Avatar of The Dag
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 15 (0.00 / day)
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    1. The Dag 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Why do I get the urge to look for something to RP at 3:40 am when I'm tired and in bed?


Hi, I'm The Dag. You an call me Dag, Daggy, Dagget or Dags. I have been roleplaying for years, since I was 14 and I'm now 29. Yes, I am old! I'm trying to get back into roleplaying after a three or four year hiatus.
I role play a lot of different things, mostly original, a few fandoms. For now, this is my profile. I'll likely spruce this up a lot more once I'm no longer typing on mobile.

Most Recent Posts

Added another original plot idea. 💋Yay.
Well, I've got enough people at least showing interest that I'm going to have to make a thread on my day off. When I've got the thread made I'll post here and let anyone who said they might want to play that that it's up and y'all have first dibs if you're still interested.👌
Looking for some super casual 1x1 role playing. To be honest, most themes I'm looking for will likely be mature. At the time of writing this I'm 29 going on 30, so keep that in mind.💖👌
Also, keep all this in mind:
> I'm super not interested in RPing with any persons under the age of 18.
> I write about 2-4 paragraphs per post. Dialog will sometimes shorten it. I'm not a strict person when it comes to length of posts. Content quality is far more important.
> I'm looking to play over PMs only.
> I do not shy away from mature imagery and content, including drug use. If you're not cool with this then please look elsewhere.
> I work and have other commitments. Like Pokemon and my dogs. So, like I mentioned, this will be casual. I might only reply two to three times a week. But don't worry, I still love you.
> I don't do many fandoms.
> I'm always on either an iPad or mobile as my laptop is broken. I don't have a physical keyboard and spellcheck can sometimes be a twat. If there's some spelling or words/grammar that's totally ducking out of place (see what I did there?) then, if you can figure out what it should have said, ignore it or, if you have no clue what I was trying to say, point the error out and I'll fix it. I do read my posts over, but sometimes I miss things.
> I'm a little flaky, if you think I've gone missing, give me a poke.
> OOC chit chat is totally fine.
> If I think of anything else, I'll add it. These aren't really rules, just things to know.

Now that we're done with all that...

I've got a few loose plot ideas and characters I'd like to use as well as a few fandoms I'm willing to play.

Real quick, tho... here are my characters.
These are the characters that I'll be using in my original plots and ideas. But please feel free to bring up your own plot ideas you'd like to try with any of my characters if you happen to like them but not my plot ideas.

>> Loose Plot Ideas

> An AI Maid m/gender fluid
Some time in the future, advanced AI are becoming a part of the service industry. With this came a fad to America, as it loves to sponge off other country's ideas, of Japanese style Maid Cafés, using top of the line androids as the maids. These cafés have been cropping up all over. Some are just as innocent as they seem. But a few other have a darker side to them. Using the café as a front some people run illegal AI brothels.
My character is an android maid at one of the latter cafés. They are an advanced model with startlingly real appearance and personality, as well as a being gender fulid, being able to "swap out their hardware".

> Looking For More m/m/m
While there is nothing wrong with their current relationship, these two lovers want a little more.
You're scrolling through a dating app when you see two faces looking at you from one profile picture. They're both attractive and the one with dark hair has an intriguing smile. So you click the picture and read the profile. They're looking for an extra. How much extra? They're willing to find out. Or not. This is almost too good to be true from what you're reading on the page. With a moment of thought on what you're going to say, you click the little button to send them a message.
I want to play two characters who are in a relationship together and they're looking for another person to join them in bed. At least that's all they want for now, but from how things seem, they're both very open to letting their emotions get involved.

> Use My Body To Keep You Alive m/f or f/f
A Druidic caster has studied the magic and powers of the earth for so long that she has mastered the secrets of cheating death. Out living other humans now, and still looking young, this Druid looks for others who are roaming the world for too long in hopes of finding a companion. In her search she comes to meet a vampire. Her strong life force attracts the immortal to her, and intrigued by the vampire she she starts to feel attraction to them, wishing to both woo them as well as let them fed from her.

>> Random Orignal Things I Like

> Fantasy races like elves, vampires and other things and settings. Basically anything you'd find in D&D, LotR or HP.
> Club Kids (google it) Party Monster style one night stands.

>> Fandom Stuff

I don't have many pairings, but there are fandoms that I like their universe and would enjoy playing characters in them.

> Welcome To Night Vale
Would do either Carlos/Cecil or OCs.

> Batman

> Steven Universe
OC gems
I have a very loose plot about a group of rebels on home world. Ask me about details.

That's about it for now. As I think of more in time and I'll add them as they come. Using my original plots and characters holds higher interest over doing anything fandom, but I will do things I've listed, obviously.

Hopefully I get a response or two.🙃

@KiritoAsuna I didn't even consider that people would think its cars, lol. Oh my...

I'm still brain storming on how to play the competition aspect. If you e watched the show I was opting to go for something like the last episode before the crowning with the last four queens appearing in a music video and then doing a four look runway. The judging and deciding of any winners would be done with a random generator or something just to keep it fair, because there's no real way to judge characters in a role play like this.

Yuki is a tattoo artist who drinks too much coffee and has trouble walking past a Sephora without going in. Loud and obnoxious, he doesn't really care what other people think about him. Sometimes Yuki suffers from acting before thinking, which can get him in trouble. It can be It what he says or does. His softer side comes out when he's home and comfortable, watching cartoons and drawing snails. When he likes you, Yuki is very complimentary and flirtatious. If he doesn't like you, he usually doesn't have much to say to you.

Quiet and thoughtful, Armand likes to watch the world moving around him. Often times he does this with a spliff in hand, sitting in the park by himself. While he does enjoy his solitude, Armand thrives around the few people in his life he cares deeply for. It's these few who keep him grounded and from becoming a bit of a hermit. Working at a bar on the weekends and going to class for his master's in gender studies and psychology during the rest of the week, Armand cherishes his free time. He like swimming and reading and secretly enjoys pajamas with footies. But there are only a very select few who know that last fact.

Yuki and Armand
These two have been together for three years now, having moved in with each other a little over a year ago. They are very much the yin to each other's yang, Yuki being a bit of a wild card and Armand an anchor. Through out their relationship they have rarely argued or fought. Communication is an important aspect of their relationship. Which is why they have no problem bring other people into their lives. A few times They have mutually become interested in a third party, inviting that person into their bed and love lives.
@Lady Amalthea Awesome. If I can just get like two or three more people interested then I'll start up a thread.
I'd be interested in a super natural fantasy role play. I have a human Druid character who has a tendency to flirt with vampires and elves, anything that lives longer than normal humans, really. I'm up for other things as well.
I feel like this is going to be a long stretch, but would anyone be interested in doing a RuPaul Drag Race style role play? I'd like to keep the number players small just to keep things simple.
I only have a loose plot idea, because I want to brain storm a little once I've got about three more people to play. But it would be the final or three in a drag competition. If anyone would like to play another character they are welcome to do so, play a judge or someone else involved, that crew.
If anyone is at all interested, please let me know. I have a character all ready to go.
I'm intrigued.
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