Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@TancurasAnd we have our Tanker, drawing enemy fire while the striker takes down anyone who turns their attention away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer Feic yeah, buddy. FACE ME YOU FOOLS
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I'd say Serah's a striker but she really isn't. She's more of a rogue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rogue's can dps. And by can I mean in the D&D sense they are the traditional dps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

^ Das what I call a Striker. A rogue is speedy chip damage to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, I probably cannot successfully replace your image of the rogue as there are many interpretations of what a rogue can do, but between the basic four stereotypical adventuring classes, the rogue with its backstab damage is the closest thing to high damage over time that the party can get. particulary as he adds more d6's and more attacks to the mix.

I cannot say much for 4th ed, which is where I assume you get the term striker from, as I have never actually gotten around to reading the rules for that system. So I must admit my perspective comes mostly from 3.5 and pathfinder. I like pathfinder a bit more as it offers way more variety in exactly what a rogue can be which again is great because what a rogue is, can be very personal or situational. Though looking it up quickly the rogue is still listed under striker and still considered to be dps. So yeah from a purely mechanical standpoint the rogue's job in a fight is to stand opposite the fighter and stab your kidney's till your precious hp reaches zero.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Fat Boy Kyle

Not at all!

Just as long as you're aware of the mind screwy nature is all.


It just punches and bite things? You don't want anything else at all?

Does the notable death have to be related to the war?

Nope, not at all!


Accepted! Glad to have Matsuda and Sparrow on board!


I'll go ahead and post my own character here:

  • Name: Korie Ridley
  • Appearance:
  • Age: 16
  • Personality: Korie is an interesting individual, coming off as a kind person and putting everyone before them. They’re someone who follows orders without question but at the same time only if it is what they believe to be best for humanity. Telling lies is something that they would do if it means to protect and keep people safe, and if Korie would have to kill the few to save the many then they would do so. In the field of battle, Korie is calm and collected, keeping a level head even through the toughest of situations… but sometimes, sometimes they question if they truly are fighting for all these other people, or if deep down they are just wanting to fight for themselves.
  • Motive to live: To be honest, Korie doesn’t have much of a reason except for the orders given to them. They just want to live and survive and see the next day… to see the sun and breathe the air again. To have a chance to continue dreaming.
  • Background: Korie comes from mother Earth, and raised from birth to be a soldier by parents who aimed to create a child who would be ‘perfect’. Korie was their prize, something to be cherished and taken care of. Homeschooled and given regularly tests on a daily basis, this was their child’s life for years. To Korie, however, life was incomplete; everyday was another unhappy lecture or rudimentary test… the same old, same old… everything was the same. Until Korie’s mother was killed in a lab explosion. After the incident, Korie’s father began to perform even more tests on his own as he abandoned his child to the military. Years passed and Korie was taken into the Framewerk units.
  • Notable Deaths: Korie’s Mother… Not much is known about their father or even if they are still alive or not.
  • Other things: Prefers to keep gender hidden. Good luck getting to know them.

  • Framewerk Code Name: Aester
  • Appearance:
  • Signature Weapon System: Aester’s weapon is its ability to cause enormous vibrations throughout its body and focus it towards a single focus point to cause severe damage by using the pendulums that are hidden in its arms, shoulders, chest, and legs. While the limbs are well armored as a result, the joints are not, allowing flexible maneuverability for Aesther; a Jack-of-trades of sort.
  • Secondary Weapon System: Aesther has retractable stakes underneath its arms and legs that allow it to pierce and stick to large foes, or to hold its ground if it needs to unleash a large shockwave to collapse the nearby surroundings (for example a canyon pass) , or if it just needs an immediate weapon.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Korie’s Framewerk has built-in thrusters that are fairly normal and capable of decent flight and space travel if necessary, but for the most part it maneuvers like a normal Framewerk.
  • Special Ability: Blank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It just punches and bite things? You don't want anything else at all?

Yep, for now that will be all it uses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

^ Uh, compared to all of us that seems kinda... Weak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It will probably have something else later that will make it viable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

^ Uh, compared to all of us that seems kinda... Weak.

I think it's pretty fuckin' badass. Rippin' shit, bitin' shit, generally being a savage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I think the worst part about it that the bio just says its hands and its mouth and does nothing to help outsiders understand why its hands and mouth are weapons. what about these parts are special and why should they be feared by anyone beyond whatever norm may exist for one mech being punched by another.

As a side note the character is also a year too old.

And back to whatever hole I am supposed to be coming up with a character in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

^ Uh, compared to all of us that seems kinda... Weak.

We'll find out when the rp starts.

It will probably have something else later that will make it viable.

Maybe, maybe not.

<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

I think it's pretty fuckin' badass. Rippin' shit, bitin' shit, generally being a savage.

That's the plan.

I think the worst part about it that the bio just says its hands and its mouth and does nothing to help outsiders understand why its hands and mouth are weapons. what about these parts are special and why should they be feared by anyone beyond whatever norm may exist for one mech being punched by another.

As a side note the character is also a year too old.

And back to whatever hole I am supposed to be coming up with a character in.

I added in some more info. Thank you for telling me that, I didn't notice that Gnar had changed the age range from the previous version of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 2 days ago

  • Name: Elora Liu'un
  • Appearance: Elora Liu'un
  • Age: 14
  • Personality: Elora is really shy and timid around others, and has a fear of offending anyone. If a boy starts talking to her she may spontaneously start crying, followed by her apologizing profusely. She is submissive and obedient due to being an emotional doormat, but has a bad habit of panicking when the situation turns bad. She blames herself for her colony world being destroyed, and thus apologizes for even the smallest of things in a pitiful attempt to forgive herself.
  • Motive to live: Elora wants to protect the human worlds from Cruxi invasion, and if possible, find out what happened to her parents.
  • Background: Elora never knew her parents, and lived in an orphanage for as long as she could remember. She was bullied there for being timid and shy around others. She wished for the bullying to stop at any cost, and she got her wish granted: her entire colony world was destryoed in a Cruxi attack, and as one of the few survivors she was sent to train in the piloting of a Framewerk. She doesn't remember it, but she has suspicions that she has been experimented on in some way.
  • Notable Deaths: Her orphanage, and by extension the colony world she lived on. Possibly her parents.
  • Other things: She likes computers and technical stuff, and has a dream of growing up to be an engineer.


Framewerk Sheet

  • Framewerk Code Name: XJ9-RSU. Elora calls it Rilus.
  • Appearance: XJ9-RSU.
  • Signature Weapon System: Rilus' main mode of operation is collecting battlefield data which is achieved with the combined efforts of a built-in Combat Analyzer and Data Drones that shoot out from slots in Rilus' back. The Data Drones have laser turrets crafted into them for support fire, but their main use is in scanning enemy data for possible weak points or other noteworthy intelligence for the pilot to analyze and then relay to other pilots during a mission using the specialized antenna Rilus is also built with. The intelligence collecting speed is inversely proportional to Rilus' distance to enemy units, forcing Elora to keep close during combat despite having poor offensive capability. However, given the support of other Framewerks, the tactical advantage given by the collected data is sure to aid the entire squad.
  • Secondary Weapon System: Rilus is equipped with an Alloy Battle Rifle, or ABR, that has a high rate of fire and low recoil. It is most useful against swarmers or other low-armor enemies, but has minimal performance against above-average defenses, and completely useless against energy-based shields.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Rilus is equipped with a high-performance jet booster assisted by anti-grav projectors, allowing for high speed maneuvers and swift acceleration. This is unusual for a Framewerk with a quality of armor as high as Rilus has, but is possible due to the lack of effective weaponry the Framewerk has.
  • Special Ability: Blank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Sorry for the late replies again, Doctor appointments have been killing me lately ;-;)


Alright, I think that he's fine then... although I still do think there should be a little more 'kick' to the Framewerk. Nonetheless Accepted.


Very interesting combination here that I think will be highly useful to our current lineup... I'll say that they're both accepted. Welcome!

And with that, I'd say we have about enough players to start the RP and get started. I think at most, I'll allow one or two more players in.

Anyway, I'll have an OOC up later for where we can chat and discuss things, before I get the opening post up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey there,

This is my first post of what I hope to be many to come. I was actually quite a frequent user here about four years ago; I guess they deleted my account or something, alongside enacting a plethora of nice changes since. But now I'm back for more fun new sources to help hone my writing / creative juices. In any case, I don't want to make this into an introduction post... let's just get right into it shall we?

Name: Antwon "Ant" Constance
Age: 15

Personality: Most people would describe Ant as... a source of irritation. He will speak his mind, and often, it's probably not going to please somebody. Ant has a habit of leaving nasty first impressions, being particularly combative, strong-minded, and prone to acting on emotion. However, despite his off-putting demeanor, you would be hard-pressed to find a more adamant and strong-willed individual. When Ant puts his mind to something, he will follow it steadfast; whether it is wrong or right. In addition, once people get to know him (if they can will themselves), they will find that this volatile outer exterior is more of a shell to protect a much more empathetic interior. What motivates his statements, what others typically see as being rude and blunt, are his ways of trying to encourage others for the better. Ant's philosophy is that if everyone else is too polite to say what needs to be said, or do what needs to be done, he won't hesitate to be the first.

Background / Notable Deaths: Both of Ant's parents were part of a FrameWerk unit placed on the front lines against the initial discovery of the Cruxi... as such, they were among the first to go. Being orphaned at a young age and without many answers, he would find solitude in fighting his peers. Letting out his anger physically was a great source of protection for himself; not so much physically, as he was a pretty poor fist-to-fist fighter. Rather, Ant took a great deal of pleasure in pain, so much as to seek it out, providing him a false barrier for his emotions. He only had one friend that understood him, a younger girl named Ariadne, whom he met after inadvertently saving her from a group of boys bullying her (Ant just wanted a fight... he didn't even notice the girl they had cornered). Like Ant, she was also parent-less. This helped them share a common bond. For years their friendship grew stronger, and Ariadne helped Ant see the better side of people... until the two of them were cornered by a group of thugs, mugged under the assumption that they had anything of value; leaving Ariadne for dead. This only served to completely reverse any good will Ariadne left on Ant, leaving him the angry and pessimistic character that he still is today. A solid year of looking for fights, day in and day out, left him completely battered, to a point where he himself was left for near death in an alleyway... it seemed that was what he was looking for. But scientists working with the FrameWerk, seeking him out due to his parent's history as solid fighters, found Ant just in time... and had different plans for the destitute boy.

Motive to live: To prove his worth, and to protect "the few good" such as Ariadne from whomever he deems unfit to survive; Cruxi or otherwise.

Framewerk Code Name: Perry

Signature Weapon System: The name of the game is shock and awe. Perry has no capabilities whatsoever in terms of CQC. However, he is equipped with two dual "pistols" of sorts, which fire detonative rounds that cause wide-spread, highly explosive damage. They sound quite effective. In actuality, they are middling in actual effect. They are not accurate by any means, even at medium range (which is where Perry tends to be most effective for his purposes), and can even cause damage to his allies if they're close enough. Furthermore, the actual damage they enact is more emphasized on being slowly corrosive, causing damage over time. They benefit mostly from their fire rate to make up for the lack of accuracy, and consistency of damage. Enemies are further encouraged to attack Perry as, if left unchecked for an extended period, the damage Perry can leave to a large group of enemies is significant (emphasis on being over a long stretch of time).

The point of Perry is diversion and strategic breaks. Being one of the flashiest models (and at the same time flimsiest), both in terms of appearance and combat style, Perry is very capable at swiftly splitting massive hordes of enemies, essentially bringing bite sized platters for his more capable allies to handle in more manageable pieces; affectionately referred to by Ant as "The Reel". This is another detrimental aspect that makes Perry a potential threat for allies... get on Ant's bad side, and you may find yourself in a predicament where he uses the Reel to make things a little more "interesting" as opposed to helpful.

Secondary Weapon System: In addition to diversion, Perry is equipped with a strategic mine kit. These mines, having varying capabilities depending on the mission, are not effective during combat, as they are slow to set up and place. However, they can prove especially crucial in the preparation of combat when in situations where given time to defend. This adds to Perry's primary focus on being a defense mech, as opposed to being offense oriented.

Flight-Capability/Thrusters: In coordinance with Perry's primary duty of diversion, in addition to a lack of much offense or defense, the FrameWerk's combat speed and agility is unmatched. Seeing as even the slightest contact would lead to critical damage for Perry, maneuverability was made a top priority, with thrusters strategically placed so as to allow Perry to swiftly change and burst into new directions in a flash. However, this is only designed for combat, quick burst situations. As such, Perry is definitely average at best in terms of more "casual", long term flight capabilities.

Special Ability: ?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

Name: Iskander Paradise

Appearance: "All you see before you, and still so much more."

Age: 16

Personality: Iskander is a precocious and unusually polite young man, and though he is quite intelligent, his perception is warped by naievity and years of brainwashing. While perfectly friendly, his strange sense of morality and persistent delusions about the world around him tend to drive others away. Despite that, he is headstrong, dedicated, and has a powerful sense of loyalty to those who have earned it. Though he keeps up a strong facade, anything sufficiently damaging to the delusion that was built around him (that he has in recent days contributed to) is severely damaging to his psyche.

Motive to live: Iskander sees the Cruxi as the embodiment of the Great Devourer, the force of the apocalypse as prophesied by his former cult. To stave them off is to fight off the ultimate incarnation of evil in his eyes.

Background: Born and raised on Hyperborea, a colony world far from Earth, Iskander was brought up as a member of the Sons of Lemuria, a strange militant cult that developed on Hyperborea over the last century. As a warrior of the Lemurians, Iskander was raised as a child soldier, destined to fight the heretics that populated the rest of Hyperborea and bring them under the law of Lemuria. Iskander trained his body and mind, and by the age of fourteen was both a capable warrior and scholar; a Lemurian paragon.

The Sons of Lemuria were wiped out by the Hyperborean military well before Iskander ever went to war, and he was well as the other Lemurian children were taken in as wards of the state. There have been some rehabilitation efforts for Iskander and his peers, unlearning the seditious ideology ingrained in them by the Lemurian cult. Iskander's perception of the world was a very skewed one; even though the Lemurians had access to state-of-the-art technology, which he was perfectly proficient in using, he saw this as magic and sorcery rather than technology. Iskander has had more difficulty readjusting to society than most, and his rehabilitation has been cut short by his recruitment as a Framewerk pilot.

Notable Deaths: Iskander's parents, teachers, mentors and spiritual leaders have all been killed by the Hyperborean state for sedition against the government, as well as acts of terrorism.

[*]Other things: Iskander is highly versed in a distorted version of Hyperborean history, Lemurian mythology, plasmic engineering ("pyromancy," as he knows it), and fighting in the twin-sword "Czar" style.


Framewerk Code Name: Atlantis Mk. III Omnidynamic Neutralizer, or A3ON

Appearance: Thou art the innocent blade.

Signature Weapon System: The A3ON is powered by a unique joint-fusion core, utilizing hot and cold fusion simultaneously to power its systems, weapons in particular. A3ON generates plasma that can either approach a theoretical point of infinite heat or infinite cold, which is then magnetized and fired at the enemy through its twin plasma cannons, code-named CTHUGHA and ITHAQUA, respectively. Though the plasma cools/heats greatly away from the extremes reached in A3ON's core by the time it is fired, it is still extremely damaging to enemy units, and when the two substances meet, they produce explosions with enough force to sublimate foes.

Secondary Weapon System: A3ON's backup weapons are a pair of swords, codenamed BARZAI, the filaments of which can be vibrated intensely to superheat them and give them extreme cutting power.

Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Folded within A3ON's leg-shields are its SHANTAK flight system, a pair of bladelike wings that use the A3ON's exhaust runoff as a propulsion system. Clumsy and only truly efficient in short bursts, A3ON has very little maneuverability in flight, and cannot hover in-atmosphere.

Special Ability: ???
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

This seems pretty full. If space opens up later on, please PM me. I'm a dedicated RP'er who would love to get involved. This looks great though. I'll be watching!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

  • Name: Kiyokawa Utano
  • Age: 15
  • Personality: Concise, honest, and very direct, she is very level headed, preferring to logical, rational thoughts before acting on anything. Precisely because of this, she fears doing anything too risky, preferring to err on the side of caution. This does leave her without many friends however, as her bluntness and concise nature are often seen as abrasive to others. Her idol persona however, belies this, as she dons the mask of an extremely cheerful joyous person who lives in the present and acts on instinct.
  • Motive to live: To live another day
  • Background: Utano lives in one of the older planets, where things are more developed than the outer rim planets and still less than the oldest planets. She started her career there as an Idol relatively young, singing first for someone's birthday party, and then was scouted out by an agency. From then on, she lived a dual life as a simple schoolgirl barely anyone noticed, and as the up and rising Idol UTAU. Barely anyone else but her family and her producer knew about her dual life, and the income she was receiving. Seeing a way to amass a lot of fortune, she concentrated on being the best Idol she could, following in a lot of different classes; fitness, flexibility, singing, and the like.

    Her brother, one day, left for a better job, leaving her with a promise to come back in time for her birthday. He never returned.

    She didn't have to guess why. The news of the Cruxi was enough to tell her what happened. But still, Utano had to continue on living. Regardless of whether he was there, regardless of
  • Notable Deaths: Older brother.
  • Other things: If there is anything else you believe that needs telling, say so here.


Framewerk Sheet

  • Framewerk Code Name: AGAS-P01 "Shrike"
  • Appearance:
  • Signature Weapon System: HAR-P01 - A heavy assault rifle firing powerful rounds with a lower rate of fire. The rifle itself is extremely hardy. No real distinguishing features or marks, save that it is a belt fed assault rifle.
  • Secondary Weapon System: A large flat vibroblade sheathed on the side of the ammopack on the back, a side pulse pistol which uses energy instead of bullets, and two plasma grenades.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Shrike is heavily armored, and optimized for movements on land, but it has a booster attachment for space deployments.
  • Special Ability:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'ma just go ahead and accept all sign ups up to this point, and say that we're full.

I apologize for the delay since I was busy yesterday and things came up, I'll have the OOC and Opening Post up later today, so keep an eye out.
1x Laugh Laugh
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