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Such a stark contrast there was between the humble Prince of Fae from lands far away and the extravagantly dressed Emperor; glorified in all of his kingly garb. It was hardly even a comparison between his tattered weathered brown cloth and bare feet to silken robes and satin weaves shoes made with the deft fingers of the most skilled tailor. Amanti believed, that even the servants wondered what this poorly dressed commoner was doing within this almost sacred ground; the capital of their kingdom, the housing of their Emperor and Royal family. He could sense it really, not in just the hostility that the crown prince seemed to exude towards him.

There had been..a feeling of alienation merely walking through the dusty streets of this imperial realm. The people had known, perhaps from his bare feet and the distinct coloration of his eyes and hair or perhaps just the atmosphere and aura radiating around him (then again it might've something to do with the puddles of water on the ground turning to ice where he stepped). However they had known, they had known and even if they had known him a prince, he doubted they would've acted any less indifferent towards him or given him any less number of belittling looks.

The fae were lesser creatures compared to many, let alone that of the prideful and magnificent creatures that were dragons, and more over; they were often considered the 'push overs' or 'weaklings' of the realm. Their own passive nature didn't help them very much either. Nobody else understood how dire such a situation was for the fae when the other species around you were so willing and able and 'nonchalant' about destroying everything you had strived, tilled, bled and lived centuries atop centuries for. No one understood the value of the fae like the fae did. And only the fae..

That was the entire reason he had come here, seeking protection; another cowardly act, but who would question it if they were able to receive protection from the most fearsome of all creatures?

Sweeping his robe, or what little there was of it, aside, he bowed low again to the Emperor, "Thank you, I am greatly humbled to receive such a welcoming personable gift and to know that you are pleased with the gift of my own people, but I will be more than ecstatic if I can merely leave here with better relations established between us."

The same wish was true for the young crown prince who shoved past him, though he was less optimistic about accomplishing that any time soon. Somewhat coldly (pun), he was glad that from what he had seen so far, the Emperor didn't seem all that close to his son, perhaps it wouldn't matter too much if he didn't get into the good graces of his son. At least, not until the boy took over, but that wouldn't be for a long time hopefully. He kept silent all the sme and averted his gaze as the prince stormed past.

He had more to worry about than a frigid (another pun) prince though. Some would have been awed by the grandeur of the spectacular castle he was led through. It's architecture would've made any generation of builders cry and the prospect of staying here would excite anyone to an immeasurable amount, but the fae felt a chill go down his spine as he followed the serf down the hallway. Even the wide spread garden called out to him hoarsely, rising eagerly at his entrance; neglected hallow entities that reached out despairingly as he left them behind. Their cries raking along his flesh, for the ground was selfish at times and yearned for summer sooner. And he would've been more than happy to grant it be it not for the chill of the marble beneath his feet and the callous realm of minerals he entered. The carved stone beasts seemed to leer down at him from their precarious perches. The patterns along the floor before him seemed to wind and twist; delirious. A greater being could appreciate it, but not he.

Tryingly, he focused on the chatter of his guide, even if she was only bringing up problems he'd already addressed in his mind. He decided it was best not to start any ill talk behind the Prince's back so he kept mum. Unable to continue doing the same, however, when mention of the Emperor came up, "Ah, washed ashore?" He repeated, raising a brow before they came across the ink splattered door. Definitely a crude display of the disdain over his arrival. Was the Prince really to resort to such abrasive acts moments after him stepping foot into the palace? Well then...

"No, no need." He said quickly to his guide, closing his eyes in fear that summer might come through a little too early though perhaps the draconian maiden could feel the heat starting to come through the blustery cold around him, "Please, I do not wish to trouble the Emperor or start some folly between he and his son. Will you please lend me a damp cloth and I will take care of this matter myself." Stepping forward, he reached to dip the tips of his into the fresh ink. A shiver going through his spine as it stainted his fingers, soldifying before a hiss came from his skin and the ice began to melt and steam, dripping down his hand in inky tears. Breathing out, he pulled his hood further over his head to hide the yellowish glow of his eyes.

Hopefully, tonight's feast would not present any more hostile messages.that was a wishful thought though.
There was something to be said about kneeling before the draconic Emperor; not many had the pleasure, but many had had the misfortune. Amanti was grateful that he could kneel without fear though without paranoia was a different matter. For if he in his own right could be called a prince, then he was in the presence of divine rulers. But there was a saying that went without speech and was known almost jokingly in all the realm,

"A fae always knows their place."

And be he Prince or King or God given child, Amanti very well knew his place before the man he had travelled innumerable footsteps and traversed countless hurdles to meet. And so ironically, his task had only begun now from the moment he set foot onto the cool marbled floor of the Emperor's court. He hadn't expected him to start off with such a bad note.

A sharp scathing tongue slicing through the silence made his heart still as his gaze darted over to the tawny youth sat rather leering upon his own bejeweled seat. Meeting his gold specked gaze briefly with the beginnings of summer in his own moonlit eyes before the prince hurriedly averte his gaze and bowed his head. Understanding that meeting such a gaze could incite predatory instincts or come off as rude. Still, he filed away such a comment away.

Turning his attention back to the older royal as he approached him. Standing on attention, he bowed once more lowly, voice soft and airy compared to the gruff command that the Emperor spoke with, "Yes, Emperor, but please, there is no excuse to be made for the state of my attire, but it was a long journey from my own home to here and in my haste I have neglected my own apparel. As for my behaviour, forgive me for the young lord is quite correct. I fear I am not well acquainted with the mannerisms of your kingdom. Forgive me if I offend without intention. I hope not to make amends with material offerings, but from my people I have brought gifts for you."

And from his withered clock, he revealed a miniature chest made of twisted roots curled around each other in the vague form of a box. A greenish hue embedded in it's vines hinting at the life that remained within the vines. One could call the craftsmanship impeccable, but the fae were known for their simple but beautiful works of natural art. The miniature chest had been made with care though, the roots smoothed and polished to a gleam and trimmed with soft shimmering minerals pulled from the earth to the light of day. That wasn't the main gift, however, as Amanti pressed his thumbs to the lid and slid out a compartment, revealing the hollow inner compartment and the gnarled greenish blue root that rested upon the velvet moss inside. Bubbles of dried sap along it's surface. With both hands, he held it out to the emperor.

"This is a precious root from the Eldritch tree, the symbolism of our people. It is known for being a potent medicine. I wish you good health and longevity." He said solemnly until one of the Emperor's servants slinked from the shadows towards him and offered to take the box from him. He supposed that it was custom not to hand things to the Emperor. He best get up to speed onthe mannerisms before he risked making some unforgivable misstep.

Bowing once more to the man, he turned and repeated the action to the younger, keeping his gaze to the ground at another cutting comment from the youth's mouth. He bit down on his lip, feeling his canine chew into the edge of his lip.

"I am grateful for your accommodations me the guide and I look forward to sampling your exquisite cuisine. I pray we may be able to discuss more serious matters later." He bid a goodbye to the Emperor before he pulled his hood up over his head and followed the appointed guide.
It's a crap!! But I need sleep!
"I promise to be back soon Mother, Father." The cool dirt pressed up against his forehead, clinging to his hair as if refusing to let him go. Very gently, he combed through the auburn locks, catching the damp soil on his fingers and ushering it back to the earth like a protesting child to bed. Coaxing and coddling and whispering sweet little nothings to soothe it's excited nervous mind. Tucking that sweet sleepy rambling child back into the folds of the earth and lingering knelt by it's bedside until it's own ever changing thoughts subsided into that of dreams and it's breathing slowed into a lullaby of it's own. And one looks upon such a child and understands why they put up with it's incessant demands and sporadic outbursts, with every tantrum and crying session. One understands why it's so worth going through all the hardships and..sadly, one wonders....

"My Prince. It is time you be off if we wish to reach the kingdom in time."

Burning ember eyes, carrying the essence of fall and traces of golden maple leaves, flickered over to the petite servant. Eying him with a gaze hotter so intense that the poor fae was forced to bow his head lower in fear of having his icicles melted. It was then, Amanti turned away and back to the sodden earth before him. Dirt caked nails gently patting it back down around the roots of the single blossom springing up from the ground. It's tenuous petals victim to the slightest breeze. With the touch of a mother, he cupped it's sepal, running his fingertips lightly the delicate leaves as a final farewell. The kiss of airy petals stil lingering against his lips as he pulled away and bid the earth farewell.

"Let us depart then, Calixo. I do not wish to keep the emperor waiting." He voiced solemnly, refusing to offer one final glance back in case the soft breeze roped him back or the fragrance of the earth lured him to return.

He'd be back soon before the earth could forget his footsteps.
"Huang Di! The prince of the Fae have arrived!"
The messenger bowed low to his emperor, announcing the arrival moment before the great hinged doors swung open, allowing light to flood into the main court room, illuminating the golden tapestries and dancing along the marbeled floor around the harsh shape of the silhouetted figure. A cool breeze trickling in to play with the loose ragged cloth wrapped around his shoulders. The sunlight setting alight the moon lit hair atop his head.

The sound of his bare feet across the marble echoed as he stepped forward, keeping his gaze fixed upon the space above the grand throne. And his ears focused on something other than the roaring of blood in his ears as he let his knee hit the floor. Icy air leaving him as he bowed, "Emperor.."

Name: Benome
Age: 19
Short bio: Born half mer, Benome doesn't possess the ability to shape shift between tail and legs like full mers, but rather uses his legs underwater. He can't swim as fast as the others, but makes up for it by being able to stay up longer in air than most mers though he still needs water after a period to keep from drying out. He is also stronger than most mers.

Name: Amanti
Age: 2008 in human years, 22 in fae years.
Species: Fae
Short Bio: Fae or better known as a forest spirit, there are many many kinds, ranging from tree spirits to spirits of the sky to water nymphs, but none are so well known and powerful as Prince Amanti, Fae of the four seasons and son of the Father of the Skies and Mother of the earth. Unfortunately, Fae are a very looked down upon species as they are often very passive and docile in nature. Even the fire Faes look after the embers rather than use their blazing powers to take over a kingdom. This leads to them having to often submit to larger empires or kingdoms and make amends. It is simply not their way to fight, though, very few know of their truer powers.

Amanti himself is Fae of the Seasons and often changes appearance based on the season or sometimes on his mood:

Fall: A kind of inbetween for him, it's usually when he feels mildly excited but not too excited. In simple words; he's comfortable but not over the top. Special feature: There's always a mild breeze blowing around him and he smells like autumn leaves. Once in a while you may hear something crunch when you're touching his hair like the sound of crunchy autumn leaves, but he denies this.

Winter: Cool, usually when he's feeling like he needs some time alone or when he just feels like he's not in the mood for anything. Special Feature: Instead of tears, he cries snow flakes, the air is visibly colder around him and water tends to frost in his presence. He glows a pale white in the dark

Summer: An obvious mood when he's angry, fired up or excited even. Special Feature: The air around him ranges from warm to hot depending on the intensity of his feeling and he actually glows orange in the dark, brighter than his Winter form.

Spring: When he's calm or at peace, which is rare. This is jokingly the sweetest of his phases. Special features: He cries sweet sap if he should need to cry, the air around him smells like sweet spring flowers and every so often you can find a flower or a small leaf tangled in his hair. Don't try to water him though or asks if he needs any sun.

But i was so hungry....how could you trick me like this you cruel being! On another note, I'm interested in an mxm rp, pm me for a discussion. :3
His stomach grumbled angrily, heat churning in the pit of his belly. Swollen with air, his hands roamed over it; trying to soothe it. Quietly telling it to be patient, they would have their fill soon and to do so, they had to be quiet. Beside him his father grasped his hand gently, turning his head to down at the toddler as he tugged on his hand. His own mouth felt dry and his tongue was like a sandy stone in the desert, still he pointed to his stomach and managed to rasp, "Bokh." "I know, Chakano. We will have our next meal soon. Be patient." The man breathed, leading him forward. The sandy floor scraped his thick skinned heels, warmed by the light of the midday sun, but he had been born walking on crude sand as his father had said. He was distracted by the warm scent of baked flour and grain filling his nostrils with heady scents. Rare wetness entered his mouth and his eyes lit up as they approached the humble paint faded Bakery. His excitement overshadowing the trepidation and adrenaline that always overtook his tiny frame whenever it came time to eat. The Bakery was one of his favorite places as well amongst all of their picking points. The burning oven in the back of the bakery always cast the place in a cherry warm golden glow and it was always filled with the scent of Bokoli that always stood in the window. Fresh sweet ruby jam spilling out between thick slabs of soft bread. His stomach churned excitedly as if it was already filling his belly and his mouth watered freely now. Unfortunately, his father gave his arm a gentle tug and gestured to the much browner plainer baked flour bread on the shelves seen through the bright windows of the shop. On the back shelves too, so it was well known that it had been there long enough for it's golden brown surface to lose it's crackle and the soft dough to go hard, stale as it would be, it was the easiest to pick and the least likely to be missed. Crowded as the shop was always in the morning, his father had always picked the perfect time to pick. Hunched over the man crept forward and he followed, clutching the cloth draped around his shoulders tighter around him. Pushing past the crowd of customers streaming forward to get the freshly baked bread, fishing out copper coins from their sewed purses and pockets. He was sure to snatch up what fell onto the floor and rolled beneath their feet, keeping the twinkling little coins stuffed into the loose band of his shorts. Running his hand quickly over the copper surfaces engraved with the strange symbols he did not understand and faces he did not recognize. They were important, however, according to his father and this morning there was quite a few dropped. So absorbed was he in his task of navigating through shoes and heels, crawling past legs that he was quite startled when a hand reached down and grabbed him, tugging him forward. Looking up, he saw his father, a noticeable bulge hidden away in his coat, eyes insistent that he hurry, but a silver flash caught the corner of his eyes and his ears pricked as the rounded coin rolled across the floor past polished boots. Brown and red were common, very common, but silver was few in number. He'd be quick. This was worth it after all. With copper they could eat in a week's time if they got enough, but with silver, he could feed them for a day. They could walk in like the other people and pick what they wanted. His mind wandered back to the sweet Bolkoli warming away in the window and his stomach growled. Shaking off his father's grip, he dived forward for the glinting silver. Slapping it down with his palm to stop it from rolling away into the cracks. And as his hand closed around the cold silver piece, a cry was heard from over head and the stomping feet stopped next to him. "Thief! Thief!" They parted like wings, the feet threatening to stomp down on the little boy crouched low beneath them. Flat on his stomach, he clutched the silver coin to his chest and reached up to shield his head, looking up through the forest of feet to see familiar legs running past them. Unwilling to be left behind, the boy cried out and scrambled to get onto his own feet, pushing past the many bodies hindering his path as he chased after his Father. Out into the bright light of the morning, looking right and left for his father. "Who is a thief? What nonsense is this?" A shout like an elephant's bellow filled the air. The parole of guards standing over the caught 'animal'. Surrounding him like lions with silver gnashing teeth. The boy cried out, little legs carrying his body forward as he raced towards his father, calling him out. A little voice lost in the murmurs of the bored crowd come to see this unusual dramatic display in their daft town. Excitement that they rarely had a taste of, a pain that a little boy had never known. Silver glinted in the light of the sun, like coins that could feed them for a day, coming away red like sweet jam that spilled out of bread. "Papa!" He cried out, but the thing he fell down next to wasn't his father. The thing he fell down next to was cold and stiff when he shook it. It no longer held onto the precious bread that his father had always said he'd give his life to have. It wasn't his papa, it was a vile dead thing. Dead and deader, rotting under the hot sun. Still, he didn't want to believe that. Still, he shook the dead thing and called out for his papa, he cried out for copper and silver and for the bread they were meant to have this afternoon. And above him, those who knew better laughed. "What is this? A dirty piglet come chasing after a swine?" He turned his head up, eyes blinded by the sun. Dark silhouettes hung over him, unfamiliar with glinting eyes and predator teeth. Faces he didn't recognize amongst the people of the town, unfamiliar except for one. The one who held the silver blade with ruby red jam sprinkled on it's handle. The same sweet red sinking beneath his nails, staining his skin. The sound of mocking laughter reverberating in his head over and over, bouncing against his skull, running past his vision and then out, but gone when he turned his head and looked around for it. Reaching up, he pressed a hand against his burning eyes, rubbing away the sunlight. Drenching everything in red. But the laughter wouldn't stop and the sun just shone again painfully bright as it joined in his mockery. He was not an animal, he was not a swine or a dog like they called him, but in that moment, the little boy bared his teeth and pounced onto the royal guard.
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