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    1. ThatDeercat 2 yrs ago


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||Location: [CLASSIFIED]
||Time: 1020 MST

Harrison’s response calmed her nerves significantly. There was no hesitation in his answer, except he wanted to keep his limb or at least his life. That seemed fair; no one wants to be maimed even if it is for the greater good.

“Well…” she started, but trailed off. Kir’ion shrugged, a look of embarrassment crossing her features, “I have no idea how to remove it. I could try to disconnect you from it psychically. In theory, it would simply fall off and you walk away without a scratch. Or…you end up catatonic.”

As if no one had ever had the bright idea of stopping an enforcer by psychically convincing the gauntlet the host was dead? She could’ve rolled her eyes at such an obvious lie, but Earth was such a backwater planet that they’d never question the chance of success. If she could link up to him psychically, though, that would open up a whole new world. Literally. She could confirm her suspicions that Harrison’s gauntlet was damaged somehow, and whether she could truly trust him. There was definitely nothing on this planet that could get that thing off without killing him in the process, but if she could explain that out there is a chance…maybe Harrison was her escape route. Even if he was under Imperial control and just playing along with the charade, she could probably cloud his mind just long enough to use him as a battering ram to clear the way to her ship. She had tried and failed before, but she’d always done it alone. This time would be different, one way or another.

“It’s your choice,” she added. “I can’t promise an outcome, and it can feel invasive since humans aren’t familiar with the touch of another mind. I can understand if your answer is no.”

They wouldn’t have much time. She could feel the tension from the other room as they watched it play out. Out of the corner of her eye she movement – orders were going out already. As soon as she and Harrison touched, the link would be established and the whole base would go into high alert. They didn’t take chances, especially with a potential breach. She’d never managed to make it all the way out of the research center, let alone make it to the hangar.

She leaned forward again, offering her hand to shake, “Now or never, Harrison.”
||Location: [CLASSIFIED]
||Time: 1015 MST

Harrison’s kindness was refreshing. Normally Chef was only of the only friendly people around. He wasn’t willfully ignorant, or at least not blind to the unfairness of her situation. She let out a mirthless laugh, “I’m hardly dangerous – I don’t have a violent nature nor any interest in harming innocent life forms. You know they have an entire bound rulebook for this place? They make all the newbies read it before their first day. The commanding officer usually gives them a pop quiz during the tour. Rule number 1 is no physical contact because they figured out a way to cut my powers here so I can only make a psychic link though touch. Something about the soil here, I think. It’s why I haven’t seen the sky in fifty-three years.” Kir surprised herself with how easily the worlds just tumbled out. She realized how long it had been since she’d had a real conversation with anyone.

Shaking her head as if to dispel the thoughts, Kir’ion leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees to get a better look at the bracelet. It was sleek and beautiful, and to the untrained eye it could easily be mistaken for a fine piece of jewelry. She wasn’t untrained, though. She’d know the symbol carved into the band anywhere. That was an Imperial control armor, no doubt about it. It was modified from something else, probably some kind of local relic. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and her mouth went dry immediately.

Just the presence of that bracelet was enough to make Kir rethink the purpose of this exercise. An internal debate raged – was he doing this on purpose to get to her? If he was part of the first wave, it would be much easier to just steal her from the humans than to have to import another X’hondrian. Then again, he was missing the normal attitude of the enforcers – cocky, self-righteous, and still somehow bland thanks to the mind control. She couldn’t feel the same psychic waves that typically rolled off an enforcer, either. Even without a proper link, she should have felt something. The bracelet obviously wasn’t broken since it was permanently bonded and he had access to at least some of the features, but something was wrong with it because every indicator said he had no idea what it was or what it was capable of. She pursed her lips, then pressed them together in a thin line as she turned over the possibility in her head. As far as she knew, there was no such thing as a free enforcer or a faulty gauntlet. But…there’s a first time for everything.

Kir’ion met Harrison’s gaze with a serious expression. Without a psychic link and so many eyes on them, she needed to choose her next words carefully. “Our word for the device doesn’t translate,” she lied. It translated just fine, but from what she knew of the humans she didn’t want to give them any ideas. “Its gifts come at a price. The only way your planet survives is if that thing is destroyed.” That was not a lie, that was a warning.
||Location: [CLASSIFIED]
||Time: 1000 MST

Kir’ion’s whole body was thrumming with excitement when the door opened. Scientists came into her spaces, military came into her spaces, but never visitors. They wouldn’t have allowed that initially, which means someone, somewhere picked a fight about it and won. Maybe it was him.

As a humanoid species – and considering where she was from, inter-species relations weren’t given a second thought – she could appreciate how handsome he was. He seemed almost like the direct opposite of her pale and delicate appearance. However, it was the way he carried himself proudly, and how he scanned the room like he was rapidly putting the pieces together in his head told her all she needed to know about where he stood morally. She stood up from the bench seat by a disappointingly fake “window”, keeping a measurable distance from Harrison. Kir checked the observation window near the door – the room was full of labcoats and clipboards. Sometimes it was truly dehumanizing the way they watched her like a lab rat.

“It’s a pleasure, Harrison,” she smiled. “I’m Kir’ion. I’d shake your hand, but they have rules about physical contact. I’m honestly surprised they let you in here. They must really want to know what’s stuck to you.”

Her eyes darted back to the observation window before she lifted her hand in an open gesture and settled her gaze on Harrison, “I’ve read the file, but it’s mostly redacted. Show me?”
Yes, I feel sure my CS throws a wrench in some things. I’ll hold on until you’ve had a chance to gather your thoughts and PM me. No biggie!
||Location: [CLASSIFIED]
||Time: 0800 MST

Unnatural yellow and orange light slowly crept up the walls from floor to ceiling – a simulation of the sunrise meant to wake her up as if she weren’t buried under miles of Earth. Kir’ion rolled over in the bunk and surveyed her sterile surroundings. Fifty-three years on Earth and she still hadn’t seen a real sunrise. The LED lights they’d installed a few years ago were a weak substitute for the real thing, she assumed.

“Rise and shine,” an overly cheerful officer chirped over the speaker by the door, “Today is your big day.”

Right. They were bringing a human in with an alien device attached to him for her to identify. A mix of excitement and dread settled in her chest – this would be her first chance to meet a human not directly involved with research or the military. Sure, she had access to a steady diet of media – books, TV, movies, theatre – but that was hardly a replacement for the real thing.

The buzz and then click of the lock on her door jarred Kir from her thoughts. It was time for morning vitals. Outside, two soldiers stood at attention while a bald man in a lab coat pushed a cart across the room. The rattle of the metal cart laden with everything from vials for a blood draw to a simple stethoscope was almost unbearable as it bounced around the chamber. Kir knew the drill well.


Morning vitals sucked, but what came after was always a treat.
X’ondrians only occasionally need to eat – their slower metabolism was an effect of the environment on their home world, granting them a longer life. However, Kir’ion had become quite enamored with the food on Earth. In fact, the research team had managed to convince whoever held the pocketbook to employ a full-time gourmet chef. The food was entirely different and they managed to justify the expense as part of the biological research into her digestive system. According to them, learning how different foods affected her had been invaluable. As a result, Kir’ion had taken up the habit of eating small meals twice a day rather than larger ones at less frequent intervals.

This morning, Chef – one of her favorite humans – had made her favorite: poached eggs on toast with sausage, a yogurt parfait, and a few chunks of pineapple. Pineapple was particularly destructive to her system, but she loved it more than any other fruit so they let her have it on special occasions.


They made her wait in her recreation room after breakfast, guards posted outside the doors in case she got any ideas in her head. There were clocks everywhere in the base and she knew exactly when everything happened. The military ran a tight ship. The hour hand was just shy of 10:00, which she’d been told was when they’d bring in Harrison. Well, not [i]in[/in] because they never brought outsiders all the way in, but at least to one of the many observation windows where they could communicate through a microphone and speaker setup. Kir stared at the clock, willing it to strike 10:00 faster. This short, and likely very closely controlled, interaction would probably be the highlight of her year.

“What a sad thought,” she considered quietly to herself. “I may not have been free, but at least I went places and had friends before.”
And thus it begins...
@Sep - No worries! Take your time. I can always re-work her if I need to, or go in another direction entirely with another character. I've got a brain full of ideas. :)
<Snipped quote by ThatDeercat>

Sorry I've been really busy as of late. I'll get around to reading this tomorrow. Assuming we still have a game here 😂

Take your time, Sep! Life happens. 😊
Greetings and salutations!

Some of you who have forum-hopped with the death of other sites may know me under the user TasteTehRainbow13 or TroidDroid. I went dormant for a long time due to my personal life not leaving much room for RP. I’ve been a roleplayer for nigh on 14 years now. I did a lot of my RPs via Discord in the last few years, but a long-time RP friend of mine said I should join the guild so I have! It’s good to be back, actually. I’m looking forward to meeting new friends, possibly reconnecting with old friends, and really fostering my creativity again. If you knew me before on another forum, stop by and say hi! I’ve missed this community.

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