Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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Gonna write up a post pretty soon here, midterms hit me hard.
Are there any other villains who are coming to the assembly? We would love to have you! :)
Alan’s eyes widened. This girl, young and new to the school, already knew exactly what she was doing. And the truth was, she had a point. Alan had carved out his own niche, and had managed to make it through the school relatively unscathed, but he could see where she was coming from. But it was clear that the two youth talking to each other viewed the world quite differently. She was planning on being a villain, going on to something greater. Alan merely wanted to make it through this school alive. He stood there, speechless, for a moment. “Fair on the Machiavelli point, but don’t you think- I mean, shouldn’t we be trying to reverse this image? If we had the people cheering for us, maybe we’d actually stand a chance.” It was a weak argument, he knew it. As he opened his mouth to say more, the intercom crackled, and a voice rang through the halls.

Alan shuddered, looking about at the other students. Most were excited. A few, like him, were glancing about anxiously, trying to figure out what was to come. “Well, guess we gotta prove ourselves now.” Alan said, relatively calm despite his worry. Slowly, he began to walk in the same direction as the rest of the students, turning to see if Iris was following. He wouldn’t have been surprised to see her running ahead of everyone.

@shagranoz @Kingfisher
Great conversation right here. :P
Alan was surprised by her casual response. She was so much more at home here, compared to him. Already, she was getting in the swing of things. “I wouldn’t be surprised, honestly. They kinda do whatever they want here.” He realized he hadn’t introduced himself yet. “I’m Alan. Alan Hyll.” Her casual demonstration of her power was typical of the students at Blackwell, and he rolled his eyes slightly at the boy’s fall. She obviously was trying to step out of the shadow of her parents, and all these little things were just her way of proving that she was her own person. To Alan, this was worrisome. “A reputation is a fucking anchor at this school. It just drags you down.” He meant it. He had seen enough students been targeted by others when their heads grew too big. Only a few would bounce back from it, stronger than before. A lot just gave up, becoming some C-tier villain even the news didn't care about.

He turned to see another student enter. She stood tall, chin up with a book bag over her shoulder. He turned back to the ice witch. “See, someone like that. That girl’s isn’t going to last a month here.” He gestured towards her. He didn’t even know the girl, but there was something about the way she scanned the room and the people in it that made Alan nervous. That was true of almost everyone at the school.

@shagranoz @BreakingMe
(Alan – Blackwood Main Entrance)

Alan cursed quietly as he walked into Blackwood School. He had sworn he wouldn’t come back, not after all that had happened last year, yet here he was, in a broken pair of sneakers and an orange hoodie. He had only shown up for the second half of last year, as he had started late at the school, yet he gone through more than enough to know what lay ahead would not be extremely pleasant. Still, there was a sense of familiarity that came with returning to the school, despite all of his worries.

The people looked the same. Most looked even more mean-spirited, but then again, so did Alan. He hadn’t shaved for a week and it showed on his grizzled face. Pushing his glasses up, he scanned the main entrance hall, where all sorts of students chatted and played nice.

There were the Lisgar twins, who never spoke to anyone besides each other, and further down the hall he saw Eels, a “friend” who had threatened to murder Alan on many an occasion. All in good fun, of course. Further down the hall, he saw… well, this was interesting. Iris, the heiress to a fortune of villainy fame. He had heard rumours of her parents getting thrown in the chink, but never expected her to turn up here. She was young, and currently intent on glaring at every other person in the room. Alan had no intentions of interrupting until he saw Eels waking towards him. He was quick to walk over to her.

“Hey.” He muttered, turning back to make sure Eels had taken the hint. “I, uh. I’m sorry about whatever’s going on with your ‘rents.” It wasn’t an apology, merely a statement of fact.

Here he is! Let me know if anything needs to be changed!

Wonderful! And I won't, don't you worry.! He's a real baddie. I'll write something up tonight!
@Dirty Dan brought this up, but what's the living situation like at Blackwood? Lots of options.
Here he is! Let me know if anything needs to be changed!

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