Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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I'm interested!
I'll be working on a bio soon!
I'm interested in this as well!
This seems pretty full. If space opens up later on, please PM me. I'm a dedicated RP'er who would love to get involved. This looks great though. I'll be watching!
Alan sat there, looking upon the body of water with the slightest frown on his face. However, he was drawn out of his reverie by the sound of footsteps approaching him. He felt a gentle nudge from his left shoulder. "Do you plan on staying for the bonfire?"

Alan turned to look upon a blonde girl wearing a sleeveless denim dress. He turned back, shrugging. "I'm not sure. We'll see." He looked for one moment longer, taking in every last bit of the scenery that he could, and committing it to memory. He closed his eyes for a moment, then stood. "Alan Hyll, good to meet you." He extended a hand, open and ready to be shaken.

"It's really nice here, I must say. I'm interested in seeing what sort of orientation activities there are. And everyone seems rather... sociable. I don't know, it may be an unfair judgment. I just." He looked out to the teenager swimming, ready to go. "Is that who we should all aspire to be?" He stopped himself from rambling with a groan.

"I'm sorry. I stand alone for most of the tour, and now someone is kind enough to speak with me, and I begin discussing social dynamics." Exasperated, he threw his arms in the air. "I'm- It's been a long day. I'm not normally like this, I swear." He wasn't sure how true the statement was. He pushed up his glasses and brushed his hair back with his hand, his tie hanging loosely below his concerned face. A air of earnestness surrounded the lanky boy.
Alan stood lamely as the group waiting for orientation grew and grew. He tried to look busy, and scanned the surroundings, which hadn’t changed in any dramatic fashion since the last five minutes he had scanned. However, the people around him certainly had. Several new people entered the orientation building, and left rather quickly. As he turned his head, his eyes landed on a blonde, pale girl, looking at him intensely. She appeared to be on the outside of the group as well, and for a moment, he felt a pang of relief, as he realized he was perhaps not alone. This moment did not last long, as he was interrupted by the start of the young counselor’s next presentation.

Alan held onto every piece of information given. He still wasn’t exactly sure when he would ever need to return to the activities center, but he didn’t focus on this too much. Next was the cafeteria, which was a an important location for any teenager. Claire told them of a basketball court, which held little of Alan’s attention, but mention of a tennis court made him perk up. He hadn’t brought his racquet, but he was sure he could figure something out. He wasn’t great at the game, but he still found some joy in playing. Not that the people surrounding him seemed that interested.

Lastly, they approached the beach. One look at it and words flew through Alan’s mind. His hand twitched. Longing for the comfortable grip of a pen, he settled for taking a breath and merely looking. The white sand glowed in the sun, and was mirrored by the gentle waves. While he stood in awe, he realized the rest of the group had started moving. He ran to catch up.

After a while of walking, they stopped at the pier. The view was just as spectacular, though the sun was lower to the horizon. He sat, looking upon it. The scene was interrupted by one of the latecomer’s throwing himself into the water.

“Water’s great!” He said. Alan didn’t plan on finding out for himself. He hadn’t changed, and was not ready to ruin his attire to show off. Still, he admired the one who could just hop in without any consideration of social implications. He wasn’t blessed with such an ability. He looked over to the empty spots beside him. He hoped it wouldn’t be a common theme throughout the summer.
I'm just exited to get home and have a keyboard. Cause writing on this iPhone is so bad. Just. Yes. I realize my posts aren't of the highest quality atm.
Alan tried to take note of the names being given. This had always been enforced by his parents, who believe that it was the most important way of creating connections. The man named Baylen sat down. “Anyone smell that?” He said as he suddenly sat straighter. Alan nodded slightly. He definitely smelt something, though it was light and Alan didn’t recognize it. He almost asked the question, but decided against it, still on the fringes of the group.

After a moment, a councillor came out. As Alan tried to clean his glasses with the sleeve of his shirt, she launched into a standard spiel. Alan looked around as a few people got really excited. He smiled a bit, but wasn’t quite ready to cheer. The rules were not anything special, and made sense, however, he knew how people his age acted, and saw many being broken in the days to come. She ended with mention of a bonfire, and a tour. Alan immediately knew he would go. His sense of direction was poor, and any opportunity to get the lay of the land would be jumped on. Also, he still wasn't comfortable with his current position, standing just inside of the group's boundaries. He wouldn't be deemed a recluse, despite the validity of such a title.

”Well, guess I could stand a few corny, getting to know you orientation activities,” Gwen said as she stood. Alan was standing already, and nodded. “I’ll come along.” He muttered quietly. He walked over to where a small group was starting to form, fiddling with a button on his shirt as he walked.
Currently travelling, so posts will be short-ish. Just a heads up.
Alan loosened his tie slightly as they walked back towards the activities centre. Greg was dressed rather casually compared to him, and he felt overdressed for the occasion. He also lamented that he hadn't brought much in terms of casual wear, though the thoughts left him quickly as they approached the table full of people.

Greg quickly approached the growing mass of people, leaning on the table. Alan stood behind, looking at them all. A few looked nervous, and he felt slightly reassured. He took a step forward to say something, then subtly backed off. This was dumb. These people were just like him. Why was he nervous? Still, he stood on the fringes for a few long moments. Finally, after a lull in the conversation, he stepped forward.

"Hullo. My name is Alan. I. I don't need to sit." He pushed up his glasses, a goofy glint in his eyes. Shifting his weight from foot to foot, he looked towards the entrance of the activities centre. Just what was this orientation event going to be? No one seemed to know.
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