Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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A foreign place full
Of undiscovered nature
Both man and mother’s.

As Alan penned the final word, he looked up to the various scratched out haikus. He began to do the same with the latest, but was interrupted by the entry of his cabin-mate. He lowered his book as he watched him claim a bed by the window.

"Some camp, huh?.. Beautiful out there. I'm Greg." He said. Alan nodded.

“It is nice. A good day to arrive, weather wise.” He said as he stood up, leaving the book on his bed with a pen holding his page. “Alan. I suppose we’ll be rooming together. Or cabining. Or whatever the term is. Good to meet you. ” He extended a hand, then felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out, noticing a new text.

'Welcome to Camp Corona! There will be an optional orientation for you to meet other campers in fifteen minutes. Please gather by the Activities Center if you would like to join.'

Alan sighed slightly. So this was to be the medium of communication. Alan had been trying to sever his connection to his phone, with limited success, and this provided another excuse. Not to mention the contents of the message. Although he wasn’t particularly interested, he knew that he would have to meet people in some fashion, and this seemed to be a fast way to do so. He also recognized that many others would be feeling the same way. He looked over at his cabin-mate. “Orientation. Are you going?” The question wasn’t weighted, though it made it clear that he would be attending.
^ I'm in somewhat the same boat. If you can find a reason to bother Akan,, great. Or perhaps have some sort of orientation thing? Your call.
Alan stood quietly as his mother fussed over his attire in front of the car. He was dressed in a white collared shirt, with khakis to match. A blood red tie circled his neck. His glasses were clean, if slightly bent out of shape, and his brown hair was smooth yet messy, much to his mother’s dismay. It was only after what seemed to be an eternity that she took a step back and nodded curtly. No words were exchanged; they simply looked at each other for a moment. His mother was the first to break eye contact, as she re-entered the car. His father waved. Alan did the same, raising his hand from his suitcase.

His father drove slowly away, most likely to avoid his mother’s sharp ministrations should he get dirt on their son. It was about as heartfelt of a departure as he had expected, considering his family. He reached into a messenger bag and fished out a well-folded sheet of paper. He scanned it quickly, then began to wheel the suitcase towards the white Activities center.

Wheeling the small suitcase through the door, Alan immediately noticed a beaming receptionist. He walked up slowly, the quiet noise of wheels turning accompanying him.

“What’s your name?” She asked. There was an odd lift to her voice, one that grated ever so slightly.

“Alan Hyll.” He answered. She opened her mouth to speak, but this was routine for Alan. “With a y. Yes.”

“Well isn’t that fun!” She said as she continued typing away. As he waited, he took a moment to look out the window towards the beach. It looked beautiful. Alan wasn’t one for romantics, but the scenery was breathtaking.

“There we are!” The receptionist said, waking Alan from his daydreaming. “You’re all set. Cabin four. Here’s your key,” she handed Alan a key with a four emblazoned on it. “have a great day.” Alan nodded, preparing to leave.

“Wait!” Alan stopped, turning slowly. “You should also take a map! Wouldn’t want you getting lost!” The woman handed it to him. He paused a moment to look at it.

The majority of the map was either beach, or forest. Between the two, was the campground. In the bottom right, a box held an expanded view. He noticed the Activities center, with a note in pen stating “YOU ARE HERE!” in what he presumed to be the receptionist’s handwriting. Also of note was the dining hall, and several cabins. He spotted cabin 4, farthest from the activities center. He looked up.

“Thank you.” He said as he left towards what would be his new home for the next while.

As he crossed towards his cabin, he noticed a few people on the beach. He wasn’t sure if he was quite ready to meet them yet, and his pace grew brisker as he made his way. Relief filled him as the door opened after a lot of time spent fumbling with the key.

Alan flipped the light switch as he threw his suitcase by a bed. He laid down on it for a moment, staring at the ceiling, then reached into his messenger bag once again and pulled out a small book and a pen. He flipped through pages of poetry, prose, and sketches and finally settled on a blank page. He wrote one word at the top, underlining it several times.

Name: Alan Hyll
Nickname(s): Alan is fine.
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 8.
Weight: 108 pounds.
Age: 17


Personality: Alan is a rather sardonic individual. He’s introverted, but rather sarcastic and biting. He isn’t one to talk much more than needed, but once he gets going, can rant for days. He has an innate sense of justice, and morality, and bases most of his actions on this. Alan is a rather optimistic individual, though he rarely voices this.

Short History: For later.

Other: Alan enjoys writing quite a bit, and often is seen with an empty book and a pen in hand.
(I screwed up.)
I'm interested, thinking of writing up a heavy gunner if there isn't one already?
xAsunaWolfx said
I'm glad this isnt dying, i just got kinda concerned about the OOC's activity lately ^^.....

Same here.
Please don't die.
Name: Stephen Leo
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Mind you it’s all a spectrum)
Ethnicity: Canadian, Caucasian
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Rowan Wood, Phoenix Feather Core, 11". Springy.
Companion: A grave barn owl, Dante.
Blood: Pureblood
Personality: Stephen is a rather average fellow. He is rather cheery, or at least contented with his lot in life, and enjoys life at Hogwarts. He doesn't expect much of himself, content to let others take the lead. Although he possesses courage, it rarely manifests itself, as above all else, Stephen is humble. Although many a snobby student would say it is because he has nothing to brag about, Stephen is never one to toot his own horn, yet is the first to celebrate others achievements. However, he isn’t one to pick up on the more subtle things in life.
Strengths: Stephen is a capable flyer, with a gift for being in the air.
Stephen can dance.
He is a very competent duelist, with an inclination for Defence against the Dark Arts.
Weaknesses: Stephen is competent in most other forms of magic, but not outstanding in any way, with a particular weakness in Herbology.
Despite his ease with people, he still has a somewhat awkward air about him.
He is still rather naïve, and often assumes the best in people.

History: Stephen was a near Hatstall, spending four minutes with the hat on his head until it finally declared him as a Hufflepuff. Many question if he is fit for the house, as does he, and he constantly asks himself if he should have been placed differently. However, he does enjoy the other students in the house. Stephen progressed through Hogwarts, not making much of a mark in any fashion. He became competent in Defence against the Dark Arts. as the years progressed, but this was more than balanced by his inability to comprehend the basic details of Herbology. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to pass his O.W.L.s and is frantically preparing for his N.E.W.Ts, a daunting task. He readily picked up flying, and was offered a position on Hufflepuff’s team in his second year, which he accepted. Although he was later offered the position of captain, he did not accept it, and still plays as Keeper.

Other: Stephen is left-handed.
I'll be working on a bio. Do you want people from each house? Or for us to be a bit more condensed. Let me know.

Also, do you guys have your CS's done? Just for strengths and weaknesses, I'd rather there not be a huge overlap. Sorry. I'm throwing a lot at you.
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