back in so far that it barely exudes from him anymore for obvious reasons.

His own wariness grows when the angel switches to a more serious expression and he can't say he's surprised when the angel requests of him. He can't say he still isn't skeptical about his motives behind such a naive request. And he doesn't know what compels him to speak up.

"I don't really pray. " He admits, fingering the collar of his robe, one arm still crossed over his chest. And he's as serious as the angel when he meets his gaze, "Prayer isn't really prayer if you don't put meaning into the words, and what I do is just go through the motions. The others pray, they have since they were born, but as you, there are people I do not wish to let know to my location."

Kneeling down, he picks up the empty bowl and dying oil lamp, the little light it provided illuminating the bare minimum of his features, casting his shadow against the wall behind him like a wiry scarecrow, ominous. His eyes bare down on Laisander again, the faintest tinge of red clinging at his irises and he's more spiteful than he intends, "I'll say the words if that silences you tonight, but if the host of heaven really did care about what prayer was sent to him, then you wouldn't have to hide yourself away here."

Clutching the bowl in one arm, he starts to turn away from the angel, then pauses and murmurs too soft for mortal ears, "Goodnight my son, sleep well, there are many a task to take care of tomorrow."

He himself, looked forward to a good night's rest after he'd washed up and did one more nightly round to make sure that the children were well and in their beds. It would be a nice calming end to have them all accounted for and resting well, it was the thing he looked forward to most.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The waves of the demon's desire to destroy him is like a pungent odor permeating the hallways, but despite the feeling of standing in toxic burning gas Lai manages to not lash out at the sickeningly unpleasant feeling, keeping his stance and gaze at least moderately respectful. He does have a bit of respect of the demon. I mean, after all, he's fought his nature hard enough that the children show no sign of being corrupted. Demonness aside, he also runs a tight ship as the saying goes. His job here is not something just anyone can do, supernatural or otherwise. His breathing slows ever so slightly as the demon lets slip that he's not actually here by God's grace. 'Well, that is one question answered. However even if he doesn't, the children must. . .' His thoughts are confirmed moments later as he admits he is here in secret, and that the children pray.

'He must really keep himself sealed up. The children surly pray for him, and if God has ever looked to them, even once, then He has likely had to cast an eye upon Xephos here. It's inevitable. How can he plan to stay hidden with the little ones praying for him every night, or at least near it? That is an interesting accomplishment to say the least. . .Keeping Yahweh's eyes from him in His own home. . .' His eyes follow the demon as he prepares to leave, keeping his arms crossed and his tongue still. He really does not want to goad the demon into attacking, and it's clear that despite his own restraint and respectfulness, not to mention usefulness, he seems to only grow more and more ready to make good on that threat to put an unholy bullet in me. . .'[/i]

His teeth flash for a moment at the red glow in the demon's eyes followed by the implication that God cares not for him and this place, however after that near silent whisper he calms and returns the words with a bow and near silent words of his own. “That will do just fine. I am here to serve. Thank you, Father. . . .Good night.” Having said his bit Laisander slowly makes his way back towards “His” room. This demon priest gives him constant things to think about, bringing up questions he never thought he'd be asking, and feelings that do nothing but confuse him. 'I am still constantly on edge around him, and he around me, but as he grows more and more tense as time passes, or so it seems, I grow more and more tolerant. Perhaps it is part of what makes our races so different. We are naturally more accepting. . .' The cool stone hallways hols a warmth he does not notice most of the time, but as his thoughts travel here and there he can feel it seeping into him gently, making him smile.

He is however drawn out of his thoughts as he hears a faint sobbing from somewhere up ahead and after a moment of letting his energy out to scout ahead he realizes what it is. With a faint smile and more than a little guilt he hurries up and comes to the door of his room, finding a now familiar figure curled up on his bed. He has taken to wondering why Javier seems so attached to him, however the more obvious answers as to why a human would cling to an angel so swiftly and completely do not require much thought and seem likely in the little one's situation. Quickly he slips into the room and over to the bed, not hesitating to scoop the boy up and hold him close. Javier seems startled for split second but as soon as he sees those soft eyes looking down at him the boy wraps his arm firmly around the angel and sobs happily into his collarbone.

“Hush hush little one, it's,okay, I'm here. I was just saying my good-nights to the Father and asking for some prayer. . . .” He sees no reason to lie to the distraught child who simply laughs a little in his crying and clings closer. Carefully Lai lifts Javier up and begins walking him back to his room. While he can sense where the boy rests his head he stops and asks him anyways. Javier hives him basic direction between ever more infrequent sobs and with a sigh he continues on. Sensing that Xephos is not too far away he slows his steps. 'The last thing I need if for him to simply come across me in the boy's room. He already fears I have some evil plot to do something to them, finding me in their rooms so late at night. . .' He slows down just enough that by the time he and the demon meet he will be a little ways from the youth's door. Javier yawns wide, beginning to nod off, blissfully unawares of the possible conflict his little late night check-up on the resident angel may yet cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

It's oddly reassuring to count each and every slow beating heartbeat behind each door. Tonight, they're all calm and rhythmic and if he wanted to get all sentimental, he could compare it to a soothing sort of melody that told him tonight everyone was sound asleep without any nightmares. Well, almost everyone.

He paused, tilting his head and listening. Counting the ticks of the seconds that passed by. One, two, three ticks. He leaned over and knocked on Javier's door, calling out the boy's name and hoping to the lowest hell that for somehow age was catching up to him and his senses, that god was striking him down in his infringement upon his land because he absolutely did not need to see that empty bed; covers thrown to one side to reveal the cold imprint of it's owner. His heart nearly dropped until the faintest sound of irregular sobbing makes his ears prick and momentary relief flood through him.

To be honest, there was very little that could happen to the children, what with the tight security that they had on the older guests that came to stay. There had never been a case so far, but what with everything that concerned children, one could never be too careful nor too paranoid in letting outsiders stay in the premises. Who knows what intentions they could have? Well, he could force such intentions out of them, even incite it, but such an exertion would draw too much attention for sure. Keeping vigil substituted well enough, constant vigilance.

Turning, he semi-rushed towards the two figures coming down the corridor. Slowing down a short distance away when he as close enough to see that the boy was unharmed, at last physically. His heart rate was going a tad too fast as if he was having a nightmare and he might as well as been with how he was shaking and clinging to the angel.

Letting the gas lamp swing around his arm, he stopped and took the boy from the angel into his own arms. Gently rocking the sniffling sleepy boy, he cooed to him, not caring that the angel still stood there infront of him. The light throwing their shadows across their wall, "Hush, hush, little one, what's wrong? Why are you out of your room?" He asked, glancing up at the angelic, gaze more questioning than it should be.

The boy sniffled, turning around to press his face against Xeph's chest, the remainder of wet tears soaking his front. A little too sleep deprived and distraught to formulate a full answer. Caught halfway between sleep and awareness, but somehow still able to mumble sleepily, "Can you tell me a story please? A new one."

"I take it you won't go to sleep without one?" He chuckled softly, still rocking him gently, returning his gaze to the boy who just shakes his head and stares sleepily up at him before he shifted around and glanced up at the angel, yawning sleepily while he spoke, "Can Lai tell me one too?"

"Two stories?" He chuckled, gaze drawing back to the man in question, in a little more threatening of a light. He pulled in his demonic aura, but it was hard to make a secret of his disdain for the angel when they were in private or rather in presence of a sleepy child. "We don't have time for two stories.."

"Then just one?" Javier mumbled, struggling to keep his eyelids open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Careful to stay relaxes Lai keeps his pace even, not slowing or speeding up even as he feels the reactions up ahead. When Xephos pops out of the room he is ready to shield the boy, least the demon not notice him and simply attack the angel. As soon as he can see the Father's eyes however he lets out a soft breath, seeing them locked on the bundle in his arms and almost shiny with worry. For the fist true moment of clarity Lai can feel it inside, he can feel. . .'He really does care for them. . .' That thought locks down in his mind and somehow, he knows, he will never doubt that fact again. Gingerly he hands the boy over to the worried priest and steps back, watching him coddle and cuddle the little one, a faint smile on his lips. It is not a mocking smile, not one meant to poke fun at the demon. It is simply one to express the joy of seeing such an adorable display.

He chuckles lightly at the request for a story, actually covering his mouth to avoid laughing outright and waking everyone in the area. He ignores the look he gets from the father, instead reaching out and running his fingers through the child's hair. “I fear I must be to bed little one. I am sure the good father here would be happy to spend some time with you.” Brushing the boy's hair back he adds softly, “And I promise I will be here in the morning, so no more treks to my room to check on me, alright?” Javier nods sleepily and with a final pat Laisander wishes them both a good night and heads towards his temporary bed.

'I'm glad he was so focused on the boy. I got the feeling that has Javier not been there, seeing me again today would have sent him over the edge' He lets out a sigh, his walk back at a leisurely pace as to not look like he's fleeing. 'I have to play this carefully. If I act like I did something wrong, if I fall into his little box of misunderstanding about my intentions, then I will never go forward in this. I need to stay “out of trouble”, like one of the children. . .Why am I doing this?' He shrugs to his own silent question. 'Because I am curious and confused and I hate being curious and confused' With a sharp nod he heads into “his” room and collapses on to the bed. He catches himself before he begins his nightly prayers, and instead sends out the hope that God will forgive him, and that for now, the demon’s false prayers will be enough to still his mind and heart. With that final thought, he lets himself pass into the realm of dreams, or as close as angels can get.

The next morning he rises and shines, and laughs loudly as he wakes to an excited Javier pouncing on him. Despite his late night it appears that the boy is just as happy and energetic as ever. Lai wraps him in a big hug before shooing the youth off his bed so he can get up. As soon as he's on his feet however Javier has a hold on his hand and is dragging him along towards breakfast. He has just enough time to close his door before he's almost jogging down the hallway to keep up with the boy. As soon as the other munchkins spot him they race up to them and once more Lai finds himself with more shiny children eyes than he could possibly hope to deal with if they all wanted time alone with him. 'Some seem to be getting a little jealous of Javier. Perhaps a story about that. . .' Taking his plate he slips into a pew and begins telling a story about what jealousy can do to a person. He keeps his senses tuned for the demon, ready to give him a good morning smile as soon as he can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

He glanced at the man, watching him fixedly as he reached for the child. Keeping mum as the angel soothed the boy, choosing to leave him in the demon's care. Xephos nodded a stoic goodnight to him, holding the boy against his chest until the door was closed on them and he felt himself involuntarily relaxed. His shoulders drooping and the weight of his panic finally dropping onto him, drawing out a long sigh. Looking down at the sleep addled boy, he gently shifted him better into his arms, careful not to jolt him too much. In the morning, he would have a talk with the boy about leaving his quarters in the middle of the night,and nearly giving him an impossible heartattack, but for tonight it was way past the boy's bed time and he doubted that the boy would comprehend any form of scolding now. "How about an old story, hmm? Something you haven't heard in a while." He cooed to the boy, pulling up a chair next to the bed. Javier turned over, nearly falling out of his arms and as he laid the boy to bed and tucked him in, he was struck by a sudden sense of nolatagia. Thinking back to when the boy was no more than an infant, smaller than a thimble even and able to fit into just one of his arms. This was what ageing felt like he supposed. Reaching over, he brushed the boy's hair back and settled back in the old creaking chair that had seen better less worm wooded days. Beginning his story, he stroked the boy's hair as he let his mind wander. Even when the boy had clearly fallen too deeply into sleep to hear him, he continued on. The words spilling from his lips warmly rehearsed. Not his best story ever told, but there was a certain sense of bias homeliness associated with it. The words buzzed in his mind and he faintly paid attention to them. It was very hard not to think about the angel. He was fairly sure that the angel wasn't here on any known command so at least he was certain that his position here was still safe. The angel's presence might still be a danger to them if anyone came looking for him. His own presence wasn't exactly completely concealed. He was just lucky that the angel hadn't chosen to reveal him to anyone. It weighed on his mind enough that he had to rest his head on his hand. Sighing to himself. It was time to push back some of his own issues and disdain and had a thorough talk with the angel and find out his exact intentions. It we simply a matter that couldn't be ignored, not unless he wanted to selfishly endanger everyone. The ticking clock reminded him of the time when he finally moved from the chair. He may have not needed much sleep, but he still needed some sleep. Pulling the blanket further over the boy's shoulder before he turned and left. Closing the door quietly behind him. Sleep was something that was another peculiarity about the mortal world. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was different. He almost considered the humans privileged to be able to let their minds so unconsciously wander like that without worry whilst others had to actively control their minds even whilst unconscious. He oft wondered what it would be like to not have to constantly be on guard, to just let his mind go where it pleased and escape the world a little while. He never feels like he is well rested enough when he wakes up. Donning his attire, he finds the angel is already awake and entertaining the children. Watching them from the doorway, he hears footsteps come up from behind him and the scent of iron and oil, burning his nose. "He's really good wit the children, isn't he Father? I don't think that I've ever seen the children so excited around a guest before." Amelia, he glanced at her and nodded silently. Taking a breath before he averted his eyes away from the happy little circle, turning his head to the red headed child, years beyond her age. She'd been no more taller than his knee once, it seemed like he was being fairly nolstalgic today. "You'll take care of the children today won't you? I've heard reports of rain today and the dust has been picking uplately. I'm afraid of another sand storm coming our way." He straightened himself, ready to head into the hallway, "So it's best they be kept inside. Perhaps some homework will make them dislike class less." He chuckled, though it was only half heartedly. He wanted to get this talk with the angel over and done with. But first, he'd have to tear him away from the children.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The angel feels the demon approach and as soon as he's within sight he looks over at the Father, giving him that good morning smile he planned on giving him. “Hey mister, whatcha lookin' at?” His head turns back to the gathered youngsters and he gives them all an even sunnier smile.

“Oh, I was just greeting Father Xephos.” He says happily, glancing back over at the man and noting he now has company. 'I can small her from over here. . .' He smiles once more at the children, going back to his story, wrapping it up neatly and leaving the children both satisfied and begging for more. However just then one of the older kids shows up with a bowl full of breakfast and Lai has an excuse to take a break from full time entertainment. The children too are ushered off to grab their own bowls and for a moment the angel feels a little bad at being treated special. The feeling does not go away as the children return and Laisander knows he's going to have to work extra hard today to get rid of the feeling. Being catered to is not something any angel should be happy about.

'We are here to serve, not be served' he muses, watching the older kids walking around and finding out which travelers are staying and which are going. Javier bounces up and down as he eats, telling the rest of the kids about the dream he had last night.

When the young lady from the day before comes close enough for the boy to notice he stands up on the pew and waves at her. “He's staying!” She smiles at him and looks at the angel for confirmation. Laisander smiles and nods at her. She makes the mark on her clipboard and moves to head over to the next person however Lai waves her down.

“Yes Mister?” she asks, coming closer to the angel and his pack of children.

He gives her one of his really charming smiles. “Oh I was just wondering what's on the docket today as far as volunteer work. I feel like working hard today!” The children giggle, a few of them tugging on his leg playfully.

Athena returns the smile and flips the top page back to check over all the daily chores the travelers are allowed to do. The angel focuses on his meal as she begins listing off everything that needs to get done along with things that would be good to get done but are not necessarily of dire importance. Lai marks down in his own head how many he could get done. Then with some hard thought as she walks away he begins shaving the list down to something humanly possible. 'A part of me wants to just do it all, make life easier for these little ones, but I know that the good lord has plans for them and if I interfere too much I will not only possibly derail that plan but also draw attention to the church and right now that would be disastrous. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I love the new user picture by the way, words to live by XD Just wondering though, in case you don't look at the OOC so I'm posting here, if you wanna... I guess reboot this? Because we've had a long break and it's a little jumbled now admittedly. I think we didn't have to plan a lot of things, but maybe we should have started with a little more concrete basis? So if it's okay with you; perhaps we can try starting over with a little more discussion? :)

I'm open to starting any new ideas you have now as well.
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