Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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Oohoohoo! I am jazzed (and ever so slightly nervous. In a good way!).
Posted. It isn't perfect, but things are beginning to fall into place! Pumped to see where we're headed.
The Eretol painted a convincing picture. Here she was, a girl begging for help from the “strong” guards. One seemed prepared to give it all in and help, but Rodney was quick to intervene. Tobias cursed under his breath as the senior guard began on a power trip. “Firstly, you, shut up.” Tobias bit back a bitter retort, realizing that Rodney would be quick to forget their drinks and turn the bow on him. Still, Rodney had sound logic. There was reason to be afraid of these strangers. Tobias wasn’t sure it was quite so simple, but how could he explain that to the victims of those raids?

The mention of prison was a dull eventuality, but still frustrated Tobias. Rodney, now emboldened, was leading the group of new prisoners with a strut in his step. He noticed the presumed leader of the small band whispering instructions, and tried to get closer, only for Rodney to stop him mid-sentence.

The front guard approached Tobias, and Tobias nodded quickly at his instructions. He wanted answers, and apparently this man did too. Or at least, not to see the pretty women die, the gentleman.

As they traveled through the streets, the mood turned violent. The people Tobey had taken care of, who had taken care of him for all these years, were a violent mass of screaming faces and raised fists. Tobey ran to those he recognized, and tried to calm them down, but was greeted by furious replies. “How can you defend them! I thought you were one of us, Tobey!” The words bit hard, and Tobey was cowed into quiet by the shouts of disdain from those he had called neighbours and friends.

That was before they began throwing items. Tobias moved to the fringes of the group, trying to keep up while avoiding the various projectiles, but found himself being targeted almost as much as the prisoners on display. He didn’t have the nerve to call back.

After a time, he reached the keep. He was nearly denied entry, but the guard who had recommended he come along let him through, and into the dungeons to wait with the prisoners. Upon entering the grounds, a wave of nostalgia wash over him. Aretan architects weren’t know for there extreme innovation, and this castle reminded him of Lormanie, his family’s seat. He was reminded of them once again. What had become of his Father? Or his half-brother, who he had left without a goodbye? He had never heard news from home, and at the time had been quite happy with that, but standing on the grounds of the keep, Tobey felt a deep curiosity build up in him. He needed to know what had come of his family. A country had sunken into the ground, and the rapidity of this event made Tobey anxious. Could something similar occur to Areta?

As he left, Rodney threw a dark glance towards Tobias, who replied with a crooked smile. Internally, Tobey wanted to crack him across the face, but knew that there was little chance of that coming about in a way that would let Tobey walk away a free man. Tobey approached the prisoners cautiously, glancing to the guards who were waiting, but they seemed to care little for the bearded man’s movements.

“Well, well,” One of the elves said, her tone biting. “What a warm and pleasant welcoming from the Viceni! I am so glad that even with all the difficulties they face, they still put in the effort to be hospitable to strangers.” Tobias broke into laughter.
“What did you expect, dare I ask? A parade?” The proud elves could suffer the hit to their ego. “You raided a village, their village. Didn’t you?” He took a moment to examine the group more carefully. They were battle hardened, most of them wounded, the rest exhausted.

“You had a reason, though.” He continued. “A reason for your attack. You weren’t trying to kill us, that much is certain. So what was your motive? Be honest, please. I may be your only chance of making it out of here in a timely manner, if at all.” The words were hollow, he wasn’t quite sure what he could do, but he did wish to help them, if he could. There was more to this than he understood, and he would refrain from making judgment until he did.
Of course, I appreciate that. Don't worry, all is well.
I'll post soon! Sorry for the delay, was at a funeral.
@Life in Stasis

Thanks for the notes, I'll revise it right away! Sorry about that, I appreciate the clarifications.

And it's been edited!
The past few days had taken a lot out of Tobias Ilingard. His normally bright eyes were dull, having been watching over his small flock of concerned villagers who had managed to survive the elven raids. They had managed to escape their burning town, only in time to see their country crumble into the ground. Tobias, being a foreigner to Vicena, couldn’t truly understand the magnitude of emotion that ran through those who he had spent the past three years with. Still, it was perhaps because of this lack of attachment that he had managed to lead the group of villagers from Muon Pond to Udny Pass. They had only escaped with the help of Marcus, a mage's apprentice who had been staying with his master in the town, and Tobey cursed his luck that he had lost track of this very powerful ally.

Tobias, or Tobey as those he was familiar with called him, had helped the remaining villagers set up, and had taken on the role of leader among the small group of refugees. Their former clan leader had been struck down by a well-placed elven arrow, and the paltry amount of able-bodied men were grieving the loss of their loved ones and country, catatonic and alone. He took on the role with some ease, though he felt extremely restless.

That was then, this was now. Tobey had taken up guard duty along the western wall. He wasn’t expected to be there, but he was always waiting for news that could be shared with his people. And the guards did not object to having another man who knew how to fight on the wall. Something had destroyed Vicena, and all were on edge. No one had felt safe when the only concern were elven raiding parties, and now things had only become worse. Tobey wished he could find out what was going on. He had family he needed to see, relationships that needed to be repair, and perhaps most importantly, life to be lived. Standing on that wall, he had half a mind to simply grab a horse and depart back towards land he had once called home.

Still, his gaze wandered to the small group of tents that was all that remained of his village. To Martha, with her three children who had lost their father. To Kile, who had held onto the hem of Tobey’s cloak for most of the journey, a grown man frightened out of his wits. These faces needed him, and he couldn’t muster up the heart to leave them so easily.

Tobias was awoken from his pensive daydreaming by the sound of voices. He saw guards gathering on the wall near the gate. Slowly, he walked over to join, spotting a group of travelers who were likely fleeing the destruction of Vicena. There was a human woman, along with- Wait a moment. Were these… elves?

Tobias had never had issue with these creatures. Until they had nearly killed him and all those who had resided in his village. He still couldn't understand why they had done it, and it was perhaps because of this that he found himself running back and down the stairs, to watch from a distance as the guards began to step out. He wanted answers, and he didn't imagine he would find them if these elves were impaled by all manner of pointy objects. He recognized Rodney, whom he had spoken with a few nights prior while swapping drinks and tales of woe. Yet here he was tense, crossbow raised and pointed towards the newcomers. Tobias stepped forward.

“Come now Rodney, there’s no need to have that thing pointed at them. What sort of threat are they? A few elves and a dying human?” Tobias knew how quickly things could turn sour. He smiled, a bit of the light returning to his eyes. He understood what it was like to come to a foreign place and be mistrusted, and beyond that, these people could prove useful. “Your friend has good sense. Let them through.” He didn't recognize a single member of the party from such a distance.
Hey everyone, I have added my character to the character section! I'm so excited to join all of you on what is shaping up to be an incredible journey!
Tobias Ilingard

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Tobias is an above average looking man. He has a sharp face, with brown eyes and sharp brows that take in the world narrowly, processing information quickly and immediately converting into something useful. He stands around 5’9”. He has a lean frame, besides his arms which are strong and supple, well-honed after years of pulling back a bowstring. He keeps his light brown hair short, and has grown a beard to further disguise himself from anyone who might recognize him from his time spent as a nobleman.

Brief character concept:
Tobias is a relatively affable man. He is quick to make jokes at his own expense, and often is self-deprecating. Despite this, he has a high self-worth, and still remembers his time in the court and the blood that flows through his veins. He is quick to accept that he has much to learn. Despite all this, Tobias is somewhat sensitive and neurotic, though he can put these things aside when the situation demands it. He also has a sort of biting wit that has made him just as many friends as enemies.

Tobias is the bastard child of a middling lord and his mistress. His father is Count Reufeld, a stern man who has a deep connection to his daughter. His mother, Itlyonne, is believed to be dead. He is the middle child. His older half-brother, Aran, is the naive heir to his father’s small castle and county surrounding it. His ruthless younger half-sister, Jaysla, detests Tobias greatly. His family possessed Lormanie Castle, a small hold in the South of Areta.

Tobias was born in a noble family, though he always knew he was different from his older half-brother. While he trained for battle, his brother focused on academics and strategy. Although he had a good relationship with his brother, it was often made clear that he was a bastard, and lucky to be living such a life. Tobias’s father was warm and tended to dote on Tobias while he was young. In contrast, his father’s wife detested him greatly for most of his childhood, until she died giving birth to his sister, who seemed determined to carry that hate with her.

After his wife’s death, Count Reufeld’s temperament became far more grave, as he invested all that he could into Aran, the eventual heir. Tobias continued to learn, as he imagined himself being the right-hand man to his brother’s eventual rule. Tobias never questioned what had come of his mother, though he found out one night when his father, particularly sodden, let it slip while trying to discipline Aran. He heard his father mention “the whore who was now dead” but before he could hear any more, his father spotted him eavesdropping and beat him.

In the years following, Tobias thought often of his mother but never left the castle for fear of his father’s rage. However, Tobias never truly found a comfortable space in the castle or his father’s heart. As he grew older, his sister’s resentment only deepened, and so he was not quite surprised when his father confronted him, speaking of a supposed plot for Tobias to usurp his brother’s throne. Tobias had no such intentions, but realized that a father convinced by his youngest daughter would not be reasoned with, and so left the castle shortly afterwards. In doing so, he cemented the rumours into truth, or at least that was how others viewed it.

Tobias was disheartened to leave his brother and did not even receive the opportunity to say goodbye. Despite this, he felt a sort of relief as he left what he had called home for so many years. He was left to go free, though many clamoured for his head as he left the county.

Tobias traveled for many years, and eventually settled down in a small Vicennan town in need of a hunter. He enjoyed the sense of being welcomed by the community and quickly established himself as an aloof hunter and woodsman. Still, he gained clout among the community as the stranger who would often come to their aid when they required it. He grew attached to the country that was not his own, more than he had ever when he was nobility in Areta.
I am extremely interested, I just want to make sure that characters are kept together so that interaction, as you mentioned in your expectations section, doesn't fall away. Either way, I'm excited.
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