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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

We as the human race would fight and bicker among each other over the slightest things... a bit funny, isn't it? Since the time that we could walk we would kill and lay waste to each other over petty things such as territory and religion, even putting our ideals on the line while at the same time back at home our people would fight over trivial things.

Justice… equality… hunger… appearances… whether someone died for the right cause or not...

Anything you could imagine with your insignificant head we fought over... and many died.

You would think for such an advance race compared to all the primitive animals that were alive at the time that we’d be far better, wouldn't we? No. The truth was that we were nothing than primates ourselves; animals who could not go beyond our differences to unite and join one another and create a better world.

In the end, we just destroyed our planet through both war and pollution… but I suppose you too know that, don't you? But now, we have out civilization back... we have everything that we want to protect.

Though, we all still remember in the year 2267 when our world was nothing more than a nuclear dump with only a few patches of habitable lands left. It wasn't until a man with technology unlike any other finally united the Earth forces under a single banner through brute force by killing anyone who opposed him did we finally become whole. He built an impenetrable fortress and had his forces cultivate and secure whatever lands could be saved by using devices meant to preserve the lands that were untainted by the countless wars we held. Communities were built within these lands, before steps to move forward were introduced.

In the year 2321, the man who united Earth led expeditions from Earth to cultivate new planets with flagships each containing the newest development; the FrameWerks. These were powerful mechanized piloted units that can only be used by a select few individuals after years of training, but they allowed us to conquer planets with ease.

For years we slowly captured planets and things were working, we were finally at peace and enjoying things for we thought we were alone in the universe.

Or so we had thought...

Years had passed and in the year 2578, we finally lost communication with a human colony on our outer rim all of a sudden. At first, we thought it was just an error with the signal… until seconds later another colony tuned in and told us that they were being attacked.

We suddenly found ourselves thrown into a war with an unknown alien race for years, with all of our communications being cut off with all of our outer rim planets. Despite all the reinforcements we sent, we never heard from them… we could only assume the worst had happened.

It was only in the year of 2590 that we finally were able to make establish contact with one of our outer rim planets due to the efforts of the man who united Earth who was dedicated on find out what happened... but what we had found, was something far, far worse than discovering hell itself.

They were slain by an alien race called the Cruxi… and they had technology and firepower that was on a whole new level compared to us. Beam weapons, ships that were faster, soldiers that had barriers… you name it, they probably had it. However, their numbers weren’t as vast as ours. So we threw ourselves at them in order to keep them at bay, and to keep them from reaching more of our home worlds.

Though a strategy like that can only last so long until all of humanity starts to believe that we’re fighting a losing war… but that’s where you come in, kid.

You’re here to clean up our petty mistakes of our pasts as adults and to fight our battle. That’s the sad truth of the matter. Remember how I mentioned those Frameworks earlier, right? Well, you along with others around your age have been chosen to pilot experimental Frameworks in hopes of turning the tides of this war.

Truth be told, I don’t envy you… because I feel you’re going to be thrown straight into the horrors of things kid… I just pray you make it out of this alive, even if we don’t.


Welcome to End of Days (or EoD for short), a Reboot of L.A.D! In this RP we will take the roll of pilots who are aged 14-16 by scientists to pilot experimental Frameworks who require developing human bodies (hence 14-16 and puberty) in order for them to work properly in the hopes of defeating the Cruxi; a mechanical and devious alien race that is hellbent on destroying humanity.

First of all, a lot things will be similar to the way they work in Evangelion in terms of synchronization. The stronger your synchronization rate, the stronger your Framework. However your characters wont have control over this and initially these will be determined randomly in order to prevent everyone from being child prodigies; we do want to keep this a bit realistic after all.

I will say that not only will you face other Cruxi mechs and soldiers, but you will undoubtedly face certain foes that are comparable in strength and size to the angels in Evangelion, the Reapers in Mass Effect, and possibly beings who are far stronger than them; this means teamwork is highly critical!

Anyway, do tell me what you guys think! If I sense that there is enough interest I will go ahead and place sign-up sheets for people to begin working on their characters immediately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 15 hrs ago



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am goat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll keep an eye on this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll join whenever this takes off :]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes. All of this now. I have not had a good mech rp in far too long. I might have an idea for my mech...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sure, I'll join in this time around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, since we already have so much interest, I'll go ahead and post the character sheets.

  • Name: What do people call you?
  • Appearance: What do you look like?
  • Age: Between the ages available, what is your given age?
  • Personality: Tell me how you act around others.
  • Motive to live: Why are you fighting? Is it because you are forced to? or are you fighting for someone else?
  • Background: Tell me about yourself.
  • Notable Deaths: This is an interesting field that will be explained in due time. Who among your friends and family have died since the War? Everyone one must have at least one Notable Death.
  • Other things: If there is anything else you believe that needs telling, say so here.


Framewerk Sheet

  • Framewerk Code Name: All Frames are given unit numbers based on production code, however the ones we are piloting are given actual names since they are rumored to be sentient beings. What is your Frames' name?
  • Appearance: Fairly obvious. Text descriptions or pictures; whichever you prefer.
  • Signature Weapon System: What is your Framewerk’s signature weapon at all times; the stuff it can’t trade away since it is built in. This is essentially your Framewerk's bread and butter at all times. This is something that makes your machine unique from all others. You could have a Frame with four-arms capable of using multiple weapons, or a Frame using drones, or perhaps an artillery based Frame that can cause destruction from afar... or say you'd rather stay in the rear and snipe things from afar. These are such examples, and this will be your fighting style.
  • Secondary Weapon System: This is the Framework’s other weapons; another weapon it can’t trade away since it is built in. These are light-weight weapons and other attachments that are instrumental for missions. These can miniature drones, back up cannons, barriers, or other things.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Each Framewerk has a means to navigate through space whether it be through thrusters, an integrated jetpack, or something else. Describe yours. Do keep it realistic, however, and if you want more flight power and speed you will have to sacrifice some offensive power to do so.
  • Special Ability: All Frameworks have a special ability that they possess that makes them powerful weapons of war... however, they haven't been unlocked yet. So, for now, keep this section blank.


And that's pretty much the sheets for now. I might be a tad picky with sheets this time around, so do tolerate me >_<

Anyway, feel free to go nuts and start making stuff~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Gnar The Missing Link Mostly done with my CS, will finish background later because I had to rewrite everything one time and it just killed my inspiration for it.

Name: Ian Blackwood

Age: 16

Personality: Ian is a thrill-seeking, happy go lucky kind of guy, never stopping to think about what he does as long as he has fun doing it. He may also have a bit of a perverted side to him, and definitely is one to chase after girls, whether he believe he has a chance or not. He's a friendly guy, but has a mischievous streak a mile wide, always on the look out to pull one. Adrenaline junky, skirt-chaser, prankster, these facets of his personality tend to make it hard for him to make friends, and while that does depress him, he never lets it get to him too much. If something bothers or hurts him, he leaves it behind and never looks back.

Another side to Ian is one he'd like to forget. Having grown up in the slums, he's no stranger to violence, death, and crime, he himself having participated in that kind of life in order to get by in his early life. Back then he was a cold, manipulative person, with little care for anyone other than himself. And while he's strived to change himself, he can't get rid of that part of him, so he wields it like a weapon, ready to pull it out whenever the situation calls for it.

Background: Ian used to be an orphan living in the slums, eeking out a living by doing as everyone else did, through crime, violence, and even murder at times. ONe day, however, he crossed the head of a crime organization, and was quickly caught and brought before them with a choice, to steal from them from now on, or to pay for his crime with his life. However, the organization soon found itself under raid by government officials. WIP

Motive to live:Ian believes that he has been given a new start in this life free from the filth of his childhood, so he works his hardest to make it worth something, and even more so to make sure he never wastes it. He lives or himself, for his father, for everyone that helped him reach the point he has today. Not only that, but he feels a sense of duty to protect those of the world from feeling the same pain as he did, the pain of losing a love one to war. He knows he can't stop them all, but he'll be dammed if he lets it happen on his watch.

Notable Deaths: His family was killed by the Cruxi while his father was touring one of the local planets in the system. The Cruxi ravaged the city they were in until it was nothing but ashes, then left to attack the next, only to soon be driven off by the military. Ian had stayed at home, for a reason he can no longer remember. The loss is still very fresh in his mind and heart, but Ian never dwells on it when he can help it, sticking to his motto of never looking back on things that caused him pain, and to look forward into the brilliant light of the future.

Framewerk Code Name: Anubis 14

The Rod of Anubis: Ian's motto in a fight has always been to strike fast and strike hard, and Anubis 14 symbolizes that. Wielding a specialized energy rod, he can form it into either a powerful Naginata-like weapon that bears a blade made completely of a special energy that holds considerable slashing and piercing power, a pair of dual short-swords that have a higher attack speed at the cost of some attack power and becoming completely for slashing attacks only, or a powerful energy spear that has lower attack speed in exchange for an increase of offensive capabilities and nearly unstoppable piercing power.

Another interesting facet of this weapon is that the energy has two emissions variants:The normal one, which takes on a color of sterling silver, and Disruption energy, which is red in color. It has the capability to mess with Cruxi systems, allowing it to be a viable option for disabling stationary weapon systems or weakening and disorienting the tougher forces the Cruxi have in store for Anubis and his pilot.

Switching between energies takes some time however, and after used, it takes even longer for disruption energy to be used again. Silver energy can be used whenever.

Last Rites: Attached to Anubis 14's Arm, these spikes are able to create energy constructs similar to that of the Rod, but on a smaller scale. They can create small shields of energy and bolts that can be charged before firing, making it an effective mid-range weapon for a mostly close-range combatant

Shroud: The blades hovering behind Anubis 14 are top of the line Kinetic thrusters, built to stand the test of battle and giving Anubis a very high amount of maneuverability and speed on the battle field both on the ground, in the air, and in the void of space. A trade off for this agility, however, is that the defenses for Anubis 14 are average at best, which makes it a risky mech to pilot since it does best in the thick of engagement with the enemy.

Special Ability:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

  • Name: Serah Gene
  • Appearance: LOOK AT THIS CUTIE
  • Age: 14
  • Personality: Very open and eager to meet new people, always puts on a bright face. Just a little bundle of joy on the outside shell.
  • Motive to live: The orphanage where she lived in wasn't the... Best... Of places. They really wanted kids to get shoved out of the door quickly and thus when the Framewerk opportunity came Serah got the boot on it. She doesn't mind it, though. At least she can make sure others smile, right?
  • Background: When she was about 9, she got in an... Accident. The cruxi were on hunt again, attacking spaceships to get closer to the homeworld... One of them was a cruiser. Serah was taken out to see space from up close, enjoying every minute of the wonderful sights and with her entire family to boot... Until an explosion hit the front. Suddenly everything got out of control, she doesn't really... Remember much at all of the accident. Just that she and several others were launched in escape pods, shooting back down to the base in hopes of survival while the rest... ...Yeah. For the next 5 years the survivor was forced to be orphaned, although even in the bad circumstances she took it well. Not because she really felt it, but more like Serah had to. Everyone else seemed so sad... Someone needed to cheer them up, right? Nothing wrong with that.
    ...Nothing at all.
  • Notable Deaths: All of her relatives, none of them got to escape pods.

  • Framewerk Code Name: AA-TROXX. Serah calls it Atty.
  • Appearance: Just imagine it bigger.
  • Signature Weapon System: The blade you see can be retracted at any time and is also able to shoot out sickle-like projectiles when swung. It takes away a part of the blade's energy which is used to generate the edge, although by taking some energy from the core it can be immediately reversed. Using this too much would quickly have it run out of energy, though.
  • Secondary Weapon System: The wings on it's back aren't for show, they're reflector barriers meant to repel/block attacks. They can detach and move on their own via some technology, as long as it stays withing close range of AA-TROXX.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Since it isn't a very combat-oriented focused Framewerk and only has basic weapon systems. It's got thrusters on their feet, elbows, hands, back etc. Not all of them have to be activated at once, but if they do it can be one hell of a bullet soaring through space.
  • Special Ability: Blank, as requested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Sigma

Appearance: This is her neutral face

Age: 15

Personality: Sigma is polite, proper and composed. She however, does not talk much outside formalities and she has a rather icy and cold perspective. She isn't actively avoiding people but for some reason, her interactions with others are merely secondary. Sigma is often fond of quiet places and meditating, and her hobbies save one are all tailored to the perfectioning of her combat skills and tactical thinking. She is often sparring or playing chess. Her only exception seems to be cooking. She has a huge sweet tooth and good cooking skills, surprisingly.

Motive to live: Soldiers do not question their existence. They will live as much as they're told to.

Background: Sigma is... a clone of another person. The only success of Project Homunculus, Sigma was a test of mass production of clone soldiers from already adult stock to replace the losses from the war, but the project's goal shifted to create teenager replicas of actual combat soldiers to pilot Framewerks. So, with that in mind Sigma was trained and implanted with the memories of the original soldier who donned her genetic material: Irina Spanova. The training was brutal and Irina didn't care whether the "dolls" (as she would call it) died or not, since they could be replaced. Only Sigma managed to survive the training and be fielded in a mecha.

Notable Deaths: Sigma wasn't the only viable clone produced in Project Homunculus, but she is the only survivor. Dozens were stillborn, and six of them perished during the initial training and testing. Sigma still regards her fellow clones as sisters and secretly mourns them.

Other things: Cooking is unique to Sigma. Her original can't cook anything.

Framewerk Sheet

Framewerk Code Name: Comet Sigma

Appearance:Couldn't find a better pic, okay?
Signature Weapon System: A high powered Rail weapon. It does not give a big energy signature (being a material projectile) and it can pierce even very thick armors. The downside is that the recharge time is rather awful and it is not suited for close combat.

Secondary Weapon System: A very short range plasma cutter. Useful for fighting in CQC as a last resort and also to extract valuables and people from wrecks.

Flight-Capability/Thrusters: It has basic maneuverability by means of thrusters in the main limbs and torso. It also has a special jetpack on the back designed for space travel, which gives a significant range of movement but it is unwieldy and thus unuseable in combat (but not in retreat).

Special Ability:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Gnar The Missing Link

Would it be possible to reuse my character from before?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry for the late replies, been a bit tired and things came up today!


Yeah, that'll be perfectly fine, although you might need to repost them since my memory is a little fuzzy X_X


Both Sigma and her Framewerk look good to me! I'd say they're accepted.


Serah and Atty seem fine as well, both are accepted.


Ian is alright, although I would change a couple of things with his Framewerk. Either disruption or corrosion, you'll have to pick one or the other I'm afraid, not both because I feel him having both is pushing it a little bit. As for Last Rites, I think you should choose between claws+Blades or shields+bolts rather than all of them since again, I feel it is a bit much for one Framework to have all of that. Other than that, Anubis being a Speedy attacker with poor defenses is perfectly fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry for the late replies, been a bit tired and things came up today!


Yeah, that'll be perfectly fine, although you might need to repost them since my memory is a little fuzzy X_X

Don't worry about it. RL comes first. I'll post it after I change it to using the current cs outline, instead of the old one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 19 days ago

Interested, although I'm not familiar with Evangelion. Will this be a problem?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Ian is alright, although I would change a couple of things with his Framewerk. Either disruption or corrosion, you'll have to pick one or the other I'm afraid, not both because I feel him having both is pushing it a little bit. As for Last Rites, I think you should choose between claws+Blades or shields+bolts rather than all of them since again, I feel it is a bit much for one Framework to have all of that. Other than that, Anubis being a Speedy attacker with poor defenses is perfectly fine.

Understandable, All of the adjustments have been made, though I hope we get another front liner in here, or else we're going to have a problem holding the line.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Gnar The Missing Link

I can change the way I wrote the pilot's cs to a normal way if you don't like the way I did it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Does the notable death have to be related to the war?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer I'm a front liner. Just fixing a few things with my CS.

Aaaand here it is!

Matsuda Takeo

  • Name: Matsuda Takeo
  • Age: 16
  • Personality: Takeo is known to be quite passive, though cheerful and optimistic. He floats through life with a smile on his face, and is quick to help those whom ask. Though despite his friendliness, he is very hard to know, and has an unwillingness to form bonds. He is quiet beyond idle banter, only truly opening up when asked about his work. He is somewhat lazy and often reluctant to go above the minimum of what he is asked, though he will do nearly anything if pressed. He is quick to laugh and soft of voice, and enjoys food more than most.
  • Motive to live: Takeo was selected for the project, and found he could not turn down the offer of working directly with the engineers on his own Framewerk. Part of the bargain demanded he also pilot it to eliminate alien threats to the Earth, but he is ignorant to the true implications of this. In light of this, he fights only because he was asked to.
  • Background: Takeo grew up in an outer-rim planet locked in war with the Cruxi. His parents were killed early into his childhood, and he remembers little of them. He was quickly drafted into helping maintain and repair armed vehicles as a combat engineer, and honed his skills over the years. Though his creations lack polish, they are usually strong and functional, and he is capable of delicate operations in the thick of battle. Just after his sixteenth birthday, Takeo was extracted from his home world and brought to Earth to serve in the Framewerks project.
  • Notable Deaths: Ivan Sparrow - Six months before Takeo was drafted into the Framewerk project, his best friend Ivan was killed in an explosion during a skirmish with the Cruxi. Takeo still blames himself for the event, and it has led to his emotional vacancy and inability to form new friendships.


Framewerk Sheet

  • Framewerk Code Name: Iron Sparrow
  • Appearance:

    Iron Sparrow is a crude Frame made of thick, heavy, unpolished gray steel. Dexterity is lost upon it - its legs have little mobility, instead requiring powerful thrusters in the feet to aid in locomotion. Its only marking is a white-blue star on the center of the mask, a symbol Takeo also wears on a cord around his neck.
  • Signature Weapon System: Paladin - Iron Sparrow is equipped with a massive steel blade, connected at the wrist, and a giant kite-shaped shield plate embedded in its back. The blade can retract along the arm, but the shield is stationary. The blade is not very sharp - rather, it crushes foes through sheer force with the aid of the thrusters on the forearms of the Frame. The shield is rudimentary, but its sheer size and thickness allows it to withstand almost anything while Iron Sparrow protects its comrades.
  • Secondary Weapon System: Iron Sparrow contains hundreds of repair drones within itself, allowing minor repairs to other Framewerks. Its own plating is too thick, however, for repair drones to be of any use on itself.
  • Flight-Capability/Thrusters: Iron Sparrow uses thrusters mounted on the wrists and feet for movement. It is quite slow, and to make up for this, Iron Sparrow has the unique capability to equip a device known as an Overbooster thanks to the shield on its back. The Overbooster is planted directly on the shield, and is a massive engine capable of propelling Iron Sparrow linearly at extreme speeds. Once its fuel is depleted, it detaches. This allows Iron Sparrow to punch immediately into enemy ranks, where it can do the most good, but does nothing to help with the Framewerk's otherwise poor mobility.
  • Special Ability: N/A
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