Avatar of That Angel
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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    1. That Angel 6 yrs ago


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Ducking her head out of instinct, Angeline crouched back behind her cover. What the hell was even going on out there? What did Ronan do this time? She slowly peeked her head back up, careful not to get another hole in her skull. One that wasn't supposed to be there mind you. Dinos. She saw what she could only explain as dinos. "Where the hell did these things come from? Who the hell keeps dinos around? What the actual fuck is actually going on?" She held her finger to her ear to radio Ronan, "Yo, Broody, what the fuck are these things? Are we seriously shooting at fucking dinos?" Angeline watched as the others were gunning them down as best as possible. The siblings were trying their best to not get their asses kicked. Ronan was just walking towards them like he had some kind of fucking death wish. And then the others looked like they were just taking random shots.

Fuck this. She was not about to let any of these assholes take more kills than her. Angeline picked her rifle back up and picked out a nearest target. She found the bomber currently getting her ass handled and not even close to it being in a good way. And neither was the other guy. What the fuck happened down there in the last few seconds of her finding better cover? No time to dwell right now, she had ass to kick since she was all out of bubble gum. Taking a deep breath, she let it out, set her t sights and squeezed the trigger. The shot couldn't have hit in a better place. Granted it wasn't a kill shot but it did enough damage that the Bomber and Mr.Tacos, could recover.

Angeline grinned as the Saurian would be dropped for a few minutes. Her bullet found it's home in the stomach of the dino bastard, which she guesses was good enough for her. Of course she couldn't help herself to make some kind of comment. So when she went back under cover, she radioed in to everyone. "So hey big mouth, that's how you take out an enemy. By the way, how's your ass? Also, I suggest that Ms. Blondie and Mr. Taco, find some better cover. Instead of us making shoes out of them, they'll be making shoes out of ya'll" Angeline laughed a bit as she reloaded and looked around for the next target.

Oh yea, Ronan was so gonna grill her ass when they were done. And she actually looked forward to it.
Closing her eyes, Angeline calmed herself. It would do none of them any good to have shaky hands and a frantic mind. Though she would never tell him or anyone else, that she did jump when she heard Ronan's deep voice over the comms. Again, that's something that she was not ever going to share with any of them. At least not before killing them that is. But that was something for another time. Right now her focus needed be to on the squad that was coming through the clearing. She had a good clear shot but she wanted to wait for some kind of order from Ronan. It would do her any good if she took her shot and then all hell broke loose. Ronan would definitely have her flayed alive for that. Well that was if Skullboy could catch her. Then again, that idea did sound really good. She was awfully tensed up. Maybe getting into a fight with him is just what she needed.

Fuck it. She was doing it anyway. "Hey Ronan, hold my beer". She chuckled to herself before she aimed her rifle and took her first shot. From where she was stationed, the wind played a factor in where her shot landed. It wasn't a headshot like she hoped but it did land in the clone's shoulder. And if she was lucky enough and hit it in the perfect spot, said arm would cease to have any function. She basically just Crippled his arm. Not a lethal shot, but he it got the job done. And it allowed the Twins and Ronan, to rush them if they wished. Angeline could definitely could be a good distraction of nothing else.
Sup, chick. I'm loving these ideas by the way. I'm leaning more towards the slave X slave rescuer. Just shoot me a pm, if you're up for it.
Pretty much for the entire ride there, she never spoke a word to anyone. That wasn't to say that she wasn't making mental notes about the entire team. I mean who could blame her, if she was to trust these people with her life, then she might as well try and figure out everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Although asking, Angeline to trust anyone but herself with her life was asking for more than they had thought. She didn't know these people from any Joe Shmoe from the street. About the only person she was willing to trust was ol' brooding skullface over there. And that pretty much had more to do with the fact that they have established some kind of banter between the two of them.

As they approached the drop zone, the quiet spitfire did a quick double check of all her weapons, making sure that her baby, her pride and joy was ready to give these assholes a warm welcome. Angeline tucked her 9mm into the holster attached to her leg, her 24 inch steal (basically a nightstick), into the loop that was attached to her belt, and then finally her baby always rested snuggly to her back. "Alright then, guess it's time to go and say hello". Angeline looked to the other members of the team and arched a brow at them. "We may be on the same team but mark my words, get in my way or cause some kind of disturbance causing me to not be able to do my job? And I won't be afraid to put one of my bullets between your eyes". With saying that, she looked directly at Soup.

With her being the one that usually stayed in the back of the group, given her specialty in sniper rifles, she got out not long after Morgan. She gave Ronan a smirk and mocking salute. "See ya down there Boss Man. Oh yea, try to not get yourself killed. I'd hate to be left with these low hanging fruit". She cocked her head to indicate that she was talking about the squad. Angeline, carefully repelled out the VTOL and went to find herself a nice high place, making sure that she was able to see in any directions perfectly. She may not be able to make certain that these people wouldn't get her killed but they could damn well make a bet that she wasn't going to let them get killed. That would just be an insult to her pride.
I'll probably end up getting a post out tomorrow night rather than tonight. Got some family stuff going on tonight. But if I do get a chance to slip away for a little bit, then I'll throw one out tonight. But I most definitely will have one tomorrow night.
By the way, I am absolutely loving this Soup, character. They are cracking me up.
Sirens. Sirens were heard from every directions as well as gun shots. Bullets whizzed by her head and all she did was laugh. "Gotta try harder than that boys. How are you supposed to impress any girls with shots like that? Men are such disappointments". Angeline laughed yet again as she took a few shots at the men trying to take her head off. Failing miserably might she add. Tiny little beeps could be heard from her communications phone. Putting up one finger as to tell the men to hold off for a second, she pulled the device from her back pocket. A wide sly smile spread across her lip. She tucked the device back into her back pocket and yelled out to the men. "Well boys, looks like it's game over for us. Though I did have fun playing with ya'll. You sure do know how to show a girl a good time. But I must cut this play date short. For my mistress calls to me. And she is waaaay more fun than you bunch". Pulling a grenade out from her side pouch, she pulled the clip and tossed it. Not even waiting for it to go off, she was already running towards pick up.

Once arriving she gave Ronan a smirk. "Aww, you waited for me. Keep this up and I might think you have a heart after all". She winked at him as she slipped into the vehicle. She just couldn't help to give that dude some hell at least 20 times a day. I mean everyone had to have a hobby right? She may or may not enjoy hers just a little too much. Passing by the siblings, she gave a nod to them and made her way to her usual spot. She never really talked much to the other members. No offence to them, she wasn't really here to make friends. Her only enjoyment from joining this group was to kill as many assholes as possible. As long as they kept paying her, she do whatever it was that they needed.
Writing up my post now.
Name: Angel Rossi

Country of Origin: Italy

Class: Deadeye

Bio: Angeline came from a pretty normal family. Like any college student of course. The only difference being that unlike most 21 year olds, she was the legal guardian of her autistic nephew. Her sister and brother in law were in a auto accident that unfortunately left her nephew parentless. When she was named his Godmother, her sister also made it that if something were to happen to them, Angeline was to take care of their child. So on top of having to take care of him, she also went to school. Which she never minded having to take care of him. He was such a sweet child and she loved him to death. They were always together when she was home from school. They always did everything together and he was alway interested in everything that Angeline did. He was such a smart boy as well. Nothing could ever tear them apart. Or so they thought.

Angeline’s father lost his job and it made things hard on the family. So with that she got herself a part time job. But that alone wasn’t enough to make things work. So her father found a job rather quickly at a place called The Emergance Entity. It wasn’t something like that her father went seeking for this job, more like this place came looking for him. Which kind of made her feel a little uneasy in the first place. What kind of place seeks you without even knowing anything about you or your work background. Well once her father started working there, they came out to see if any of her other family members wanted to work out there. After awhile, Angeline began digging around and doing some homework about her dad’s new work place.

After some time, her hard work finally began to pay off. And she found out some very odd things about this new place. They were not good people at all. Not at all what they seemed like when they were out in the public. Things took a turn for the worse when they came to ask her to work for them and they began to take a special interest in her nephew. When Angeline refused to work for them, they tried a more frontal approach. They tried to use her nephew as some kind of leverage. Saying that if she were to work for them, than they would help her with anything she needed in taking care of her nephew. She turned them down once again and that only seemed to make them press more. Throwing her off guard, she left her alone for about a week. Just enough for her to think that they were finally done bothering her about it. One day while being at school, the E.E broke into her house and took her nephew while her mother was in the kitchen making them some lunch. Her mother tried to fight back but it was no use. They out numbered her 10 to 1. Despite all her efforts, Angeline could not get her nephew back. This was 10 years ago. Her nephew would be 20 now and Angeline would be 31. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t think about the day that he was taken from her and her rage against the E.E only grows stronger by the day.

Personality: Well the old Angeline used to be pretty down to earth and somewhat of a homebody, not a short fuse or anything. The old Angeline and this Angeline are two totally different people. The Angeline now, is hard as a rock. Most of the time she quite expressionless and cold. She always has some sort of smartassed comment or something sarcastic to say. She’s more likely to put a gun to your head instead of shaking your hand. Getting on her bad side would not bode well for you. Her fuse is just a hair trigger away from blowing your head off. Cross her and you might as well go buy your headstone now.

Alright,thanks. I'll probably write an opening post later today. Got some personal stuff to take care of right now.
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