Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The thing is, I thought he'd be a good fit in Gryffindor because of his sense of determination and drive. I know he has all the fillings of a Slytherin, but I thought I'd throw out the meta and cause a little difference in the bubble of the Harry Potter norm by introducing someone a bit darker and edgier into Gryffindor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, then, all you have to do is include a mention of an unusual Sorting Hat experience, specifically one where it said he should be in Slytherin, but (perhaps knowing the reputation even modern Slytherins might have) he wanted to be in Gryffindor instead, and told the Hat so. It's well established that the Hat will listen to and acquiesce (perhaps with a warning or a "you would have been a good ___") to requests to be in a different House than it recommends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll think about it. Thanks for the help.

Something for you to note too, that sometimes your wording or maybe it's just the light I'm reading it in, makes you sound like a complete ass. I mean, I know you have good intentions of helping me flesh out my CS and to make and have everything looking good and sounding correct, but honestly if the GM hasn't said anything just yet, shouldn't it be okay, also considering you don't feel the need to put up a CS?

Plus it's my character, if the GM sees that it doesn't match or add up then they can say something. Again, I know you have good intentions, but I did get offended by what you were posting. Sorry if this offends you now too, thought I'd say what was on my mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I understand completely, Damon, and I apologize. I just... for games that take place in a universe I know a lot about (such as this), I tend to approach things as if I was the GM. The actual GMs of this thread haven't been around for a couple of days, and haven't commented on anyone's sheets yet, so in this case it's even harder for me to ignore things like "this character has the obvious qualities of a Slytherin, but under House he's put Gryffindor". Without some kind of mitigating factor (i.e. the Hat), it isn't plausible for someone with those characteristics to be in Gryffindor, and I feel the overwhelming need to say something about it.

-sigh- In my mind, all I did was bring up an incongruity and cite a few places where the incongruity is most obvious, but on the receiving end, it's a blatant attack on your character concept, and that's just not cool. My dilemma is, though, until you tell me that you know he is a bit Slytherin-ish but you want him to be in Gryffindor anyway, I have no idea why the incongruity exists. For all I know, the Gryffindor is a mistake, and you meant to put Slytherin. If I don't say anything, the incongruity's going to persist, and it's going to be wrong.

:( I have a complex about things being wrong. Again, Damon, I meant no offense against you or your character, and thank you for pointing out my being an asshat. I'm always trying to be more polite about these things, and most of the time I don't manage it, but I'll keep trying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

....Um. I'll guess i'll make a CS xD please try not to get mad at it, I haven't been through the whole HP series
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

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xAsunaWolfx said
....Um. I'll guess i'll make a CS xD please try not to get mad at it, I haven't been through the whole HP series

:P It's very good. I'd recommend the books highly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by All_The_Science


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The world for this universe is huge and incredibly immersive. In fact, I spent more time reading up on Wandlore than actually typing up my CS. And now that I am starting to compare it to the other ones that have been posted, it seems a bit lacking D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Have you (or anyone here) read the Alexandra Quick series? It's a very interesting followup to Rowling's books, set in America with a female protagonist... It expands on magic and presents a incredibly plausible interpretation of what Rowling's magical America might be, all while putting forward a deeply flawed (esp. compared to Harry) viewpoint character and detailing her struggles in the magical world... Honestly, in my opinion it can be considered the "Thrawn Trilogy" of Harry Potter.

(Here's a link to the first book, for anyone interested; four out of seven written so far, the fifth on its way)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hm, Is a dog/ mini dragon companion/ Any animal really ...legit :)? i mean it makes sense to have a cat, avian (or bird species, or maybe a snake haha), I'm sorry, i didn't know if there's some unseen rule that goes to this xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

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xAsunaWolfx said
Hm, Is a dog/ mini dragon companion/ Any animal really ...legit :)? i mean it makes sense to have a cat, avian (or bird species, or maybe a snake haha), I'm sorry, i didn't know if there's some unseen rule that goes to this xD

Read up on the Harry Potter wiki for all the questions you might have. Dragons are not allowed, not sure about dogs though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

xAsunaWolfx said
Hm, Is a dog/ mini dragon companion/ Any animal really ...legit :)? i mean it makes sense to have a cat, avian (or bird species, or maybe a snake haha), I'm sorry, i didn't know if there's some unseen rule that goes to this xD

Traditionally, Hogwarts students are only allowed owls, cats or toads (all being animals associated with "witches" in the real world), but I'm sure exceptions, if they aren't too strange, could be made. Dragons, like Liriia said, are a no-no, as the only known dragons are all very large and not very friendly, but other, smaller creatures (other birds, like ravens or falcons or some such, perhaps, or small mammals like rats and rabbits, ala Scabbers) would probably be fine... Dogs... Hmm.

Dogs are very different from owls and cats, the two familiars that most people seem to choose, in that they are very self-sufficient, and generally hunt on their own. Toads, as well, are for the most part much smaller than dogs, and less obtrusive. In the absense of canon to refer to, this is a decision that should just be left up to the GMs. If they will let you have a dog, then you can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ratites


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Woah hey guys! Give us a little bit to go through these apps and whatnot (:

@ Damon & Imperfectionist Yes, I can see how the character has Slytherin-like qualities, but as it's Damon's character it's up to him. I definitely don't think that house sorting is a black-and-white thing. I like the idea of mixing it up a little, a more Syltherin-like person on the fringes of Gryffindor, for instance.

@ xAsunaWolfx Yeah, cats, owls, toads, and I'm gonna ok rats too since Ron had one in the book. I suppose a small bird like a crow or raven would be okay? But for the most part I think we're just gonna limit it to those four.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

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ratites said
@ Damon & Imperfectionist Yes, I can see how the character has Slytherin-like qualities, but as it's Damon's character it's up to him. I definitely don't think that house sorting is a black-and-white thing. I like the idea of mixing it up a little, a more Syltherin-like person on the fringes of Gryffindor, for instance.

:) Yes, it could definitely be interesting. Similar, of course, to the Hermione-would-have-been-a-good-Ravenclaw thing. The Sorting is focused on other areas of his personality that push him enough in the Gryffindor direction that with a little prodding from Adele, the Hat would agree to it.

Anyway, what say you about my providing more teachers, to fill the school up? I already have several lessons planned, for several of the subjects...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A 5’7 Brazilian Female with black hair highlighted with blonde strands on the first half completed with cyan colored eyes and full lips. She carries herself gracefully on a pair of long muscular legs connected to her lanky torso. While her ribs may be visible, she is far from emaciated as it isn’t rare to spot her with a pocket full of candies inside of the numerous hoodies she prefers to wear instead of the normal cloak among students.

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Brazilin
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 13", cherry wood, unicorn hair
Companion(See other) : Tikal- Rodent, Jewel- Cat
Blood: half-blood
Appearance: (See above)

Personality: Her beautiful, sarcastic smile highlights the show of her spunky personality. While it helps her make friends, it certainly doesn’t help her own or other grades when she might have thrown out a joke to distract a whole class, also known as a class clown. While she still has a sense of intelligence if she is lucky, she much prefers to study in solitude due to the fact that she can’t necessarily focus in a group of people. She is never warey of strangers (unless given a serious circumstance, ex. During battle) and has the ability to talk to one as if they were already lifelong friends.

However, her extremely friendly/ sarcastic self can be crushed by her other attribute, the one whom becomes quietly grumpy when someone has rained on her parade, which is hard to do given that her thoughts are a mixture of what happens in front of her and a crazy imagination. She has the courage of a solider standing in the front lines, the only flaw to this is that she may forget to think through a serious situation or even be the first to strike. Under her observant eye, An enemy is her source of terrifying determination as she would be that character in a story that strive to avenge the dead, unless they had died trying. Mariah’s largest insecurity is the fear of being unlike, buried deep her mind and strongest in her darkness nightmares. In effect to this, she does everything to seem like the “perfect” women physically, a perfectionist at this but mediocre in academics.

~Learning Transformation magic
~Crowd pleaser
~Dealing with animals
~Works extremely hard in classes she likes, even if she has no clue of the skill
~Following Directions: Mariah always seems to have her own way of getting things done, such are the thoughts of a natural leader
~ Insecurities constantly attack her, mentally
~The sound of other’s quirks annoy her: smacking gum, tapping fingers, etc
~Most classes

History: Mariah grew up along the side of her mother, step father, and 6 other step siblings- meaning she was the only one who was born from a father who knew magic. Faceless, this man was, leaving his daughter before she knew how to count to three. While her siblings learned to write with pencils in school, she was levitating them. While they had normal dinners, sometimes her plate would grown legs and run from her. She had no control over her magic and was eventually the downfall of her chance of ever living a normal, muggle-born life when her magic was nearly the cause of death of another life.

That was the last straw, even her own mother could no longer accept this part of her daughter, and eagerly pushed her towards Hogwarts after years of being told to stay in her room and have meals brought to her, to “hide” her from the knowledge of the rest of the world. This was when she met a large black rat named Tikal and her violin, the first and two friends she spoke to during her years as a child. Oddly enough, the rat seemed to listen back . — A new chapter in life came to the girl upon stepping onto the Hogwarts’s campus along with the sense of freedom she treasures greatly. She never really had a head start on learning and controlling magic, meaning that she will never be the top of her class but will be masters of specific spells only.
-Master of the ferret to human spell and chair to cat spell
-(Illegally) Has two companions, will never claim to have two as she did take Tikal from home
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Btw, is hufflepuff okay? I thought that since they were the only house who didn't care too much of ability, i guess
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by februari


Member Seen 7 mos ago

ratites said
cats, owls, toads, and I'm gonna ok rats too since Ron had one in the book. I suppose a small bird like a crow or raven would be okay? But for the most part I think we're just gonna limit it to those four.

Andi's CS includes a ferret. Should I nix that , or does it fall sufficiently within the cat <-> rat group?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yeah i initially had a snake o_O would that and ferrets be ok?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Please don't die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

They're probably just busy...

Or, maybe they're having a hard time deciding which characters to pick?

If it does die, though, I'll probably set up an HP game myself. :( I hate seeing good characters go to waste before the game even starts...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ratites


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Just busy, not dead! Give us some time, sorry!!!!
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