Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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I didn't post for so long because I wanted the 14th spot, of course, no other reason. Hope that's alright, haven't posted in a bit. Should be faster from now on.
Calvin woke up with a with a start in elevator 14. Before his eyes were even open, he knew something was off. He had grown used to sleeping in a comfy bed in Axis Mundi, and his current arrangement reminded him of his many long naps on the hard floor of his forge. For a few moments, while he lay there, lazily trying to start up his body as he did every morning, he thought he was back there, where he was happiest. He could almost feel his sister prodding at him, asking him to get up to start a new day. It was the lack of comforting heat from his many furnaces that made him realize something was wrong, as he rolled over and opened his eyes.

It didn’t take more than a second before he was up on his feet, shocked. His eyes settled on the doors, and the words drawn across it.

“ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.” It was written in blood, or something resembling it. Calvin swore under his breath as he read the words, but after a moment, a grin creeped across his face. It was dramatic, and although he had been moved, he could almost see his sister’s face giggling as she mixed the corn syrup and food dye that would create such a substance. What was more troubling was that the doors didn’t seem to open. There was no indication of any device that would open the door, so instead, he examined the door itself. A standard alloy, common in the high-grade machinery that furnished Axis Mundi. He tested the doors with his hands, planning to try and pull them apart. He was shocked then to notice that he still had on his large gauntlets that he normally wore at the forge. Something or someone had been to his home, found these gauntlets, and placed them on him. Once again, the only subject to come to Calvin’s mind was his sister, and he swore under his breath as he began to reach for the doors again.

Then the video began. A… bear-thing was on the screen, running through a comedy routine that reminded Calvin of a high schooler who had a bit too much enthusiasm. Still he watched intently, and was shocked when introductions opened with Shona Davis’, the Infinite Knight.

“She’s really here? The rumours were true. Fuck me, that’s sweet.” Calvin had always admired the Infinite knight, and had even made a few pieces for her back when he was first starting. He had become embarrassed at his infatuation and the incessant teasing from his sister as they grew, so he had left it behind, but still, the opportunity to meet a celebrity (at least in his field) was quite exciting.

The bear – Dr. Killgood – continued to rattle through introduction. He swore he had met some of these people before, back when he had been visiting Axis Mundi almost daily, but he couldn’t quite place who. Suddenly, there was a picture of Calvin, and Monokuma began to rattle off yet another terrible introduction.

“Lastly, Calvin Ibbott is your Infinite Smith! I'm not going to make fun of little Ibbs because I respect people who make things with their own hands. little Ibbs, he takes his hammer...Hammer...” The bear shrugged. “Well, I guess he doesn't use his hands after all. Come to think about it, doesn't everyone come out of the womb knowing how to swing a hammer? I'm sorry little Ibbs, I guess I can make fun of you after all.”

Calvin had to catch his breath. The introduction, compared to the others, had been somewhat light, but it was the name Monokuma had used. “Ibbs.” A chill ran down Calvin’s spine. No one should know that. The few who did knew that it was extremely personal to Calvin, and he was suddenly made aware of just how bizarre – and potentially dangerous – his situation was. Luckily, at that moment, the doors slid open.

Calvin didn’t wait a moment. He was out of the cube and looking at the small group who had formed, people who had emerged from elevators similar to his. Immediately, he began to recognize faces from the video, and tried to put them to names.

Ice. Mary. Aleecia. Rika. Mondatta. He went up to them, and felt his blood begin to boil.

“Anyone know what the hell we're doing here?” It came out as a bit of a bark, and Calvin took a deep breath. “Sorry. This is just some royal bullshit and I want to know who left it.” He cracked his neck as he took another look around, seeing that their small hallway fed into something larger. “Aren’t half of us sick? Is anyone going to die just from being out of their beds?”

@AimeChambers @Spriggs27 @Ariamis
Likely going to come up with a post tomorrow, but I'm so excited to get things started!

Heck yeah. This is my jam. A bit bad-ass for Calvin, but beyond that, spot-on. Thanks man! :)
I come back to the thread after too much sleep and look what I stumble across. Lord help us, I'm jazzed for this RP!

Calvin Parker Ibbott




Infinite Metal Worker: Calvin is very capable when working with all sorts of metal, creating sculptures, jewelry, and most of all, weapons and armor. He’s quite talented, though he still is trying to create the perfect sword, something that frustrates him to no end, and has led to a great many perfectly adequate swords being smelted and re-forged.


Calvin always wear a pair of large leather gauntlets, and despite his youthful appearance, has a broad frame that supports the hauling of large metals from around his smithy. Beyond this, his style of dress is often non-descript and plain, and he refuses to wear any of his own work. The only piece of jewelry he wears is a leather bracelet made by his sister, something he deeply values.


Calvin came into the hospital with his younger sister, who was administered for severe burns. She received them after an accident at Calvin’s forge, and he would only leave the hospital to make jewelry for her at his forge back home. However, he eventually was admitted to the hospital for his own burns, which were the result of him rushing to create a perfect gift for his sister, to the point where he fell asleep while the forge was roaring. It was supposed to be a quick recovery, and he mostly went to assuage his sister’s fears.


Calvin is hot-tempered individual, whose patience at the forge is rarely seen anywhere away from it. Oftentimes, this energy can be focused into something good, and he generally tries to be constructive, but when he doesn’t get along with someone he is quick to call them out for bad behavior, or anything he doesn’t agree with. Despite this, he is a loyal friend who is quick to join in other’s efforts to solve a problem, and general values collaboration with individuals he deems to be decent people. He swears often, speaks loudly, and detests when people tell him to quiet down. In his spare time, he enjoys whittling wood, sparring with any who will offer (often a forge-hand who was not told of this when he was brought on) and is a huge proponent of dealing with any sort of conflict in a head-on manner. Despite what may come across as a brusque manner, this comes from Calvin genuinely seeking to enjoy life to the fullest, and help others do the same. He’s a passionate person who wears his emotions on his sleeve, and he values that.


Calvin has made most of his money through contract work, making specific items for those rich enough to afford his services. Many people commission him for specific pieces, and although he barely needs to work to afford his own lifestyle, he has a team of forgehands and a large family that requires a large income to be supported. He also donates a lot of his work to museums around the world, and although his forge is based in a smaller town in Lower Ontario, he travels around the world to create and often teach others some of his techniques. Although he spends a great deal of time on his work, this often makes him slower than the average smith/machinery that can do his job, and he is well aware that technology will likely make his job obsolete. Calvin is often called “Ibbs” by those close to him, a play on his last name, though he absolutely detests when someone he doesn’t know refers to him by that, as it’s a somewhat private aspect of his appearance. He is often seen travelling with his younger sister, aged 16, whom he dotes on and who is often granted many small trinkets and various gifts from her older brother.
Here's Calvin, hope this is workable! If anything needs to change, please, let me know!


Calvin Parker Ibbott




Infinite Metal Worker: Calvin is very capable when working with all sorts of metal, creating sculptures, jewelry, and most of all, weapons and armor. He’s quite talented, though he still is trying to create the perfect sword, something that frustrates him to no end, and has led to a great many perfectly adequate swords being smelted and re-forged.


Calvin always wear a pair of large leather gauntlets, and despite his youthful appearance, has a broad frame that supports the hauling of large metals from around his smithy. Beyond this, his style of dress is often non-descript and plain, and he refuses to wear any of his own work. The only piece of jewelry he wears is a leather bracelet made by his sister, something he deeply values.


Calvin came into the hospital with his younger sister, who was administered for severe burns. She received them after an accident at Calvin’s forge, and he would only leave the hospital to make jewelry for her at his forge back home. However, he eventually was admitted to the hospital for his own burns, which were the result of him rushing to create a perfect gift for his sister, to the point where he fell asleep while the forge was roaring. It was supposed to be a quick recovery, and he mostly went to assuage his sister’s fears.


Calvin is hot-tempered individual, whose patience at the forge is rarely seen anywhere away from it. Oftentimes, this energy can be focused into something good, and he generally tries to be constructive, but when he doesn’t get along with someone he is quick to call them out for bad behavior, or anything he doesn’t agree with. Despite this, he is a loyal friend who is quick to join in other’s efforts to solve a problem, and general values collaboration with individuals he deems to be decent people. He swears often, speaks loudly, and detests when people tell him to quiet down. In his spare time, he enjoys whittling wood, sparring with any who will offer (often a forge-hand who was not told of this when he was brought on) and is a huge proponent of dealing with any sort of conflict in a head-on manner. Despite what may come across as a brusque manner, this comes from Calvin genuinely seeking to enjoy life to the fullest, and help others do the same. He’s a passionate person who wears his emotions on his sleeve, and he values that.


Calvin has made most of his money through contract work, making specific items for those rich enough to afford his services. Many people commission him for specific pieces, and although he barely needs to work to afford his own lifestyle, he has a team of forgehands and a large family that requires a large income to be supported. He also donates a lot of his work to museums around the world, and although his forge is based in a smaller town in Lower Ontario, he travels around the world to create and often teach others some of his techniques. Although he spends a great deal of time on his work, this often makes him slower than the average smith/machinery that can do his job, and he is well aware that technology will likely make his job obsolete. Calvin is often called “Ibbs” by those close to him, a play on his last name, though he absolutely detests when someone he doesn’t know refers to him by that, as it’s a somewhat private aspect of his appearance. He is often seen travelling with his younger sister, aged 16, whom he dotes on and who is often granted many small trinkets and various gifts from her older brother.

Is there still room for another character? I'd be down to write something up, if possible, this is so exciting!
I am still around, and down to talk relationships with everyone. I don't have a lot to recommend off the top, but unless the group of friends has rules against it, he's probably dated (and broken up with) one of the ladies in the group. If no one wants to do that, that's totes cool, but it's an easy way to add a bit of tension/history to this crew.
I'm still in as well!
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